[1973 Code § 1:9-1]
At the first meeting of the Township Committee in January of each year, the Township Committee shall approve an account, to be designated as "The Township Payroll Account," for the payment of all salaries, wages and compensation of all officers and employees of the Township, whose salaries, wages or compensation shall be payable on either an annual, monthly, weekly or hourly basis.
[1973 Code § 1:9-2]
At each regular meeting of the Township Committee, the Township Treasurer shall submit to the Township Committee for its approval or ratification, as the case may be, the necessary payrolls for the respective amounts due the several officers and employees of the Township for salaries, wages or compensation as follows:
In advance for all officers and employees of the Township whose salaries are on either an annual, monthly or weekly basis when their salaries, or any periodic installment or installments thereof are, or shall become due and payable prior to the next regular meeting of the Township Committee;
For all employees of the Township whose wages or compensation is on an hourly basis, when the compensation has been approved by some responsible Township official who shall have been designated by resolution of the Township Committee and by the Chairman of the appropriate committee of the Township Committee, and has been certified by them to the Township Treasurer.
The payrolls shall be considered by the Township Committee in due course and approved or ratified if found to be correct.
In case any error or any necessity for adjustment shall be found in the payrolls submitted to the Township Committee for its approval or ratification, it shall order made such corrections or adjustments as may appear necessary and it shall be the duty of the Township Treasurer to, and he shall properly make such corrections or adjustments and make appropriate record thereof.
[1973 Code § 1:9-3]
The Township Treasurer shall present to the Township Committee monthly, for its approval, warrants drawn to the order of the Township Payroll Account.
Such Township officers as may be designated by resolution duly adopted by the Township Committee are hereby authorized to, and shall sign warrants drawn in favor of the aforesaid Payroll Account upon receipt by them of due notice that the payrolls for which a particular warrant is drawn have been approved by the Township Committee.
The Township Treasurer, upon receipt of a warrant for the amount due the aforesaid Payroll Account shall deposit the same to the credit of the Payroll Account, charging the appropriate budgetary accounts of the Township therewith.
The Township Treasurer shall thereafter draw checks against the Payroll Account to the order of the respective officers and employees of the Township entitled to receive payment therefrom for salary, wages or compensation. All checks drawn against the Payroll Account shall be signed by the Township Treasurer and no other signature shall be required thereon.
The Township Treasurer shall withhold from the respective payees thereof any and all checks for salary, wages or compensation drawn pursuant to the authority herein granted until the full amount of the salary, wages or compensation for which such check shall have been drawn shall have been fully earned by the payee thereof.
The Township Treasurer is authorized to withhold from the respective payees thereof such deductions as may now or may hereafter be required or provided for by law for pension funds, social security, withholding (income tax) and insurance.
[1973 Code § 1:10-1]
Any person claiming payment from the Municipality shall present a detailed bill of demand to the Township Clerk, duly certified; provided, however, that the Township Committee may by resolution require an affidavit in lieu of such certification.
[1973 Code § 1:10-2]
It shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to see that the signature of the officer or employee, who has been duly designated by the local unit to certify that the materials have been received by or the services rendered to the local unit, appears on every claim.
[1973 Code § 1:10-3]
Claims shall then be presented to the chairman of the committee of the Township Committee responsible for the placing of the order, or under which committee the order shall fall, who, if satisfied the claims are proper, shall approve the same. In the absence of such chairman, the other two members of the committee shall examine the claims and, if satisfied the claims are proper, shall approve the same. Each claim shall be examined by at least three members of the Township Committee, including the chairman of the subcommittee, or two members thereof, as aforesaid, and when the claim shall have been initialed or signed by three such Committeemen, as aforesaid, it shall be filed with the Township Clerk who shall then present all such approved claims to the Township Committee for formal approval at a regular meeting. Any claim not receiving the approval of three Township Committeemen, as aforesaid, shall be presented separately to the Township Committee as a whole by the Township Clerk.
[1973 Code § 1:10-4]
Claims shall be considered by the Township Committee which shall approve the same, except that the Township Committee may reject any claim presented to it stating the reason for such rejection. Any disapproved claim shall be referred back to the Township Clerk with such instructions as the Township Committee may give at the time of disapproval.
Any claim considered by the Township Committee which does not have the prior approval of the subcommittee chairman, or in his absence of two members of the subcommittee, as provided in subsection 2-42.3, shall be considered separately by the Township Committee and shall be acted upon only by a specific motion or action relating only to such claim, and may be approved or rejected by the Township Committee.
