[R.O. 2009 § 491.010; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018[1]]
Statement Of Purpose. The general purpose of this Article is to regulate the placement, construction, and modification of telecommunications Wireless Communications Facilities to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public, while at the same time not unreasonably interfering with the development of the competitive wireless telecommunications marketplace in the City. Specifically, this Article is intended to:
Provide for the appropriate location and development of Wireless Communications Facilities and systems to serve the citizens and businesses of the City;
Minimize adverse visual impacts of Wireless Communications Facilities through careful design, siting, landscape Screening, and innovative camouflaging techniques that provide predictability for nearby Property owners and others that future uses will not materially alter such approved aesthetic protections without zoning hearing procedures and input from interested parties when not prohibited by applicable law;
Ensure that any new Wireless Communications Facilities are located in an area compatible with the neighborhood or surrounding community to the extent possible; and
Ensure that regulation of Wireless Communications Facilities does not have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services, does not unreasonably discriminate among functionally equivalent providers of such service, and promotes the provision and availability of communication services within the City.
Editor's Note: Former Chapter 491, Wireless Facilities, comprised of Sections 491.010 through 491.110, was repealed 12-20-2018 by Ord. No. 3883.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.020; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall mean:
Ground level shall be determined by the average elevation of the natural ground level within a radius of fifty (50) feet from the center location of measurement.
Any device that transmits and/or receives wireless radio waves for voice, data, or video communications purposes, including, but not limited to, television, AM/FM radio, texts, microwave, cellular telephone, and similar forms of communications. The term shall exclude satellite earth station antenna less than two (2) meters in diameter [mounted within twelve (12) feet of the ground or building-mounted] and any receive-only home television antenna.
A structure for the protection and security of communications equipment associated with one (1) or more Antenna where direct access to equipment is provided from the exterior and that has horizontal dimensions that do not exceed four (4) feet by six (6) feet and vertical Height that does not exceed six (6) feet.
Any free-standing, man-made structure designed for the support of Antenna, the presence of which is camouflaged or concealed as an appropriately placed and designed architectural or natural feature. Depending on the location and type of disguise used, such concealment may require placement underground of the utilities leading to the Structure. Such Structures may include but are not limited to clock towers, campaniles, observation towers, light standards, Flag poles, and artificial trees. For purposes of this definition, a Structure "camouflaged or concealed as an appropriately placed and designed architectural or natural feature" shall mean:
It is consistent with and contributes to and does not detract from the character and property values and use of the area and neighborhood in which it is located;
It does not contain distorted proportions, size, or other features not typically found on the type of Structure or feature to which it is designed to replicate;
It cannot be identified as a Support Structure by persons with reasonable sensibilities and knowledge;
Its equipment, Accessory Buildings or Structures, or other aspects or attachments relating to the Disguised Support Structure are wholly concealed using a manner consistent with and typically associated with the architectural or natural Structure or feature being replicated; and
It is of a Height, design, and type that would ordinarily occur at the location and neighborhood selected.
Any Structure capable of supporting Wireless Communications Facilities (other than a Support Structure) in full conformance with the design and other requirements of this Article and is: (1) existing prior to the date of all applicable permit applications seeking City authorization for installation of such Facilities thereon; and (2) not built or installed in anticipation of such specific installation or erected to evade approvals applicable to a non-existing Structure.
The Federal Aviation Administration.
A Fast-Track Small Wireless Facility, or Fast-Track, shall mean a Small Wireless Facility that meets the following requirements for an Antenna and associated equipment:
No more than seven cubic feet (7 ft.3) in volume (comprised of no more than twenty-seven square feet (27 ft2) of exterior surface area, excluding the surface width equal to the width of the Existing Structure or Utility Pole to which it is mounted, on an imaginary enclosure around the perimeter thereof, excluding cable or cable conduit of four (4) inches or less). Volume shall be the measure of the exterior displacement of the Antenna and associated equipment;
Located on an Existing Structure or Utility Pole, or concealed within or on a replacement Utility Pole if the appearance is not materially altered;
Not exceeding six (6) feet above the top of an Existing Structure or Utility Pole for a total Height not exceeding forty-five (45) feet (nor taller than more than six (6) feet above the average of similar poles within three hundred (300) feet).
