Editor’s note–See corresponding note located in Appendix A of this code.
For the purposes of this division “the board” shall mean the airport board of the City of Lubbock, Texas.
(Ordinance 620, sec. 1, adopted 7/13/1939; 1959 Code, sec. 3-12; Ordinance 5073, sec. 1, adopted 8/11/1966; Ordinance 5501, sec. 1, adopted 7/25/1968; Ordinance 6190, sec. 1, adopted 10/14/1971; 1983 Code, sec. 2-352)
There is hereby created and established an advisory board to be known as the airport board of the City of Lubbock, Texas.
(Ordinance 620, sec. 1, adopted 7/13/1939; 1959 Code, sec. 3-12; Ordinance 5073, sec. 1, adopted 8/11/1966; Ordinance 5501, sec. 1, adopted 7/25/1968; Ordinance 6190, sec. 1, adopted 10/14/1971; 1983 Code, sec. 2-353)
The airport board shall be composed of seven (7) members, who shall be appointed by the city council. Appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years or the remainder of an unexpired term. All members appointed shall be resident citizens of the city at the time of their appointment and during their term of office. In addition to the above board members, the mayor, or a member of the city council to be selected by the council, shall serve as an ex-officio member of the board.
(Ordinance 620, sec. 3, adopted 7/13/1939; Ordinance 898, sec. 1, adopted 2/10/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 3-13; Ordinance 5073, sec. 1, adopted 8/11/1966; Ordinance 6190, sec. 2, adopted 10/14/1971; Ordinance 7269, sec. 1, adopted 6/10/1976; 1983 Code, sec. 2-354; Ordinance 9321, sec. 1, adopted 12/14/1989; Ordinance 2019-O0035, sec. 6, adopted 3/26/2019)
Any four (4) members of the board meeting together shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ordinance 620, sec. 1, adopted 7/13/1939; 1959 Code, sec. 3-16; Ordinance 5073, sec. 1, adopted 8/11/1966; Ordinance 5501, sec. 2, adopted 7/25/1968; Ordinance 6190, sec. 3, adopted 10/14/1971; Ordinance 7269, sec. 2, adopted 6/10/1976; 1983 Code, sec. 2-355)
The airport board shall appoint one of its members as chairman and one of its members as secretary. It shall be the duty of the chairman to preside at all meetings of the board, and the secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the board, which record shall, upon the request of the city council, be delivered to it for its inspection and review.
(Ordinance 620, sec. 4, adopted 7/13/1939; 1959 Code, sec. 3-15; 1983 Code, sec. 2-356)
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the airport board shall be responsible for recommendations to the city council in areas of planning, development, construction, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, equipment, operation, protection and policing of airports and other air navigation facilities established, owned and controlled by the city and such other duties as the city council may delegate to it as provided by article 46d-6, Texas Revised Civil Statutes. The airport board shall review statements requiring expenditure of airport funds prior to payment. Payments which require city council authorization shall, when possible, have the board’s recommendation before council action.
Rental of airport property.
The airport board is authorized to negotiate agreements for the rental of land, buildings and facilities at any airport owned and/or operated by the city. The airport board may recommend such rentals or leases as it deems appropriate for airport land, buildings and facilities to the city council for approval.
Editor’s note–Article 46d-6 of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes referred to in subsection (a) above has been recodified as Texas Transportation Code section 22.017.
(Ordinance 898, sec. 2, adopted 2/10/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 3-17; Ordinance 3731, sec. 1, adopted 2/8/1962; Ordinance 5114, sec. 1, adopted 10/27/1966; Ordinance 6190, sec. 4, adopted 10/14/1971; 1983 Code, sec. 2-357; Ordinance 9320, sec. 4, adopted 12/14/1989)
The board shall from time to time formulate rules and policies governing the operation of the municipal airport and the conduct of flying thereon, and such recommendations shall be forwarded to the city council for its consideration and possible enactment. Recommendations which request council action shall be presented to the council by the board chairman or a board member as his alternate by personal appearance at a regular or special meeting of the council.
(Ordinance 898, sec. 2, adopted 2/10/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 3-18; Ordinance 5114, sec. 1, adopted 10/27/1966; Ordinance 6190, sec. 5, adopted 10/14/1971; 1983 Code, sec. 2-358)
No debt shall be contracted by the airport board nor any member thereof on account of the use and operation of the municipal airport, unless the same is so directed and authorized by the city council, nor shall any debts ever be created by the board on account of the maintenance and operation of the same in excess of the appropriation for such purposes for the current year.
(Ordinance 620, sec. 5, adopted 7/13/1939; 1959 Code, sec. 3-22; 1983 Code, sec. 2-359)
The city council shall be vested with full authority to remove all or any of the members of the airport board found to be incompetent, unfit and unsuitable to serve upon the board.
(Ordinance 620, sec. 8, adopted 7/13/1939; 1959 Code, sec. 3-14; 1983 Code, sec. 2-361)