[Adopted 4-12-1948 by Ord. No. 538 (Ch. XVI, Part 1, of the 1972 Code of Ordinances)]
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 573; 11-10-1952 by Ord. No. 580; 2-14-1955 by Ord. No. 590; 11-12-1956 by Ord. No. 602; 11-9-1959 by Ord. No. 618; 12-12-1960 by Ord. No. 627; 2-12-1962 by Ord. No. 638; 12-14-1964 by Ord. No. 651; 1-10-1966 by Ord. No. 658; 8-8-1966 by Ord. No. 663; 10-7-1968 by Ord. No. 677; 7-10-1972 by Ord. No. 702; 8-10-1981 by Ord. No. 765]
Parking shall be prohibited at all times, unless otherwise indicated herein, in the following locations:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Name of Street
Side Allowed
Arch Street
Between Wood Street and Lafayette Street
Arch Street
From Wood Street to Lincoln Street
Broad Street
From Liberty Street west to the Borough line
Broad Street
Between Vine Street and Liberty Street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Broad Street
From Keck Avenue eastward to the Borough line
Garfield Street
From Liberty Street to Lafayette Street
Lafayette Street
From Penn Street south to Jockey Alley
Lafayette Street
From Washington Street to the Borough Cemetery
Liberty Street
From Penn Street south to Water Street;
Liberty Street
From Penn Street north to Washington Street
Liberty Street
From Washington Street north to Garfield Street
On all alleys in the Borough
Penn Street
From Wood Street westward to the Borough line
Penn Street
From Wood Street eastward to the Borough line
Vine Street
Between Broad Street and Hunter Street
Washington Street
From Vine Street to Liberty Street
Washington Street
From Liberty Street to McKinley Street
Wood Street
From Water Street north to the Borough line, except on the east side between Water Street and Broad Street where spaces are marked and reserved for handicapped parking adjacent to Broadwood Towers
In the area between Hunter Street and the Borough Building;[2]
Editor's Note: This area is for Street Department parking adjacent to the Borough Building.
Along such other sections of streets where official signs have been erected designating said sections of streets as "No Parking" or "Handicapped Parking" areas.
Editor's Note: Former § 1 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, Traffic Violations Prohibited; former § 2, Definitions; and former § 3, Reports of accidents required, which immediately preceded this section, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 573]
The Police Department or Fire Police, acting under orders of the Mayor, may, in case of emergency resulting from fire, flood or other calamity, in case of parades, exhibitions, demonstrations, celebrations and similar circumstances, and in case of repairs, reconstruction, the painting of signs or lines or other work upon the streets, for special temporary purposes, restrict or prohibit all traffic and parking on particular highways or parts thereof, where otherwise it would be permitted; or may permit traffic and parking on particular highways or parts thereof where otherwise it would be prohibited. Such temporary special regulations shall, while in effect, be as effective as if they had specifically been included as a part of this article.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 6 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, Parking without lights, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 573]
Vehicles being loaded or unloaded shall, insofar as possible, do so from a location and position wherein vehicles are permitted to park. Where conditions do not permit any vehicle to be loaded or unloaded from a parking space at the curb within a reasonable distance from the place to which it is unloaded or from which it is loaded, such vehicle may be loaded or unloaded from a position on the roadway side of vehicles parked at the curb, provided that such vehicle shall be loaded or unloaded as quickly as possible, without unnecessary delay, and shall not remain in such position outside the spaces normally used for parking for a longer time than 10 minutes.
Any violation of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in § 475-22.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 573]
Any person who shall deface, damage, knock down or remove any traffic sign, signal or marking of the Borough shall, in addition to the penalty prescribed by law, be liable to reimburse the Borough for the damages and expenses so incurred.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 9 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, U-Turns, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Repairing or washing vehicles on the streets or highways of the Borough is prohibited except for the changing of a tire or the making of minor adjustments necessary to move vehicle.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 11 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, regarding violations and penalties, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). See now Article IV, Violations.
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 569]
Name of Street
Broad Street
From the bridge over Red Bank Creek eastward to the Borough line
Penn Street
From Wood Street westward to the Borough line
Wood Street
From Board Street northward to the Borough line
[Added 9-13-1971 by Ord. No. 695; 4-10-1972 by Ord. No. 700; 9-12-1988 by Ord. No. 800; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
One-way streets are established as follows:[1]
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Anderson Street
From Broad Street to a point 60 feet south of Broad Street at Jockey Street
Anderson Street
From Broad Street to Hunter Street
Editor's Note: Former § 15 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, Certain streets for use by passenger vehicles and pickup trucks only; exceptions, as amended, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added 7-8-1968 by Ord. No. 676]
No person shall operate any motor vehicle or horse-drawn vehicle upon any sidewalk in the Borough of New Bethlehem, except that nothing herein contained shall prohibit any person from operating any such vehicle across any sidewalk, with due regard and care for the safety of pedestrians and other persons lawfully using such sidewalk, and making use of a driveway or alleyway or a portion of such sidewalk where the curb shall have been cut down for the purpose, in order to gain entrance to or egress from any property adjacent to such sidewalk or to such alleyway or driveway.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 18 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, Penalty for Unlawful use of Sidewalks by Vehicles, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). See now Article IV, Violations.
[Added 10-13-1975 by Ord. No. 720]
Three- and four-way stop intersections. The following intersections located in the Borough of New Bethlehem are hereby declared to be three- or four-way stop intersections and official stop signs shall be erected (or are hereby confirmed if heretofore erected), in such a position as to face traffic approaching the second-named street in the direction or directions hereby indicated. All vehicles approaching the intersection upon the first-named street in the direction or directions hereby indicated in each case shall come to a full stop, within a reasonable distance, before entering said intersection:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Keck Avenue
Southbound and northbound
Penn Street
Lafayette Street
Washington Street
Locust Street
Penn Street
Southbound and northbound
Penn Street
Eastbound and westbound
Vine Street
Penn Street
Keck Avenue
Penn Street
Eastbound and westbound
Locust Street
Vine Street
Southbound and northbound
Penn Street
Vine Street
Southbound and northbound
Washington Street
Washington Street
Eastbound and westbound
Lafayette Street
Washington Street
Vine Street
Current two-way stop intersections unaffected. The designation of the foregoing three- and four-way stop intersections does not in any way affect stop signs which are now erected at two-way stop intersections.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 21 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, Penalty for stop Intersection Violations; and former § 22 of the 1972 Code of Ordinances, Motor vehicle traffic prohibited on portion of Anderson Way, as added by Ord. No. 798, which immediately followed this subsection, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).