The Federal Communications Commission.
The vertical distance measured from the average grade of the base of the Structure at ground level to its highest point and including the main structure and all attachments thereto.
Any use authorized herein that exists in addition to the Principal Use of the Property.
A Tower or Disguised Support Structure that is a complete one-for-one replacement of an Existing Structure, located on a parcel in conjunction with the removal of an Existing Structure. For purposes of this definition, a "Replacement Support Structure" must comply with all applicable FCC regulations regarding replacement and aesthetics, and in no circumstances shall a proposed installation qualify as a "Replacement Support Structure" if such replacement would result in a "substantial change" in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 1.6100(6)(7).
[Ord. No. 4378, 10-26-2023]
A Building for the protection and security of communications equipment associated with one (1) or more Antenna and where access to equipment is gained from the interior of the Building. Human occupancy for office or other uses or the Storage of other materials and equipment not in direct support of the connected Antenna is prohibited.
An Antenna and associated equipment that meets the following:
An Antenna of no more than six cubic feet (6 ft.3) in volume; and
All other associated equipment, to the extent permitted by applicable law to be calculated, of cumulatively no more than twenty-eight cubic feet (28 ft.3) in volume; provided that no single piece of equipment on the Utility Pole shall exceed nine cubic feet (9 ft.3) in volume, and no single piece of ground mounted equipment shall exceed fifteen cubic feet (15 ft.3) in volume.
A Tower or Disguised Support Structure.
A Structure designed for the support of one (1) or more Antenna and including guyed towers, self-supporting (lattice) towers, or monopoles, but not Disguised Support Structures, Utility Poles, or Buildings. The term shall also not include any Support Structure that includes attachments of sixty-five (65) feet or less in Height owned and operated solely for use by an amateur radio operator licensed by the FCC.
A pole or similar Structure that is or may be used for wireline communications, electric distribution, lighting, traffic control, signage, or a similar function, which may also support a Small Wireless Facility or Fast-Track.
Any Antenna, Small Wireless Facility, Fast-Track, Cabinet, Shelter, Support Structure, and associated equipment.
Where not inconsistent with the language or intent herein, the additional definitions set forth in Section 400.030 are incorporated herein and shall apply.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.030; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
Applications. Applications for Permitted Uses, administrative uses, or Uses Permitted by Special Permit pursuant to this Article shall be subject to the supplementary procedures in this Article. Applications shall be submitted to the City as a complete application on forms prescribed for this purpose by the Director. A "complete application" shall be an application submitted on the prescribed form, fully executed by the Applicant, identifying the specific approval sought, and containing all attachments, fees as may be established to reimburse the City for its inspection and review costs and in accordance with applicable law, and information as required thereon or by the Director, consistent with this Article. Applications shall be accompanied by a building permit application and other applicable forms.
Proof Of Owner Consent. Applications for Permitted Uses, administrative uses, or Uses Permitted by Special Permit pursuant to this Article shall be required to provide proof of owner consent, which shall minimally include:
Written consent to pursue the application by all fee simple owners of the underlying real estate (or where located in a Street, the Street owner thereof), including when the proposed location is also in a utility easement; and
Written consent to pursue the application of the owner of the Structure on which such Wireless Communication Facility is to be placed, if different than Applicant.
Timing. Applications shall be decided upon within a reasonable time, subject further to state or federal specific additional time requirements as may apply to the particular application.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.040; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
Applicability. The requirements set forth in this Article shall be applicable to all Wireless Communications Facilities within the City installed, built, or modified after December 20, 2018, to the full extent permitted by law. Such zoning review and approvals required in this Article shall be in addition to any other generally applicable permitting requirement, including applicable building or excavation or other right-of-way permits, as defined and required by Chapter 510.
