Plans, maps, and data shall be prepared and furnished by the developer as required herein to assure accurate surveying, to provide adequate information to designing and preparing plans, for reviewing, approving and recording plans. Plans and maps shall be neat, legible, uncluttered, and easily readable. The developer shall provide the Township with sufficient data to allow the Board of Supervisors and various review agencies to determine that the developer is complying with the applicable regulations, and to allow construction of all improvements required by the various applicable regulations.
When required. A preliminary plan shall be submitted for all major subdivisions, land developments, nonresidential minor subdivisions, nonresidential lot line adjustments (lot consolidations), or if otherwise required by this chapter.
[Amended 6-5-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
Drafting standards:
Title or name of subdivision or land development.
For the plan layout, horizontal scale shall be a maximum of 50 feet to the inch or other appropriate plan scale as may be approved by the Planning Commission on an individual case basis. Vertical scale of the street profile shall be five feet to the inch. Sheet size shall be a minimum of 24 inches by 36 inches and a maximum of 36 inches by 48 inches.
[Amended 6-5-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
Distances shall be in feet and decimals, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Each sheet shall be numbered to show its relation to the total number of sheets in the plan, as "Sheet No. 1 of 5 Sheets." Where there are two or more sheets utilized to show the entire project, a key map shall be provided.
Where the plan is a revised plan, revision date and brief description of revision should be provided in the title block.
Information shown on one sheet shall be consistent with information shown on other sheets.
All engineering data provided shall be consistent (for example, pipe slope shall accurately reflect the elevation drop over the length of the pipe.)
All information must be legible.
An adequate legend shall be provided clearly indicating drawn features and distinguishing between existing and proposed.
Project summary list containing:
Total acreage of site;
Applicable Zoning District(s);
Total number of lots in this development;
Density of dwelling units per acre;
Required lot size;
Proposed lot size (maximum, minimum, and average);
Open space required;
Open space proposed;
Type of water systems;
Type of sanitary disposal systems;
Lineal feet of new road;
Deed source: volume and page;
Tax map block and lot;
Yard setbacks;
Utilities underground.
Existing features of the land. The plan shall set forth:
The locations, names, and widths of streets and roads, including existing streets and those shown on the Township Street and Road Map; the location and names of railroads; the location of adjacent property lines and the names of property owners, the names of all bordering subdivisions; and the location of roads (including their right-of-way width), watercourses, sanitary sewers, water mains and fire hydrants, storm drains and pipes, septic systems, wells, structures, houses, etc., and similar features on/or within 100 feet of any part of the land to be subdivided.
Existing and proposed contour lines shall be provided at intervals not to exceed two feet. All elevations shall be based on USGS sea level datum. The bench mark used to establish the contours should be referenced on the plan, and must be the Township-based USGS datum.
The locations and characters of the following features within 100 feet of the site: existing buildings, the locations of wooded areas and tree rows, and the locations of quarries, cliffs, wetlands, marshlands, areas subject to inundation, floodplains, and other topographical features which may affect the location of proposed streets or roads or other proposed improvements. Aircraft glide paths in close proximity to a subdivision shall be noted and defined.
Existing easements.
Soil types.
Total acreage of the site.
Proposed street and lot layout. The plan shall also contain the following information:
A title consisting of the name of the subdivision or land development, the name and address of the record landowner, the developer and the registered engineer or surveyor; deed reference or source of title, the location and area of the subdivision or land development area; the date, dates of any revisions, scale, and North point.
The courses, distances and curve data of the boundary line survey of the land to be subdivided or developed. The survey shall not have an error of closure greater than one part in 5,000.
The layout of streets, design dimensions, courses, curve data, including names and widths of streets, roads, and crosswalks. A profile and elevation along the present ground surface over the center line and right-of-way lines shall be shown for each proposed street. When the subdivision abuts or includes a state road, the state road section and location should be shown for each proposed intersection and/or encroachment. Sight distances and speed limits should be shown for any proposed intersection or driveway connection with an existing state or Township road. The Board reserves the right to approve street names proposed for use within the Township. Drives shall be reserved for arterials and collectors.
