[Added 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-39]
The stormwater runoff requirements applicable to small projects (as defined in section T10B-241 of this article) are as follows:
For each square foot of new impervious surface, two gallons of stormwater shall be managed on site using green infrastructure practices. Of that volume 0.78 gallons (equivalent to the water quality design storm of 1.25 inches) must be retained on site, while the remainder may be discharged offsite from the stormwater management measure. The green infrastructure practices are those listed below and shall be designed and implemented as required by the Princeton Stormwater Management Ordinance. The use of cisterns and drywells is allowed only where the other listed methods cannot meet the requirements of this subsection T10B-331.1(a).
Grass Swale.
Green Roof.
Pervious Paving System.
Small-Scale Bioretention Basin/Rain Gardens.
Small-Scale Infiltration Basin.
Small-Scale Sand Filter.
Vegetative Filter Strip.
Dry Well.
To the extent the required volumes from subsection T10B-331.1(a) cannot be entirely managed or retained on site through the green infrastructure BMPs listed above, the municipal engineer may allow the use of other stormwater management measures, with preference given to other green infrastructure BMPs that are allowed under N.J.A.C. 7:8, the Municipal Stormwater Management Rules.
All development applications subject to this section shall be reviewed by the municipal engineer to confirm that all stormwater runoff created by the proposed development is adequately controlled and does not cause a material adverse impact on adjoining property, such as but not limited to flooding of a basement or the land surface, concentrated flows outside of natural stream channels, and disturbance of off-site stormwater management measures. For any stormwater management practice that involves infiltration or a subsurface component, the applicant shall provide information regarding the depth to seasonal high water table. For infiltration practices, the applicant shall provide the soil permeability, the designed infiltration rates of each relevant stormwater management techniques, and groundwater mounding calculations in accordance with the BMP Manual.
Where the discharge from the stormwater management measure cannot reasonably be designed to avoid causing a material adverse impact on adjoining property as described in subsection T10B-331.1(c) above, the discharge shall be directed to a storm sewer, gutter, swale, or other suitable stormwater runoff conveyance measure that avoids such impacts.
If the municipal engineer determines that the discharge from the stormwater management measure cannot be designed to meet the requirements of subsection T10B-331.1(c) or (d) above, the stormwater discharge from the site shall be reduced to a safe and non-harmful level through on-site retention using green infrastructure practices, or to the extent that green infrastructure practices are technically impracticable, such other measures (including but not limited to gray stormwater infrastructure) as may be required by the municipal engineer.
The terms, phrases, words and their derivations as used in this division shall have the meanings stated in section T10B-227.1 of the Princeton Stormwater Management Ordinance, unless their use in the context of this division clearly demonstrates a different meaning.
[Added 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-39]
Design standards for the green infrastructure practices and stormwater management measures shall be the same as for major development in the Princeton Stormwater Management Ordinance, as set forth in section T10B-227.3, except for subsections T10B-227.3(d), (e), (r), (s) and (t) (which subsections shall not apply to small projects).
[Added 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-39]
Plans for stormwater management measure maintenance shall be prepared in accordance with the Princeton Stormwater Management Ordinance, as set forth in section T10B-227.9.
[Added 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-39]
All green infrastructure measures and stormwater management measures as required in this division shall be reflected in a deed notice containing a description of the green infrastructure facility and stormwater management measure(s) used, in a form approved by the municipal attorney and recorded in the Mercer County Clerk's Office. Proof that the required deed notice has been filed shall be submitted to the municipal engineer prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy or final inspection.
[Added 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-39]
The applicant shall provide a photographic record of the installation and final stormwater BMPs.
The applicant shall comply with section T10B-227.10 of the Princeton Stormwater Management Ordinance, entitled "Inspection and permitting."
[Added 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-39]
The stormwater management standards and requirements for "Major Development," as set forth in the Princeton Stormwater Management Ordinance, shall be applicable to large projects.
[Added 12-7-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-39]
Any person(s) who erects, constructs, alters, repairs, converts, maintains, or uses any building, structure or land in violation of this division, or otherwise violates this division, shall be subject to the penalties set forth in section T10B-107 of this chapter.