[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Vernon 6-17-2021 by Ord. No. V2021-06.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 125, Building Construction, adopted by the Town Board 3-16-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-05, as amended.
These regulations are adopted under the statutory authority granted pursuant to §§ 101.65, 101.651, 101.76, 101.761 and 62.23, Wis. Stats. (and by its adoption of municipal powers under §§ 60.10(2)(c), 60.22(3) and 61.34(1), Wis. Stats.).
The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the Village of Vernon. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the design, construction, alteration, demolition and moving of all buildings and structures. All buildings hereafter erected, altered, repaired, moved or demolished shall comply with the requirements of this chapter.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The sum total footprint area of all accessory buildings on a lot, measured from the exterior face of the exterior walls. In addition, if an accessory building has a lean-to or other covered open space area, all of the covered unenclosed area shall also be included in the aggregate square footage.
A building used to store farm or agricultural-type equipment or livestock that is located on a contiguous parcel of land on which it is located is in exclusively agricultural use and is under one ownership. Parcels divided by a road or navigable stream shall be considered to be contiguous if the parcels on both sides of the road are in agricultural use by the same property owner. "Agricultural use" shall mean the for-profit activity conducted by the property owner involving the cultivation of agricultural crops and/or the raising of livestock. The term "one ownership" as used herein shall mean it is owned by one individual, estate, or trust, or by two or more persons having a joint or common interest in the land, or by one corporation, business trust, partnership, or other single entity that is registered with the State of Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions.
A private garage attached directly to the principal building or attached by means of an enclosed or open breezeway, porch, terrace or vestibule, or a private garage so constructed as to form an integral part of the principal building.
Any structure used, designed or intended for the protection, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or property.
A building or portion of a building subordinate to the principal building and used for a purpose customarily incident to the permitted use of the principal building.
The main building on a lot, intended for primary use as permitted by the regulations of the district in which it is located. Any building intended to be used for human habitation shall constitute the principal building. Additionally, any building on a thirty-five-acre or greater parcel which is zoned as any residential or agricultural district and used solely for agricultural purposes shall constitute a principal building.
A private garage entirely separated from the principal building.
As defined as a receptacle for water, or an artificial pool of water, having a depth at any point of more than 24 inches, whether above or below the ground, used or intended to be used by the owner thereof, and his family and invited guests, for bathing or swimming, and includes all appurtenances, equipment, appliances, and other facilities appurtenant thereto and intended for the operation and maintenance of a private swimming pool.
An existing structure which is:
Set apart from other structures as being distinct, due to its construction technique, construction materials, age, local historic significance, or design as determined by the Village Board;
Characteristic of past agricultural practices or rural life, whether presently utilized or not for agricultural practice, as determined by the Village Board; and
Sufficiently structurally sound to meet minimum safety requirements for the proposed use, as determined by the Village Building Inspector, provided that such determination shall not relieve the property owner of any responsibility or liability as to the structure and shall not form a basis of liability against the Building Inspector or the Village.
A special or unique situation, excluding a change in use or a use prohibited in a zoning district, which may be authorized by the Plan Commission and is specifically set forth in this chapter as a special exception and which may justify the waiver of the regulations applicable thereto and does not necessarily require the demonstration of an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty. "Special exception," as the term is used herein, does not include a deviation from any applicable standards, requirements, codes or other laws of the federal government, the State of Wisconsin, or Waukesha County, or any agency thereof, and nothing herein shall be read as authorizing any deviation from the same. The issuance of a special exception shall not have the effect of allowing a use of property otherwise prohibited and shall not allow the intensification of a use which would otherwise not be allowed other property having a similar condition or situation. Such special exception may not allow for a use which is not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located.
An authorization granted by the Plan Commission to construct or alter a building, land or structure in a manner that deviates from the dimensional or numerical standards of this chapter. "Variance," as the term is used herein, does not include a deviation from any applicable standards, requirements, codes or other laws of the federal government, the State of Wisconsin, or Waukesha County, or any agency thereof, and nothing herein shall be read as authorizing any deviation from the same. The issuance of a variance shall not have the effect of allowing a use of property otherwise prohibited and shall not allow the intensification of a use which would otherwise not be allowed other property having a similar condition or situation. Such variance may not allow for a use which is not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located.
This chapter applies to all dwellings, decks, swimming pools, garages, structures, and buildings. Not included are children's play structures.
No owner or contractor may commence construction of any building or mechanical system prior to obtaining a valid permit from the Village of Vernon Building Inspector.
The construction which shall require a building permit includes, but is not limited to:
New one- and two-family and commercial buildings, including agricultural buildings, detached structures (decks), and detached accessory buildings.
Additions increase the physical dimensions of a building including decks.
Alterations to the building structure, cost shall include market labor value, or alterations to the building's heating, electrical, or plumbing systems.
Replacement of major building equipment, including furnaces and central air conditioners, water heaters, and any other major piece of equipment shall require a permit except as noted in below.
Any electrical wiring for new construction or remodeling excluding new wiring for existing industrial and manufacturing facilities that do not require state-mandated building plan review.