The location of sidewalks, pathways and curbing including any unusual construction features. Grades along the tops of the curbs shall be shown giving percentage of grade on tangents and details of vertical curves and deviations of the curb at tangent points of horizontal curves.
The layout and approximate dimensions of lots.
A reference note to all land and streets proposed for dedication to the Township, including land to be held in reserve for specified future community use.
Tentative grades to an existing street or to a point 50 feet beyond the boundaries of the subdivision.
Location and size of sanitary sewers, storm drains, water pipes and other underground utilities including profiles over each sewer and/or storm drain of the present and finished ground surface showing manhole locations with typical location, size and depth of sewered storm drains and other underground utilities.
Building restriction lines, with distances from the ultimate right-of-way line and lot lines.
Indication of nonresidential use.
Typical street and sidewalk cross-sections.
Typical paving cross-section for private drives or parking areas.
Easements, including utility, screening, pathway, crosswalk, drainage or others.
No-parking fire zones, as applicable.
A key map or location map at a scale of one inch = 1,000 feet, indicating the location of the subdivision or development relative to roads and zoning district boundaries in the area and showing all properties owned by the developer(s) within 1,000 feet of the site.
Lot corners/pins and monuments.
Other required supporting documents:
Certification from sewer and water supply utilities that any usage of their respective utility proposed by the developer is within their capacity, and that they would provide such service upon finalization and approval of plans and execution of necessary agreements in accordance with their current rules and regulations.
Completed land development planning module, with full soils, slope and percolation test data. This module must include a plan showing all soil test locations and results (both passing and failing), proposed locations of primary drain fields, wells and buildings and showing a location for a potential second drain field. Satisfactory soil testing will be required for each primary and backup drain field area.
Storm drainage computations signed and sealed by a registered engineer or land surveyor (if appropriate).
Design calculations and construction details for all required improvements needed on the site, adjacent to the site, or off-site to support the proposed subdivision or land development. These calculations and details, for example, are required for bridges, culverts, water or sewer or traffic improvements, among other improvements. These calculations and details shall be designed by and signed and sealed by a registered engineer.
Detention facilities construction plan, including details on structures, size, ground cover, fencing and landscaping.
If required per § 260-48, a soil erosion control plan and narrative, including a map or maps describing the topography of the area, the proposed alteration to the area, and the erosion and sedimentation control measures and facilities; a narrative report describing the project and giving the purpose and the engineering assumptions and calculations for control measures and facilities. The maps and narrative shall include, but not be limited to, a general description of the project noting accelerated erosion control, sedimentation control, anticipated beginning and ending dates for the project, and the training and experience of the person preparing the plan and provisions for safe sediment disposal. The map should describe and locate topographic features including boundary lines of the project area, acreage, contours at intervals of at least two feet, and streams, lakes, ponds, or other bodies of water within/or in the vicinity of the project. The map shall also show soil types by name, and areal extent, proposed changes to land surface and vegetative cover, finished contours, and temporary and permanent control measures and facilities, their location and dimensions. The narrative shall include the description of the maintenance program for the control facilities and the design considerations for both temporary and permanent control measures and facilities.
Landscape plan, including size and type of material to be planted, and existing plant material or ground cover being preserved, if any.
Proposed construction timetable and phasing schedule, if project is proposed to be broken into stages.
Sketch plan layout for any contiguous land holdings not shown in the preliminary plan.
Letter of approval of the soil and erosion control plan by the Northampton County Conservation District, if required by § 260-48.
Wetlands determination report and/or a copy of the joint permit application for waterway and/or wetlands encroachment, if applicable.
Recreation impact study and open space and recreation plan for all multifamily dwelling developments.
NPDES construction permit before construction may commence, if applicable.
Impact study(s) if, applicable.
