The following terms as used in this article are defined as specified
Certain material and substantial benefits accruing to the
community in Henrietta, all as more specifically enumerated herein.
Such shall only qualify as amenities if they are in addition what
is otherwise necessary for the subject proposed project, including
what would otherwise be required pursuant to other provisions local
law, state law, federal law or other applicable law or regulations.
Net acreage of lands available for development which remains
after subtracting constrained acreage (and thus not necessarily the
total area of a property itself), used to determine unit count or
A development design technique allowed under NYS Town Law
§ 278 that concentrates buildings and structures on a limited
area of a parcel to allow the remaining parcel area to be permanently
left as open space. By law, this is density neutral (the density of
housing allowed shall equal the density allowed on the buildable acreage
for a conventional subdivision according to the area requirements
of the zoning district in which the parcel is located), but permits
development that is not in alignment with other bulk and area requirements,
such as reduced lots sizes. Cluster subdivisions are not eligible
for density Incentives/bonuses under this article.
For purposes of this article, a land use, not otherwise allowed,
that accompanies or supplements a nearby land use development, and
is otherwise consistent therewith as assessed by and in the sole discretion
of the Town Board in accordance with this article, such as a convenience
store in combination with a housing development or multifamily complex.
A permanent restriction on the use of land, created in accordance
with law, for the purposes of conservation of open space, agricultural
land, and/or other natural, cultural, historic, and scenic resources.
In the Town of Henrietta, conservation easements may be classified
as including, but not limited to:
"Natural" conservation easement for environmentally sensitive
lands. This includes areas set aside as undisturbed natural open space
areas such as greenway corridors and wildlife habitats that may consist
of wetlands, floodways, floodplains and steep slopes greater than
15%. These areas are to remain permanently undeveloped with no structures,
and no trees shall be removed except for forestry or public health
and safety reasons per grantee/Town/owner permission. Minimally invasive
nature trails may be allowed.
"Maintained" conservation easement for undeveloped open space.
This includes public or private areas set aside as open space areas,
such as greenway corridors, and lawn and gardens areas, so periodic
maintenance may occur, such as keeping open fields free from successional
vegetative growth. These areas are permanently undeveloped with no
permanent structures, and, after establishment of the easement, no
trees shall be removed except for forestry or public health and safety
reasons per grantee/Town/owner permission. Minor, nonpermanent structures
such as gazebos may be permitted.
"Parkland" conservation easement. This includes publicly-owned
areas with some nonpermanent types of structures that may be allowed
for public access and enjoyment as parkland for passive recreation
and nature education such as gazebos, displays, boardwalks, trails,
parking, and signage. Parkland may also be given in dedication or
secured otherwise.
"Agricultural" conservation easement. This includes lands set
aside for farm uses and allowed agricultural structures.
"Historic" conservation easement. This includes lands and/or
structures set aside for purposes of cultural and/or historic preservation.
Lands to be conserved or preserved, comprised of an area
or portion of a cluster or conservation subdivision, that is set aside
from development through a conservation easement or other means approved
by the Town Board because it contains preserved open space and/or
valuable resources.
A pattern of subdivision development that places housing
units on those buildable portions of a property most suitable for
development, while leaving substantial buildable portions as undeveloped
open space. Conservation subdivisions may exceed density limitations
by way of incentive zoning.
As used in cluster and conservation subdivisions, land this
is unbuildable, consisting of: slopes greater than 15% which persist
across at least 2,000 square feet of land; NY State and federally
designated wetlands; federal, state and locally designated historic
buildings, structures, and sites; and FEMA mapped 100-year floodplains.
Any subdivision, not including a clustered or conservation
subdivision, that satisfies the bulk, dimensional and area requirements
of the Zoning Law, including, for example, minimum lot sizes and setbacks.
Defined areas of the Town, such as a specific zoning district(s),
portions or combinations thereof, in which incentive zoning is permitted.