Any HVAC for new construction or remodeling.
Any plumbing for new construction or remodeling.
Any new or rewired electrical service, including services for agricultural buildings.
Moving buildings.
Razing buildings.
Exempts are residing, reroofing and finishing of interior surfaces, installation of cabinetry, and minor repair as deemed by the Building Inspector. However, unless structural calculations are provided, no more than two layers of roofing shall be installed on a roof. Exempt are normal repairs performed in Subsection A(1)(c) above.
At the time of building permit application issuance, the applicant shall pay fees as established periodically by the Village Board. If work commences prior to permit issuance, double fees shall be charged by the Building Inspector.
Non-Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC) building permits shall be valid for a period of 12 months. UDC building permits shall be valid for a period of 24 months. All plumbing, electric, and HVAC permits shall be 12 months.
The following provisions of the Wisconsin Administrative Code are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter as though fully set forth herein. All future amendments, revisions or modifications to the following provisions which may hereafter be adopted by the Village of Vernon and from time to time shall, upon adoption, be part of this chapter so as to secure uniform statewide regulation of buildings and shall be enforced by the Building Inspector.
Ch. SPS 302.31
Plan review fee schedule credentials
Ch. SPS 305
Ch. SPS 316
Electrical Code
Chs. SPS 320 through 325
Uniform Dwelling Code
Ch. SPS 327
Chs. SPS 361 through 366
Commercial Building Code
Chs. SPS 375 through 379
Buildings constructed prior to 1914
Chs. SPS 381 through 387
Uniform Plumbing Code
New buildings. The Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code shall apply to the new construction of all one- and two-family dwellings only.
Existing buildings. The Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code shall apply to existing buildings and structures as follows:
An existing building to be occupied as a one- or two-family dwelling which building was not previously so occupied.
An existing one- or two-family dwelling that is altered or repaired when the cost of such alterations or repair during the life of the structure exceeds 50% of the equalized value of the structure. Said value shall be determined by the Assessor of the municipality.
Additions, alterations and major equipment replacements for one- and two-family dwellings built prior to June 1, 1980.
Certified municipality status.
Certified municipality. The Village of Vernon has adopted the certified municipality status as described in § SPS 361.60 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Responsibilities. The Village shall assume the following responsibilities for the Department of Safety and Professional Services (Department):
Provide inspection of commercial buildings with certified commercial building inspectors.
Provide plan examination of commercial buildings with certified commercial building inspectors.
Plan examination. Drawings, specifications, and calculations for all the types of buildings and structures, except state-owned buildings and structures, to be constructed within the limits of the municipality shall be submitted, if the plans are for any of the following:
A new building or structure containing less than 50,000 cubic feet of total volume.
An addition to a building or structure where the area of the addition results in the entire building or structure containing less than 50,000 cubic feet of total volume.
An addition containing no more than 2,500 square feet of total floor area and no more than one floor level, provided the largest roof span does not exceed 18 feet and the exterior wall height does not exceed 12 feet.
An alteration of a space involving less than 100,000 cubic feet of total volume.
A certified municipality may waive its jurisdiction for the plan review of a specific project or types of projects, or components thereof, in which case plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval.
The Department may waive its jurisdiction for the plan review of a specific project, where agreed to by a certified municipality, in which case plans and specifications shall be submitted to the certified municipality for review and approval.
Plan submission procedures. All commercial buildings, structures, and alterations, including new buildings and additions less than 25,000 cubic feet, require plan submission as follows:
Building permit application.
Application for review: SBD-118.
Fees per table §§ SPS 302.31-2 and SPS 302.31, Wis. Adm. Code.
Fees apply to all commercial projects.
Four sets of plans.
Signed and sealed per § SPS 361.31, Wis. Adm. Code.
One set of specifications.
Component and system plans.
Calculations showing code compliance.
Editor's Note: Former § 125-9, Accessory buildings, was repealed 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-02.
Definitions. As used in the section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated and be constructed per Chs. SPS 320 through 325 in Appendix B.
Any deck which is physically connected to the principal building or accessory structure.
Any structure which serves as a raised horizontal platform or floor constructed of wood or other materials, without enclosed walls or roof.
Any deck which is not physically connected to the principal building or accessory structure.
The Village Board shall appoint a Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall have the general management and control of all matters pertaining to building inspection and shall have all the authority, responsibilities and duties provided in the SPS 320 through 325 and SPS 361 through 366, as amended from time to time.
The Village Board shall appoint an Electrical Inspector. The Electrical Inspector shall have the general management and control of all matters pertaining to electrical inspection and shall have all the authority, responsibilities and duties provided in the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS 320 through 325, as amended from time to time, the IBC, as modified by SPS 361 through 366, Wis. Adm. Code, as amended from time to time, and the Wisconsin State Electrical Code, as amended from time to time and NEZ/SPS 316, as amended from time to time.
