[Ord. 116, 9/7/2011, § 1100]
The SR - Special Residential District seeks to provide specific opportunities for the development of mobile home parks in the Township which are compatible with existing development, and in areas of the Township generally suited for such development.
[Ord. 116, 9/7/2011, § 1101; as amended by Ord. 123, 2/6/2014, § 12]
Land and buildings in the SR - Special Residential District shall be used only for the following purposes:
Single-family detached dwellings.
Agricultural operations that are not CAFOs and CAOs subject to the standards found in Part 23 of this chapter.
Municipal uses.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses when located on the same lot.
No-impact home-based business.
Day care homes.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to special exception uses approved under § 27-1103 when located on the same lot.
Accessory solar energy systems, subject to the requirements of § 27-2306.2.
Accessory wind energy systems, subject to the requirements of § 27-2306.4.
Closed-loop geothermal energy systems, subject to the requirements of § 27-2306.6.
[Ord. 116, 9/7/2011, § 1102; amended by Ord. No. 134, 5/4/2017]
The establishment and/or expansion of following uses are permitted when special exceptions are granted by the Zoning Hearing Board in conformance with Part 23 and other provisions of this chapter:
Mobile home parks (subject to the criteria in Part 16 of this chapter).
ECHO housing.
Essential services buildings and structures.
Home occupations which do not qualify as no-impact home-based businesses, subject to the criteria in Part 23 of this chapter.
Public and private schools.
Day care centers accessory to existing churches.
Manufactured home park, subject to the standards found in Part 16 of this chapter.
[Ord. 116, 9/7/2011, § 1103]
Minimum Lot Area.
Forty-three thousand five hundred sixty square feet, if served neither by centralized sewer nor centralized water facilities.
Thirty thousand square feet, if served by centralized water facilities.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet at the building line.
Minimum lot depth: 160 feet.
Yard Requirements. All buildings shall be set back from street rights-of-way and lot lines in accordance with the following requirements:
Front Yard. The minimum front yard required shall be that distance established in Part 19 of this chapter between the right-of-way line of a public or private road and the building line.
Side Yard. There shall be two side yards each having a minimum width of 15 feet.
Rear Yard. The rear yard shall be a minimum of 50 feet in depth.
Maximum lot coverage: 25%.
Height Regulations. No principal building shall exceed 35 feet in height except as provided in Part 21 of this chapter.
Minimum Off-Street Vehicle Parking and Loading Requirements. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Part 18.
[Ord. 116, 9/7/2011, § 1104]
Landscaping and planting shall be provided for a depth of 15 feet along all residential lot lines, and residential district boundaries. Buffering and screening plantings shall be provided along the side and rear of any nonresidential use or lot adjoining any residential lot, in accordance with the requirements of Part 21.
[Ord. 116, 9/7/2011, § 1105]
No dwelling unit shall be located within 600 feet of any buildings for housing livestock, area for the processing or storage of manure, garbage or spent mushroom compost, structures for the raising of feedstock or the cultivation of mushrooms, or new slaughter area.
No shrub nor tree shall be planted within 20 feet and 30 feet, respectively, of any land within any agricultural district which is used for agricultural purposes.
[Ord. 116, 9/7/2011, § 1106]
In addition to meeting the normal requirements for obtaining a zoning permit, all applications for alteration and/or demolition of a building or structure, reuse as a different use, new construction, and/or disruption or encroachment of a site or area that contains historical places, sites and structures identified by the West Cocalico Township Strategic Plan and/or the Strategic Comprehensive Plan for the Cocalico Region, should be accompanied by a historical features report as provided for herein below. All such historical resource reports should be forwarded by the Zoning Officer to the West Cocalico Township Planning Commission. The Township Planning Commission should consult the guidance and services of professionals such as the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, the Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, or other qualified historic preservation specialist after which time a meeting between the Planning Commission and applicant should be scheduled to discuss the findings. All applicants are encouraged to consider implementation of any design recommendations provided by the Township Planning Commission that would preserve the original historical or architectural integrity considerations. If the property owner agrees to utilize the findings of the Township Planning Commission and the historic preservation professionals or specialists and the above meeting has occurred, or after a period of 45 days after filing the application for a zoning permit, whichever comes first, the Township may proceed in a manner similar to the rules in effect to issue a zoning permit.
No alteration and/or demolition of a building or structure, reuse as a different use, new construction, and/or disruption or encroachment of a site or area should be undertaken on a site identified by the West Cocalico Township Strategic Plan and/or the Strategic Comprehensive Plan for the Cocalico Region as containing features of historical significance until a report has been submitted to the Township.
The purpose of the report should be to identify and examine the alteration and/or demolition of a building or structure, reuse as a different use, new construction, and/or disruption or encroachment of a site or area of the historical place, site or structure in a manner that supports the integrity of the historical place, site or structure.
The report should describe how the alteration and/or demolition of a building or structure, reuse as a different use, new construction, and/or disruption or encroachment of a site or area should be designed to preserve, adaptively reuse, or otherwise provide for the preservation of historical places, sites and structures identified by the West Cocalico Township Strategic Plan and/or the Strategic Comprehensive Plan for the Cocalico Region.
The report should identify how the alteration and/or demolition of a building or structure, reuse as a different use, new construction, and/or disruption or encroachment of a site or area historical places, sites and structures or new construction on the property adjacent to historical places, sites and structures and detail how the modifications should be consistent with the character and visually complementary of the historical place, site or structure.
The report should identify if the proposed alteration and/or demolition of a building or structure, reuse as a different use, new construction, and/or disruption or encroachment of a site or area will jeopardize the historic value of a place, site, or structure because of size, scale, construction material, or type of use of new construction and detail how new construction will be screened or otherwise visually buffered.
Alterations and/or demolition of a building or structure, reuse as a different use, new construction, and/or disruption or encroachment of a site or area should be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior standards for the rehabilitation of historic properties published by the National Park Service.
No historical place, site or structure identified by the West Cocalico Township Strategic Plan and/or the Strategic Comprehensive Plan for the Cocalico Region or otherwise identified as a historic resource by West Cocalico Township shall be demolished or moved from its original foundation as part of any development without approval of the Township.
In all cases when demolition is proposed, the applicant shall submit to the Township a letter from the State Historic Preservation Officer, or from the Preservation Trust of Lancaster County or other qualified Historic Preservation Specialist identifying the significance of the property, potential effects of the project that would be adverse, and possible mitigation measures that could be employed, along with photo documentation of the historic feature by the Township.
In evaluating any request for demolition of a historic feature the Township shall take into account the significance of the property, the condition of the feature, the potential for repair, restoration, stabilization, and reuse, the impact of the feature in relation to the total project, and the hardship, if any, on the applicant.
Applicants are encouraged to perpetuate historic names or geographic references that are traditionally associated with the area in which a project is located, rather than proposing project names that are not consistent with Lancaster County traditions or culture.