[1973 Code § 1:10-5]
It shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to record all claims in the official minutes indicating that the Township Committee has by formal action approved the same with appropriate record as to any claims disapproved or rejected.
[1973 Code § 1:10-6]
It shall be the duty of the Township Clerk or such other officer designated by resolution of the Township Committee, to indicate on the claims that they have been approved for payment, with the date of approval thereof noted on the claim.
[1973 Code § 1:10-7]
After the Township Clerk has certified that the claims have been approved, he shall turn the same over to the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, who shall forthwith prepare the necessary checks for the payment thereof, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor and the Township Clerk and thereafter countersigned by the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer. After preparing checks for the payment of claims, he shall record them in proper books of account and thereafter mail or otherwise distribute the checks to the claimants.
[1973 Code § 1:10-8; New]
In the case of payrolls, the provisions of Section 2-41 shall apply.
[1973 Code § 1:10-9]
In order to be considered for approval for payment at a Township Committee meeting, the bill of demand must be in the hands of the Township Clerk at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the bill is to be so considered. This provision may be waived by the Township Committee in unusual circumstances where it is in the public interest to permit a shorter period.
[1973 Code § 1:10-10]
The Township Committee may, by resolution, provide for other regulations governing the submission and approval of claims, not inconsistent with this section and not in conflict with any State law or regulations.
[1973 Code § 1:10-11]
In the case of reimbursement for actual and necessary traveling expenses or other out of pocket expenses, itemized claims supported by receipt where available should be presented in order to obtain reimbursement for expenses incurred by local officials where authorized to travel by the Municipality.
[1973 Code § 1:3-1]
The Township Clerk, in addition to his other duties, shall serve as Purchasing Agent for the Township and shall have the powers and duties hereinafter or elsewhere assigned to the purchasing agent.
[1973 Code § 1:3-2]
Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Township Committee, or as specifically otherwise required by law, the Purchasing Agent shall make all purchases of material, equipment or supplies for the Township authorized by the Township Committee. He shall be responsible for making all such purchases at the most favorable price for the Township, and shall see to it that the material, equipment or supplies delivered are correct in number or amount and comply with the standards and specifications prescribed by the Township Committee as agreed to at the time of purchase.
[1973 Code § 1:3-3]
The purchasing agent shall, where possible, establish sets of standards and specifications to control all purchases by the Township; and he shall prepare and recommend to the Township Committee such standards as to quality, size and variety of articles, equipment and supplies used by the offices, departments, boards and agencies of municipal government as will make possible uniform purchasing for all Township departments and offices when consistent with efficiency.
[1973 Code § 1:3-4]
Where calling for bids is required by law or ordinance, or where such procedure will benefit the Township, the Purchasing Agent shall prepare the specifications and notice to bidders and shall see that the required notices are published.
The Purchasing Agent shall advise the Township Committee as to the anticipated needs for purchases whenever possible, and shall ask authority to make purchases in advance of needs, or in bulk amounts, where such practices would result in economy or improved efficiency.
[1973 Code § 1:3-5]
Any commodity, equipment or supplies purchased in advance of actual need shall remain in the custody of the Purchasing Agent for delivery to the officer, department or employee needing it at the time its use is required. The Purchasing Agent shall keep records of all purchases made by him and of the destination or ultimate use of such material, equipment or supplies.
[1973 Code § 1:3-6]
The Purchasing Agent shall cause to be kept an inventory of all municipal property in his custody; and it shall be the duty of each officer or employee having municipal property in his custody to keep an inventory of such property and to furnish a copy thereof to the purchasing agent on request.
[1973 Code § 1:3-7]
This section shall apply to all purchases, contracts or agreements for the performance of any work or the furnishing or hiring of any materials or supplies usually required, the cost or contract price of which is to be paid with, out of Township funds.
By way of illustration and not by way of limitation, it shall apply to all such purchases, contracts or agreements, made or to be made by or on behalf of the Township Committee, Township Clerk or administrative offices, Tax Collector, Tax Assessor, Township Treasurer, Planning Board, Board of Adjustments, Police Department, Municipal Court, Fire Department, Public Works Department or any other local officer, board or agency.
[1973 Code § 1:3-8]
The Purchasing Agent shall have, subject to the approval of the Township Committee, the authority to establish purchasing procedures, requisition forms and other forms, and to establish such other operational steps as to give effect to the intent of this section.