Incentive zones in the Town of Henrietta are limited to: Rural Residential
Incentive Zone; Commercial Revitalization Incentive Zone; Neighborhood
Upgrade Incentive Zone; and Historic Properties Incentive Zone.
The system by which specific Incentives or Bonuses are granted
via an incentive zoning permit, pursuant to this article, on condition
that specific physical, social, or cultural amenities would take effect
and become beneficial or advantageous to the community in exchange,
all as allowed under NYS Town Law § 261-b.
Adjustments to the permissible density, area, height, open
space, use, or other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance or local laws
as authorized by the Town Board pursuant to these incentive zoning
An area of undeveloped or minimally developed land that is
valued for material natural, environmentally sensitive and/or historic/cultural
resources and/or wildlife habitat, for material agricultural and forest
production, for material active and passive recreation, and/or for
providing other material public benefits that accrue by leaving the
land materially undeveloped. Open space may include parkland, play
areas, walkways, trails, informational and interpretive centers or
similar facilities for active or passive use, and may be private,
public, or a combination thereof, however, generally, open space is
not occupied by significant: structures, paved parking areas, paved
roadways, or similar improvements.
Open space that has been preserved by some legally enforceable
means such as through a conservation easement, or designation as parkland,
or other means approved by the Town Board. Public access to preserved
open space is not required to be considered a public benefit, such
as historic farmsteads that are privately owned or scenic resources.
An area of land(s) comprised of material historic, cultural
and/or agricultural resources, including, for example, active farms
and structures, historic structures, scenic resources, etc.
The following incentive zones are hereby established in the
A. Rural Residential Incentive Zone. The Rural Residential Incentive
Zone is coterminous with the Rural Residential Zoning District as
designated on the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Henrietta.
B. Commercial Revitalization Incentive Zone. The Commercial Revitalization
Incentive Zone is coterminous with all Commercial B-1 or B-2 zoning
districts as designated on the Official Zoning Map of the Town of
C. Neighborhood Upgrade Incentive Zone. The Neighborhood Upgrade Incentive
Zone is Town-wide and thus applies to all zoning districts.
D. Historic Properties Incentive Zone. The Historic Properties Incentive
Zone is Town-wide and thus applies to all zoning districts.
The following incentives, or any combination of these (unless
otherwise prohibited herein), may be granted at the sole discretion
of the Town Board via the issuance of an incentive zoning permit for
a specific site within relevant qualifying incentive zones, in exchange
for sufficient qualifying amenities, all in accordance with this Incentive
Zoning Article.
A. Rural Residential Incentives Zone incentives. The following incentives
shall be available on lands in the Rural Residential Incentive Zone
in exchange for Rural Residential Zone amenities:
Increased incentive for single-family dwellings density via a conservation subdivision (i.e., the "open space amenity," formerly known as the "open space incentive"). This incentive shall be comprised of increased density for single-family dwelling lots/units, but only in exchange for the amenity resulting in the preservation of open space or valuable resources through a conservation subdivision (and never in conjunction with a cluster subdivision), pursuant to provisions set forth at §
295-34.16 of this article.
May only be achieved through the conservation subdivision development
technique as permitted under this article.
Increased multiple-family dwelling density incentive. A density
bonus for an increase of multifamily housing units, but permitted
only in exchange amenity comprising the development of housing for
seniors of low or moderate income.
Complementary uses incentive. Complementary low-impact rural
neighborhood uses not normally allowed in the Rural Residential Zone,
only so long as the proposal does not create a potentially significant
adverse impact to the physical or aesthetic character of the neighborhood
or otherwise. Complementary uses which may be permitted as an incentive
include the following, the hours of operation of which may be limited
by the Town Board:
Small grocery or convenience store (no fuel sales and maximum
5,000 square feet);
Small- to medium-size family/casual-style restaurant (no drive-through
and maximum 6,000 square feet);
Small- to medium-size agricultural supply/hardware store (maximum
12,000 square feet);
Local farm product sales stand;
Other uses that the Town Board may find appropriate given the
intent and purpose of this article, in its sole discretion.
