[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors 4-3-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-03. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to achieve a high quality of workmanship in the installation of all plumbing in new buildings and major renovations of existing buildings performed after the enactment of this chapter. Also, Sadsbury Township must insure the quality of all installations of sewer connections in order to guarantee the health, safety, and welfare of our residents.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The home or residence of the person holding the license and conducting the business. The home or residence of a member of the firm or corporation.
See Plumbing Inspector.
Within the meaning of this chapter, a person(s) or corporation, having a bona fide established place of business and possessing a registered master plumbers license. Master plumber will be used interchangeably with and mean the same as registered master plumber.
Any person(s) appointed by the Sadsbury Township Board of Supervisors to oversee the licensing, workmanship, and planning of plumbers working within Sadsbury Township.
Work performed including the installation and alterations, repairs, or connections to any drain, sewer, soil, waste, or vent pipe or any pipes connected therewith for sanitary purposes. The new installations or alterations of water supply pipes for sanitary purposes.
Or portion of the same. An office or space in an office building. Out-of-town firms or corporations not continuously in business shall have their business location at the place where work is to be done.
It shall not be lawful for any person(s), firm, or corporation to carry on or work at the business of plumbing or house drainage in Sadsbury Township until a license to engage in or work at said business shall have been granted said person(s) by the Inspector. There will be a register of such licenses in a book kept for the purpose, which shall be open to public inspection.
Every master plumber, before doing any plumbing work, either by himself or his employees, shall obtain from the Inspector a license, as hereinafter provided.
The license shall be signed by the Secretary of the Board of Supervisors or his designee.
Any plumber applying for a license must be a registered master plumber and have a bona fide place of business.
A licensing of any one member of a firm or corporation, or of the superintendent or foreman thereof, shall be deemed sufficient.
No person other than a registered master plumber shall be allowed to carry on or engage in the business of plumbing in Sadsbury Township. No person or persons other than a registered master plumber will be allowed to alter, repair, or make any connection with any drain, septic tank, cesspool, or overflow cesspool, soil, waste pipe, vent pipe, or any pipe connected therewith. No person shall be allowed to carry on or engage in the business of plumbing in Sadsbury Township unless each person so employed shall be registered and obtained a permit for such work from the Plumbing Inspector. This section does not preclude a homeowner performing minor repairs and or replacement of fixtures in their own property. It does preclude a homeowner from performing sewer lateral work unless a registered master plumber is in charge of the project.
A registered master plumber may be employed for the care, alteration, or addition to the plumbing and drainage system of a designated industrial or mercantile establishment, institution, hotel, hospital, college, etc., where it is necessary to have the continual services of a registered plumber. He shall receive a license after due examination and approval of his credentials by the Plumbing Inspector. However, in no case shall said plumber be permitted to do any plumbing or drainage work except that for which be is registered.
Licenses shall be effective for the calendar year and may be renewed for the succeeding year any time after December 1.
The fee for the annual license is $50 and is charged on the calendar year renewal basis. There will be no partial year amortization of the fee.
Any person, firm, or corporation holding a registered master plumber's license granted by the applicable official of any municipality in this commonwealth to engage in or work at the business of plumbing and house drainage desiring to do plumbing and drainage work in the Township may be registered and licensed upon payment of a fee of $50. However, the credentials must be approved as valid by the Plumbing Inspector before issuance.
In the event that the Plumbing Inspector shall refuse to issue a license to a person or firm holding a current license from other municipalities, the applicant may appeal such refusal as is outlined in § 98A-18.
Every registered master plumber, firm, or corporation shall give immediate notice of any change in their place of business and, upon their retirement from business, shall surrender their license to the Plumbing Inspector. Every person, firm, corporation, or representative shall give the full name(s) of the person(s), firm, or officer's name(s) of the corporation.
Before any license shall be issued to any applicant therefor, said applicant shall execute and file with the Secretary of the Board of Supervisors a surety bond, approved as to form and the qualifications of the surety or sureties by the Solicitor of said Township, in the principal sum of $2,000. The conditions and obligation of which bond shall be that the said applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the Township of Sadsbury in the County of Chester, and each and every officer, representative, agent or employee thereof, the owner of any property upon which said applicant shall do or perform any plumbing work, and any person or persons who, or firm or corporation which, shall employ said applicant to do or perform any plumbing work, against any damages by reason of injury not otherwise resulting from any obstruction in or upon any tunnel, excavation, or other opening of any kind in or under any street, avenue, alley, or other place on either public or private property made or caused by said applicant or by any agent, servant, or employee of said applicant for any purpose in connection with plumbing work; that said applicant shall keep and maintain conspicuously placed during every night from sunset to sunrise, during the continuance of any obstruction, excavation, tunnel or opening authorized by any permit, such number of safety items as specified by the Inspector.
