[Added 2-2-2021 by Ord. No. 21-03]
There shall be a Department of Senior Services, the head of which shall be the Director.
[Added 2-2-2021 by Ord. No. 21-03]
The Department of Senior Services shall act as a community focal point to enrich the lives of older adults by operating the Division on Aging, Division of Senior Transportation and Division of Senior Centers, which shall serve as a resource to provide assistance designed to support and empower older adults to live with purpose, independence and dignity by providing social, educational, recreational, cultural, health and wellness programs, information, referral and assistance, social support services, and senior transportation for older adults in the Township. The goal of the department shall be to promote autonomy through advocacy for older adults. Identifying their needs, assessing the adequacy of existing programs and promoting the implementation of solutions to problems confronting older adults in the Township shall be done in order to ensure optimal quality of life, promote social, physical, economical and emotional well-being, and encourage participation in all aspects of community life, recognizing diverse ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds to strengthen individual, family, and community well-being in a diverse global environment.
[Added 2-2-2021 by Ord. No. 21-03]
The Department of Senior Services shall consist of the following Divisions:
Division on Aging.
Within the Division there shall be a Division Head, who shall supervise Social Workers. The Division Head shall report directly to the Director of the Department of Senior Services.
The Division on Aging, under the direction of the Director of the Department of Senior Services shall:
Implement a comprehensive program administering case management to frail, elderly and homebound residents.
Provide educational and support programs and materials to assist and inform residents of issues relating to social services.
Provide outreach programs to the senior community in the Township.
Division of Senior Centers.
Within the Division there shall be a Supervisor of Senior Center Coordinators who shall supervise Senior Center Coordinators. The Supervisor of Senior Center Coordinators shall report directly to the Director of the Department of Senior Services. The Senior Center Coordinators shall report directly to the Supervisor of Senior Center Coordinators.
The Division of Senior Centers, under the direction of the Director of the Department of Senior Services shall:
Plan, organize and coordinate senior activities and recreation within the Township's various senior centers.
Provide informational programs and materials related to aging resources.
Provide outreach to the senior community in the Township.
The various senior center coordinators shall be under the supervision of the Supervisor of Senior Centers Coordinators, who shall oversee the day-to-day operation of these facilities.
Division of Senior Transportation.
Within the Division there shall be a Senior Transportation Coordinator who shall supervise daily operations and drivers. The Senior Transportation Coordinator shall report directly to the Director of the Department of Senior Services.
The Division of Senior Transportation, under the direction of the Director of the Department of Senior Services shall:
Provide curb-to-curb, reservation based transportation services, free of charge to Woodbridge Township seniors citizen residents (ages 60 & older) to Township Senior Centers, Woodbridge Community Center, Main Library, shopping, local doctor appointments, food pantries, and other designated Township events.
Provide outreach to the senior community in the Township.