The Village Board shall appoint a Plumbing Inspector. The Plumbing Inspector shall have the general management and control of all matters pertaining to plumbing inspection and shall have all the authority, responsibilities and duties provided in the IBC, SPS 381 through 387, Wis. Adm. Code, as amended from time to time, and in the Wisconsin State Plumbing Code, as amended from time to time.
Deposit required. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector for construction of a building or construction of an addition to or remodeling of an existing building on any land until after payment of the deposit as set by the Village Board by resolution has been paid by the applicant for such building permit, unless that amount is reduced pursuant to Subsection B of this section. The deposit shall be paid to the Building Inspector at the time an application is made for issuance of the building permit. The Building Inspector shall promptly turn the deposit over to the Village Treasurer.
Deposit reduction. The Building Inspector may, at the Building Inspector's sole discretion, reduce the bond if the Building Inspector is satisfied that it is unlikely that there will be damage done to the Village roads or to the road ditch adjacent to the property as a result of construction activities and that the grading and landscaping of the premises will be completed, construction debris removed, all applicable ordinances complied with, and occupancy granted, as well as it is unlikely that the building will be occupied prior to the occupancy permit being granted.
Issuance of occupancy permit when the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code applies.
A building, structure, addition, alteration or repair governed by the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code may not be used or occupied until a final inspection has been made which finds that no violations of this code exist that could reasonably be expected to affect the health and safety of the user or occupant. Upon such finding, the Building Inspector shall issue a use or occupancy permit.
If no act of noncompliance is found by the Building Inspector, then the Building Inspector shall issue an occupancy permit. If there is minor noncompliance that does not affect health or safety as determined by the Building Inspector, the Building Inspector may issue a temporary occupancy permit for a maximum of 90 days after which time the noncompliance shall either be corrected, or the premises shall not be occupied until full compliance is obtained and an occupancy permit is issued. Occupancy may not be taken until an occupancy permit or temporary occupancy permit is issued.
Issuance of occupancy permit not governed by Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code. A building, structure, addition, alteration or repair governed by this chapter but not governed by the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code may not be used or occupied until a final inspection has been made and until the building, structure, addition, alteration or repair is in compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter. Upon such finding, the Building Inspector shall issue a use or occupancy permit.
Deposit returned, forfeited.
Unless forfeited pursuant to Subsection E(2), (3), (4) or (5), the sums deposited shall be retained by the Village Treasurer until written notice is received from the Building Inspector, who shall not authorize a refund of monies deposited until after grading and landscaping of the premises have been established and stabilized (which must be done within one growing season after final occupancy has been granted), the construction site is cleaned of all building materials and debris, all applicable ordinances have been complied with and occupancy has been granted. Occupying the house before occupancy has been granted or failure to complete the final grading or to establish and stabilize landscaping within one growing season of final occupancy being granted will result in forfeiture of all the sums deposited, in addition to any other penalties or other remedies that may apply.
In the event damage is done to Village roads or to the road ditch adjacent to the property as a result of construction activities, the deposit shall be used to pay any costs incurred by the Village to repair such damage. In the event the deposit is insufficient to cover all costs incurred by the Village, the property owner shall be liable to the Village for payment of any excess costs, and no occupancy permit shall be issued for the property until such costs are paid.
The building permit applicant shall be solely responsible to request return of the deposit required under this section when such applicant believes that the construction of the building or addition or remodeling of an existing building has been properly completed. The deposit shall only be returned to the party that made the deposit unless proof satisfactory to the Village Treasurer is provided that demonstrates that the deposit has been assigned to the claimant.
Notwithstanding anything in this § 125-14 to the contrary, the deposit required under this section shall be forfeited in the following situations:
An occupancy permit is issued under this chapter but no application for return of the deposit is received by the Building Inspector within two years of the date of the issuance of such occupancy permit; or
An occupancy permit is required under this chapter and any of the following are true:
No request for an inspection or request for return of the deposit is received by the Building Inspector within two years of the date the permit was issued; or
An inspection is requested but no occupancy permit is issued within two years of the date said inspection was performed; or
An inspection is requested, and an occupancy permit is issued but the final conditions of approval are not satisfied within two years of the date said inspection was performed.
No occupancy permit is required under this chapter and any of the following are true:
No request for an inspection is received by the Building Inspector within two years of the date of the permit; or
An inspection is requested and performed, but no request for return of the deposit is made within two years of the date of said inspection.
Any deposit amount forfeited under Subsection E(4) above shall be transferred by the Village Treasurer to the general fund for the Village. Thereafter, no person shall have any claim with regard to the deposit or any part thereof. No such forfeiture shall be construed to constitute a penalty under § 125-31 of this Code or to limit the Village's ability to pursue any remedy provided for under § 1-10 of this Code or applicable state or federal law in the event of a violation of this Chapter 125.
Time to pay excess costs. The Building Inspector shall give each property owner billed for payment of any excess costs a period of time not to exceed 30 days to pay, and thereafter, if that charge remains unpaid, the Clerk shall automatically charge that delinquent bill against the current or next tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property as provided by law. In the event the statement rendered to the property owner, or the time given for the property owner to pay is too late in the current year for the charge, when it becomes delinquent, to be extended on that year's tax roll, then the delinquent charge shall be extended to the following year's tax roll.