In addition thereto, said applicant shall present to the Secretary of the Board of Supervisors evidence of a current and fully paid insurance policy insuring for and against public liability and property damage, with policy limits of not less than $50,000 per person as to personal injury liability, and not less than $25,000 as to property damage liability, or in such amount as may be specified by the Board of Supervisors from time to time by resolution. If said applicant employs a person other than himself, he shall also present to the Secretary of the Board of Supervisors evidence of a currently paid up and presently effective workman's compensation insurance policy.
The actual work performed, which is subject to the provisions of this Code, shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a registered and licensed master plumber.
Master plumbers will be held responsible for the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation adopted by the Board of Supervisors pertaining to plumbing work by journeyman plumbers or others while in their employ.
No master plumber shall allow his name to be used by any other person or party, either for the purpose of obtaining permits or doing any work under his license.
Master plumbers must have their licenses in their possession at all times while doing any plumbing work, which license shall be subject to inspection by the Plumbing Inspector, any local police officer, or by the owner of property on which said work is taking place. No master plumber shall direct a journeyman plumber in his employ to perform plumbing work contrary to the provisions of this code.
The licenses granted under this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the Plumbing Inspector, when a master plumber, firm, corporation, or the licensed representative thereof shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, any ordinance, rule, or regulation and shall refuse or neglect to make the necessary corrections within a reasonable time after notification thereof.
The forfeiture or suspension of the license of a master plumber shall operate as a forfeiture or suspension of the license of any copartner. The forfeiture or suspension of a constituted representative of the firm or corporation shall operate as a forfeiture or suspension of the license of the firm or corporation. A separate license shall not be granted to any person interested or employed by said firm or corporation as long as the person who incurred the forfeiture may be interested or employed by the firm or the corporation.
A license issued to a firm shall become inoperative on the dissolution of said firm and a separate bond must be filed for the party continuing the business. A master plumber's license shall become inoperative whenever the party or parties to whom it was issued no longer has a bona fide established place of business or shop.
A master plumber's license shall not be transferred to any successor in the business and a master plumber's license shall not be transferred to any person whatsoever, under any circumstances.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to begin any plumbing or house drainage work, construct or work on any sewer system or do any work regulated under this chapter unless an application shall be made by the master plumber or his duly authorized representative and a permit has been obtained.
Before commencing any work on the plumbing or drainage system of any building in the Township, or any additions or alterations thereof, a master plumber must file a plan or drawing with the Inspector. The plan will show the plumbing and drainage system from its connection with the sewer or cesspool throughout the entire building, together with the location of pipes, traps, closets, and fixtures to be used. Plans must be legibly drawn and old work shall be marked "old" and new work "new." Plans for new construction shall be drawn in blue. Plans for old construction shall be drawn in red. A separate plan for each building, public or private, or addition thereto or alteration thereof, shall be filed. In cases of alterations or extensions, a plan of the old system, as well as a plan of the proposed change, must be filed with the Plumbing Inspector if, in the judgment of the Plumbing Inspector, it is practicable to furnish the same.
The master plumber must file, with each drawing or plan, a written description giving the size and kind of pipes, traps, closets, fixtures, etc., to be used and method of ventilating same.
In the event that drawings are reproduced by a process which would not reproduce color, existing plumbing shall be marked by a solid line and new plumbing by a dashed or broken line.
There shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of Sadsbury Township a Plumbing Inspector and any Assistant Plumbing Inspectors as may be necessary. The Plumbing Inspector(s) shall receive such compensation as the said Supervisors may, by resolution, from time to time direct and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Supervisors or until their successors are duly appointed.
The powers and duties of the Plumbing Inspector shall be as follows.
To receive all applications, plans and specifications of any proposed building or alteration.
To approve such plans and specifications within 15 days if in conformity with the provisions of all applicable ordinances and certify such approval to the Building Inspector and/or Zoning Officer of the Township, who shall issue a permit for such building or alteration.
Shall disapprove such plans and specifications if they do not conform with this or any applicable ordinance and shall refuse approval of same until they are modified so as to conform to such requirements.
To inspect immediately after completion and from time to time thereafter all buildings to determine whether or not their classification, either as to equipment or occupancy, has been changed.
The Plumbing Inspector shall have the power, upon proper identification and at reasonable times, to enter upon any premises in the Township, in company with the owner or contractor hired by the owner thereof, where there is suspected any violation of this chapter for the purpose of determining such violation.
To inspect all buildings or other construction during the course of the work to see that the provisions of this chapter are carried out.
To keep all applications, plans, specifications and a record of all permits, refusals, inspections, certificates, and other action taken by him, which copies of said records shall be kept on file at the office of the Township Secretary and be subject to inspection during regular office hours.