B. Commercial Revitalization Incentive Zone incentives. The following
incentive shall be available on lands in the Commercial Revitalization
Incentive Zone in exchange for Commercial Revitalization Zone amenities:
Waiver, reduction, adjustment or otherwise relief of area, dimensional
and/or design requirements [including, but not limited to, and for
purposes of example only, setbacks, height, density, parking (as supported
by a parking study), and quantity of signs], as follows:
For a conventional (non-mixed-use) commercial project, provided
it is consistent and in harmony with neighborhood visual character
and scale, permitted uses, architectural design and building style;
For a mixed-use project in a Mixed-Use Redevelopment Overlay District (subject to Chapter
295 Article
IXA), provided it is consistent with the purpose and intent of the overlay district as well as neighborhood character and scale, permitted uses, architectural design and building style.
(2) Complementary uses incentive. Complementary uses not normally allowed
in a Commercial B-1 or B-2 zoning district or in a Mixed-Use Redevelopment
Area or Mixed-Use Redevelopment Corridor overlay district as identified
as “S+”, indicating they are “Allowed with Distinct
Special Use Permit as Incentive for Revitalization,” on Appendix
A under Town Code § 295-43.3, whether being developed as
part of an overlay district or developed as part of the underlying
commercial district.
[Added 8-21-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
C. Neighborhood Upgrade Incentive Zone incentives. The following Incentives
shall be available on lands in the Neighborhood Upgrade Incentive
Zone in exchange for Commercial Revitalization Zone amenities:
Waiver, reduction, adjustment or otherwise relief of area, dimensional
and/or design requirements [including, but not limited to, and for
purposes of example only, setbacks, height, density, parking (as supported
by a parking study), and quantity of signs], as follows:
For a conventional (non-mixed-use) commercial project, provided
it is consistent and in harmony with neighborhood visual character
and scale, permitted uses, architectural design and building style;
For a mixed-use project in a Mixed-Use Redevelopment Overlay District (subject to Chapter
295 Article
IXA), provided it is consistent with the purpose and intent of the overlay district as well as neighborhood character and scale, permitted uses, architectural design and building style.
D. Historic Properties Incentive Zone incentives. The following incentives
shall be available on lands in the Historic Properties Incentive Zone
in exchange for Historic Properties Incentive Zone amenities:
Waiver, reduction, adjustment or otherwise relief of area, dimensional and/or design requirements (including, but not limited to, and for purposes of example only, setbacks, height, density, parking), as well as other related requirements such as driveway pavement requirements, meeting the requirements at §
295-39, Historic sites, etc., for historic properties.
(2) Complementary uses incentive. Complementary, low-impact neighborhood
uses not normally allowed in the subject zoning district, only so
long as the proposed use does not create a potentially significant
adverse impact to the physical or aesthetic character of the neighborhood
or otherwise. Such complementary use(s) must primarily involve the
use/adaptive reuse of the subject historic structure in order to qualify.
Complementary uses which may be permitted as an incentive include
the following, the hours of operation of which may be limited by the
Town Board:
[Added 12-14-2022 by L.L. No. 23-2022]
(b) Multifamily dwellings, with a density no greater than six units per
(c) Small grocery or convenience store (no fuel sales and maximum 5,000
square feet);
(d) Small retail store (maximum 6,000 square feet);
(e) Other uses that the Town Board may find appropriate given the intent
and purpose of this article, in its sole discretion.
The following amenities may be offered to the Town in exchange
for a requested incentive/bonus by a project developer either on-
or off-site of the subject property, or in some combination of on-
and off-site locations as agreed upon by the owner/applicant and Town
Board, all as more specifically set forth herein. Amenities may be
provided in the same incentive zone as the incentive, and, unless
otherwise limited, in other incentive zones, or in areas outside of
incentive zones (such as but not limited to areas along the Genesee
River waterfront, along the Erie Canal, or within an existing park
or other public property).