[1973 Code § 1:3-9]
The Township Committee shall not approve any voucher not in accordance with this section, or the provisions of Chapter 198, Laws of 1971, as the same may be amended or supplemented. (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.)
Any person contracting with any board, agency or officer of the Township, or supplying any materials, equipment or supplies to the Township or any of its boards, agencies or officers, is hereby given notice of this section and the requirements hereof, and is held to knowledge of the terms hereof and the fact that no payments will be made for purchases not made in accordance with the terms hereof.
[Ord. 12-11-75 § 1]
It is recognized that the Township Clerk receives requests from lending institutions, attorneys, real estate brokers and the like, for certain letters or certificates not provided for by any specific law. (For examples of specific statutes see N.J.S.A. 54:5-18.1 unconfirmed assessment searches N.J.S.A. 40:55D-56, subdivision certificates.) The purpose of this section is to provide a method whereby such requests may be answered, to provide for the establishment of a reasonable fee therefor, and to set forth the limits of liability of the Township Clerk and the Township in answering such requests and making such certifications.
[Ord. 12-11-75 § 1]
The Township Clerk is authorized to receive and to process requests for certification as to whether or not a given property is within the "flood hazard area."
Each such request shall be accompanied by a detailed description of the property, by metes and bounds, or by official tax map lot and block number, and setting forth the current owner(s) of the property as shown on the tax duplicate of the Township, sufficient clearly to identify the property. The Clerk may return any request where the description is not clear as to the property in question.
The Township Clerk shall ascertain whether or not such property is within the flood hazard area (floodway or flood fringe area) as delineated by the Division of Water Resources, Department of Environmental Protection, Flood Hazard Report No. 3, Raritan River Basin, Green Brook, dated May, 1972, and shall certify whether or not such property is shown within such flood hazard areas in the Report.
The certificate shall be limited to certification as to whether or not the property or any part thereof, is within the area as so designated in the Report. The certification is not whether or not the property is subject to flooding, and such certificate shall in no way be taken as a representation by the Township or its Clerk that the property is or is not subject to flooding, and neither the Township, nor its Clerk, shall be in any way liable for any damages to any property by flooding as a result of the issuance of any such certificate.
There shall be submitted with the request for such certification a fee of $10 which shall be paid into the Township treasury.
[Ord. 12-11-75 § 1]
The Township Clerk is authorized to answer other inquiries from lending institutions, attorneys, real estate brokers and the like for statements not covered by any other law. By way of illustration and not by way of limitation, such information may include whether or not the Township has a property maintenance code, or requires a new Certificate of Occupancy each time there is a change in residential tenancy.
The Township Clerk may establish requirements for information required in order to answer such requests, may establish office procedures for processing same, and may establish fees for supplying such information, which fees, when collected, shall be paid into the Township treasury.
The Township and the Township Clerk shall have no liability beyond the terms of the information supplied.
[Ord. No. 97-615; Ord. No. 2006-715; Ord. No. 2007-731]
The following fees are established for providing copies, including, where available, blueprints, of documents, maps, drawings, plans, tax bills or other public records to persons requesting same.
Prints up to 11" x 17"
$1 per sheet
Prints larger than 11 x 17, up to 24" x 36"
$6 per sheet
Duplicate tax bill - 1st request
Duplicate tax bill - 2nd and subsequent requests
Duplicate Tax Sale Certificate
$100 per duplicate
All other copies
Letter, legal
Fees will be charged pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5
Master Plan, or Land Development Ordinance or Zoning Ordinance
$25 per copy
Revised General Ordinances (complete)
$100 per copy
Certified copies of birth, marriage, civil union, domestic partnership, and death certificates
$10 per copy
[Ord. 97-615; Ord. No. 2006-715]
In the event that a check is returned to the Township for insufficient funds or, for any other reason is unable to be negotiated once presented for payment, the producer of that check shall be required to pay to the Township the original fee plus a return fee of $20 per check disallowed. Payment shall be by certified check, bank check or money order.
[Ord. No. 2013-795]
The Tax Collector shall provide to any party entitled to redeem a certificate pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:5-54, two calculations of the amount required for redemption within a calendar year at no cost. For each subsequent calculation requested from the Tax Collector there shall be a $50 fee. A request for a redemption calculation shall be made in writing to the Tax Collector.
As permitted by N.J.S.A. 54:5-97.1, the Tax Collector shall charge a tax lienholder $50 for the calculation of the amount due to redeem the tax lien. Any request for a redemption calculation shall specify the date to be used for the calculation, which shall be the date of the notice. Neither the Tax Collector nor the municipality shall be liable for an incorrect calculation. The fee paid to the municipality shall not become part of the lien and shall not be passed on to any party entitled to redeem pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:5-54.