To enforce all the provisions of this chapter and to recommend to the Supervisors any special regulations or ruling that shall, in his opinion, be necessary to define the intent and purpose of any portion of this chapter.
To stop the erection or alteration of any building where the same is carried on contrary to the provisions of this chapter. He shall have the power to order the removal of any materials, either before or after their incorporation in the building, that may be unsafe or unfit for the purpose which they are intended to perform in accordance with the terms and definitions of this chapter or any applicable ordinance and shall have the power to revoke the permit for such cause.
To employ the services of a qualified expert(s) to determine the strength of materials or of special forms of construction which are proposed for use in any building for which permit application is made.
To employ the services of a qualified expert(s) to determine whether work is being done in a substantial, workman like manner or to settle other matters in dispute; provided, however, the securing of such experts shall be with the approval of the Supervisors. After receiving the report of such expert or experts, the Plumbing Inspector shall order such changes in the materials or work as shall be found necessary.
Whenever any excavation or work may, in the judgment of the Plumbing Inspector, affect the public safety or the safety of the workmen, it shall be his duty to direct that precautions shall be taken for the erection of suitable fences, shelter, scaffolding, or the like.
The Township Secretary shall keep available a supply of copies of this chapter and any person may purchase a copy of the same for $10. A copy of this chapter may be inspected without charge at the office of the Township Secretary during office hours.
The Plumbing Inspector shall also issue or approve all licenses as required by Article I of this chapter.
When the work for which any plumbing permit issued is not being constructed in conformity with the permitted plans, specifications, or descriptions, the Plumbing Inspector shall notify the master plumber(s) or their agent, in writing, that such work must be suspended until a permit for any change is obtained or that all the work must conform to the detailed description, plans, etc., upon which the permit was issued.
If the master plumber(s) or their agents fail to comply with the said notice on the said service thereof, it shall be the further duty of the Plumbing Inspector to revoke said permit. Notice that the permit is revoked shall be made to the master plumber(s) or their agent, as hereinafter provided. It shall be unlawful to use or allow to be used any portion of any building or structure after such permit shall have been revoked unless the work for which such permit was issued shall has been corrected and made to conform to the plans, specifications, or descriptions therefor and a certificate has been first obtained from the Plumbing Inspector setting forth that said work has been corrected and made good.
Copies of all cease-and-desist orders and notices of revocation shall be mailed to the last known address of the owner as shown on the application for permit.
In case the Plumbing Inspector shall refuse to issue a permit or shall revoke a permit and the applicant or the holder of a revoked permit claims that such a refusal or revocation is based upon a misconstrued or wrong interpretation of this chapter or of any ordinance, rule, or regulation, the applicant or the holder of a revoked permit or their duly authorized agents may appeal to the Sadsbury Township Board of Administrative Appeals for an order requiring said Inspector to issue or reissue such permit. The action of the Plumbing Inspector in refusing the permit shall be certified on the face of such permit.
The appeal may be taken at any time within 10 days after the receipt of notice by the Inspector. The appeal shall be filed in duplicate and state specifically the question(s) of which the appellant desires to have a hearing decision. The appellant shall deposit the sum of $100 with said Inspector at the time of filing the appeal to cover the expenses incidental to the hearing and determining the appeal.
Upon the filing of an appeal as prescribed above, the Inspector shall, within three days there after, transmit a copy of such appeal, together with a written statement of the matter in controversy and the reasons for the refusal or revocation made by him, to the said Board of Administrative Appeals who shall set a date for the hearing. Said Inspector shall inform the appellant of the time and place of hearing.
The Board of Administrative Appeals, when considering the appeals from the rulings of the Inspector, shall have the power to interpret the true intent and meaning of this chapter, or any rule or regulation or of any other ordinance, rule or regulation affecting the appeal. There shall be a right of appeal to the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County within 30 days after the decision of the Board of Administrative Appeals.
Should the Board of Administrative Appeals be of the opinion that the Inspector's refusal to issue the permit or the revocation of a permit was in error and unauthorized, they shall, in writing, order the Inspector to issue or reissue such permit. The Inspector must refund the appellant the full amount deposited by him. Upon receipt of such instructions, the Plumbing Inspector shall immediately comply therewith.
Should the Board of Administrative Appeals, after hearing the appeal, sustain the action and ruling of the Plumbing Inspector, the appellant shall have no cause and the sum of $100 previously deposited by the said appellant shall be turned over into the Township treasury by said Plumbing Inspector.
The papers and testimony relating to cases of appeal shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Township Supervisors, there to remain on record.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person who violates or permits a violation of this chapter shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding brought before a Magisterial District Judge under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, be guilty of a summary offense and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs of prosecution. In default of payment thereof, the defendant may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days. Each day or portion thereof that such violation continues or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense, and each section of this chapter that is violated shall also constitute a separate offense.