Review letter from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
Copy of the record deed for the property(s).
Certificates and notices. A preliminary plan shall contain: (Refer to Appendix "C".)[1]
Formal notations required by this chapter regarding (refer to Appendix C):[2]
Maintenance of drainage easements by owners.
Notice of PennDOT permit requirements.
Notice of on-lot sewer permit requirements.
Notice of lack of guarantee for on-lot wells water adequacy.
Notice of floodplains.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The signature of the developer certifying his adoption of the plan and his authority to represent full ownership rights to the land being developed.
Owner's signed acknowledgment of a list of dedications; including any detention basin, and off-street piping.
The signature and seal of the registered surveyor certifying that the survey boundary of the preliminary plan represents a survey made by him; that the monuments shown thereon exist as located, and that all dimensional details are correct.
The signature and seal of the registered engineer (or if permitted by state law, the registered surveyor) that prepared the designs for road, drainage, sewage, water facilities, soil erosion control features, identification of floodplain limits and all other proposed improvements.
The signature of the Township Engineer acknowledging his review.
The signature of the Township Planning Commission Chairman and Secretary.
The signature of the Township Secretary and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, certifying that the Board of Supervisors approved the plan on the date shown.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
When required. A final plan shall be submitted for all major subdivisions, land developments, nonresidential minor subdivisions, nonresidential lot line adjustments (lot consolidation), or if otherwise required by this chapter.
[Amended 6-5-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
Drafting standards. The same standards shall be required for a final plan as for a preliminary plan, except that the tracing from which prints are made shall be entirely in ink on linen or equivalent Mylar process.
Information to be shown. The final plan, which may constitute all or a portion of an approved preliminary plan, shall show:
A title, as required for a preliminary plan.
Courses, distances and curve data sufficient for the legal description of all the lines shown on the plan. The error of closure shall not be greater than one part in 5,000. Residual tracts (with no proposed buildings or development) greater than 10 acres in size are not required to have this error of closure and may be established by deed plot.
Names of abutting owners, names, locations, widths, and other dimensions of streets, including center line courses, distances, and curve data, descriptive data of right-of-way lines not parallel with or concentric with a center line, and location tie-ins by courses and distances to the nearest intersections of all existing, planned and approved streets, and easements, and recreational areas, within the land to be subdivided.
Location, material and size of monuments, and pins, with references to them.
Building restriction lines with distances from the ultimate right-of-way and/or property lines, as appropriate.
The layout and dimensions of lots and lot areas to the nearest square foot.
A formal notation as to the streets, easements, parks, and other public improvements offered for dedication to the Township and such land area reserved for future nonresidential use.
Formal notations required by this chapter regarding (refer to Appendix C):[1]
Maintenance of drainage easements by owners.
Notice of PennDOT permit requirements.
Notice of on-lot sewer permit requirements.
Notice of lack of guarantee for on-lot wells water adequacy.
Notice of floodplains.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The signature of the developer certifying his adoption of the plan and his authority to represent full ownership rights to the land being developed.
Owner's signed acknowledgment of a list of dedications.
The signature and seal of the registered surveyor certifying that the survey boundary of the plan represents a survey made by him; that the monuments shown thereon exist as located, and that all dimensional details are correct.
The signature and seal of the registered engineer (or if permitted by state law, the registered surveyor) that prepared the designs for road, drainage, sewage, water facilities, soil erosion control features, identification of floodplain limits and all other proposed improvements.
The signature of the Secretary of the Planning Commission certifying review by the Planning Commission.
Acknowledgment of review by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
The signature of the Township Secretary and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors certifying that the Board of Supervisors approved the plan on the date shown.
Date set for completion of all proposed and required improvements.
Reference to the approved preliminary plan and supporting data for improvements construction.
Uniform parcel ID numbers.
Street addresses.
