[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Summit Hill as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 7-14-2009 by Ord. No. 3-2009]
The Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, Title 53, Sections 2301 through 2315, commonly known and referred to as "Act 180, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Law,"[1] is the law governing intergovernmental cooperation within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.
Each of the municipalities of Coaldale Borough, Jim Thorpe Borough, Lansford Borough, Summit Hill Borough, and the Joint Municipal Authority have agreed to cooperate with the other governmental or quasi-governmental units in the execution of those municipal functions deemed by the aforementioned municipalities to be accomplished best through cooperation with the other governmental or quasi-governmental units; and
The Intergovernmental Cooperation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania intends that full recognition by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of an agent of intergovernmental cooperation requires said agent to be established by ordinance by all cooperating units of government; and
The Borough of Summit Hill, along with Coaldale, Jim Thorpe, Lansford and the Joint Municipal Authority, desire the creation of the Carbon-Schuylkill Council of Governments to be as useful as possible to these municipalities and the residents thereof.
The Borough of Summit Hill joins and becomes a member of the Carbon-Schuylkill Council of Governments in accordance with the bylaws of the Carbon-Schuylkill Council of Governments and any laws, agreements, or contracts which apply.
The bylaws of Carbon-Schuylkill Council of Governments attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby approved, and such bylaws may be amended from time to time by a voting representation of all member municipalities of the Carbon-Schuylkill Council of Governments.[1]
Editor's Note: The bylaws are on file in the Borough office.
[Adopted 4-25-2016 by Ord. No. 4-2016]
The provisions set forth above in the preamble to this article are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
The County of Carbon/Borough/Township of Summit Hill does by this article join the Carbon County Council of Governments subject to the following conditions:
That the local government is hereby authorized to enter into intergovernmental cooperation agreements relating to CCCOG pursuant 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.
That the President/Chairman and Secretary of said local government are authorized to sign intergovernmental cooperation agreements.
That the Articles of Agreement of the Carbon County Council of Governments shall contain provisions complying with the terms as set forth in §§ 22-6 through 22-12 of this article.
That each of the local governments of Carbon County, Pennsylvania that may join and become a member of the Carbon County Council of Governments do so in accordance with the Articles of Agreement, agreed upon bylaws of the Council of Governments, and any other laws, agreements or contracts which apply.
The duration and term of CCCOG membership is indefinite, but is subject to the right of withdrawal upon 30 days written notice to CCCOG, or potential termination as set forth in the Articles of Agreement.
The CCCOG is to meet at regular intervals to foster a cooperative effort to resolve regional problems, to determine policies, and to formulate plans and programs to meet regional needs; further, the CCCOG shall assist the participating member local governments individually or collectively to execute their governmental responsibilities in as effective and responsible a manner as possible; further, the CCCOG shall undertake such other projects related to local governments, subject to the Articles of Agreements.
The governing body of each member shall appoint one elected or appointed official from each local government to serve as its designated voting representative to the CCCOG. Additionally, each member of the local government may appoint an alternate representative. Only one representative from each local government will be permitted to vote at any given time. The representatives from each member local government shall be appointed by the local government in accordance with each local government's ordinance.
The officers of the CCCOG shall be a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer appointed through the process as outlined in the Articles of Agreement.
All property, real or personal, of the CCCOG shall be acquired, managed, licensed or disposed of by the CCCOG in accordance with the terms of the agreement and the rules and procedures as may be adopted by the CCCOG.
The CCCOG shall be empowered to enter into contract/professional services, subject to the agreement; and to enter into contracts for policies of group insurance and employee benefits, including social security, for its employees.
The CCCOG be financed by annual dues paid by participating member local governments and by funds obtained by the organization from grants or public or private sources.
Member local governments of the CCCOG agree to be bound not only to the Articles of Agreement establishing the CCCOG, but also agree to the formulation of any bylaws created for the operation of the CCCOG, subject to any necessary approval of the members of the local governments as stated in the Articles of Agreement.
The provisions of this article are severable, and if any section, sentence, clause, part or provision hereof shall be held to be illegal, invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision of the court shall not affect the remaining sections, clauses, parts or provisions of this article. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the local government that such article would have been enacted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional section, sentence, clause, part or provision had not been included herein.
This article shall take effect on the 30th day following its enactment.
Any resolution or ordinance or parts thereof that conflict with, or are inconsistent with, this article are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency with this article.