[Adopted 9-21-2021 by Ord. No. 1849]
A "fire watch" is defined as a Borough-ordered temporary measure intended to ensure continuous and systematic surveillance of a building or portion thereof, by one or more qualified individuals, for the purpose of controlling fire and maintaining life safety.
A fire watch may be ordered by the Fire Official or their designee under the following circumstances:
Required fire protection systems are impaired or out of service;
A fire watch is requested by the building owner, tenant, or lessee;
Public and private events where 100 people or more are in attendance;
The presence of an imminent hazard as defined by N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.16;
Conducting hot work; and
All other situations deemed necessary by the Fire Official or their assigned designee.
Fire watches shall be performed by employees of the Borough of Franklin Lakes Fire Prevention Bureau and qualified members of the Fire Department. Other qualified individuals may be utilized at the discretion of the Fire Official. Any individuals used for the purposes of a fire watch shall report directly to the Fire Official or their assigned designee.
The Fire Official or their designee shall stipulate the terms of the fire watch to include staffing, equipment needs, and back-up fire protection based on each situation. Fire watch responsibilities will include the following:
Notifying the Fire Department and building occupants to an emergency;
Assisting evacuations;
Surveillance of the property;
Prevention of fires;
Extinguishment of fires; and
Mitigation of hazards to life and property.
All fire watch services deemed necessary by the Fire Official or their designee shall be paid at the rate of $40 per hour per person, and there shall be a minimum payment of four hours per person plus an administration fee of 15%. Additionally, there will be a fee of $75 for the use of a regular Borough motor vehicle and a fee of $100 per hour for the use of each Borough fire apparatus. All payments for this service shall be made to the Borough of Franklin Lakes within 10 days after the service is provided.