Other required supporting documents:
Copy of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (Penn. DEP) permit for sewer extension and facilities, or certification of approval for on-lot sewage disposal approval for each lot, or for each use, from the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer and approval of Planning Module by Department of Environmental Protection, as applicable. The request for planning module approval must be submitted to the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer and Board of Supervisors in advance of final plan submission to allow time for reviews by the Board of Supervisors prior to final plan application. Planning Module requirements are laid out in Penn. DEP regulations and in this chapter.
Copy of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation highway encroachments permit, if applicable.
Copy of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection dams and encroachments permit, if applicable. Copy of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection dams and encroachment permit and Army Corps of Engineers permit for alterations to wetlands and/or waterways, if applicable.
Copy of agreement with sewer and water utility, indicating specific approval for each proposed extension and/or use, or copy of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection permit for each private centralized sewer and/or water system, where applicable.
Copy of agreement(s) and security accepted and approved by the Board of Supervisors to secure the completion of any required improvements that have not yet been completed. The amount of such security shall be based on estimates of work remaining to be completed and approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Letter of approval of the soil and erosion control plan by the Northampton County Conservation District, if applicable and not previously submitted as part of a preliminary plan.
Recreation fees or the deed of dedication for recreational and open space Areas as required by § 260-40D, if applicable.
All easement documents and drawings per § 260-23.
Improvement estimate, if applicable, signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer with the following certification (or similar): "This estimate is fair and reasonable and sufficient to guarantee, to Moore Township, the completion of all required improvements in case of default by the developer."
Detention basin maintenance fees, if applicable.
NPDES construction permit, if applicable.
Certificates. An approved final plan shall contain (refer to Appendix "C"):[2]
The signature and seal of the registered surveyor, certifying that the plan represents a survey made by him; that the monuments shown thereon exist as located; and that all dimensional details are correct, including profiles and cross sections.
The signature and seal of the registered engineer (or if allowed by state law) the registered surveyor that is responsible for the preparation of the designs of improvements for the subdivision or land development.
The signature of the developer certifying his adoption of the plan and his authority to represent full ownership rights to the land being developed.
The signature of the Township Engineer indicating his review of the plans.
The signature of the Secretary of the Planning Commission, certifying that the plan conforms with the approved preliminary plan.
Owner's signed acknowledgment of a) list of dedications, b) that such areas so dedicated shall be maintained at the owner's expense for a period of 18 months from the date of acceptance by the Township, and c) date of completion of improvements, (or proposed date of completion.)
The signature acknowledgment of review by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
The signature of the Township Secretary and Chairman certifying that the Board of Supervisors approved the Plan on the date shown.
Evidence of official recording plan.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Added 6-5-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
When required. A minor subdivision plan prepared in accordance with this section shall be required for all residential minor subdivisions. For all nonresidential minor subdivisions, plans shall be prepared in accordance with § 260-58 for final plans.
Drafting standards:
All plan information shall be legibly and accurately presented. Information presented on one sheet shall be consistent with information presented on other sheets in the plan set.
Plans shall be prepared on one of the following standard sheet sizes: 24 inches by 36 inches, 30 inches by 42 inches, or 36 inches by 48 inches. Plans containing multiple sheets shall utilize a consistent sheet size.
Plans shall be prepared at a maximum horizontal scale of one inch to 50 feet or other appropriate plan scale as may be approved by the Planning Commission on an individual case basis.
All dimensions shall be set forth in feet and decimal fractions thereof. All horizontal bearings shall be set forth in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Each plan sheet shall be numbered and reflect its relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan set (e.g., Sheet 1 of 4).
Plans shall contain a legend identifying unique line types and symbols appearing on the plans.
Plans shall clearly differentiate between existing and proposed features.
Required general plan information:
Unique plan title or name of minor subdivision or lot line adjustment, including the terms "final plan," and "minor subdivision" or "lot line adjustment," as applicable, in the plan title block.
Initial date of plan and subsequent revision dates, including a brief description for each revision.
Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the owner(s) and developer(s) of the subject property or properties.
Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the plan preparer.
Owner's name, street address tax parcel identification number, and deed reference for adjacent properties, including those located across streets from the subject property.
Names of adjacent subdivisions.
Reference to any previously recorded plans involving the subject property or properties, including any applicable restrictive covenants or easements.
Site data block containing the following information:
Owner's name, street address, tax parcel identification number, and deed reference for the subject property or properties.
Area (in acres and square feet) of the subject property or properties and an indication as to whether areas are based on deed or survey information.
Number of existing and proposed lots in the development.
Type of drinking water supply system.
Type of sanitary sewer disposal system.
Zoning district(s) in which the subject property or properties are located.
Zoning district data table containing the following information.
Required and proposed minimum lot areas (minimum lot area excludes lands within Township and/or state rights-of-way whether offered for dedication or not).
Required and proposed minimum lot widths (measured at the required minimum front yard building setback).
Required and proposed building setbacks.
Maximum allowable and proposed building and impervious coverage ratios (coverage calculations exclude lands to be dedicated for public use).
Maximum allowable and proposed building heights (in feet and stories).
Additional restrictions related to lot area, width, density, and coverage ratios for each lot due to the existence of woodlands or steep slopes, as applicable.
North arrow.
Graphic and written plan scale.
Location map drawn at a maximum horizontal scale of one inch to 2,000 feet identifying the subject property in relation to existing and/or proposed roads, waterways, zoning district boundaries, municipal boundaries, and any other lands owned by the property owner or developer within 1,000 feet of the subject property.
Required plan content:
Existing natural features (within 100 feet of the subject property).
Contour lines.
In general, contour lines shall be based on a field survey and shall be drawn at a maximum of two-foot intervals.
Contour lines for a proposed residual parcel not intended for development and having an area of greater than 10 acres may be plotted by accurately superimposing contour lines from the applicable USGS quadrangle map.
Identify a plan bench mark and the vertical datum used to prepare the plan, if a vertical datum other than the USGS vertical datum is used, provide a statement on the plan relating the elevation of the chosen vertical datum to the USGS vertical datum.
Watercourses, drainageways, lakes, ponds, natural springs, wetlands, marshlands, floodplains, and other hydrologic features.
Woodlands, tree rows, and significant trees and vegetation located outside of woodlands and tree rows that may impact or be impacted by the proposed development.
List acreages of existing woodlands within the boundaries of each proposed lot.
List existing woodland coverage ratios for each proposed lot.
List acreages of existing woodlands that will be eliminated or appreciably altered due to the proposed development for each proposed lot.
Steep slopes. Separately identify areas of existing steep slopes ranging from 25 to 35% and greater than 35% within the boundaries of the subject property.
Rock outcroppings, sinkholes, quarries, cliffs, and other visible geologic features.
Soil types and boundaries as depicted in the current edition of the Northampton County Soil Survey.
Any other natural or topographic features that may impact or be impacted by the proposed development.
Existing man-made features (within 100 feet of the subject property).
Roadways, bridges, and railroads, including road names, state highway designations, cartway widths, and surface materials.
Underground utility lines, including conduit and pipe sizes and materials, structures, and invert elevations.
Storm sewer facilities, including pipe sizes and materials, structures, and invert elevations.
Utility poles, streetlights, and overhead utility lines.
Traffic signs and guide rails.
Buildings, including residential and nonresidential structures, barns, accessory buildings, detached garages, and sheds.
Private and community water supply wells and sewage disposal systems.
Private driveway, pools, and fences.
Property boundary monumentation, including types, sizes, and conditions.
Any other man-made features that may impact or be impacted by the proposed development.
Existing property boundaries, rights-of-way, and easements (within 100 feet of the subject property).
Boundary lines of the subject property or properties, including bearings, distances, and curve data sufficient to accurately and completely reproduce each course on the ground.
