[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Walhalla as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-17]
Regular meetings of Council shall be held on the third Tuesday in each month unless changed by a majority vote of members present at any regular or special meeting.
Special meetings of Council may be held on the call of the Mayor or of a majority of the Council members. Notice of a special meeting shall be given to all available members and the news media by City Clerk or City Administrator.
All regular and special meetings of Council shall be open to the public.
A majority of the Councilpersons serving shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any meeting. The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempore shall preside; except that in the absence of both, the members present shall elect a presiding member.
All actions of Council shall be by majority vote of members present at a public meeting.
Every member of Council present shall vote on every question except when required to refrain from voting by state law.
The vote on any question may be by voice vote. The Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore or any member of Council may request a roll call vote, which shall be recorded in the Council minutes.
The City Clerk or City Administrator shall keep the minutes of all public meetings of Council, which shall be a matter of permanent public record. A truthful and trustworthy account of the meeting transactions is essential to the completeness of the official record. At each Council meeting the minutes of the previous meeting shall be presented for approval. Minutes shall not be considered the official record of a meeting until approved by Council. Any member of Council desiring to express a position on a matter voted upon by Council in the minutes may do so by presenting the position in writing to Council no later than the next regular meeting.
Any citizen of the City shall be entitled to an appearance before Council. To be placed on the agenda, the citizen must contact the City Clerk or City Administrator prior to 12:00 noon preceding either a committee, regular or special Council meeting.
All persons addressing the Council will be limited to five minutes for their request. The time limitation may be waived, provided 2/3 of the Mayor and Council shall agree by vote of Council.
The primary objective of preparing an agenda, besides legal reasons, is to provide a guide to all interested parties of the business proposed to be acted on at a given time, date and place. Matters to be considered by Council at a regular meeting shall be placed on the public written agenda prepared by the chief administrative officer and posted by 12:00 noon on Thursday preceding the meeting. An agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting must be posted on a bulletin board in a publicly accessible place at the office or meeting place of the public body and on the municipal website at least 24 hours prior to such meeting. At the request of a member of Council, the agenda may be amended by a two-thirds vote of Council prior to approval of the minutes.
The City Attorney shall attend meetings of Council upon request of Council. Upon Council approval the City Attorney shall act as parliamentarian, propose ordinances and resolutions. The City Attorney shall if called upon by Council review all ordinances, resolutions, documents presented to Council and give opinions upon questions of procedure, form and law to any member of Council.
The City Administrator, City Clerk or designee shall attend meetings of Council.
City Council may have conference meetings as permitted by the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act and the City Code at such times and in such places as may be deemed necessary and in the public interest by the Mayor or any member of Council.
No formal vote shall be taken upon any matter under discussion at any such conference, but informal polling of Council may be made if desired by any member of Council.
The City Clerk or Administrator must give notice to the news media that a conference meeting will be held pursuant to law, stating the specific matters to be discussed.
No vote of Council shall be necessary to call a conference meeting.
Council may appoint a special committee to assist in or hold a public hearing for Council at any time upon any matter pending before it. Minutes or reports of hearings held by special committees shall be filed with the City Administration as public records:
Council shall act by ordinances in accordance with S.C. Code Ann. § 5-7-260. Acts of Council which are required to be done by ordinance:
Adopt or amend an administrative code or establish, alter or abolish any municipal department, office or agency;
Provide for a fine or other penalty or establish a rule or regulation in which a fine or other penalty is imposed for violation;
Adopt budgets, levy taxes, except as otherwise provided with respect to the property tax levied by adoption of a budget, pursuant to public notice;
Grant, renew or extend franchises;
Authorize the borrowing of money;
Sell or lease or contract to sell or lease any lands of the municipality; and
Amend or repeal any ordinance described in Subsections A through F above.
In accordance with the S.C. Code. Ann. § 5-7-270, every proposed ordinance shall be introduced in writing and in the form required for final adoption. No ordinance shall have the force of law until it shall been read two times on two separate days with at least six days between each reading.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Every proposed ordinance shall be introduced in writing and in the form required for final adoption, which shall include:
A title briefly describing the content;
Findings, reasons or basis for the ordinance, if desired and appropriate;
An enacting clause;
Citation of any ordinance repealed;
The provisions of the ordinance, including section numbers if the ordinance is to be codified or amends an existing codified ordinance;
The effective date of the ordinance;
The name of the person requesting introduction of the ordinance;
Space for the signatures of the Mayor or presiding member of Council and the City Clerk or City Administrator attesting notice, if required, and adoption.
Written resolutions shall be in such similar form as deemed appropriate.
An ordinance may be proposed by any member of Council. A proposed ordinance may be referred to the City Attorney at the request of Council for approval as to form. The City Attorney, if requested by Council, shall render assistance in the preparation of notices and ordinances. An ordinance shall be deemed introduced when it appears on an agenda for a public meeting of Council and its title is read.
An ordinance to levy a tax, adopt a budget, appropriate funds, grant a franchise, license or right to use or occupy a public street or public property for commercial purposes shall be complete in the form in which it is passed.
No ordinance shall be adopted until it shall have been read two times on two separate days with at least six days between each reading and the public has an opportunity to comment. An ordinance to levy a tax, to adopt or amend a budget, and grant a franchise must be presented at a Council committee meeting.
Emergency ordinances may be adopted on one reading without notice or hearing by affirmative vote of 2/3 of members present. An emergency ordinance may not levy taxes, relate to a franchise or service rate and shall expire automatically on the 61st day following enactment.
The introduction and reading of any ordinance shall be by the reading of the title only unless full reading is requested by a member of Council.
Upon final adoption by vote of Council, an ordinance shall be signed by the Mayor or presiding member and attested by the City Clerk or City Administrator, who shall file the original in the Council minutes.
All ordinances relating to administration, health, safety, vehicles, streets (except franchises and encroachments), solicitations, pollution, municipal court, descriptions of areas annexed to the City, and any other ordinances or portions of ordinances so required by Council shall be codified and updated annually in a loose-leaf Code of Ordinances and by electronic versions to be displayed on the City's website. Standard codes, technical regulations and zoning ordinances may be cited in the code by reference and copies shall be made available for distribution or purchase at a reasonable price.
A voice motion of a member of Council shall be considered to be the introduction of an oral resolution which shall require no written record other than a notation in the Council minutes. A resolution proposed in writing shall be introduced in the same manner as an ordinance.
Written and oral resolutions may be adopted on one reading unless a public hearing is set by a majority of the members of Council present.
[Adopted 5-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-11[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. II, Standing Committees, adopted 11-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-16.
The City shall maintain the following standing committees:
Utilities Committee;
Fire Committee;
Police Committee;
Parks and Recreation Committee;
Street and Sanitation Committee;
General Government and Finance Committee; and
Community Development Committee.
The Mayor shall appoint members to standing and temporary committees. Prior to the appointment, the Mayor shall request input from Council members regarding committee assignments.
Each committee shall have three members. One of the members shall serve as Chairman. The Mayor shall serve as an ex officio member on all committees.
The membership of the committee shall rotate off every two years.
The General Government and Finance Committee shall consist of Council as a whole. The Mayor shall serve as Chair.
Each committee shall meet as needed at the call of a majority of the committee or the Chairman, who shall preside over each meeting.
Each committee shall be responsible for setting the conduct of its meetings, provided that it does not conflict with state law.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 49, Art. I, Rules of Decorum at City Council and Committee Meetings.
The standing committees shall formulate policies, investigate departments and make recommendations to Council concerning the operation of each department. Temporary committees shall make recommendations to Council.