The following definitions and those defined within Chapter 119, Wetland Protection Bylaw, of the Code of the Town of Harvard shall apply in the interpretation of these regulations and the associated Bylaw.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
ADJOINING LAND AREA, also referred to as the BUFFER ZONE
That area of land extending 100 feet horizontally outward from the boundary of any area defined as "Freshwater Wetlands." This term shall also include that area of land extending 200 feet horizontally outward from the boundary of any vernal pool, river, pond, or lake.
Shall include without limitation, the following actions when undertaken in areas subject to this chapter:
Removal, excavation, or dredging of soil, sand, gravel, or aggregate material of any kind;
Changing of pre-existing drainage characteristics, flushing characteristics, salinity, distribution, sedimentation patterns, flow patterns, or flooding characteristics;
Drainage or other disturbance of water level or water table;
Dumping, discharging, or filling with any material which may degrade water quality;
Placing of fill or removal of material which could alter elevation;
Driving of piles, erection of buildings or structures of any kind;
Placing of obstructions or objects in water;
Destruction or dislocation of plant life, including cutting and trimming of trees and shrubs (excluding vista pruning as defined in 310 C.M.R. 10.04) except as needed for safety, and the introduction of invasive species.
Changing water temperature, biochemical oxygen demand, or other physical, biological, or chemical characteristics of any waters or wetland.
Any activities, changes, or work which may cause or tend to contribute to pollution of any body of water or groundwater.
Incremental activities that have, or may have, a cumulative adverse impact on the resource area protected by this chapter.
The person or entity requesting a determination of applicability or a wetland permit. The term "applicant" and the term "petitioner" shall be interchangeable for purposes of these regulations.
As defined in M.G.L. Chapter 131, § 40, paragraph 5 shall apply for this regulation.
Wet meadows; swamps; bogs; marshes; vernal pools; banks; reservoirs; lakes; ponds of any size; rivers; streams; creeks; beaches; dunes; land subject to flooding; land under water bodies; areas where groundwater, flowing or standing surface water or ice provide a significant part of the supporting substrate for a plant community for at least five months of the year. For the purpose of this chapter, fresh water wetlands shall also include non-bordering vegetated wetlands.
The presence of groundwater at or near the surface of the ground at least six months of the year.
The definitions given in 310 CMR 10.57(2)(b) shall apply to this regulation except that the minimum volume of 1/4 acre-feet does not apply when the area is known to be part of the groundwater system.
Freshwater wetlands plus all adjoining land area or "buffer zone."
The changing of water temperature, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and/or other physical, biological, or chemical characteristics of the water.
The definitions given in 310 CMR 10.04 for the following shall apply to this regulation: dredge, fill, flood control, freshwater wetlands, lake, land subject to flooding (except for isolated land subject to flooding), marsh, meadow, pond (except that the size threshold of 10,000 square feet shall not apply), private water supply, public water supply, river, and stream.