[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Batavia 5-19-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This policy outlines guidelines, terms, and conditions for employees who work from a location other than our offices and provides an agreement between remote work employees and their department head. Its purpose is to ensure that employees, the Town of Batavia, and the public that we serve will all benefit from these arrangements.
All remote work must receive prior approval from your department head using a form developed from time to time by the Town and maintained in the offices of the Town Clerk (the "Remote Work Agreement"). To ensure that employee performance will not suffer in remote work arrangements, the following should be considered by the employee and their department head when determining eligibility for remote work:
Can duties be met through basic hardware and software?
Does the remote work location have a reliable internet connection that is adequate for the job?
Will the remote work location be reasonably quiet and distraction free?
Has the employee proven to be trustworthy, disciplined, and self-motivated?
A probationary period where work is completed in the Town Office may be required before approval is given to work remotely.
Not all positions are appropriate or feasible for remote work and an employee's remote work capability will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Remote work eligibility will be re-assessed from time to time based on job needs and employee performance.
Work expectations. Work expectations remain the same regardless of whether an employee works in the Town offices or from a remote location. Employees are expected to:
Work their full work schedule as determined by their department head;
Dedicate their full attention to their job duties during working hours;
Be accessible by phone and/or email while working, responding to correspondence within a reasonable amount of time;
Adhere to all conditions in the Employee Handbook and all Town policies (e.g., conduct, confidentiality, cybersecurity, this Employee Remote Work Policy, Remote Work Agreement, etc.); and
Present themselves in a professional manner whenever working with co-workers and the public, including observing the dress code during in-person or video meetings.
Schedule. While some flexibility is allowed, the employee must agree to work set hours as much as possible. These hours will be determined by the department head, through discussions with the employee. Scheduled work hours should overlap with the scheduled work hours of team members for as long as is necessary to complete job duties effectively. Meal and rest breaks as established in the Employee Handbook should be observed. Schedules may include a mix of remote work and work with Town Offices.
The Town will provide remote employees with equipment and software that is essential to their jobs (e.g., laptops and cell phones). This equipment will be listed in the Remote Work Agreement. Any equipment that is provided is Town property. The Town of Batavia retains control over the property and reserves the right to monitor said property. Town provided property is to be used for Town purposes only and the employee is responsible for providing reasonable measures of keeping the equipment safe from damage or theft, including the intellectual information contained on the equipment.
Upon termination of employment, all Town property shall be returned to the Town of Batavia.
Insurance, liability, compensation, and benefits.
Remote work does not change the terms and conditions of your employment with the Town of Batavia. Employees working remotely will still receive full benefits as outlined in the Employee Handbook, including leave time, health insurance, and worker's compensation.
Only equipment owned by the Town and on loan to the employee is covered by the Town's chosen insurer. All other equipment is to be covered by the employee's personal insurance provider.
No changes will be made to an employee's salary if said employee works from home. Salaries will increase according to Town policy and successful performance reviews. Employees working remotely remain eligible for promotion and skills development programs.