This table shows the location or gives the disposition of the chapters, sections and subsections of the 1983 Lubbock Code of Ordinances within this revised code. The abbreviation "NIC" means the provision is not included in this code, though not necessarily repealed.
Sec. 1-1
How code designated and cited
Sec. 1-2
Catchlines of sections
Sec. 1-3
Rules of construction.
Sec. 1-4
General penalty; continuing violations; nuisances
Sec. 1-5
Presumption as to owner, occupant of violating property or vehicle
Sec. 1-6
Severability of parts of Code
Sec. 1-7
Ordinances–Amendments or additions to Code
Sec. 1-8
Same–Recording; ordinance books as evidence
Sec. 1-9
Same–Effect of repeal
Sec. 1-10
Permit, license and fee amounts to be adjusted semi-annually
Sec. 1-11
Emergency actions by city officers, agents and employees
Sec. 1-12
Payments by credit card
Article I. In General 
Sec. 2-1
Map of boundaries
Sec. 2-2
Fiscal year
Sec. 2-3
Office of city secretary-treasurer discontinued; financial duties to be performed by city treasurer
Sec. 2-4
City seal
Sec. 2-5
Bills of sale; execution by city manager
Sec. 2-6
Holidays for city employees–Enumerated; when observed generally
Sec. 2-7
Same–Interference with public service; day off granted
Sec. 2-8
Same–Compensating days off in lieu of holidays
Sec. 2-9
Annual published report
Sec. 2-10
Texas Municipal Retirement System–Election to participate
Sec. 2-11
Same–Employees included
Sec. 2-12
Same–Adding new departments or employees; discontinuance as to participants
Sec. 2-13
Same–Duties of city secretary
Art. 2.04, ed. note
Sec. 2-14
Boards and commissions; compensation; records
Sec. 2-15
Additional duties of city secretary
Art. 2.02, ed. note
Secs. 2-16—2-30
Article II. Claims Against City 
Art. 1.05
Sec. 2-31
Exemption of city
Sec. 2-32
Filing of claims
Art. 1.05, ed. note
Sec. 2-33
Same–Specific performance, breach of contract
Sec. 2-34
Claims journal
Article III. Public Records 
Division 1. Generally 
Secs. 2-46—2-54
Division 2. Registrar of Births and Deaths 
Art. 1.06, div. 2
Sec. 2-55
Office created; powers and duties generally
Sec. 2-56
Sec. 2-57
Deputy registrar
Sec. 2-58
Collection of fees; forms
Sec. 2-59
Fees for birth and death records
Art. 1.06, div. 2, ed. note
Sec. 2-60
Reports to bureau of vital statistics
Secs. 2-61—2-65
Division 3. Records Management Program 
Art. 1.06, div. 3
Sec. 2-66
Establishment and administration
Sec. 2-67
Purpose of program
Sec. 2-68
Sec. 2-69
Responsibilities of the records management department
Sec. 2-70
Ownership of municipal records and responsibilities of officers and employees
Sec. 2-71
Micrographics of municipal records
Sec. 2-72
Destruction of municipal records
Secs. 2-73—2-76
Article IV. Reserved 
Sec. 2-77
Civic Center
Art. 16.01 ed. note
Sec. 2-78
Civic Center
Art. 16.01 ed. note
Secs. 2-80—2-92
Secs. 2-93—2-100
Civic Centers
Art. 16.01 ed. note
Secs. 2-101—2-133
Article V. Community Development and Services Board 
Sec. 2-134
Sec. 2-135
Created; official designation
Sec. 2-136
Composition; appointment and terms of members
Sec. 2-137
Ex-officio members
Sec. 2-138
Chairman; secretary; record of proceedings
Sec. 2-139
Powers and duties
Sec. 2-140
Sec. 2-141
Quorum; voting
Sec. 2-142
Conflict of interest