Principal Or Incidental Use. Towers may be either a Principal or Incidental Use in all Non-Residential Districts, subject to any applicable requirement relating to Yard or Setback. An Incidental Use subject to a leasehold interest of a person other than the Lot owner may be approved for a Tower only if the leasehold area separately meets all requirements for a separate subdivided Lot, including dedicated access, Parking, Setbacks, and Lot Area, applicable to a Principal Use in the Zoning District in which the use is proposed. No other Zoning District shall allow Towers unless required by law. All other wireless facilities other than Towers, may be a Principal or Incidental Use in all Zoning Districts subject to the requirements herein.
Building Codes, Safety Standards, And Zoning Compliance. Wireless Communications Facilities shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with all standards contained in applicable state and local Building Codes. A certified engineer's structural report shall be required for all applications to construct a new or modify, or any way alter, a Support Structure, Utility Pole, or Antenna, including Small Wireless Facility and Fast-Track, unless waived upon application to the Director stating why such report is unnecessary to the specific application and a determination in the discretion of the Director approving such statement that such analysis would not further the purposes of this Section. In addition to any other approvals required by this Article, no Wireless Communications Facility or portion thereof shall be erected, replaced, or expanded prior to receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance, unless otherwise required by law, and the issuance of a Building Permit. For sites within Streets:
The most restrictive adjacent underlying Zoning District classification shall apply unless otherwise specifically zoned and designated on the Official Zone District Map;
Wireless Communications Facilities shall be installed and maintained as not to obstruct or hinder the usual travel or public safety on the Street or obstruct the legal use of such Street by authorities or authorized users; and
Such use shall be required to obtain applicable permits and comply with the applicable rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 510.
Regulatory Compliance. All Wireless Communications Facilities shall meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, FCC, and any other local, state, or federal agency with the authority to regulate Wireless Communications Facilities, and including all required licenses, permits, and taxes applicable to such Structure and/or modification. Should such standards or regulations be amended, then the owner shall bring such Wireless Communication Facilities into compliance with the revised standards or regulations within the time period mandated by the controlling agency. No approval for any placement, construction, or modification of any Wireless Communications Facilities permitted by this Article shall be granted for any Applicant having an uncured violation of this Article, of any zoning regulation regarding the Lot on which the structure is proposed, or of any other governmental regulatory, licensing, or tax requirement applicable to such Wireless Communications Facilities within the City unless preempted by applicable law. Modifications under 47 U.S.C. §  1455(a) shall be approved without regard to zoning regulations regarding the Lot on which the modification is proposed.
Security. All Wireless Communications Facilities shall be protected from unauthorized access by appropriate security measures. A description of proposed security measures shall be provided as part of any application to install, build, alter, or modify Wireless Communications Facilities. Additional measures may be required as a condition of the issuance of a building permit as deemed necessary by the Director or by the Board in the case of a Special Use Permit.
Lighting. Antenna, Small Wireless Facilities, Fast-Track, and Support Structures shall not be lighted unless required by the FAA or other state or federal agency with authority to regulate, in which case a description of the required lighting scheme will be made a part of the application to install, build, alter, or modify the Antenna, Small Wireless Facilities, Fast-Track, or Support Structure. Lighting may also be approved as a consistent component of a Disguised Support Structure. Equipment Cabinets and Shelters may have lighting only as approved by the Director or Board in the case of a Special Use Permit.
Signs. Except for a Disguised Support Structure in the form of an otherwise lawfully permitted Sign, the placement of advertising on Wireless Communications Facilities is prohibited other than identification Signs of not greater than one (1) square foot on ground equipment or required safety signage.
Color. Subject to the requirements of the FAA or any applicable state or federal agency, Wireless Communications Facilities and attachments shall be painted a neutral color consistent with the natural or built environment of the site or an alternative painting scheme approved by the Director, or the Board in the case of Special Use Permits, consistent with the requirements of this Article. Unpainted galvanized steel Support Structures are not permitted.