Property and right-of-way boundary lines shall be plotted based on a field survey and shall have an error of closure of less than one in 5,000.
Boundary lines of any residual parcel with an area of greater than 10 acres may be plotted using the deed of record.
Approximate boundary lines of adjacent properties, including those located across streets from the subject property.
Road rights-of-way, including widths and ownership (e.g., Township or PennDOT).
Easements, including widths, types, and restrictive covenants.
Proposed layout.
Lot lines.
Road rights-of-way, including widths and ownership (e.g., Township or PennDOT) and identification of any areas offered for dedication to the Township or PennDOT.
Lot and right-of-way lines shall include bearings, distances, and curve data sufficient to accurately and completely reproduce each course on the ground and shall be plotted with an allowable error of closure as defined above for existing property boundary lines.
Unique identification number for each lot.
Mailing address for each lot, to be assigned be the Township Engineer.
Area of each lot, including gross and net lot areas for lots adjacent to a state road (net lot area excludes lands within Township and/or state rights-of-way whether offered for dedication or not).
Building setback lines, including distances measured from lot lines and ultimate right-of-way lines, as applicable.
Additional setbacks from existing and proposed streams, ponds, lakes, and detention basins, as applicable, including widths and types.
Required drainage, utility, and stream easements, including widths and types.
Typical or design building footprints and driveways for each proposed building lot.
On-lot water supply wells.
Primary and secondary septic system absorption areas, including soil probe and percolation test locations.
Infiltration facilities for proposed dwelling and driveways and any other required storm drainage facilities, including soil probe locations.
Required and available sight distances for proposed driveways measured in accordance with PennDOT standards.
Property boundary monumentation, including sizes and types.
Any additional information contained in §§ 260-57 and 260-58 of this chapter as may be required by the Board of Supervisors.
Required plan notes and statements, as applicable (refer to Appendix C):[1]
List of dedications.
Notices for drainage easements.
Notice of PennDOT state highway access permit requirements.
Notice for on-lot sewage permits.
Notice for on-lot water supplies.
Notice for floodplain identification.
Grading note.
Construction site requirements.
No new water supply well shall be located within 100 feet of an active agricultural field.
No earth disturbance within 50 feet of existing wetlands shall take place without first obtaining any required federal, state, and local permits.
Any and all public and private improvements proposed on this plan will be constructed in accordance with applicable Moore Township standards in effect at the time of final plan approval.
Any and all existing natural and man-made features located within 100 feet of the subject property that may impact or be impacted by the proposed development have been completely and accurately identified on this plan.
A minimum of 80% of existing woodlands shall be preserved in accordance with § 260-39J(3) of this chapter.
Proposed driveway slopes shall not exceed the following:
Four percent within 20 feet of the right-of-way of an arterial road or highway, 7% for the next 80 feet, and 15% thereafter; or
Seven percent within 20 feet of the right-of-way of a local or collector road and 15% thereafter.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit or commencement of construction on any lot, applicant shall submit to the Township Engineer for review and approval three copies of a lot grading plan in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 260-33H.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Required certifications and signature blocks (refer to Appendix C):[2]
Owner's statement signed by the owner and sealed by a notary public.
Plan preparer's statement signed and sealed by a registered professional surveyor.
Designer's statement signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer or, if permitted by state law, a registered professional surveyor or landscape architect.
Township Planning Commission approval block.
Township Board of Supervisors approval block.
Lehigh Valley Planning Commission signature block.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Required supporting documentation, as applicable:
Completed Act 537 sewage facilities planning module exemption application and supporting documentation.
Letter of approval of the sewage facilities planning module exemption from PennDEP.
Written acknowledgement of planning consistency review from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
Letter of approval of the stormwater management plan from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
Letter of approval of the erosion and sediment pollution control plan from the Northampton County Conservation District.
NPDES permit for stormwater discharges associated with construction activities.
Copy of the deed of record for the subject property or properties.