Secs. 2-143—2-146 Community services
Art. 2.03, div. 2, ed. note
Secs. 2-146—2-162
Article VI. Permit and License Appeal Board 
Sec. 2-163
Sec. 2-164
Created; composition, terms of members
Sec. 2-165
Meetings; quorum
Sec. 2-166
Sec. 2-167
Sec. 2-168
Removal of members
Sec. 2-169
Procedure for conduct of hearings
Secs. 2-170—2-184
Article VII. Board of Health 
Sec. 2-185
Sec. 2-186
Created; official designation
Sec. 2-187
Composition; appointment and terms of members
Sec. 2-188
Ex officio members
Sec. 2-189
Chairman; secretary; record of proceedings
Sec. 2-190
Powers and duties
Sec. 2-191
Sec. 2-192
Quorum; voting
Sec. 2-193
Vacancies; removal
Art. 2.03, div. 9, ed. note
Secs. 2-194—2-209
Article VIII. Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service Commission 
Sec. 2-210
Sec. 2-211
Sec. 2-212
Members–Appointment; vacancies
Sec. 2-213
Sec. 2-214
Office space
Sec. 2-215
Meetings; quorum
Sec. 2-216
Powers and duties generally
Sec. 2-217
Publication of rules and classification and seniority lists
Sec. 2-218
Prosecution and defense of suits
Sec. 2-219
Removal of members
Sec. 2-220
Secs. 2-221—2-236
Article IX. Lubbock Public Transit Advisory Board 
Sec. 2-237
Sec. 2-238
Sec. 2-239
Members; qualifications; tenure
Sec. 2-240
Sec. 2-241
Sec. 2-242
Officers; conduct of meetings; quorum
Sec. 2-243
Rules; policies; recommendations to City Council
Sec. 2-244
Sec. 2-245
Sec. 2-246
Duties and authority
Secs. 2-247—2-256
Article X. Park and Recreation Board 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 2-257
Sec. 2-258
Sec. 2-259
Sec. 2-260
Sec. 2-261
Qualifications generally; removal
Art. 2.03, div. 10, ed. note
Sec. 2-262
Appointments from technical fields
Sec. 2-263
Sec. 2-264
Art. 2.03, div. 10, ed. note
Sec. 2-265
Conduct of meetings; officers; quorum
Sec. 2-266
City manager responsible for personnel
Sec. 2-267
Provisions cumulative
§ 2.03.351
Sec. 2-268
Powers and duties of director of parks
Sec. 2-269
Interim procedures and composition of the parks and recreation board
Art. 2.03, div. 10, ed. note
Division 2. Municipal Garden and Arts Center Advisory Committee 
Art. 2.03 ed. note
Secs. 2-270—2-284
Article XI. Junked Vehicle Compliance Board 
Sec. 2-285
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Sec. 2-286
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Sec. 2-287
Members; qualifications; tenure
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Sec. 2-288
Conduct of meetings; quorum
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Sec. 2-289
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Sec. 2-290
Decisions to be final and binding
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Sec. 2-291
Vacancies; removal
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Secs. 2-292—2-307
Article XII. Community Relations Task Force 
Sec. 2-308
Community relations task force
Art. 2.03, ed. note
Sec. 2-309
Task force composition; term of members
Art. 2.03, ed. note
Sec. 2-310
Community relations task force strategies and goals
Art. 2.03, ed. note
Sec. 2-311
Staff liaison, operation
Art. 2.03, ed. note
Secs. 2-312—2-328
Article XIII. Lubbock Libraries Board 
Sec. 2-329
Sec. 2-330
Creation; appointment; terms of members
Sec. 2-331
Sec. 2-332
Chairman and secretary; record of proceedings
