The Controller shall be an elected official of the Municipality whose primary function is to monitor the fiscal affairs of the Municipality. Commensurate with the independent status of this office, it is the intent of this Charter that there be the maximum possible cooperation among the Controller, the Manager, and other fiscal officers of the Municipality so as to have a totally coordinated fiscal management operation and, at the same time, the most responsible stewardship of the public funds.
The provisions governing the election, term of office, eligibility and election procedure for the Controller shall be the same as those established by this Charter for Council, except that the Controller shall be elected for a term of four (4) years at the first election under this Charter.
Provisions governing vacancy, filling the vacancy, forfeiture of office, oath of office and prohibitions shall be the same as those prescribed for Council except that the Controller shall not be required to attend stated monthly meetings of the Council.
The Controller shall receive compensation of $4,200.00 per annum or such other sum as the Council shall from time to time ordain; provided, however, that such compensation shall not be increased or decreased during the term for which the Controller was elected or appointed. No ordinance increasing or decreasing compensation shall be adopted less than ten (10) months prior to an election at which the office of Controller will be on the ballot.
The Controller shall receive no other compensation, direct or indirect, for the performance of the duties of Controller. The Controller shall not participate in employee pension plans or insurance programs for the benefit of Municipal employees, except, however, that nothing in this section shall preclude the right of the Municipality to provide accident and health insurance or liability insurance coverage for the Controller when on Municipal business, or when in the performance of official duties, limited to the duration of the Controller's term. The Controller shall be entitled to reimbursement for actual expenses incurred provided that the expenditure:
Is related to the performance of official duties; and
Was authorized in advance by Council at a public meeting; and
Is included in an itemized list presented prior to payment.
The Controller shall have the following powers and duties:
Co-sign with the Director of Finance all checks, drafts, or other instruments which disburse Municipal funds;
Maintain a record of all Municipal employees, sign payroll checks only for duly appointed Municipal employees, and maintain such other books and records as may be required for the proper exercise of the functions and duties of this office;
Insure that no payment is made or obligation incurred against any appropriation except in accordance with the designated budget appropriations;
Insure that there is a sufficient, unencumbered balance in the appropriate budget appropriation and that sufficient funds therefrom are, or will be, available to cover the claim or meet the obligation when it becomes due or payable. However, nothing in this Charter shall be construed to prevent the making or authorizing of payments, or making of contracts for capital improvements to be financed fully or partly by the issuance of bonds, or to prevent the making of any contract or lease providing for payments beyond the end of the fiscal year, provided such action is made or approved by ordinance.
May require each department, office, agency, board or commission to certify that the materials, supplies or equipment have been duly received and accepted as specified and that services have been duly rendered. For such purpose the Controller shall have the power to require by subpoena executed by the Controller or Deputy Controller the attendance of, and examine under oath, administered by the Controller or the Deputy Controller, such persons, documents and records as the Controller may deem necessary. If any person shall refuse or neglect to obey any subpoena issued by the Controller, the Controller may apply by petition to the Court of Common Pleas for its subpoena, requiring the attendance of such person before the Controller or the Court.
Insure that all payments and obligations incurred by the Municipality are in accordance with the law, Municipal contract, and the provisions of this Charter. If there is a question concerning the lawfulness of the payment or obligation, the Controller shall request a ruling from the Municipal Attorney. Following such ruling, in the event the Controller refuses to approve any payment or obligation as aforesaid and such refusal results in litigation against the Controller, then the Controller may retain legal counsel. The compensation of said counsel shall be determined by the Court of Common Pleas and paid by the Municipality.
The Municipality shall provide the Controller with such staff, office supplies, equipment and office space as shall be necessary for the performance of the duties of the Controller as assigned under this Charter.
The number and compensation of persons employed by the Controller shall be determined by majority vote of a committee composed of the Controller, the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. The results of the findings of such committee shall be included in the Municipal budget prior to the budget submission.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deprive the Controller of the right to hire and remove the persons employed in the Office of the Controller.
The Controller shall have the right of access at all times to the records of any officer, department, board or commission of this Municipality as shall be necessary in the performance of the duties of the Controller as established under this Charter.
The Controller, upon assuming office, shall designate a Deputy Controller who, in case of the temporary absence or disability of the Controller, shall perform such duties as are imposed by this Charter upon the Controller. In the case of the temporary absence or disability of both the Controller and the Deputy Controller, then the Council may appoint a Deputy Controller to serve during the temporary absence or disability of the Controller and Deputy Controller. The Deputy Controller shall assume the office of Controller upon a vacancy in that office until such time as the vacancy is filled by Council. If Council appoints a Deputy Controller under the provisions of this Charter, Council shall fix compensation to be paid the Deputy Controller.
Whenever checks are required to be signed by the Controller, it may be by facsimile signature or other method approved by Council.