[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. All provisions, terms, phrases, and expressions in this Code shall be construed according to the general intent purpose set forth in Section
400.020, and the specific purpose statements elsewhere in this Code. If a specific section provides a different meaning of a term defined for general purposes in this Chapter, the specific section's meaning and application shall control.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text
of this Code and any heading, caption, figure, illustration, table,
or map, the text shall control.
B. Intent statements, graphics, and commentary, such as captions to
graphics or notes in tables, are an aid to interpretation of the standards.
In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the intent statements,
graphics, or commentary and a specific standard, the specific standard
shall control.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. Lists of examples prefaced by "including the following," "such as,"
or other similar clauses shall not be construed as exclusive or exhaustive
and shall not preclude an interpretation of these lists including
other similar and non-mentioned examples.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. All words shall have the customary dictionary meaning, unless specifically
defined in these regulations.
B. "Must" or "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary.
C. "Should" or "may" is permissive but recommended as a way to best
meet the standard or achieve the intent of the standard.
D. Words and phrases shall be construed according to the common and
approved usage of the language, but technical words and phrases that
may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in law shall
be construed and understood according to such meaning.
E. Words used in the present tense shall include the future; and words
used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and the
plural, the singular.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. The day of the act that commences a time period shall not be counted.
B. The last day of the time period shall be included unless it is a
Saturday, Sunday, or legal City holiday, in which case the next working
day shall end the time period.
C. Whenever any time period is expressed for a formal submission to
the City, the time period shall end at 4:00 P.M. on the last day of
that time period.
D. Any time period expressed in years shall include a full calendar
year from the act that commences the time period.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. Any reference to other official local, State, or Federal government
rules or regulations shall include the current versions of those regulations,
provided that they remain binding or are consistent with the purposes,
intent, and objectives included in these regulations.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. References to a person shall include individuals, partnerships, agencies,
corporations, or other legal entities.
B. Cooperatives, condominiums and all other forms of property ownership
do not affect the provisions of these regulations, and all requirements
shall be observed as though the property were under single ownership.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. A reference to an administrative official shall refer to that official,
or his or her official designee, and all references to specific City
officials may also include any other designee of the City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A. Resources, guides, and industry standards that are recognized as
reputable authority in the planning, development and urban design
professions may be used in the interpretation of technical terms and
requirements set forth in this Code upon approval of the Community
Development Director, or his/her designee, if he/she determines that
the content is consistent with the purposes, intent, and design objectives
of these regulations and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
B. Use of these guides shall only be to the extent that it is consistent
with the purposes, intent and design objectives expressed in these
regulations, and shall not be used to otherwise modify, contradict,
or in any way conflict with any specific standard in these regulations.