Plats and legal descriptions in accordance with § 260-23 for any right-of-way areas offered for dedication to the Township.
Soils investigation report for proposed infiltration facilities.
Wetlands determination report prepared by a registered professional geologist or soil scientist if earth disturbance is proposed within 50 feet of hydric or hydric inclusion soils as defined by the Army Corps of Engineers or the Northampton County Conservation District. The Township may require the developer to obtain a jurisdictional determination from the Army Corps of Engineers.
[Added 6-5-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
When required. A lot line adjustment plan (lot consolidation plan) prepared in accordance with this section shall be required for all residential lot line adjustments (lot consolidations), that do not propose any public or private improvements. For all nonresidential lot line adjustments (lot consolidations) and lot line adjustments (lot consolidations) involving public and/or private improvements, plans shall be prepared in accordance with § 260-58 for final plans.
Drafting standards:
All plan information shall be legibly and accurately presented. Information presented on one sheet shall be consistent with information presented on other sheets in the plan set.
Plans shall be prepared on one of the following standard sheet sizes: 24 inches by 36 inches, 30 inches by 42 inches or 36 inches by 48 inches. Plans containing multiple sheets shall utilize a consistent sheet size.
Plans shall be prepared at a maximum horizontal scale of one inch to 50 feet or other appropriate plan scale as may be approved by the Planning Commission on an individual case basis.
All dimensions shall be set forth in feet and decimal fractions thereof. All horizontal bearing shall be set forth in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Each plan sheet shall be numbered and reflect its relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan set (e.g., Sheet 1 of 4).
Plans shall contain a legend identifying unique line types and symbols appearing on the plans.
Plans shall clearly differentiate between existing and proposed features.
Required general plan information:
Unique plan title or name of minor subdivision or lot line adjustment, including the terms "final plan," and "minor subdivision" or "lot line adjustment" as applicable in the plan title block.
Initial date of plan and subsequent revision dates, including a brief description for each revision.
Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the owner(s) and developer(s) of the subject property or properties.
Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the plan preparer.
Owner's name, street address, tax parcel identification number, and deed reference for adjacent properties, including those located across streets from the subject property.
Reference to any previously recorded plans involving the subject property or properties, including any applicable restrictive covenants or easements.
Site data block containing the following information:
Owner's name, street address, tax parcel identification number, and deed reference for the subject property or properties.
Area (in acres and square feet) of the subject properties and an indication as to whether areas are based on deed or survey information.
Number of existing and proposed lots of record.
Type of drinking water supply system.
Type of sanitary sewer disposal system.
Zoning of district(s) in which the subject property or properties are located.
Zoning district data table containing the following information.
Required and proposed minimum lot areas (minimum lot area excludes lands within Township and/or state rights-of-way, whether offered for dedication or not).
Required and proposed minimum lot widths (measured at the required minimum front yard building setback).
Required and proposed building setbacks.
Maximum allowable and proposed building and impervious coverage ratios (coverage calculations exclude lands to be dedicated for public use).
Additional restrictions related to lot area, width, density, and coverage ratios for each lot due to the existence of woodlands or steep slopes, as applicable.
North arrow.
Graphic and written plan scale.
Location map drawn at a maximum horizontal scale of one inch to 2,000 feet identifying the subject property in relation to existing and/or proposed roads, waterways, zoning district boundaries, municipal boundaries, and any other lands owned by the property owner or developer within 1,000 feet of the subject property.
Required plan content:
Existing natural features (within 100 feet of the subject properties). Not required for lot line adjustments that will result in a single, consolidated lot.
Contour lines.
In general contour lines shall be based on a field survey or interpolated from the applicable USGS quadrangle map and shall be drawn at maximum two-foot intervals.
Contour lines are not generally required for a parcel having a proposed area of greater than 10 acres.
Contour lines are not generally required for a parcel that will increase in size as a result of the lot line adjustment.