A. Rural Residential Incentive Zone amenities. The following amenities
shall be available in exchange for Rural Residential Incentive Zone
Permanent preservation of open space and/or valuable resources
(including agricultural lands) via a conservation subdivision (i.e.,
the "open space amenity").
A conservation subdivision shall be designed to permanently
protect either large contiguous areas of otherwise buildable open
space and/or valuable resources on a site by utilizing smaller building
lots than would otherwise be allowed on the remaining buildable acreage
of the lands.
Methods for determining site design and lands to be preserved
shall be consistent with the Rural Development Design Guidelines.
This conservation subdivision amenity must include sufficient
open space and/or valuable resources to justify the corresponding
benefit, as determined in the sole discretion of the Town Board.
[Amended 9-28-2022 by L.L. No. 16-2022]
Lands protected hereunder shall be protected via permanent conservation
Permanent preservation of environmentally sensitive resources
through a conservation easement that are not or will not otherwise
be required to be protected/mitigated via existing laws, such as the
State Environmental Quality Review Act.
Maintenance, enhancement, and/or protection of valuable resources
that are not or will not otherwise be required to be protected/mitigated
via existing laws, such as via the State Environmental Quality Review
Development of housing for seniors of low or moderate income.
Seniors are typically those persons aged 62 and older, or the
age otherwise required to qualify for HUD subsidies for senior persons.
Creation, maintenance, and/or enhancement of public parkland,
trails, and/or recreational facilities.
(6) Any of the Historic Properties Incentive Zone amenities listed at §
[Added 9-28-2022 by L.L. No. 16-2022]
B. Commercial Revitalization Incentive Zone amenities. The following
amenities shall be available in exchange for Commercial Revitalization
Incentive Zone incentives:
Reuse and/or revitalization of long vacant, dormant, and/or
dilapidated buildings and/or plazas. The determination of whether
a building qualifies under this amenity is within the sole discretion
of the Town Board.
[Amended 8-21-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
Maintenance, enhancement, and/or protection of valuable resources
that are not or will not otherwise be required to be protected/mitigated
via existing laws, such as the State Environmental Quality Review
Development of affordable housing for seniors or affordable
housing for persons of low or moderate income.
[Amended 8-21-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
Seniors are typically those persons aged 62 and older, or the
age otherwise required to qualify for HUD subsidies for senior persons.
Allowed only where such housing is permitted (and approved)
pursuant to the Henrietta Town Code.
Water, sewer, high speed internet, other public utility improvements,
including "dragalong infrastructure," but only including those improvements
that are not otherwise necessitated by the subject development, only
where made available to lands not otherwise a part of the proposed
development, and only where deemed by the Town Board as beneficial
and appropriate to the character of the area.
Public roadway infrastructure, pedestrian safety improvements
for pedestrians and/or bicyclists, including sidewalks, and streetscaping
(e.g., street trees, pedestrian amenities, signage), but only where
not otherwise strictly necessitated by the subject development.
(6) Any of the Historic Properties Incentive Zone amenities listed at §
[Added 9-28-2022 by L.L. No. 16-2022]
C. Neighborhood Upgrade Incentive Zone amenities. The following amenities
shall be available in exchange for Neighborhood Upgrade Incentive
Zone incentives:
Water, sewer, high speed internet, other public utility improvements,
including "drag-along infrastructure," but only including those improvements
that are not otherwise necessitated by the subject development, only
where made available to lands not otherwise a part of the proposed
development, and only where deemed by the Town Board as beneficial
and appropriate to the character of the area.
Public roadway infrastructure, pedestrian safety improvements
for pedestrians and/or bicyclists, including sidewalks, and streetscaping
(e.g., street trees, pedestrian amenities, signage), but only where
not otherwise strictly necessitated by the subject development.
Creation of public parks, pocket parks (i.e., use of small vacant
parcels), or community meeting areas.