Ground Equipment. When authorized, equipment Shelters or Cabinets shall have an exterior finish reasonably compatible with the natural or built environment of the site and shall also comply with any design guidelines as may be applicable to the particular Zoning District in which the facility is located unless not feasible. All equipment shall be either placed underground, contained in a single Shelter or Cabinet, or wholly concealed within a Building or approved walled compound.
Antenna Design. Antennas attached to a Disguised Support Structure shall be contained within the Disguised Support Structure or within or mounted flush on the surface of the Disguised Support Structure so as not to defeat or materially, detrimentally alter the disguised design. Antennas attached to a Tower shall be contained within the Tower or mounted flush on the surface of the Tower to which they are mounted. All Antennas attached to an existing Building, Utility Pole, or Structure shall be of a color matching the surface to which they are mounted. Antennas on the rooftop or attached to a Building shall be Screened or constructed and/or colored to match the Structure to which they are attached. All Antennas shall be designed to be disguised and maximally concealed on or within the Support Structure or other Structure. Exposed Antennas on crow's nest or other visible platforms or extensions are prohibited.
Height. Support Structures and Antenna shall be no taller than necessary and shall not exceed the Height limitation of any airport overlay zone as may be adopted by the City or other regulatory agency. Support Structures may exceed underlying Zoning District Height restrictions for Buildings and Structures only where shown to be necessary, provided that no reasonable and feasible alternative exists. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Zoning District Height restrictions shall be considered by the City in determining the appropriateness of the design and location of the application under the applicable standards for approval. No Support Structure shall be approved at a Height exceeding one hundred twenty (120) feet AGL unless the Applicant clearly demonstrates that such Height is required for the proper function of the Applicant's system.
Monopole Design. All Towers shall be of a monopole design. Lattice, guyed Towers, or other non-monopole Tower designs shall not be permitted.
Compound Walls/Landscaping. All Towers shall be surrounded by a minimum of a six-foot high decorative wall constructed of brick, stone, or comparable masonry materials and a landscape strip of not less than ten (10) feet in width and planted with materials, which will provide a visual barrier to a minimum Height of six (6) feet. The landscape strip shall be exterior to any security wall. In lieu of the required wall and landscape strip, an alternative means of Screening may be approved by the Director, or by the Board in the case of a Special Use Permit, upon demonstration by the Applicant that an equivalent degree of visual Screening will be achieved. Landscaping or other improvements may be required for Disguised Support Structures if needed to implement an approved disguise.
Setbacks. All Support Structures, including any portions of any Wireless Communications Facilities thereon and associated Structures, Fences, and walls (except for Parking associated with the Wireless Communications Facility) shall be separated from any sidewalk or Street, Alley, Parking Area, playground, or other Building, and from the Lot Line of any adjacent Lot at least a horizontal distance equal to the Height of the Support Structure, including any portions of any Wireless Communications Facilities thereon. In addition, a Tower must be located more than seventy-five (75) feet from any Residential Dwelling Unit and at least one hundred (100) feet from any trail, park, or outdoor recreation area, and no Tower that is readily visible from off-site shall be installed closer than one-half (1/2) mile from another readily visible Tower unless it blends with the surrounding existing natural and man-made environment in such a manner as to be effectively unnoticeable.
Storage. Vehicle or outdoor Storage on any Wireless Communications Facilities' site is prohibited, unless otherwise permitted by the Zoning District.
Parking. On-street Parking for periodic maintenance and service shall be provided at all Support Structure locations consistent with the underlying Zoning District and the type of Support Structure approval granted.
Decorative Poles. In Zoning Districts where there are Utility Poles which were specifically designed for their aesthetic nature and compatibility with the built environment of that Zoning District, as determined by the Director, such Utility Poles shall be deemed to be decorative Utility Poles. Such decorative Utility Poles, when authorized to be replaced by an Applicant for Wireless Communications Facilities pursuant to applicable law and in compliance with this Article and Code, shall only be replaced with a substantially similar decorative Utility Pole which matches the aesthetics and decorative elements of the original decorative Utility Pole being replaced. Such replacement expenses shall be borne wholly by the Applicant seeking to place Wireless Communications Facilities on such decorative Utility Pole.