Identify a plan bench mark and the vertical datum used to prepare the plan. If a vertical datum other than the USGS vertical datum is used, provide a statement on the plan relating the elevation of the chosen vertical datum to the USGS vertical datum.
Watercourses, drainageways, lakes, ponds, natural springs, wetlands, marshlands, floodplains, and other hydrologic features.
Woodlands, tree rows, and significant trees and vegetation located outside of woodlands and tree rows that may impact or be impacted by the proposed development.
List acreages of existing woodlands within the boundaries of each proposed lot.
List existing woodland coverage ratios for each proposed lot.
Steep slopes.
Separately identify areas of existing steep slopes ranging from 25 to 35% and greater than 35% within the boundaries of the subject property.
Rock outcroppings, sinkholes, quarries, cliffs, and other visible geologic features.
Soil types and boundaries as depicted in the current edition of the Northampton County Soil Survey.
Any other natural or topographic features that may impact or be impacted by the lot line adjustment.
Existing man-made features (within 100 feet of the subject properties).
Roadways, bridges, and railroads, including road names, state highway designations, cartway widths, and surface materials.
Underground utility lines and storm drainage facilities.
Utility poles, streetlights, and overhead utility lines.
Traffic signs and guide rails.
Buildings, including residential and nonresidential structures, barns, accessory buildings, detached garages, and sheds.
Private and community water supply wells, and sewage disposal systems.
Private driveways, pools, and fences.
Property boundary monumentation, including types, sizes, and conditions.
Existing property boundaries, rights-of-way, and easements (within 100 feet of the subject properties).
Boundary lines of the subject property or properties, including bearings, distances, and curve data sufficient to accurately and completely reproduce each course on the ground.
Property and right-of-way boundary lines shall be plotted based on a field survey and shall have an error of closure of less than one in 5,000.
Boundary lines of any residual parcel with an area of greater than 10 acres may be plotted using the deed of record.
Approximate boundary lines of adjacent properties, including those located across streets from the subject property.
Road rights-of-way, including widths and ownership (e.g., Township or PennDOT).
Easements, including widths, types, and restrictive covenants.
Proposed layout.
Lot lines.
Road rights-of-way including widths and ownership (e.g., Township or PennDOT) and identification of any areas offered for dedication to the Township or PennDOT.
Lot and right-of-way lines shall include bearings, distances, and curve data sufficient to accurately and completely reproduce each course on the ground and shall be plotted with an allowable error of closure as defined above for existing property boundary lines.
Mailing address for each lot.
Area for each lot, including gross and net lot areas for lots adjacent to a state road (net lot area excludes lands within Township and/or state rights-of-way whether offered for dedication or not).
Building setback lines, including distances measured from lot lines and ultimate right-of-way lines, as applicable.
Additional setbacks from existing streams, ponds, lakes, and detention basins, as applicable, including widths and types.
Required drainage, utility, and stream easements, including widths and types.
Property boundary monumentation, including sizes and types.
Any additional information contained in §§ 260-57 and 260-58 of this chapter as may be required by the Board of Supervisors.
Required plan notes and statements, as applicable (refer to Appendix C):[1]
List of dedications.
Notices of drainage easements.
Notice of PennDOT state highway access permit requirements.
Notice of on-lot sewage permit.
Notice of on-lot water supplies.
Notice for floodplain identification.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit or commencement of construction on any lot, applicant shall submit to the Township Engineer for review and approval three copies of a lot grading plan in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 260-33H.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Required certifications and signature blocks (refer to Appendix C):[2]
Owner's statement, signed by owner and sealed by a notary public.
Plan preparer's statement, signed and sealed by a registered professional surveyor.
Township Planning Commission approval block.
Township Board of Supervisors approval block.
Lehigh Valley Planning Commission signature block.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Required supporting documentation, as applicable.
Written acknowledgement of planning consistency review from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
Copy of the deed of record for the subject property or properties.
Plats and legal descriptions in accordance with § 260-23 for any right-of-way areas offered for dedication to the Township.