Appeal. Any person who wishes to dispute the amount of refund may contact the Clerk and request to appear before the Village Board at an upcoming regular Village Board meeting and may, at that time, present the matter to the Village Board for resolution. Appeal from the decision of the Village Board shall be by writ of certiorari to the County Circuit Court.
Two sets of building plans shall be submitted to the Building Inspector for any work which expands the size of a building, any new building, or as required by the Building Inspector. If a new building or building addition is proposed, then a plot plan or certified survey map showing such proposed work and existing buildings and property lines shall be submitted. A third set of plans may be requested at the discretion of the Building Inspector for the Assessor.
The Building Inspector shall issue the requested permit after all state, county and local submission requirements are satisfied and additional information as required by the Building Inspector is submitted. If a permit is issued, it shall be posted at the job site in a location visible from the street.
Whenever the Building Inspector determines that any building or structure is so old, dilapidated or out of repair as to be dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary or otherwise unfit for habitation, occupancy, or use and so that it would be unreasonable to repair the same, he or she shall order the owner to raze and remove all or part thereof specified by the Building Inspector with Village Board approval. If such unfit structure can be made safe by repairs, it may be so put at the owner's option whether to repair and make safe and sanitary or to raze and remove. Such orders and proceedings shall be as provided in § 66.0413, Wis. Stats.
These standards apply to all structures located in a residential zoned area and to all structures and sites used for residential purposes but zoned for other use.
Minimum standards. It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy, use, let, or hold out to another for occupancy or use any building, structure or premises which does not comply with the requirements of this chapter, except for structures or uses that are legal nonconforming structures or uses pursuant to the Village of Vernon Zoning Ordinance or the Village of Vernon Shoreland and Floodplain Ordinance.
Foundations, exterior walls and roofs. The foundation shall be substantially watertight and protected against rodents and shall be kept in good condition and repair. The foundation elements shall adequately support the building at all points. Every exterior wall shall be substantially watertight and weathertight, protected against rodents, kept in good condition and repair and shall be free of deterioration, holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or timber, and any other condition which might admit rain or dampness to the interior portions of the walls or to the exterior spaces of the dwelling. All exterior wood surfaces shall be protected by paint, stain or other water and weather-resistant treatment. Every roof shall be watertight and weathertight, kept in a good condition and repair and have no dangerous defects. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent rainwater from causing dampness in the walls. All cornices, copings, parapets, moldings, belt courses, lintel, sills and similar projections shall be kept in good repair, free from cracks or defects which make them hazardous or dangerous.
Windows, doors and hatchways. Every window shall be fully supplied with transparent or translucent window panes which are substantially without cracks or holes, shall be substantially tight and shall be kept in good condition and repair. Windows, other than fixed windows, shall be easily opened and shall be held in position by window hardware. Every exterior door shall fit substantially tight within its frame and shall be kept in good condition. Window and door frames shall be kept in good condition and shall exclude rain and substantially exclude wind from entering the building or structure. Every basement hatchway shall prevent the entrance of rodents, rain and surface drainage water into the building or structure.
Stairways and porches. Every exterior stairway and every porch and its supports shall be kept in good and safe condition and repair and shall be free of deterioration, with every rail and balustrade firmly fastened and maintained.
Chimneys. Every chimney and chimney flue shall be in good and safe condition and repair.
Grading and drainage of lots. Every yard, court, driveway or other portion of the lot shall be graded or drained so as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water on any such surface. Driveways shall be maintained in good condition and repair.
Yards. Yards shall be kept substantially clear of debris and shall be provided with adequate lawn or ground cover or vegetation, hedges or bushes.
Infestation. Every building and structure and all exterior appurtenances on the premises shall be adequately protected against rats, mice, termites, and other vermin. Occupants and operators shall be responsible for the extermination of rodents and vermin from that part of the premises under their exclusive control, except where more than one unit is infested at the same time and in this instance the owner shall also be responsible for extermination of the infestation.
Refuse, garbage and rubbish storage requirements. Every building or structure shall have adequate refuse, garbage or rubbish storage facilities. Garbage containers shall all have tight covers and shall be kept in place at all times. No occupant shall accumulate rubbish, boxes, lumber, metal or other materials which may provide harborage for rodents or vermin.
Accessory structures. Every accessory structure shall be kept in good condition and repair, shall not obstruct access of light or air to doors or windows, shall not obstruct a safe means of access to any building or structure, shall not create fire or safety hazards and shall not provide rat or vermin harborage. All accessory structures which are in deteriorated condition, and which are not repairable shall be removed.
Maintenance or property complaint. Complaints alleging a violation of this section shall be commenced by service of written notice of noncompliance upon the property owner, on a form provided by the Village of Vernon.
Application for permit shall include a statement of the existing defects and an analysis of the cause of those existing defects to ensure that all conditions responsible for foundation defects are corrected.
Plans and/or specifications must be submitted for approval prior to issuance of a permit.
General foundation requirements.