Sec. 2-333
Powers and duties
Sec. 2-334
Quorum; voting
Sec. 2-335
Secs. 2-336—2-351
Article XIV. Airport Board 
Sec. 2-352
Sec. 2-353
Sec. 2-354
Members, qualifications, tenure
Sec. 2-355
Sec. 2-356
Chairman and secretary; record of proceedings
Sec. 2-357
Sec. 2-358
Rules; policies; recommendations to Council
Sec. 2-359
Sec. 2-360
Rpld. by Ord. 10229. Art. 2.03, div. 8, ed. note
Sec. 2-361
Removal of members
Secs. 2-362—2-377
Article XV. Planning and Zoning Commission 
Sec. 2-378
Sec. 2-379
Created; composition; qualifications; ex officio members
Sec. 2-380
Council may act independently
Sec. 2-381
Sec. 2-382
Sec. 2-383
Powers and duties generally
Sec. 2-384
Duties relative to zoning
Sec. 2-385
Rules and regulations
Sec. 2-386
Division of lands
Sec. 2-387
Plans and recommendations
Sec. 2-388
Removal and vacancies
Sec. 2-389
Terms of members
Secs. 2-390—2-405
Article XVI. Board of City Development 
Rpld. by Ord. 9510. Art. 2.03, div. 13, ed. note
Article XVI. Model Codes & Construction Advisory Board 
Sec. 2-406
Sec. 2-407
Sec. 2-408
Members; qualifications; tenure
Sec. 2-409
Conduct of meetings; quorum
Sec. 2-410
Scope of duties; responsibilities
Sec. 2-411
Vacancies; removal
Secs. 2-412—2-438
Article XVII. Board of Electrical Examiners 
Rpld. by Ord. 2004-O0151. Art. 2.03, ed. note
Secs. 2-439—2-477
Article XVIII. Electric Utility Board 
Sec. 2-478
Sec. 2-479
Electric utility board established, purpose
Sec. 2-480
Members, qualifications
Sec. 2-481
Powers/authority reserved to the City Council
Sec. 2-482
Authority, duties, responsibility of the board
Sec. 2-483
Director of electric utilities
Sec. 2-484
Disbursement of net revenues
Sec. 2-485
Secs. 2-486—2-501
Article XIX. Water Resources Board 
Rpld. by Ord. 2000-O0043. Art. 2.03, ed. note
Secs. 2-502—2-525
Article XX. Tax Board of Equalization 
Rpld. by Ord. 2000-O0043. Art. 2.03, ed. note
Secs. 2-526—2-545
Article XXI. Municipal Board on Sign Control 
Sec. 2-546
Sec. 2-547
Powers and duties
Sec. 2-548
Ex officio member, secretary
Sec. 2-549
Sec. 2-550
Sec. 2-551
Qualifications of members
Secs. 2-552—2-569
Article XXII. Lake Alan Henry Appeals Board 
Sec. 2-570
Sec. 2-571
Declaration of policy
Sec. 2-572
Adoption of regulations
Sec. 2-573
Creation of board; purpose
Sec. 2-574
Members, qualifications, tenure
Sec. 2-575
Sec. 2-576
Sec. 2-577
Officers; conduct of meetings; quorum
Sec. 2-578
Sec. 2-579
Duties; hearing
Sec. 2-580
Sec. 2-581
Compliance procedure
Sec. 2-582
Sec. 2-583
Nonconforming structures and facilities
Sec. 2-584
Applications while violations are occurring
Sec. 2-585
Prohibition on structures and facilities
Sec. 2-586
Mineral exploration and production activities
Article I. In General 
Sec. 3-1
Premises; inspection by building, fire and zoning officials
Sec. 3-2
Circuses and carnivals–Permit required
Sec. 3-3
Same–Applications, contents
Sec. 3-4
Same–Investigation of applicant
Sec. 3-5
Same–Findings of city manager
Sec. 3-6
Same–Compliance with city codes and ordinances
Sec. 3-7
Secs. 3-8—3-18
Article II. Shooting Galleries 
Secs. 3-19—3-22
Rpld. by Ord. 9135. Art. 8.01, ed. note
Secs. 3-23—3-37
Article III. Public Dances  
Secs. 3-38—3-51
Rpld. by Ord. 8988. Art. 8.01, ed. note
Secs. 3-52—3-67
Article IV. Billiard and Pool Halls 