[Ord. No. 2015-823]
As permitted by law, the Township shall charge a convenience fee of $1 for every ACH payment processed by the Township to help defray the costs of initiating and maintaining the system of receipt.
As permitted by law, the Township shall charge a convenience fee of $1 plus 2.75% for every credit card payment processed by the Township to help defray the costs of initiating and maintaining the system of receipt.
[Ord. No. 2000-654]
No insurance company authorized to issue fire insurance policies in the State of New Jersey shall pay to a claimant any claim in excess of $2,500 for fire damages on any real property located within the Township of Green Brook pursuant to any fire insurance policy issued or renewed after the adoption of this section and the filing of this section (adopted March 30, 2000) with the State Commissioner of Insurance, until such time as:
Either the owner of such real property or the insurance company which insures the same, has paid, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 17:36- 10, either: (1) anticipated demolition costs and all taxes and assessments and all other municipal liens or charges due and payable, appearing on the official certificate of search; or (2) all taxes and assessments and all other municipal liens or charges due and payable, appearing on the official certificate of search; or
The Township of Green Brook submits to the insurance company a copy of a resolution adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 17:36-11 which provides that the Township has entered into an agreement with the owner of any fire damaged property to pay in full all delinquent taxes, assessments or other municipal liens by installments pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:5-19 or for the redemption of the tax sale lien by installment payments pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:5-65 et. seq. or for the payment in full of any anticipated costs of demolition by installment, provided the Green Brook Township Committee is satisfied that the claim for fire damages is to be used to restore or improve the fire damaged property. Any insurance company receiving a certified copy of a Resolution of Agreement from the Township Committee is authorized to make full payment on the claim to the insured person;
If demolition of the premises has not yet occurred on the date of receipt by the Township of a request for execution of the certificate required by this section, the insured shall provide on that certificate an estimate of the anticipated costs of demolition to the Township, which shall hold the funds in an interest- bearing escrow account in a State or Federally chartered bank or savings bond as a guarantee that the demolition will be accomplished according to law. The owner of the property and the insurance company shall be relieved of this obligation if the insurance company receives an official certificate, on a form approved by the Township Committee and certified by the Clerk, stating that there is no demolition required on the property or, alternatively, that the costs of demolition have been paid.
Any request, pursuant to this section for an Official Certificate of Search for municipal liens shall specify that the search concerns fire-damaged property.
This section shall take effect upon passage, publication according to law and filing with the New Jersey State Commissioner of Insurance pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 17:36-9.
[Ord. No. 2009-747 § 1]
Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipality or any of its purchasing agents or agencies or those of its independent authorities, as the case may be, shall not enter into an agreement or otherwise contract to procure professional, banking, insurance coverage services or any other consulting services, including those awarded pursuant to a "fair and open" process, from any professional business entity, if that entity has solicited or made any contribution of money, or pledge of a contribution, including in-kind contributions, to any Township of Green Brook municipal candidate or holder of the public office having ultimate responsibility for the award of the contract, or campaign committee supporting such candidate or officeholder, or to any Township of Green Brook or Somerset County political party committee, or to any political action committee (PAC) that regularly engages in, or whose primary purpose is the support of municipal elections and/or municipal parties in excess of the thresholds specified in subsection (d) within one calendar year immediately preceding the date of the contract or agreement.
No professional business entity which enters into negotiations for, or agrees to, any contract or agreement with the municipality or any department or agency thereof or of its independent authorities for the rendition of professional, banking or insurance coverage services or any other consulting services, including those awarded pursuant to a "fair and open" process, shall solicit or make any contribution of money, or pledge of a contribution, including in-kind contributions, to any Township of Green Brook municipal candidate or holder of the public office having ultimate responsibility for the award of the contract, or campaign committee supporting such candidate or officeholder, or to any Township of Green Brook or Somerset County political party committee, or to any political action committee (PAC) that regularly engages in, or whose primary purpose is the support of municipal elections and/or municipal parties between the time of first communications between that business entity and the Township regarding a specific professional services agreement and the later of the termination of negotiations or the completion of the contract or agreement.
For purposes of this section, a "professional business entity" seeking a public contract means an individual including the individual's spouse, if any, and any child living at home; person; firm; corporation; professional corporation; partnership; organization; or association. The definition of a business entity includes all principals who own 10% or more of the equity in the corporation or business trust, partners, and officers in the aggregate employed by the entity as well as any subsidiaries directly controlled by the business entity.