Walls that are not plumb may be reinforced if supported by engineering data showing the benefit of the reinforcing.
When repairing any portion of a wall that is not near as plumb as possible, that portion must be excavated.
When the affected repair includes porches or stoops, frost depth to the Uniform Code requirements must be met.
The excavated wall must be cleaned and loose parging removed; cracks and parging must be repaired with Type M mortar or equal, and walls made plumb and dampproofed with one coat of bituminous material or other approved materials.
If drain tile is not present in the affected area, a drain tile system must be installed and terminated in a newly installed sump with pump or in a properly functioning existing drain collection system, provided that it does not discharge to the sanitary sewer.
Prior to backfill, an inspection is required by the Building Inspector after which backfill with Number 1 washed stone shall be provided to within 18 inches of final grade.
Final grade must ensure drainage away from the foundation.
Pilasters must be made integral with the exterior wall and reinforced with at least two Number 3 rods and filled with 3,000 psi cement grout material. Pilasters must be a maximum of four feet apart.
Any other form of reinforcing will require engineered data to be submitted at the time of permit application to include complete system analysis.
Affected walls to be repaired shall have loose or cracked mortar joints cleaned to a minimum depth of 1/2 inch and tuckpointed with Type M mortar or equal.
When installing weep holes in foundation walls, care must be taken to provide adequate drainage from weep holes to drain tile by either stone or mechanical means. No more than one mechanically drilled weep hole is permitted per cell. When the floor is replaced, a minimum of three inches of concrete shall be placed over the drain tile and a minimum of two inches of concrete over the footing. Lateral support must be maintained at the floor level. An exception to match the existing concrete floor level is allowed.
Drain tile placed under the basement floor shall be of the approved type not less than three inches in diameter and shall be covered with Number 1 washed stone connected to a proper sump with pump or an existing Village stormwater system. All exposed bleeders must be open. The sump pit must discharge to grade or be equipped with a pump to discharge water away from the dwelling.
Demolition permit required. All persons who demolish or cause to be demolished any building or structure or part of a building or structure larger than 400 square feet in floor area within the Village shall apply for and obtain a demolition permit from the Building Inspector prior to undertaking any steps to demolish the building or structure.
An application for a permit to demolish all or part of a building or structure shall include the following information:
The name and address of the owner of the building or structure on date of application and, if different, on date of demolition;
The name, address and telephone number of the contractor(s) performing the demolition work;
The date upon which demolition is to be commenced;
The date by which demolition shall be complete;
A list of all hazardous waste and hazardous toxic substances (as defined by the Wisconsin Administrative Code as amended from time to time) contained in the building or structure and a statement as to whether the building contains asbestos (as defined by state statute or the Wisconsin Administrative Code) and a detailed description of the method to be used in removing, transporting and disposing of any hazardous waste, hazardous toxic substances, and asbestos;
A detailed description of how and where the waste materials resulting from the demolition will be transported and disposed of (including the description of the route to be used by trucks in hauling the waste);
A description of the method of demolition to be used; and
A description in detail of all methods to be used to prevent water runoff and soil erosion from the site to neighboring properties and to prevent releasing unreasonable amounts of dust from the site.
Along with the application for permit for demolition, the applicant shall present a release from all utilities serving the property stating that their respective service connections and appurtenant equipment, such as meters and regulators, have been removed or sealed and plugged in a safe manner.
Demolition. The demolition shall be conducted in a manner that is safe and that does not adversely affect the environment.
Clearing and leveling the site.
The site of any demolition shall be properly cleared of debris, rubbish and pavement and shall be properly graded and leveled to conform to the adjoining grade of the neighboring property, and, when so graded and leveled, the site shall be seeded, sodded or treated in some other manner acceptable to the Building Inspector so as to prevent blowing dust, dirt, or sand. Excavations remaining after demolition shall be filled, graded and leveled off not later than 30 consecutive days after demolition is completed.
Excavations from demolished buildings or structures shall not be filled with any materials subject to deterioration. The Building Inspector, upon notification by the permit holder, the owner or his agent, in writing and upon forms provided by the Building Inspector for that purpose, shall, within 72 hours, inspect each excavation, or part thereof, before filling any excavation. It shall be unlawful to fill any such excavation without inspection and approval of the Building Inspector. Voids in filled excavations shall not be permitted. In the event of the unavailability of the Building Inspector to conduct an inspection within the 72 hours after written notice, the permit holder, owner or his agent may retain the services of a certified, qualified municipal inspection service to obtain an opinion that approves filling of the excavation. Said opinion shall be deemed a sufficient approval by the municipality provided that a written copy of the opinion is delivered to the Village Clerk at least 48 hours before filling of the excavation commences.
Removal and disposal. Removal, transportation and disposal of all hazardous waste, hazardous and toxic substances, and asbestos shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable state, federal and local statutes, ordinances and regulations. The permit holder shall give the Building Inspector 72 hours' written notice prior to any removal, transportation or disposal of hazardous waste, hazardous and toxic substances, and asbestos.
