No signs of any type shall be placed in or over the public right-of-way except as permitted in §
88-64 and this chapter.
[Amended 4-14-2021 by Ord. No. 21-08]
Signs or banners shall not be stretched, hung, or otherwise
placed over or across any public road, except when authorized by a
street banner permit issued by the Town. The Mayor and Council may
permit banner signs to be placed over the west end of East Main Street,
subject to the following conditions:
A. Any organization wishing to install a banner pursuant to this section
shall complete an application and file it with the Town Clerk at least
30 days prior to the date on which the sign banner will be installed.
The application shall contain the following information.
B. Cross street banners installed pursuant to this section must adhere
to the following specifications. Each banner shall have two double
stitched reinforced hems, wind slits, and connect to a building with
rope placed through the upper and lower hems. The size of the banner
sign shall not be greater than 24 feet long and four feet high and
shall have a square footage no larger than 96 square feet. However,
banners must be at least 45 feet long in total to the end of the ropes.
Banners may be double-sided. For double-sided banners, only one face
of the banner shall be counted in determining square footage. Banners
shall be made of a material resistant to ultraviolet rays, mold and
C. The banner may contain only the following information:
(1) The name of the organization.
(3) The date, time and location of the event.
D. The Town may refuse the placement of banners which are in poor condition.
In addition, the Town Administrator has the authority to order the
removal of banners which have become frayed, ripped or otherwise unsightly.
E. The banner sign shall only be installed by the Town of Clinton Fire
Company, which may charge a reasonable fee for installing the banner.
Organizations requesting the installation of a banner sign must cooperate
with the Town of Clinton Fire Company regarding installation of the
F. The banner may only be displayed for a maximum of 30 days, but cannot
be displayed more than 30 days prior to the event or seven days following
the event. However, the Town Council reserves the right to shorten
the time a banner may be displayed in order to accommodate other requests
to install a banner.
G. Permission to locate a banner sign shall only be granted to charitable,
cultural, civic or community organizations to announce specific events
to be held within the boundaries of the Town of Clinton or which support
events in which Town of Clinton organizations are participating and
have expressed their support through a letter or electronic communications.
Banner signs pursuant to this section are not to be used for commercial
advertising; however, the logo of a business, entity, or corporation
sponsoring an event may be included on a banner.