It is the intent of this Article that the Council provide for procedures governing the conduct of its business that will instill a high degree of trust, confidence and pride on the part of the public. To this end, Council should provide for maximum openness in the conduct of its business. The Council's procedures should provide for clear and well publicized means by which citizens can make their views known to the Council and which will permit them the opportunity to review and comment upon policy matters on which the Council is contemplating action.
The Municipal Council shall organize at 8:00 p.m. on the first Monday of January of each even numbered year. If the first Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting and organization shall take place the first day following.
It shall be the duty of the Council to meet statedly at least once a month, at such time and place as shall be fixed by Council. Council may adjourn to a stated time for general business or for special business. If no quorum is present at a stated monthly or adjourned meeting, a majority of those who do meet may agree upon another date for a meeting and may continue to so agree until the meeting is held.
The Council shall publish once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality, during the week prior to such stated monthly meeting, the place, time and proposed agenda of the items to be considered at that meeting.
Special meetings may be called.
By the Mayor; or
Upon written request of three (3) members of Council.
A written notice stating the purpose of the special meeting shall be mailed or delivered to each Council member at least twenty-four (24) hours before a special meeting is held. At least three (3) copies of such notice shall be posted in conspicuous places in or on the Township Municipal Building at least twenty-four (24) hours before a special meeting is held. Presence at the meeting constitutes waiver of notice. At such special meeting Council shall only consider items for which purposes the meeting was called.
Council shall make and preserve minutes of its proceedings. These minutes shall be open for public inspection during normal business hours of the Municipality.
The Council shall, by ordinance, adopt rules of procedure for its meetings and for assignment of members to committees, if such be provided for. Such rules shall be designed so as to assure full and equal participation in the deliberations of the Council by all of its members.
Three (3) members of Council shall constitute a quorum. The Council shall conduct no business except in the presence of a quorum.
Official action shall require the affirmative vote of at least three (3) members of the Council, except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
Official actions of Council shall be by ordinance, resolution or motion. All ordinances and resolutions must be in written form. All actions of a legislative character shall be by ordinance. All final action in adopting ordinances or resolutions shall be by roll call vote, at a public meeting, and the vote of each member of Council shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. All other official votes of the Council shall be recorded in the minutes.
All stated monthly, special and adjourned stated monthly meetings of the Council shall be open for public attendance.
The Council shall provide opportunity for all members of the public to address the Council on matters of general or special concern. This opportunity shall be afforded the public at the stated monthly Council meeting. Those persons desiring to speak shall deliver to the Manager written notice of the subject matter at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Council shall provide procedures to permit the public to discuss agenda items without written notice. Council may adopt regulations governing the conduct of the meeting and the manner in which the public and the Municipal officers shall conduct themselves.
Special Hearings Upon Petition. Whenever a petition bearing the names and addresses of fifty (50) registered voters of the Municipality shall be filed with the Municipal Manager, requesting a hearing on matters of special concern, it shall be the duty of the Manager or the Mayor and at least one (1) other member of Council to meet with the petitioners within a reasonable time and provide a hearing on the subject matter of the petition. All petitions shall be verified by the person circulating the same and shall contain a concise statement of the subjects to be heard.
The proposed agenda for any stated monthly meeting of Council shall be prepared by the Manager in conjunction with the Council. The proposed agenda shall be forwarded to all members of Council and be available to the public seven (7) days prior to the stated monthly meeting. A brief statement of the subject matter of any ordinance or resolution to be considered shall be published as part of the agenda. The published agenda may be amended prior to the meeting for good cause.