General. No person shall move any building or structure upon any public right-of-way within the Village unless that person first obtains a building moving permit from the Village Building Inspector. Every permit issued by the Building Inspector for the moving of a building or structure shall designate the route over which the building or structure will be moved, the conditions to be complied with, and the time limit within which said moving operations shall be completed.
Permit application.
Any person applying for a building moving permit shall provide the following:
Route to travel through Village.
Location of any overhead wires or other utilities which will have to be moved or relocated to accommodate the move.
Name, address and telephone number of owners of building or structure and, if different, owner of lot to which building is being moved.
Name, address and telephone number of companies performing move together with at least two references from prior moves.
Exterior elevations of the building or structure and accurate photographs of all sides and views of the same.
In the event that it is proposed to alter the exterior of the building or structure, plans and specifications of such proposed alterations.
Accurate photographs and site plan of site at which the building or structure is to be located.
The appropriate application fee which is set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board.
Proof of public liability insurance covering injury to one person in the sum of not less than $500,000 and, for one accident, aggregate not less than $1,000,000, together with property damage insurance in the sum of not less than $500,000, naming the Village of Vernon as additional insured.
The requirements of Subsection B(1)(f) and (g) above shall not be required in the event that the building is not to be located within the Village of Vernon.
Cash deposit. Upon receipt of the permit application, the Village Engineer and/or the Department of Public Works Director shall review the proposed route over which the building will be moved and the conditions of the roads on that route. If the building or structure is to be located upon a site within the Village, the Building Inspector shall also inspect the building or structure at the location from which it is to be moved in order to determine whether the building or structure is in a sound and stable condition and of such construction that it will meet the requirements of the Village Building Code, Zoning Code and all other applicable codes in all respects. The Building Inspector shall also review the plans for improvements and remodeling of the building or structure, if any. The Building Inspector shall then provide his findings in a written report to the Village Plan Commission, including a recommendation from the Village Engineer as to an appropriate cash deposit amount to cover potential damage to Village highways, as well as his findings, in the event the building or structure is to be located within the Village of Vernon, regarding the condition of the building or structure and its conformity or potential conformity to Village codes. The cash deposit shall be returned once the route and structure have been inspected by the Building Inspector and Department of Public Works Director and are declared by these Village officials to be sound and in stable condition.
Plan Commission review.
Upon receiving a report from the Building Inspector, the Plan Commission shall review said report and, if necessary, review the route over which the building or structure will be moved. The Plan Commission shall then set an appropriate cash deposit, which shall not be less than $5,000. Said cash deposit shall be held to secure payment of any costs arising out of any damage to Village highways or other Village property. Said cash deposit shall also secure payment of any costs or other expenses incurred by the Village in connection with any claims for damages to any persons or properties, and the payment of any judgment, together with the costs or expenses incurred by the Village in connection therewith, arising out of the moving of the building or structure for which the permit is issued. The applicant shall also provide the Village with an indemnification agreement, indemnifying the Village from any claims for damages arising out of the moving of the building or structure in question.
If the building or structure in question is to be moved and located on a site within the Village of Vernon, the Plan Commission shall also review the plans, photographs and other documents regarding the building or structure together with the Building Inspector's report regarding the same. The Plan Commission shall then determine whether the exterior architectural character and functional plans of the building or structure to be moved, including alterations of any kind, will be so at variance with either the exterior architectural character and functional plans of the buildings or structures already constructed or in the course of construction in the immediate area or in the character of the applicable district established by the Zoning Code so as to cause a substantial depreciation of the property values of the neighborhood within said applicable district. No permit shall be issued unless the Plan Commission makes a finding, by at least a majority vote, that the building or structure will not be at variance with the neighborhood as noted above.
If the building or structure is to be located upon a site within the Village of Vernon, the Plan Commission shall also set a separate cash deposit, in an amount not less than $5,000, and in addition to the cash deposit noted in Subsection D(1) above, to secure and insure that the building or structure shall actually be located upon the site and all exterior alterations completed in conformance with the plans, photographs and specifications provided by the applicant. This cash deposit shall be in addition to any applicable ordinances of the Village.
Issuance of permit. Upon a favorable finding of the Plan Commission, and upon payment of all cash deposit amounts set by the Plan Commission, the Building Inspector shall issue a moving permit. All subsequent moving of the building or structure shall be done pursuant to the terms of the permit and terms of this chapter.
Continuous movement. The movement of a building or structure pursuant to permit shall be a continuous operation during all hours of the day, and day by day, until such movement is fully completed. All operations shall be performed with the least possible obstruction to thoroughfares. No buildings or structures shall be allowed to remain overnight upon any street crossing or intersection, or so near thereto as to prevent easy access to a fire hydrant or any other public facility. Lighted lanterns shall be kept in conspicuous places at each end of the building or structure during the night.