Green infrastructure and other stormwater management improvements
which exceed the requirements of the proposed development itself,
for example, permeable parking lots or stormwater management facilities
that alleviate stormwater issues for offsite lands not a part of the
Substantial landscaping and buffer areas to improve neighborhood
aesthetics such as visual screening, tree planting, berms, attractive
fencing, and sound barriers separating commercial/industrial uses
from residential uses which materially exceed, quantitatively or qualitatively,
the minimum buffers otherwise required by Code.
(6) Any of the Historic Properties Incentive Zone amenities listed at §
[Added 9-28-2022 by L.L. No. 16-2022]
D. Historic Properties Incentive Zone amenities. The following amenities
shall be available in exchange for Historic Properties Incentive Zone
Preservation, stabilization, rehabilitation and improvements
of historic buildings, structures, and sites, including through adaptive
reuse or other means, including archeologically sensitive locations,
which may be a part of the proposed project itself.
Nomination and designation of cultural resources to local, state,
and national registers of historic places, which may be a part of
the proposed project itself.
Historic displays or signage, which may be a part of the proposed
project itself.
Donation of historic resources, including structures, buildings
and/or lands.
If the Town Board finds that no suitable community benefit or
amenity suitable can reasonably be provided, the Town Board may accept
instead a cash payment in-lieu-of the provision of the benefit or
amenity consistent with New York State Town Law. These funds shall
be placed in a trust fund to be used by the Town Board exclusively
for amenities specified prior to the acceptance of the funds. Cash
payments shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Cash payments in-lieu-of amenities are not to be used to pay for general
and ordinary Town expenses, or for any other purposes unrelated to
the amenities so specified.
These additional requirements will apply to incentive zoning
applications which seek to develop a conservation subdivision.
A. Applications.
In addition to those requirements for incentive zoning applications
generally, where a conservation subdivision is sought the following
shall be provided: a concept map at a scale of one inch equals 100
feet, depicting the subject property, proposed uses, buildings, utilities,
incentives, benefits and all other relevant aspects of the proposal
shall also be submitted.
All applications for a conservation subdivision shall also adhere
to the submission requirements set forth within the Town of Henrietta
Subdivision Regulations.
Procedure for review of a conservation subdivision applications under this article shall follow the procedures set forth under §
295-60, Cluster subdivision (NYS Town Law § 278) and this article as modified herein, except where there is any conflict with this article, this article shall control.
A pre-application meeting with Town staff is required.
In order to save the applicant and the Town time and expense,
prior to submission of an application for a conservation subdivision,
the applicant shall present a general description of the project to
the Town Supervisor and the Director of Engineering and Planning at
a pre-application meeting. The applicant shall provide an existing
conditions analysis and concept plan and provide a description of
how the project meets the purpose of this article, the Rural Development
Design Guidelines, including a narrative sufficient for understanding
the proposal. The Director of Engineering and Planning will direct
the applicant to proceed to a meeting with the Planning Board or may
recommend revisions to the concept plan prior to meeting with the
Planning Board.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and clarify the purpose
and goals of the conservation subdivision approach, review the approval
process and expected timetables, ensure that the project sponsor has
access to the Town's Rural Development Design Guidelines, and review
the general project description.
Following completion of concept plan review of a subdivision
application being considered for an open space incentive, the applicant
shall proceed with the submission of a preliminary subdivision plan,
incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Board. Final lot
count and layout shall be determined after the fulfillment of all
the requirements for a subdivision approval.
The applicant shall submit the following information in addition
to all requirements for submission of a concept plan per the Town
of Henrietta's Subdivision Regulations.
Conceptual site analysis and proposed development concept plans:
These shall be developed per the four-step process outlined in the
Rural Development Design Guidelines. Two drawings shall be prepared:
a summary plan identifying existing natural and cultural resources,
along with a concept plan showing proposed streets, lots, and conservation
Determination of unit (lot) count: The applicant shall include
a table demonstrating the total unit count according to either the
following Table 1: With central water and central sewer or Table 2:
whether prime farmland is present on the property, or without central
water, or without sewer, on which the proposed conservation subdivision
is located and the amount of open space protected. Note: All numerical
fractions shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Procedures for determining a residential density bonus, unit
count and additional incentives must be based on buildable acreage.