Public Property. Wireless Communications Facilities located on Property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the City shall be subject to the requirements of this Article. A license or lease with the City authorizing the location of such Wireless Communications Facilities shall be required for each site.
As-Built Plans. Within sixty (60) days of completion of the initial construction and any additional construction or modification, two (2) complete sets of plans drawn to scale and certified as accurately depicting the location of all Wireless Communications Facilities constructed shall be furnished to the City.
Historic Preservation; Thirty-Day Hearing Period. To the extent permitted by law, approval shall not be issued for any Wireless Communications Facility that the Director or Board determines would create a significant negative visual impact or otherwise have a significant negative impact on the historical character and quality of any property within a Historic Preservation District or such District as a whole. For co-location of any certified historic Structure as defined in Section 253.545 RSMo., in addition to all other applicable time requirements, there shall be a thirty-day time period before approval of an application during which one (1) or more Public Hearings on co-location to a certified historic Structure are held. The City may require reasonable, technically feasible, and technological neutral design and concealment measures as a condition of approval of a Wireless Communications Facility within a historic district or on a certified historic Structure.
Administration. The Director shall have the authority to establish forms and procedures consistent with this Article and applicable federal, state, and local law to ensure compliance and to facilitate prompt review and administration of applications.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.050; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
Permitted Use. The placement of Wireless Communications Facilities fully conforming with the General Requirements in this Article are Permitted Uses in all Zoning Districts only as follows:
Co-Locations On Existing Support Structures. The attachment of additional or replacement Antenna, including Small Wireless Facilities and Fast-Track, and associated equipment to any existing Support Structure or Utility Pole or as otherwise authorized by state or federal law where local zoning is preempted, provided that building permit requirements, national safety codes, and other applicable codes including recognized accepted industry standards for structural, safety, capacity, reliability, and engineering are satisfied, including specifically the requirement to submit a certified structural engineering report as provided in Section 430.590.
Antenna On High-Voltage Towers. The mounting of Antenna on or within any existing high-voltage electric transmission Tower, but not exceeding the Height of such Tower by more than ten (10) feet, provided that all requirements of this Article and the underlying zoning ordinance are met, except minimum Setbacks provided in this Article shall not apply.
Antenna On Existing Buildings/Structures. In all Zoning Districts, except not on Single-Family or Two-Family Dwellings, the mounting of Antenna on any existing and conforming Building or Structure (other than a Support Structure or Utility Pole) provided that the presence of the Antenna and equipment is concealed by architectural elements or fully camouflaged or concealed by painting a color identical to the surface to which they are attached, and further provided that all requirements of this Article and the underlying zoning ordinance are met.
Co-Location Of Small Wireless Facilities On Utility Poles. New, replacement, or modified Utility Poles, at Heights below the Height limitations outlined in this Article, and co-location of Small Wireless Facilities on the same shall be a permitted use in all districts except single-family residential and historic districts provided the proposed installation does not:
Materially interfere with the safe operation of traffic and control equipment or City-owned communications equipment;
Materially interfere with compliance with the American Disabilities Act, or similar federal or state standards regarding pedestrian access or movement;
Materially obstruct or hinder the usual travel or public safety on the Streets;
Materially obstruct the legal use of the Streets or easement rights of the City, utility, or other third-party;
Fail to comply with the spacing requirements within Section 510.050(D)(1) of the Municipal Code;
Fail to comply with applicable national safety codes, including recognized engineering standards for Utility Poles or Support Structures;
Fail to comply with the decorative pole replacement requirements herein;
Fail to comply with undergrounding requirements within Section 510.050(D)(1) of the Municipal Code; or
Interfere or impair the operation of existing utility facilities, or City or third-party attachments.
New, replacement, or modification of Utility Poles under the following circumstances shall not be considered a Permitted Use under this Section:
Proposals to construct or modify a Utility Pole which exceeds the greater of:
Fifty (50) feet AGL; or
More than ten (10) feet above the tallest existing Utility Pole as of January 1, 2019, within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed Utility Pole in the City; and
Proposals to co-locate on an existing Utility Pole in place on August 28, 2018, which exceeds the Height of the existing Utility Pole by more than ten (10) feet.