Street repair. Every person receiving a permit to move a building or structure shall, within one day after said building or structure reaches its destination, report the fact to the Village Building Inspector, who shall thereupon, in the company of the Village Director of Public Works, inspect the streets and highways over which said building or structure has been moved and ascertain their condition. If the movement of the building or structure has caused any damage to any Village Street or highway, the person to whom the permit was issued shall forthwith place them in as good a repair as they were before the permit was granted. Upon the failure of the one who acquires the permit to do so within 10 days after notification from the Village, the Village shall repair the damage done and deduct the costs of any repair from the cash deposit provided under Subsection D(1) above.
Permit fees. At the time of application for building, electrical, plumbing and/or heating, ventilation and air-conditioning permits, the applicant shall pay the fees required and established through resolution by the Village Board from time to time. The current fee schedule is available from the Building Inspector.
Additional inspections. In the event that the same building project is necessarily to be inspected by the Village more than twice, the permit holder shall pay a fee to the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector for each inspection exceeding two. No other inspection fee may be charged. The Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector appointed by the Village shall not inspect properties in the Village of Vernon for personal gain other than the compensation as set by the Village Board.
Fees for response to letters of inquiry. The Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector appointed by the Village of Vernon shall respond to letters of inquiry from realtors and individuals regarding work orders on a particular property. For such service the Village shall charge a fee per inquiry in an amount established by resolution of the Village Board from time to time. The fee shall be paid to the Village by the person making the inquiry, prior to the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector providing the response.
Enforcement. All inspections for the purpose of administering and enforcing this chapter shall be performed by the Building, Plumbing, or Electrical Inspector appointed by the Village pursuant to §§ 125-11, 125-12 and 125-13 of this chapter.
Inspection requests. The owner, applicant or authorized representative shall request inspections of the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector responsible for enforcing this chapter. The inspection shall be performed within two business days after notification. Construction shall not proceed beyond the point of inspection until the inspection has been completed. Construction may proceed if the inspection has not taken place within two business days of notification, unless that time has been extended by agreement reached between the Village or the Village Inspector and the owner, applicant or authorized representative.
Noncompliance. In the event that the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector responsible for enforcing this chapter determines that the improvement(s) is not in compliance with any of the applicable requirements of this chapter, the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector shall notify the owner and applicant, in writing, of the violations to be corrected. All violations shall be corrected within 30 days after written notification unless an extension is granted by the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector or the Village Board.
Inspection appeals. Any person who is aggrieved by a finding or order of the Building, Electrical or Plumbing Inspector may appeal from such finding or order to the Village Board within 20 days after delivery of the written notice of the finding or order. Such appeal shall be in writing, setting forth the finding or order appealed from and the grounds on which the appeal is based. The appeal shall be heard by the Village Board at its next regular meeting. The Village Board, after consideration thereof, shall affirm, reverse or modify the finding or order. The finding or order of the Inspector shall be enforced until reversed or modified by the Village Board. The Village Board, however, cannot grant a variance to state codes.
Concealed improvement. When an improvement subject to the provisions of this chapter has been made without the owner, applicant or authorized representative calling for an inspection as required by this chapter, and when the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector responsible for enforcing this chapter cannot examine potential health and safety concerns due to the fact that the improvement, or subpart thereof, is concealed and is no longer readily accessible to inspection, the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector shall not issue a use or occupancy permit and shall report such matter to the Village Board.
Receipt of notice. Upon receipt of a notice of concealed improvements, the Village Board may do one or more of the following:
Direct that the use or occupancy permit not be issued. If the premises upon which the improvement lies is not occupied or the improvement has not been used, it may be directed that an occupancy or use permit is not issued.
Direct that the use or occupancy permit be discontinued. If the premises upon which the improvement lies is occupied or if the improvement is or has been used, it may be ordered that the occupancy or use be discontinued.
Direct that an occupancy or use permit be issued if all of the owners of record of the premises and all of the contractors who constructed the improvement represen, in writing and under oath, that the improvement has been made in conformity with the requirements of the Code of the Village of Vernon and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Village, its officers, agents and employees, and their successors and assigns, from all liability arising out of the construction of the improvement and any failure to construct the improvement in conformity with the Code of the Village of Vernon.
Obtaining a fire address number. The owner or applicant shall provide to the Building Inspector, at the time that a permit for new construction is issued, a receipt verifying the purchase of fire address numbers, at a cost to be determined by the Village Board. The applicant shall install the numbers on a post at a location not in excess of 40 feet from the center of the traveled portion of the adjoining road, and not in excess of 10 feet from the edge of the primary driveway located on the premises, and numbers shall face the road and shall be installed so that the numbers are not more than five feet nor less than four feet from the surface of the existing grade.
Posting procedure. Newly purchased home numbers must be posted as soon as they are issued. They must be posted in the way prescribed in Subsection A.
Side and rear yards. No person shall erect or construct in the side or rear yards of any lot in a residential district any fence which is over six feet in height from ground level unless a variance is granted from the Plan Commission. For lake lots, the yard on the lake side of the residence shall be considered the rear yard for purposes of this subsection.
Front yards, street side. No person shall erect or construct in the front yard of any lots in a residential district any fence which is over four feet in height, except those located within the front yard of a lot at such minimum distance from the base setback line as is established for principal buildings within the zoning district in which such fence is located.