Determination of allowed development density. The maximum permitted
development density shall be based on a calculation of total site
area remaining after the subtraction of constrained lands based upon
the below tables:
Table 1 Unit Count Calculation in the Rural Residential District
With Public Water and Public Sewer and Not Prime Farmland
Percentage of Preserved Open Space
Allowed Dwelling Units per Buildable Acre
Minimum Lot Area in Acres
Less than 50% - No Incentive
2.00 acres
50+ %
0.50 acres
65+ %
0.25 acres
Table 2 Unit Count Calculation in the Rural Residential District
In Prime Farmland or Without Public Water or Without Public
Percentage of Preserved Open Space
Allowed Dwelling Units per Buildable Acre
Minimum Lot Area in Acres
Less than 50% - No Incentive
5.00 acres
50+ %
1.00 acres
65+ %
0.50 acres
Example Unit Count Calculations:
[1] Unit count example: Using Table 1 with 50% open
space provided. Using the open space amenity option, the allowed number
of units is increased based on the amount of open space protected.
For example:
[b] Unbuildable acres: 20 acres of wetlands.
[c] Buildable acres: 80 acres.
[d] Percent of open space protected: 50% (50 acres).
[e] Allowed units: 48 lots (80*0.60).
[2] Unit count example: Using Table 2 with 65% open
space provided. Using the open space incentive option, the allowed
number of units is increased based on the amount of open space protected.
For example:
[b] Unbuildable acres: 20 acres of wetlands.
[c] Buildable acres: 80 acres.
[d] Percent of open space protected: 65% (65 acres).
[e] Allowed units: 28 lots (80*0.35).
The above unit count calculation tables shall apply regardless
of the district/location of the preserved open space or valuable resources.
B. Eligibility and criteria for approval in addition to incentive zoning
requirements generally. Parcels may be eligible for the open space
amenity, provided that the following criteria have been addressed
to the Town Board's satisfaction:
Selection of open space area. As outlined in the Rural Development
Design Guidelines, the identification and designated conservation
of natural, cultural and scenic resources shall be the starting point
for the design of subdivisions utilizing the open space amenity. Protection
of agricultural lands/soils and significant landscape features as
outlined in the Rural Development Design Guidelines shall be considered
first and foremost for conservation parcel designation. Additional
lands or site features that contribute to the site's unique character
may also be included in the conservation area.
Land designated for conservation shall be subject to the approval
of the Town Board in its sole and complete discretion as to whether
and to what extent the land is appropriate for conservation.
The applicant, Town staff and the Planning Board shall use the
Rural Development Design Guidelines to identify appropriate open space
or conservation lands. The Town Board shall make its decision based
upon consideration of the Rural Development Design Guidelines and
the Town's desire to:
Protect existing farms and agricultural lands suitable for agriculture.
Protect land for recreational uses, including trails.
Protect valuable resources and environmentally sensitive lands.
Protect lands unsuitable for development.
Provide connections of larger tracts of land that have the potential
to create networks of open space.
Protect and enhance the rural character of the area.
C. Designated conservation lands.
Lands designated for conservation under a conservation subdivision
shall be held in private ownership unless such lands are found to
be of significant Town-wide benefit. For conservation lands that will
be primarily associated with an individual lot, the conservation land
ownership should be tied to that lot. For conservation lands which
will primarily benefit the owners of lots in a development, those
lands should be held by a homeowners' association or similar entity.
Conservation lands and easements may also be held by a land trust
or similar entity as otherwise identified in this article. The applicant
shall provide documentation for review and approval by the Town Board
of the proposed ownership and management entity of the conservation
lands. Conservation lands held in private ownership shall be described
in a conservation easement and recorded by the Town on the official
Zoning Map of the Town and recorded by the County Clerk.