Replacement Support Structures. The construction of a Replacement Support Structure provided that building permit requirements, national safety codes, and other applicable codes including recognized accepted industry standards for structural, safety, capacity, reliability, and engineering are satisfied, including specifically the requirement to submit a certified structural engineering report as provided in Section 430.590.
[Ord. No. 4378, 10-26-2023]
Application Procedure. Application for a Permitted Use under this Section shall require submission of an application on a form provided by the City with proof of owner consent as required by Section 430.580 and an application fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per Small Wireless Facility and an application fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the installation, modification, or replacement of a Utility Pole and co-location of a Small Wireless Facility thereon, or other Permitted Use under this Section as required to partly cover the City's actual costs, and not to exceed such amounts as may be limited by applicable law. If the Applicant is not a Wireless Services Provider, as defined by Section 67.5111, RSMo., then the Applicant must submit evidence of agreements or plans, or otherwise provide attestations to the same, which conclusively demonstrate to the Director that the proposed site(s) will become operational and used by such Wireless Services Provider within one (1) year of the permit's issuance date. For any application for a Small Wireless Facility, the Applicant shall provide an attestation that the proposed Small Wireless Facility complies with the volumetric limitations as required to meet the definition of a Small Wireless Facility in accordance with this Article and pursuant to applicable law. Applicant shall also submit a certified structural analysis as required in the General Requirements of this Article. Applications requesting any information that is prohibited by federal or state law under the applicable circumstance shall be deemed inapplicable to the subject application. The Director shall issue a decision on the application for a Permitted Use within the timeframe permitted by applicable law. A decision to deny an application shall be made, in writing, and state the specific reasons for the denial.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.060; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
Administrative Approval. The placement of Wireless Communications Facilities fully conforming with the General Requirements in this Article are permitted in all Zoning Districts by Administrative Permit approved by the Director only as follows:
Disguised Support Structures. The construction of a Disguised Support Structure, provided that all related equipment shall be placed underground or concealed within the Structure. Equipment may be placed in an appropriately concealed Cabinet if the Disguised Support Structure is incidental to a Non-Residential Use and fits with the natural built environment or the Disguised Support Structure. Any Disguised Support Structure shall have as a condition of approval, unless expressly exempted in the approval, an obligation and corresponding covenant recorded on the Property that runs with the land to the benefit of the City on behalf of the public, prohibiting modifications to the Disguised Support Structure that defeat or are detrimental to the disguise, unless such proposed modification is approved by a duly authorized zoning approval, including public hearing. If the Applicant does not wish to have such a covenant, the application shall not qualify for Administrative Permit approval, unless another mechanism is proposed and approved to ensure that the disguise is not subsequently defeated or detrimentally altered. A Disguised Support Structure proposed to be located within a Street may be exempted from the General Requirements of this Article relating to Parking, access, and Setbacks, unless determined by the Director as applicable to the specific location for safety reasons or other applicable reasons.
Fast-Track Small Wireless Facilities. An application for a Fast-Track Small Wireless Facility may be approved administratively by the Director, subject to meeting the following requirements:
General Requirements. The following requirements shall generally apply to all Fast-Track Small Wireless Facilities located within the City:
The Fast-Track shall substantially match any current aesthetic or ornamental elements of the Existing Structure or Utility Pole, or otherwise be designed to maximally blend into the built environment, with attention to the current uses within the Zoning District at the proposed site;
Any portion above the Existing Structure or Utility Pole shall be concealed and of the same dimensions and appearance so as to appear to be a natural extension of the Existing Structure or Utility Pole in lieu of an enclosure or concealment;
The Fast-Track equipment shall not emit noise audible from the Lot Line of any Residential District or Lot with a Residential Use; and
Location, placement, and orientation of the Fast-Track shall, to the extent feasible, minimize the obstruction to, or visibility from, the closest adjacent Lots unless otherwise required by the City for safety reasons.
