[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
Fire service within the Borough of Conshohocken shall be provided by the volunteer fire companies known as the Washington Hose & S.F. Engine Co. #1 and the Conshohocken Fire Company #2.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 03-2022, 1/19/2022; by Ord. No. 03-2024, 3/6/2024]
Borough Council shall appoint a Fire Chief who shall attend and be in command at all fire calls in the Borough and who shall supervise and direct all firefighting personnel and the operation, disposal and use of all firefighting equipment at such fire calls, having due regard for the protection of lives and property. At all fire scenes, the Fire Chief shall be vested with the authority and powers of a fire police officer.
The Fire Chief shall have the authority to make and promulgate written rules and regulations governing the conduct, methods and procedures to be followed by both volunteer fire companies in responding to calls and in fighting fires in the Borough. When such rules and regulations have been approved by Borough Council, they shall be effective and binding upon the individual companies and shall be posted permanently and prominently upon the bulletin board in each company over the signature of the Fire Chief.
The Fire Chief shall have the authority to exclude the public or vehicles from the vicinity of a fire when circumstances and public safety shall so require.
The Fire Chief shall have the right and duty to make monthly inspections and inventories of the apparatus and equipment of both volunteer fire companies, and to make recommendations and reports to the company and Council regarding the maintenance, condition, repair and improvement of their equipment and apparatus. He shall keep permanent records of such inspections and inventories, which shall be available to the proper officers of the Borough at all times. All requisitions for firefighting equipment and appropriations from Borough Council shall be transmitted by the individual companies to the office of the Fire Chief, who shall in every instance attach thereto his recommendation and forward same to the Borough Manager for Council consideration.
The Fire Chief shall not engage or participate in the internal affairs of either volunteer fire company. He may maintain his membership in either company but hold no company office and shall exercise no right to vote or to speak as a member upon any company matter. The foregoing shall not preclude the Fire Chief from appearing before or communicating with either company in his official capacity.
The Fire Chief shall have control and supervision over the Deputy Fire Chief, the Assistant Fire Chiefs, the Battalion Chief, the Fire Captain, the Fire Safety Officers (except to the extent National Fire Protection Association standards provide otherwise), and the Fire Police; provided, however, that the Fire Chief shall have no supervisory authority over employees of the Borough unless such employees are engaged in firefighting activity during a fire call.
Appointments shall be made to take effect on the second Wednesday of January of each odd-numbered year; such appointees to serve until their respective successors have been duly appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment was made, for the unexpired portion of the term. The compensation of the Fire Chief shall be fixed from time to time by Council.
[Ord. No. 03-2022, 1/19/2022]
Council shall appoint one Deputy Fire Chief. Said Deputy Fire Chief shall serve until their successor is duly appointed and qualified.
In addition to the authority granted pursuant to the chain of command set forth in § 1-703.3, the Deputy Fire Chief shall perform such duties as the Fire Chief may assign to them.
The compensation of the Deputy Fire Chief shall be fixed from time to time by Borough Council.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015; amended by Ord. No. 03-2022, 1/19/2022]
Council shall appoint a total of two Assistant Fire Chiefs. One Assistant Fire Chief shall be appointed from each volunteer fire company upon the recommendation of, or election from, their respective fire companies. Said Assistant Chiefs shall serve until their respective successors are recommended, or elected, by their company and approved by Borough Council.
In addition to control and supervisory duties pursuant to the chain of command set forth in § 1-703.3, the Assistant Fire Chiefs shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned to them by the Fire Chief or his designee.
The compensation of the Assistant Fire Chiefs shall be fixed from time to time by Borough Council.
[Ord. No. 03-2022, 1/19/2022]
Borough Council shall appoint a Battalion Chief who shall be appointed from one of the volunteer fire companies serving the Borough, upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, and the volunteer fire companies. Said Battalion Chief shall serve until their successor is duly appointed and qualified.
In addition to control and supervisory duties pursuant to the chain of command set forth in § 1-703.3, the Battalion Chief shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned to them by the Fire Chief or his designee.
The compensation of the Battalion Chief shall be fixed from time to time by Borough Council.
[Ord. No. 03-2024, 3/6/2024]
Borough Council shall appoint one Fire Captain. Said Fire Captain shall serve until their successor is appointed and qualified.
In addition to the authority granted pursuant to the chain of command set forth in § 1-703.3, the Fire Captain shall perform such duties as the Fire Chief may assign to them.
The compensation of the Fire Captain shall be fixed from time to time by Borough Council.
[Ord. No. 03-2022, 1/19/2022]
Borough Council shall appoint two Safety Officers, one from each volunteer fire company upon the recommendation of, or election from, their respective fire companies. Said Safety Officers shall serve until their respective successors are recommended, or elected, by their company and approved by Borough Council.
Safety Officers shall have the qualifications, powers, and duties provided for, and required under, National Fire Protection Association standards.
In addition to control and supervisory duties pursuant to the chain of command set forth in § 1-703.3, the Safety Officers shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned to them by the Fire Chief or his designee, provided that the Safety Officers shall not be required to perform any duty inconsistent with their duties and powers under National Fire Protection Association standards.
The compensation of the Safety Officers shall be fixed from time to time by Borough Council.
[Ord. No. 03-2022, 1/19/2022; as amended by Ord. No. 03-2024, 3/6/2024]
When at the scene of fires or in the event of an absence from the community for more than 24 hours, the relative authority of those holding the positions established by § 1-702 (Fire Chief), § 1-702.1 (Deputy Fire Chief), § 1-703 (Assistant Fire Chiefs), § 1-703.1 (Battalion Chief), § 1-703.1A (Fire Captain), and § 1-703.2 (Safety Officers), shall be subject to the chain of command structure set forth in Subsection 2.
