The purpose of this district is to establish a low-density, single-family residential district that meets the needs of those residents who desire a rural environment, to protect those areas of the Township where public sewer and water is not expected to be readily available within the foreseeable future (five to 10 years) from overdevelopment or premature development and to exclude those uses that are not compatible with such a rural environment.
Permitted uses.
Single-family dwellings.
Public and parochial schools.
Public and noncommercial recreation facilities.
Essential services, as defined in Article IV, and provided they shall be necessary to the adequate distribution of service and shall not include any type of equipment that will interfere with local radio and/or television reception or otherwise be detrimental to the surrounding area.
Farms, including but not necessarily limited to silos, cribs, machine sheds, coops, barns, livestock sheds and bins.
Other agricultural uses, including horticulture, pasturage, orchards, vineyards, plant nurseries and their associated support facilities.
Emergency response facilities.
[Added 5-18-2016 by Ord. No. 2010-200-14]
Accessory uses.
Private garages.
Private residential swimming pools, tennis courts, tool and/or storage sheds and greenhouses.
No-impact home-based business.
Walls, fences, lampposts and similar accessory structures, subject to the limitations contained in Article XX.
Storage or parking of a commercially licensed vehicle, see Article XX.
Storage or parking of major recreation equipment, see Article XX.
Energy conversion equipment, such as solar collectors and wind energy conversion systems, see Article XX.
Other accessory uses, provided they shall be customarily incidental and subordinate to a permitted use and they shall be located on the same lot as the principal use.
Conditional uses.
Home occupations (§ 490-105A).
Medical and dental offices (§ 490-105B).
Nursing, convalescent or retirement homes (§ 490-105D).
Fire stations (§ 490-105F).
Mineral extraction and sand or gravel pits (§ 490-105G).
Airports and private airstrips (§ 490-105E).
Bed-and-breakfast homestay (§ 490-105P).
Essential service structure (§ 490-105S).
Agricultural processing industries and warehouses, except slaughterhouses and dead animal reduction plants. This category includes retail outlets for agricultural products produced on and off premises, including wineries, cider mills, and farmers' markets (§ 490-105W).
Planned residential development (see Article XVI).
Specialized animal raising and care (§ 490-105U).
Use Type/Dimension
Single-Family Farm Dwellings and Nonfarm Dwellings
Nonresidential Uses
Minimum lot area
40,000 square feet
40,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
150 feet
200 feet
Minimum front yard depth
50 feet
50 feet
Minimum side yard width
Principal structures and accessory structures with more than 120 square feet of floor area: 15 feet
Accessory structures with less than 120 square feet of floor area:
Interior lot line: 5 feet
Street side on corner lot: 20 feet
100 feet from a residential use
50 feet from another nonresidential use
Minimum rear yard depth
Principal structures and accessory structures with more than 120 square feet of floor area: 35 feet
Accessory structures with less than 120 square feet of floor area: 5 feet
100 feet from a residential use
50 feet from another nonresidential use
Maximum height of structure
35 feet
45 feet
Maximum coverage
Certain portions of this zoning district may be located in critical conservation areas which are regulated by the Harborcreek Township Code, Chapter 149, Bluff Setbacks, and Chapter 230, Flood Damage Prevention. The conservation areas are located along the Lake Erie shoreline and along certain stream valleys. Consultation with the Zoning Administrator will provide guidance to specific development regulations that affect these areas and the specific locations of the particular conservation areas.