[Ord. of 8-7-2000]
There is hereby created the position of Town arborist, who shall act under the direction and control of the Town Manager. The Town Manager shall employ or contract for the services of the Town arborist.
Qualifications. Where possible the Town arborist shall be a person trained in arboriculture or forestry, with appropriate certification in the particular field or fields concerned, failing which the Town Manager may employ or enter into a contract with a person who has at least three years experience in municipal tree work or its equivalent and possesses sufficient administrative and management skills to perform the duties specified in this ordinance. If the person appointed is not so certified, the Town Manager shall specify a six month probationary period within which the person must, as a condition of employment, obtain an arborist certification by the International Society of Arboriculture or comparable certification.
Duties. The Town arborist shall; in coordination with the Town's public works or other departments, or private contractors when approved by the Town Manager, plant, maintain and otherwise care for, or if necessary remove, any public tree or shrub. The responsibilities of the Town arborist shall include but not be limited to:
Advising the Town Manager, Town Council and the Town's public works and other departments on all matters pertinent to public trees; and, reviewing, and supervising all municipal tree care operations and site plan work involving public trees.
Attending each meeting of the tree commission and informing it in advance about all pending and proposed municipal tree care operations and site plan work involving public trees in sufficient time for the tree commission to take any action permitted or required under the provisions of this article.
Under the supervision of the Town Manager, applying for federal, state or private grants, funding or other assistance to accomplish the purposes and intent set forth in sec. 78-2 of this article.
Developing, implementing and maintaining an urban forestry management program which provides for annual public tree planting and establishes care, maintenance and replacement standards and procedures for public trees. Reducing such program to writing in the form of a comprehensive tree management plan for review by the tree commission and the Town Council.
Preparing annually for review by the Town public works department and tree commission, a municipal tree care budget together with an annual report on the work of the Town arborist including (but not limited to) all municipal tree care operations and site plan work involving public trees and an evaluation of the progress made in meeting the goals of this ordinance.
In cooperation with the Town Manager and tree commission, promoting, by conducting public seminars, courses, lectures, workshops, continuing education and other educational programs, public appreciation for the Town's urban forest and importance of the standards and procedures established in this article.
When and as requested by the Town Manager and tree commission, providing private citizens with advice regarding the care and maintenance of their trees. Supporting other groups interested in urban forestry.
Reporting directly to the Town Manager on any or all municipal tree operations and site plan work involving public trees, as the Town Manager may from time to time direct, and taking such other action as shall be needed to accomplish the purposes of this ordinance.
Coordinate, by meeting and consulting with appropriate public utility personnel in advance, all public utility operations that might adversely affect public trees.
[Ord. of 8-7-2000]
There is hereby created a commission to be known as the "tree commission." The tree commission shall be composed of five voting members appointed by the Town Council. In addition, the Town arborist shall be a non-voting member. A quorum for the transaction of business by the commission shall be at least three voting members.
Qualifications and compensation. The five voting members of the tree commission shall be persons who have expressed interest in the care and preservation of the Town's urban forest. All of the members of the tree commission shall serve without compensation, but all necessary expenses of the tree commission shall be paid by the Town pursuant to appropriate action by the Town Council.
Terms of office. The five voting members appointed by the Town Council shall be appointed for three year staggered terms and serve until their respective successors are appointed. Of the members initially appointed one shall serve for one year, two shall serve for two years, and two shall serve for three years. Thereafter, all members shall serve three year terms. Vacancies caused by death, resignation or otherwise shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner original appointments are made. The Mayor shall have the discretion to appoint members to serve consecutive terms and also to remove them for habitual failure to attend meetings. Members may serve any number of terms but not more than two terms consecutively.
Duties of tree commission. The duties of the tree commission shall be as follows:
Within a reasonable time after appointment, conduct an organizational meeting to elect a chairman, vice-chairman and standing committee chairs as needed, and provide for the adoption of rules and procedures for holding public meetings. The Town arborist shall act as secretary and conduct the daily affairs of the tree commission. The secretary shall cause a record to be kept of all proceedings, resolutions, findings and actions taken by the tree commission. The commission's records shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
To provide regular meetings at least once each month and such special meetings as the tree commission deems necessary, each open to the public; to support the efforts of other groups interested in urban forestry: to sponsor tree planting projects and the observance of National Arbor Day; and, to conduct seminars, workshops and other public education programs.
To assist the Town arborist with the formulation and revision of the comprehensive tree management plan, as well as a yearly evaluation of progress toward meeting the goals set in this section.
To assist the Town arborist in applying for federal, state or private grants, funding or other assistance.
With the assistance of the Town arborist, to review each pending and proposed municipal tree care operation and site plan work involving trees. Any differences of opinion about what protective procedures should be followed in any such matter shall be resolved by majority vote at a meeting of the commission.
To provide by its public meetings a forum in which interested persons shall have the opportunity to submit for discussion their questions and opinions regarding the Town's tree management.
[Ord. of 8-7-2000]
With the advice and participation of the tree commission, the Town arborist is hereby authorized and directed to formulate, revise and administer a comprehensive tree management plan to govern the planting, maintenance and replacement of trees planted in public areas. The comprehensive tree management plan shall make provision for educating the public about trees and include (but not be limited to) an inventory of tree resources, standard planting, maintenance, replacement and tree cover specifications and needed maintenance work complete with cost and time schedules.