[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Bethel 6-9-2021. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as the "Food Sovereignty Ordinance."
We the people of the Town of Bethel, Oxford County, Maine, have the right to produce, process, sell, purchase and consume local food, thus promoting self-reliance, the preservation of the family farm, and local food traditions. We recognize that family farms, sustainable agriculture practices, and food processing by individuals, families and noncorporate entities offer stability to our rural way of life by enhancing the economic, environmental and social wealth of our community. As such, our right to a local food system requires us to assert our inherent right to self-government. We recognize the authority to protect that right as belonging to the Town of Bethel.
Pursuant to the home rule authority granted to municipalities by 30-A M.R.S.A. § 3001, and by the Constitution of Maine, Article VIII, Part Second, and notwithstanding any provision of state food law to the contrary, a municipality may adopt ordinances regarding direct producer-to-consumer transactions and the state shall recognize such ordinances by not enforcing those state food laws with respect to those direct producer-to-consumer transactions that are governed by the ordinance (7 M.R.S.A. § 284).
[Amended 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
The purpose of this Food Sovereignty chapter is to:
Provide citizens with unimpeded access to local food;
Enhance the local economy by promoting the production and purchase of local agricultural products;
Protect access to roadside stands, farm-based sales, and direct producer-to-patron sales;
Support the economic viability of local food producers and processors;
Preserve local knowledge and traditional ways.
Licensure/inspection exemption. Producers and processors of local food intended for direct producer-to-consumer transactions in the Town of Bethel shall be exempt from state and Town licensure and inspection under state and municipal food laws, provided that the requirements in § 33-5 below are met.
Livestock and poultry. In accordance with 7 M.R.S.A. § 285, the exemption provided in § 33-4A of this chapter does not apply to any meat or poultry product inspection and licensing requirements that are specified under 22 M.R.S.A. Chapter 562-A, Preparation of Livestock and Poultry Products for Human Consumption, and applicable federal acts.
Compliance with food safety regulations. Producers and processors who prepare food or food products for purposes other than direct producer-to-consumer transactions shall grow, produce, process or prepare the food or food products in compliance with all applicable state and federal food safety laws, rules and regulations, without exception.
Patron liability protection. Patrons purchasing food directly from producers may enter into private agreements with those producers or processors of local foods to waive any liability for the consumption of that food. Producers or processors of local foods shall be exempt from licensure and inspection requirements for that food as long as those agreements are in effect.
Producers shall inform their patrons that their products are not from licensed facilities. This information shall be available in the form of a sign at least three inches by five inches displayed at the point of sale.
Municipal liability protection. The Town of Bethel assumes no liability for any products utilized under this chapter. Nothing within this chapter indemnifies the producer or the processors from liability for their products.
This chapter shall be effective immediately upon its enactment.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A face-to-face transaction involving food or food products at the site of production of those food or food products.
Food or food products that are grown, produced, processed or prepared for human consumption, including, but not limited to, vegetables, fruit, milk or milk products, meat or meat products, poultry or poultry products, fish or fish products, seafood or seafood products, cider or juice, acidified foods or canned fruits or vegetables.
[Amended 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Any food or food product that is grown, produced, or processed in Maine by individuals who sell directly to their patrons at the site of production of those food or food products.
An informed individual who acquires local food directly from a processor or producer and who does not resell the product.
Any individual who processes or prepares products of the soil or animals for food or drink.
Any farmer or gardener who grows any plant or animal for food or drink.