The chain of command shall be as follows, with each level on the chain of command taking over command in the absence of those higher in rank on the chain of command, until such time as those higher on the chain of command arrive on the scene or in the case of absence from the community, return to the community. From highest to lowest rank, the chain of command shall be:
Fire Chief
Deputy Fire Chief
Assistant Fire Chiefs (2)
Battalion Chief
Fire Captain
Safety Officers (2)
Those of equal rank in the chain of command shall assume command as follows:
At the scene of a fire, the first to arrive at the scene shall take command until such time as command is relinquished to an officer of higher rank on the chain of command.
With respect to absence from the Borough, command shall be assigned by the Mayor.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
The office of Fire Marshal is hereby created for the Borough of Conshohocken. Such officer shall be appointed by the Borough Manager and confirmed by Council. The office of Fire Marshal shall be under the direction and supervision of the Borough Manager.
The Fire Marshal shall investigate and keep a permanent record of the cause, origin, and circumstances of every fire and the damage resulting from it, occurring within the Borough, immediately after the occurrence of the fire. The Fire Marshal shall also during his tenure as Borough Fire Marshal serve as Assistant State Fire Marshal, and after being appointed Assistant State Fire Marshal, shall exercise and perform all the powers and duties provided by law for Assistant State Fire Marshals. He shall also enforce all local ordinances and codes relating to fire prevention and control, and shall determine what types of receptacles, containers and enclosures are safe and proper for the burning of trash or waste.
The Fire Marshal shall be authorized to carry and to display his badge of office and proper identification on his person and uniform.
Appointments shall be made to take effect on the second Wednesday of January of each odd-numbered year; such appointees shall serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment was made for the unexpired portion of the term.
The compensation of the Fire Marshal shall be fixed from time to time by Council.
The Fire Marshal shall plan, schedule and arrange and supervise fire drills and other fire prevention and safety procedures.
The Fire Marshal shall perform such additional duties relating to fire prevention and fire investigation which the Borough may assign to him.
The Fire Marshal shall submit periodic reports, at least annually, to Council through the office of the Borough Manager regarding the number, types and amount of fire loss in the Borough during the preceding period.
The office of Deputy Fire Marshal is hereby created by the Borough of Conshohocken, and two persons shall be appointed by the Borough Manager and confirmed by Borough Council to serve for a term of two years and until their successors are appointed. One Deputy Fire Marshal shall be appointed from the membership of each of the two volunteer fire companies in the Borough.
The Deputy Fire Marshals shall serve under the direction and supervision of the Fire Marshal and shall efficiently perform whatever duties of the Fire Marshal he may delegate or assign to them, and shall perform the duties of the Fire Marshal in his absence or in the event of his incapacity to perform his duties. The Deputy Fire Marshals shall have all of the legal power and authority of the Fire Marshal except that they shall be subject to the supervision and superior authority of the Fire Marshal. The Deputy Marshals shall be and are hereby authorized to carry and display their badges of office and proper identification on their persons and uniforms. Any equipment required by the Deputy Fire Marshals shall be requisitioned through the Borough Manager. The Deputy Fire Marshals shall take an oath of office before the Mayor or any District Justice before commencing their duties. The Deputy Fire Marshals shall be ex officio Deputy Fire Inspectors.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
The Fire Chief shall requisition from Borough Council whatever equipment or supplies are necessary for the operation of his office or the office of the Assistant Fire Chiefs.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
Fees in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council shall be charged by the Fire Marshal.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
Mandatory Key Boxes for Fire Suppression and Standpipe Systems. When a building within the Borough of Conshohocken is protected by an automatic fire suppression or standpipe system, it shall be equipped with a key box. The key box shall be installed at a location approved by the Borough of Conshohocken Fire Marshal/Code Official. The key box shall be a UL type and size approved by the Fire Marshal/Code Official.
Mandatory Key Boxes for Automatic Alarm Systems. When a building is protected by an automatic alarm system and/or access to or within a building, or an area within that building, is unduly difficult because of secure openings and where immediate access is necessary for lifesaving or firefighting purposes, the Fire Marshal/Code Official may require a key box to be installed at an approved location. The key box shall be a UL type and size approved by the Fire Marshal/Code Official.
Key Box Tamper Switch. The Fire Marshal/Code Official may require a key box tamper switch connected to the building's fire alarm/security system.
Security Padlocks. When a property is protected by a locked fence or gate and where immediate access to the property is necessary for lifesaving or firefighting purposes, the Fire Marshal/Code Official may require a security padlock to be installed at an approved location. The padlock shall be a UL type and size approved by the Fire Marshal/Code Official.
Security Caps. When a building is protected by an automatic sprinkler system or standpipe system and the Fire Department connection is exposed to undue vandalism, the Fire Marshal/Code Official may require a Fire Department connection security cap(s) be installed. The security cap(s) shall be a type approved by the Fire Marshal/Code Official.
Rapid Response Key Boxes. The rapid response key boxes shall contain the following:
Keys to locked points of egress, whether in the interior or exterior of such buildings.
Keys to locked mechanical rooms.
Keys to locked elevator rooms.
Keys to elevator controls.
Keys to any fenced or secured areas.
Keys to other areas that may be required by the Fire Marshal/Code Official.
A card containing the emergency contact people and phone numbers for such building.
Compliance Time. All existing buildings shall comply with this Part within six months from its effective date. All newly constructed buildings not yet occupied, buildings currently under construction and all buildings or businesses applying for a certificate of occupancy shall comply immediately.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
The operator of the building shall immediately notify the Fire Marshal/Code Official and provide the new key(s) when a lock is changed or rekeyed. The key shall be secured in the key box. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $1,000, plus costs, and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, be imprisoned for not more than 30 days for each offense.