[Ord. No. 2017-60]
The fee to be charged to an owner or operator of a motor vehicle when services rendered do not include or are in addition to basic towing or storage, shall be a matter to be determined by the licensed tower and the owner or operator; provided, however, that such fees shall be reasonable.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
When a police officer is at the scene of an incident requiring towing services, said police officer shall be responsible for making the final determination as to when towing shall take place. The officer shall not be limited to the OTL when it is clear that special tow vehicles are required for large vehicles and/or that public safety may be threatened by vehicles requiring removal. If the police chief, in accordance with section 11A-12(e), or a police officer at the scene, in accordance with this section, requests a tow operator that is not on the OTL, that tow operator shall comply with the fee schedules and maximum fee provisions set forth in this chapter.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
All tow vehicles must be equipped with amber beacons or strobe lights, and amber colored safety tow lights or magnetic tow lights for towing vehicles at night, all as approved by the chief of police, and as permitted by the State of New Jersey.
All tow vehicles must be equipped with a fire extinguisher of the "ABC" type, safety chains, flares, jumper cables, shovel, pry bar, heavy duty stiff push brooms, warning lights, substance for handling small liquid spills and other necessary equipment to provide complete towing services to vehicles up to three-quarter ton. All such equipment is subject to approval by the chief of police.
Each tow operator, prior to departure from the scene of towing services, shall clean and clear any customary or usual debris from an accident. Each tow operator shall also clean, clear, absorb or dilute any usual oil, gasoline or other motor vehicle fluid spill at the scene of the towing services. All materials disposed of by a tow operator shall be properly disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Princeton police department from summoning any other person, firm or other organization when, in the judgment of the chief of police, an unusual or potentially dangerous situation occurs or it is otherwise necessary. Such situations include, but are not limited to, accidents or breakdowns involving dangerous or potentially dangerous cargo, or spills of chemicals, solvents or other fluids.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
Tow operators shall comply with the directions of the police officer at the scene and the police investigator in connection with vehicles involved in suspected crimes.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
No tow operator will tow any vehicle that has been or appears to have been either involved in an accident or operated so as to have left the travel way, without first notifying the Princeton police.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
No reward, gratuity, gift or any type of remuneration shall be offered to any Princeton police officer, official or dispatcher by any tow operator or its employee or agent.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
Any person wishing to complain about the compliance with regulations by any licensed tow operator in Princeton shall do so by correspondence to the chief of police setting forth the name of the tow operator, the date of the incident(s), and the details of the act(s) complained of. The police chief shall investigate all such complaints, and shall respond to the complainant as appropriate.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
All licensees shall maintain for a period of three years, written or computerized records of all vehicles towed, stored and released, and of all services rendered. Such record keeping is subject to verification by the police chief.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
No tower may respond to the scene of an accident or emergency for the purposes of towing vehicles unless specifically called there by the police or person involved in the accident or emergency. This section is intended to prohibit tow operators from soliciting business at the scenes of accidents and emergencies, and shall not be construed to prohibit any person from summoning a tow operator of his or her choice in accordance with section 11A-2 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 2017-60]
The chief of police, in consultation with the municipal attorney, is hereby authorized and empowered to establish from time to time additional rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this chapter or with New Jersey Statutes or Rules, as may be reasonable and necessary in order to carry out the provisions of this chapter and to best serve the interests of public safety. Copies of such additional rules and regulations shall be provided immediately to all licensed tow operators who shall sign an acknowledgment of receipt of same, which acknowledgment shall constitute an amendment to the agreement provided for in section 11A-12. Such rules and regulations may include, but not be limited to, the following:
OTL rotation procedures.
Preparation of forms.
Details of record keeping requirements.
Procedures at the scene of an accident or emergency.
Procedures for and scheduling of inspections of tow vehicles and storage facilities.
Procedures for release of motor vehicles.
Junk titles, subject to the requirements of New Jersey statutes and rules.
Delegation to specific officers or positions of any of the responsibilities of the chief of police as set forth herein.
Unannounced inspections of tow vehicles and storage facilities for safety and compliance purposes.