Construction. Fences shall be constructed so as to have the decorative side facing the neighboring property and the street and the supportive side facing the inside of the property on which the fence is constructed.
Administration. The Building Inspector shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this section.
Private swimming pools. No person shall construct, install, enlarge, reconstruct or maintain a residential swimming pool not enclosed in a permanent building in the Village except in accordance with the regulations of this section. Those swimming pools that are completely enclosed within a permanent building shall comply with all ordinances, building codes, regulations and statutes applicable, but where a conflict occurs the more restrictive shall apply.
Permit. No person shall construct, install, enlarge, or alter any private swimming pool unless permits have first been obtained from the Building, Electrical and Plumbing Inspectors. Applications shall be on forms provided by the Building Inspector and shall be accompanied by plans drawn to scale showing the accurate location of the proposed pool on the property, including distances to existing lot lines, buildings and fences, proposed structures or fences, and the location of all underground and overhead electric or telephone lines.
Fees. The building permit fee and the electrical permit fee for installation of said pool shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Village Board.
Construction of pool. A private swimming pool shall be constructed in accordance with the following requirements:
Distance required. All private swimming pools shall be constructed at the minimum setback and offset requirement for principal buildings located within the zoning district where such swimming pool is located.
Conformance with codes. All building, plumbing, electrical and other codes as adopted by the Village Board shall be adhered to in the construction, assembly or operation of a private swimming pool. All electrical work shall be inspected and approved before the Building Inspector issues an occupancy permit.
Fences. Every private swimming pool, unless completely enclosed in a structure, shall be completely surrounded by a fence or wall not less than four feet in height, but not to exceed six feet in height, which shall be so constructed as not to have openings, holes or gaps which would allow access by unauthorized persons, except for doors or gates. A dwelling house or accessory building may be used as part of such enclosure. All gates or doors opening through such enclosures shall be equipped with an inside self-closing and self-latching device for keeping the gate or door securely closed at all times when not in actual use, except that the door of any dwelling which forms a part of the enclosure need not be so equipped.
A temporary fence (snow fence, etc.) can be used while said pool is under construction.
Aboveground pools with self-provided fencing to prevent unguarded entry will be allowed without separate additional fencing, provided that the self-provided fence is of a four-foot minimum required height and design as heretofore specified. Permanent access from grade to aboveground pools having stationary ladders, stairs, or ramps shall not have less than equal safeguard fencing and gates as are provided by the pool proper.
Water regulations.
No direct connection shall be made to the sanitary sewer or septic system.
Provisions shall be made for the disinfection of all pool water. No gaseous chlorination shall be permitted.
Any exterior bibs to be used in conjunction with the filling of any swimming pool shall have an antisiphoning-type valve.
Electrical regulations.
All electrical installations provided for, installed and used in conjunction with a private swimming pool shall be in conformance with the national, state, and local code regulating electrical installations.
All electrical installations must be inspected by the Village of Vernon Electrical Inspector, and any electrical work to be covered by concrete, or otherwise, must be inspected prior to being so covered.
Final inspection. The Building Inspector shall make a final inspection of all newly constructed, installed, enlarged or reconstructed pools and shall issue an occupancy permit if no violation of this chapter or any other ordinance, law, or lawful order is found. No owner shall use, or permit to be used, any such pool until final inspection has been made and an occupancy permit issued.
Lights. If overhead flood or other artificial lights are used to illuminate a pool at night, such light shall be shielded to be directly upon the pool only.
Nuisances. No pool shall be so operated or maintained as to create a nuisance or an eyesore or otherwise to result in a substantial adverse effect on neighboring properties or to be in any other way detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare.
Sanitation. A swimming pool and its appurtenant facilities shall be kept in clean and sanitary condition.
Variances and special exception.
The Plan Commission shall have the power to authorize variances and special exceptions from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, so that the spirit of this chapter shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done.
The Plan Commission decision shall be made within 30 days after the completion of the hearing.
Any person whose application for special exception or variance has been denied by the Plan Commission may file an appeal with the Village Board within 30 days following denial of his/her application. The Village Board shall fix a time for the hearing of the appeal and give public notice thereof by a Class 2 notice under Ch. 985, Wis. Stats., and mailing to the owners of all lands within 300 feet of the applicant's property that is the subject of the application at least 10 days before such public hearing.
Requests for appeal shall be presented by petition filed with the Village Clerk. A fee as set by the Village Board by resolution shall accompany all petitions.
Each petition shall be referred to the Village Board for review. The Village Board shall make a decision within 30 days.
The Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector may issue a stop-work order for a project that is not in compliance with this chapter to prevent further noncomplying work.
This chapter shall not be construed as assuming any liability on the part of the Village, the Building, Plumbing or Electrical Inspector or any other officers or employees of the Village for damages or injuries to anyone or for any property harmed or destroyed by reason of any defect in any building or structure constructed under Village permit.
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, move, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure or part thereof in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or to cause to be permitted any violation of this chapter. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as described in Chapter 1, § 1-10 of this Code.