[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Batavia 1-16-2008. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The fair housing policy, which is included in § 14-2, is hereby adopted as the official plan for compliance with Small Cities Community Development Block Grant.
The following is the policy of the Town of Batavia (hereinafter "Town") to provide legal protection to prohibit housing choices from being restricted on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, handicap or other protected class.
This fair housing policy represents the Town's commitment to actions to affirmatively further fair housing in the Town of Batavia by endorsing positive steps to ensure equal access to housing, employment, public facilities/services, contracting and business opportunities, Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) benefits/services and displacement protection. The primary purpose of this policy is the maintenance of a positive fair housing environment in the Town of Batavia.
In order to promote equal access to housing opportunities, the Town will actively pursue federal and state funding sources that primarily assist low- and moderate-income persons to achieve affordable housing opportunities. The Town will carefully monitor the activities of agencies and contractors engaged in these programs to ensure that the funds are primarily benefiting low- to moderate-income persons and benefiting the target population of the program. The Town will require agencies to report data and performance statistics to the Town as part of any contract the Town enters into with an agency performing housing services as a condition of receiving payment from the Town.
The Town shall have a representative at meetings of the Genesee Region Housing Initiatives Committee to advocate for affirmatively furthering fair housing practices in the community and require that the Housing Initiatives Committee take affirmative steps to promote fair and equal access to housing, regardless of the type of grant.
The Town will require contractors and/or agencies who the Town contracts with to administer CDBG funded housing programs to:
Demonstrate they afford equal employment opportunities to all persons.
Take affirmative steps to ensure that all segments of the community regardless of economic, racial or ethnic status are informed of grant opportunities.
Demonstrate that their program benefits are not awarded in ways that discriminate.
Take affirmative steps to promote fair and equal housing.
In addition to equal access, affirmatively further fair housing and accessibility for persons with disabilities.
All CDBG funded projects for which the Town is the recipient whether it is for housing, infrastructure, or economic development, attention to the civil rights, fair housing and equal opportunity component for the CDBG project must be all-inclusive, from the project design phase to final progress report.
The Town shall incorporate and promote fair housing opportunities in the Town's Comprehensive Plan.[1]
Editor's Note: The Comprehensive Plan is on file in the Town offices.
The Town shall notify local banks of fair housing activities and enlist their support and active participation.
The Town shall notify local realtors of fair housing activities and enlist their support and active participation.
The Town shall appoint a Fair Housing Officer. The Fair Housing Officer will be responsible for the implementation of the Town's Fair Housing Policy. The Fair Housing Officer will also receive complaints from Town residents who believe they are an aggrieved person with regard to unfair housing practices by a local municipality or bank or a realtor. The Fair Housing Officer will assist the aggrieved person with filing a complaint with the proper federal office. The Fair Housing Officer shall file a copy of the complaint with the regional or field office of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Fair Housing Officer is delegated to investigate the allegations of any complaint, including requesting a response from the entity charged in the complaint. Following completion of the investigation, the Fair Housing Officer will issue a final investigative report to the Town.