Any individual meeting the definition of "professional business entity" under this section may contribute a maximum of $300 for each election (primary, general or special) in any year, for any purpose, to any candidate for Township Committee, or $500 for each election in any year, to the Township of Green Brook party committee, Somerset County party committee or to a PAC referenced in this section, without violating paragraph a of this subsection. However, any group of individuals meeting the definition of "professional business entity" under this section, including such principals, partners, and officers of the entity in the aggregate, may not contribute for any purpose in excess of $2,500 for each election (primary, general or special) in any year, to all Township candidates and officeholders with ultimate responsibility for the award of the contract, and all Township political parties and/or PACs referenced in this section combined, without violating paragraph a of this subsection.
For purposes of this section, the office that is considered to have ultimate responsibility for the award of the contract shall be:
The Township of Green Brook Committee, if the contract requires approval or appropriation from the Committee.
The Mayor of the Township of Green Brook, if the contract requires approval of the Mayor, or if a public officer who is responsible for the award of a contract is appointed by the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 2009-747 § 2]
No contribution of money or any other thing of value, including in-kind contributions, made by a professional business entity to any municipal candidate for Committee, or municipal or County political party committee or PAC referenced in this section shall be deemed a violation of this section, nor shall an agreement for property, goods, or services, of any kind whatsoever, be disqualified thereby, if that contribution was made by the professional business entity prior to the effective date of this section. (Adopted September 14, 2009.)
[Ord. No. 2009-747 § 3]
Prior to awarding any contract or agreement to procure services, including banking or insurance coverage services, with any professional business entity, the Township or any of its purchasing agents or agencies, as the case may be, shall receive a sworn statement from the professional business entity made under penalty of perjury that the bidder or offeror has not made a contribution in violation of subsection 2-47.1 of this section;
The professional business entity shall have a continuing duty to report any violations of this section that may occur during the negotiation or duration of a contract. The certification required under this subsection shall be made prior to entry into the contract or agreement with the Township and shall be in addition to any other certifications that may be required by any other provision of law.
[Ord. No. 2009-747 § 4]
A professional business entity or Township candidate or officeholder or municipal or County party committee or PAC referenced in this section may cure a violation of subsection 2-47.1 of this section, if, within 30 days after the date on which the applicable ELEC Report is published, the professional business entity notifies the Township Committee in writing and seeks and receives reimbursement of a contribution from the Township candidate or municipal or County political party or PAC referenced in this section.
[Ord. No. 2009-747 § 5]
It shall be a breach of the terms of the Township of Green Brook professional service agreement for a business entity to: (i) make or solicit a contribution in violation of this section; (ii) knowingly conceal or misrepresent a contribution given or received; (iii) make or solicit contributions through intermediaries for the purpose of concealing or misrepresenting the source of the contribution; (iv) make or solicit any contribution on the condition or with the agreement that it will be contributed to a campaign committee of any candidate or holder of the public office of Township of Green Brook; (v) engage or employ a lobbyist or consultant with the intent or understanding that such lobbyist or consultant would make or solicit any contribution, which if made or solicited by the business entity itself, would subject that entity to the restrictions of this section; (vi) fund contributions made by third parties, including consultants, attorneys, family members, and employees; (vii) engage in any exchange of contributions to circumvent the intent of this section; or (viii) directly or indirectly, through or by any other person or means, do any act which would subject that entity to the restrictions of this section.
Furthermore, any professional business entity who violates paragraph a (ii-viii) shall be disqualified from eligibility for future Township of Green Brook contracts for a period of four calendar years from the date of the violation.
[Ord. No. 2009-740a]
Persons who are seeking to be married or joined in a civil union ceremony by the Mayor (or designee as permitted by law) of the Township of Green Brook shall pay to the Township of Green Brook a fee of:
$125 if the marriage/civil union ceremony is conducted within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Green Brook and occurs any time between Monday through and including Friday;
$150 if the marriage/civil union ceremony is conducted within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Green Brook and occurs any time on Saturday and/or Sunday;
$200 if the marriage/civil union ceremony is conducted outside the geographic boundaries of the Township of Green Brook on any day plus a mileage fee at the rate established by the IRS reimbursement rate for vehicle use to cover the cost of travel by the officiating officer.
The Mayor or designee shall be reimbursed for expense incurred in accordance with Township Policy.