Additional Requirements When Sited Near Pedestrian And Vehicle Ways. When a Fast-Track is proposed to be located on an Existing Structure or Utility Pole on or adjacent to Streets, sidewalks, or other pedestrian or vehicle ways:
The Height of all portions of the "Fast-Track" shall be located at least eight (8) feet AGL;
No ground equipment shall be permitted; and
No portions of the Fast-Track shall extend horizontally from the surface of the Utility Pole or Existing Structure more than sixteen (16) inches.
Waiver For Good Cause Shown. Additionally, the Director may for good cause shown increase one (1) or more of the maximum volumetric specifications from the definition of a Fast-Track by up to fifty percent (50%) if the Applicant demonstrates that it:
Does not in any location nationally use equipment capable of meeting the specifications and the purpose of the equipment; and
Cannot feasibly meet the requirements as defined and described.
The Board may further waive one (1) or more of the requirements found in the definition of Fast-Track, or from: (a) General Requirements; or (b) Additional Requirements When Sited Near Pedestrian or Vehicle Ways of this Subdivision, upon good cause shown by the Applicant, and provided a showing that the waiver is the minimum necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Article. The burden of proof for any waiver shall be wholly on the Applicant and must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
Application Procedures. Applications for Administrative Permits shall be made on the appropriate forms prescribed for this purpose by the Director and consistent with the requirements of this Article. Applications requesting any information that is prohibited by federal or state law under the applicable circumstance shall be deemed inapplicable to the subject application.
General Application Requirements. Applicant shall submit along with its completed application form:
An application fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per Fast-Track and an application fee of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for an application for a Disguised Support Structure and co-location of a Small Wireless Facility thereon as required to partly cover the City's actual costs, and not to exceed such amounts as may be limited by law; any amount not used by the City shall be refunded to the Applicant upon written request after a final decision;
A detailed Site Plan, based on a closed boundary survey of the host Lot, shall be submitted indicating the exact location of the facility, all dimensions and orientations of the facility and associated equipment, in addition to all existing and proposed improvements including Buildings, drives, walkway, Parking Areas, and other Structures, Streets, the Zoning District of the subject and adjoining Lots, the location of and distance to off-site residential Structures, required Setbacks, required Buffer Areas, hydrologic features, and the coordinates and Height AGL of the Utility Pole, Disguised Structure, or Existing Structure, if applicable;
Specifications, dimensions, photos, or drawings of the completed installation;
Proof of owner consent as required by Section 430.580;
Certified structural analysis as required in the General Requirements of this Article;
If the Applicant is not a Wireless Services Provider, as defined by Section 67.5111, RSMo., then the Applicant must submit evidence of agreements or plans, or otherwise provide attestations to the same, which conclusively demonstrate to the Director that the proposed site(s) will become operational and used by a Wireless Services Provider within one (1) year of the permit's issuance date; and
All other information necessary to show compliance with the applicable requirements of this Article.
Fast-Track — Specific Application Requirements. In addition to the above General application requirements, applications for a Fast-Track shall include the following:
An attestation that the proposed Fast-Track meets the volumetric and other requirements to meet the definition of Fast-Track provided in this Article; and
Information demonstrating that the Applicant's proposed plans are in compliance with Section 67.5113.3(9), RSMo., to the satisfaction of the Director.
Review. The application shall be reviewed by the Director to determine compliance with the above standards, including specifically, design, location, safety, and appearance requirements and transmit the application for review and comment by other applicable departments and public agencies.
Additional Information May Be Required. In reviewing an application, the Director may require the Applicant to provide additional information, including technical studies, to the extent permitted by applicable law. An application shall not be deemed complete until satisfaction of all application requirements and submission of all requested information as provided herein.
