The Fire Chief may designate the number, type, and location of fire extinguishers and other fire protection equipment deemed necessary in any building or structure, including those under construction. The installation, maintenance, selection, and distribution of portable fire extinguishers shall be in accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, except otherwise provided hereinafter.
In situations where there is a conflict between the provisions of the code and standard referred to in this subsection and the manufacturer's recommendations relative to said fire extinguisher, the authority having jurisdiction shall apply and enforce the more restrictive provision.
The owner, agent, or manager of every theater or place of public entertainment shall employ a competent person satisfactory to the Fire Chief who, during every performance or public assemblage within such building or structure, shall be on duty to take of the fire-extinguishing equipment required.
Sprinkler systems. Prior to any modification to existing commercial and industrial sprinkler systems or installation of a new sprinkler system, the plans approved by the state for such systems shall be submitted to the Fire Department or its designee for review, when not already required by the state.
Submittals. Two digital copies (one to the Fire Marshal and the other to Commercial Building Inspector) of the plans, specifications and calculations shall be submitted for review. Approved plans shall be stamped "Conditionally Approved" with the date and signature of the approving person. One copy will be kept on file by the Fire Department. The accuracy of the plans and calculations is the sole responsibility of the contractor.
Fees. A review fee as provided in the Village Fee Schedule will be required at the time of plan submittal. The fee is set and regardless of system size.
Fire Department connections.
Fire Department connection (FDC) on all systems shall be a five-inch Storz connection. The location of the FDC shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to work being commenced.
Notification. No work may begin on the installation of a sprinkler system until plans have been submitted and reviewed by the Fire Department as well as the state. The Fire Department shall be contacted no less than 48 hours in advance for any tests required by code either during installation or inspection, testing, or maintenance of the system. Any shorter notification may result in the contractor reimbursing the Fire Department for costs associated with overtime or special scheduling.
Documentation. Copies of all inspection, testing, and maintenance of sprinkler systems shall be forwarded to the Fire Department as well as posted at the main riser panel area. In addition, the most current test/maintenance record shall be posted at the system control panel.
The Fire Department shall be contacted no less than 48 hours in advance for any tests required by code either during installation or acceptance testing, or of the system. Any shorter notification may result in the contractor reimbursing the Fire Department for costs associated with overtime or special scheduling.