The following rules and regulations established by the Town Board of the Town of Somers, New York, are hereby made a part of the contract between the Somers Consolidated Water District No. 1 and each and every party taking and/or using water furnished by said District or making connections with its mains. The Town Board reserves the right to make such changes in these rules and regulations as it may, from time to time, deem desirable.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The person or persons or corporation owning the premises connected with the mains and/or using water therefrom.
The Town Board of the Town of Somers.
The Town Engineer of the Town of Somers as appointed by the Somers Town Board.
The Amawalk Heights Water District.
Every consumer or taker of water from the system of said Water District shall be in all respects bound by and shall be considered to have assented to the rules, regulations and requirements of said Board, as herein set forth or as hereinafter amended, as a condition precedent to the rights to service from said water system.
No person or corporation shall be allowed to use the water of the Water District for any purpose whatever or to connect with the mains without first making application therefor and signing a contract for its use on a form provided. Contracts for water must be signed by the owner of the property or by an agent holding legal authorization to sign for said owner. In the case of a signature by an agent, a copy of the owner's authorization to sign must be filed with the application.
No person or persons shall be permitted to take water from the fire hydrants to sprinkle any street or portions of the streets or for any other purpose without having first obtained a permit from the Town Engineer, which permit shall be good only for the time named therein. This shall not preclude the inspection and operation of the fire hydrants by members of fire companies in performance of their official duties.