Decisions; Denials Required In Writing. The Director shall issue a decision on the permit within the time frame permitted by applicable law. The Director may deny the application or approve the application as submitted or with such modifications or conditions as are, in his/her judgment, reasonably necessary to protect the safety or general welfare of the citizens and property values consistent with, and to affect the purposes of, this Article and subject to applicable law. The Director may consider the purposes of this Article and the factors established herein for granting a Special Use Permit as well as any other considerations consistent with the Chapter. A decision to deny an application shall be made, in writing, and state the specific reasons for the denial.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.070; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
Special Use Permit Required. All proposals to construct or modify a Wireless Communications Facilities not permitted by Section 430.600, Permitted Use, or Section 430.610, Administrative Approval, or not fully complying with the General Requirements of this Article, except for modifications under 47 U.S.C. §  1455(a) which must be approved, shall be permitted only upon the approval of a Special Use Permit authorized consistent with Section 410.080 following a duly advertised Public Hearing before the Board, subject to the following additional requirements, procedures, and limitations:
Applications. Applications for Special Use Permits shall be filed on forms prescribed for this purpose by the Director and processed subject to the requirements of and in the manner established by applicable law, herein, and for Special Use Permits in the Zoning Code and, in addition to such other requirements, shall be accompanied by a deposit of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00), to the extent permitted by applicable law to the specific Wireless Communications Facility. Any amount not used by the City shall be refunded to the Applicant upon written request after a final decision. Except as otherwise provided by law, no application for a Special Use Permit under this Section shall be deemed complete until the Applicant has paid all fees and deposits required under this Article, submitted certified engineering plans and all information required on the forms prescribed for this purpose by the Director, and provided proof of owner consent as required by Section 430.580. Applications requesting any information that is prohibited by federal or state law under the applicable circumstance shall be deemed inapplicable to the subject application.
Decision And Findings Required. A decision shall be contemporaneously accompanied by substantial evidence supporting the decision, which shall be made a part of the written record of the meeting at which a final decision on the application is rendered. Evidence shall be under oath and may be submitted with the application or thereafter or presented during the Public Hearing by the Applicant or others.
Additional Minimum Requirements. No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the Applicant has clearly demonstrated by substantial evidence that placement of Wireless Communications Facilities pursuant to Section 430.600, Permitted Use, or Section 430.610, Administrative Approval, on the proposed site is not technologically or economically feasible. The City may consider current or emerging industry standards and practices, among other information, in determining feasibility.
Findings Required. In addition to the determinations or limitations specified herein and by the applicable provisions of Section 410.080 of this Zoning Code for the consideration of Special Use Permits, no Special Use Permit shall be approved by the Board unless findings in the affirmative are made that the following conditions exist:
That the design of the Wireless Communications Facilities, including ground layout, maximally reduces visual degradation and otherwise complies with provisions and intent of this Article;
That the design is visually compatible with the area, will not distract from the view of the surrounding area, is maximally concealed or blended in with the environment, and will not adversely affect property values;
That such use shall not be inconsistent or adversely affect the other Permitted Uses in the Zoning District in which the same is located; and
That the proposal fully complies with applicable law including the General Requirements herein; provided that an exception to the General Requirements, other than building or safety code compliance, may be approved upon evidence that compliance is not feasible or is shown to be unreasonable under the specific circumstances shown.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.080; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
Notwithstanding any right that may exist for a governmental entity to operate or construct Wireless Communications Facilities, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or operate for any private commercial purpose any Wireless Communications Facilities in violation of any provision of this Article, regardless of whether such Wireless Communications Facilities are located on land owned by a governmental entity.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.090; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
Any upper portion of a Support Structure which is not occupied by active Antennas for a period of twelve (12) months and any Antennas not active or any entire Support Structure which is not so occupied by active Antennas for a period of six (6) months shall be removed at the Support Structure owner's expense. Removal of upper portions of a Support Structure manufactured as a single unit shall not be required but the inactive Antennas shall be removed.
[R.O. 2009 § 491.110; Ord. No. 3883, 12-20-2018]
An appeal to any decision hereunder may be taken pursuant to Chapter 405, Article II. Nothing herein shall be deemed to unlawfully limit any remedy that is required to be available as a matter of law.