Town Board shall approve ownership of conservation lands. The
Planning Board shall refer the preliminary subdivision plat to the
Town Board for a determination on the acceptability of the proposed
conservation lands in terms of proposed ownership. The Town Board
may consider but shall not be obligated to accept ownership of any
proposed conservation lands, either in fee simple or by conservation
D. Additional unit count bonuses.
Applicants under this section who provide the community with
certain amenities as a result or part of new conservation subdivisions
may receive an additional density bonus beyond what is allowed in
the applicable zoning district and through the above open space incentives,
all as set forth below. If additional bonuses are sought, the applicant
shall include a table calculating desired bonuses according to the
following calculations:
Public access to conservation areas. Where the public is granted
access to conservation areas or there is a linking of open space or
trail corridors through the site with existing/proposed trails or
open space networks, the development may be awarded a unit count bonus
of up to an additional 10% of the units permitted according to the
applicable table above. To qualify for the full 10%, the general public
must have regular opportunity for access to and use of at least 33%
of the conservation lands for active/pedestrian purposes.
Protection of historically significant resources from development.
Where a development protects historically significant buildings and
their setting (e.g., a historic farmhouse and barn complex and surrounding
open space), the development may be awarded a unit count bonus of
up to an additional 10% of the units permitted according to the applicable
table above. Historical significance, which will be established pursuant
to the findings of the Town Historian, will inform the extent of the
Protection of significant agricultural resources from development.
Where a development protects and preserves agricultural uses/farms,
the development may be awarded a unit count bonus of up to an additional
10% of the units permitted according to the applicable table above.
To qualify for the full 10%, a minimum of 25 acres of farmland shall
be protected.
The Town Board reserves the right to award a unit count bonus
of up to an additional 5% of the units permitted according to the
applicable table above based on the provision of additional amenities
provided by the project applicant that meet the purpose and legislative
intent of this article and the Rural Development Design Guidelines.
In no situation may the additional bonus hereunder increase
the number of units allowed greater than an additional 20% of the
units permitted according to the applicable table above.
For example, if an applicant was entitled to 50 lots with central
water and sewer available, after calculation of open space incentives
pursuant to the above table, the maximum number of lots that could
be allowed including additional incentives would be 60, due to an
additional 10 lots, which 20% of 50. All numerical fractions shall
be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
E. Limited allowance for adjustments to lot sizes for conservation subdivisions.
Lot sizes of lots in a conservation subdivision may be permitted to
be smaller than the minimum lot area in the tables set forth above
where lands that would otherwise comprise the yards of such lots are
instead designated as common lands for the benefit of the subdivision,
such as homeowners association lands. In this case, the following
procedure shall be follows:
The applicant shall submit a compliant map depicting the conservation
subdivision designed in a manner complies with the lot areas in the
tables set forth above, thus demonstrating that the conservation subdivision
proposed meets the lot minimums provided in the tables above, but
for the set aside as common lands of lands that would otherwise comprise
the yards of said lots. When determining incentives/amenities and
making calculations for such purposes, such calculations shall be
made based upon this compliant map.
The applicant shall also submit a modified map of the conservation
subdivision showing the actual proposed project, with the smaller
lots sizes and the lands that would otherwise comprise yards of the
lots set aside and aggregated as common/HOA lands. These additional
lands set aside as aggregated common/HOA lands shall not count towards
satisfying open space requirements or otherwise as counting toward
When ceding a portion of the yard, it is essential that the
new property lines are not drawn in such a manner as to create an
improper setback unless granted a specific area variance by the Zoning
Board of Appeals for that particular parcel and approved as part of
the Town Board's approval for the open space amenity.
F. Conditions to ensure protection of lands. To ensure the enforcement
of the provisions of this article, the Town Board as a condition to
granting subdivision approval may require the applicant, developer
or other owner of such subdivided property to make, execute, deliver
or file such instrument or instruments as the Planning Board or Town
Board shall determine to be reasonably necessary to protect and preserve
and to limit or restrict the use of such open space in accordance
with the spirit and Intent of this article.