Secs. 3-68—3-94
Rpld. by Ord. 8372. Art. 8.01, ed. note
Secs. 3-95—3-104
Article V. Coin-Operated Machines 
Sec. 3-105
Sec. 3-106
Occupation tax; amount; registration
Sec. 3-107
Exemptions from tax
Sec. 3-108
Display and issuance of decal payment
Sec. 3-109
Sealing machine to prevent operations
Sec. 3-110
Chapter does not authorize illegal machines
Secs. 3-111—3-113
License or registration certificates
Rpld. by Ord. 8372. Art. 8.04, ed. note
Sec. 3-114
Sec. 3-115
Operator's permit
Sec. 3-116
Sec. 3-117
Revocation of operator's permit
Sec. 3-118
Sec. 3-119
Issuance of operator's permit
Art. 8.04, div. 3, ed. note
Sec. 3-120
Penalty for violation
Art. 8.04, div. 1, ed. note
Secs. 3-121—3-124
Secs. 3-125, 3-126
Amusement devices
Art. 8.04, ed. note
Secs. 3-127—3-142
Article VI. Motion Picture Ratings 
Sec. 3-143
Sec. 3-144
Nuisance; abatement
Sec. 3-145
Required; standards; administration
Sec. 3-146
Ratings specified
Sec. 3-147
Films not rated by MPAA Board
Sec. 3-148
Sec. 3-149
Article I. In General 
Sec. 4-1
Sec. 4-2
Sec. 4-3
Office of animal services manager established; duties; enforcement
Sec. 4-4
Inhumane treatment of animals
Sec. 4-5
Sec. 4-6
Leaving animal unattended in vehicle
Sec. 4-7
Tethering dogs and other animals
Sec. 4-8
Abatement and imminent threat; right of entry; search warrants
Sec. 4-9
Defecation of dogs on public and private property
Sec. 4-10
Unabated nuisances
Sec. 4-11
Filing of false claims or reports
Sec. 4-12
Impoundment and redemption
Sec. 4-13
Disposition of animals
Sec. 4-14
Number of dogs and cats at residences / multi-pet permit
Sec. 4-15
Feral cat management
Sec. 4-16
Donations fund established
Article II. Rabies and Zoonosis Control 
Sec. 4-17
State regulations adopted
Sec. 4-18
Report of bite cases
Sec. 4-19
Sec. 4-20
Identification/registration tag and/or microchip required
Sec. 4-21
Confidentiality of certain information in dog and cat registry
Sec. 4-22
Rabies clinics
Sec. 4-23
Veterinarians required to report
Sec. 4-24
Animal assistance program
Sec. 4-25
Veterinarian participation
Article III. Animal Establishments 
Sec. 4-26
Standards for animal establishments
Sec. 4-27
Animal shelter advisory committee
Sec. 4-28
Animal exhibitions
Sec. 4-29
Wildlife educational centers
Sec. 4-30
Animal establishments and animal dealers
Sec. 4-31
Private animal sales
Article IV. Other Animals 
Sec. 4-32
Complaint about a dangerous animal
Sec. 4-33
Keeping of dangerous wild animals
Sec. 4-34
Sale of dangerous wild animals
Sec. 4-35
Sec. 4-36
Keeping of other animals; nuisance conditions
Sec. 4-37
Keeping of hogs or swine
Sec. 4-38
Sec. 4-39
Placement and baiting of animal traps
Article V. Fees
Sec. 4-40
Fees for registrations, permits, impoundment, and adoption
Sec. 4-41
Display of commercial permits required
Article I. In General 
Sec. 5-1
Sec. 5-2
Director–Office created
Sec. 5-3
Same–Duties generally
Sec. 5-4
Same–Police power; employment of personnel
Sec. 5-5
Airport revenue fund; budget
Sec. 5-6
Take-offs and landings–From other than public airport
Sec. 5-7
Same–In vicinity of city
Sec. 5-8
Sec. 5-9
Minimum altitude
Sec. 5-9A
Minimum altitude–exception
Sec. 5-10
Disturbing persons on ground
Sec. 5-11
Sec. 5-12
Helicopter temporary landing site permit
Sec. 5-13
Secs. 5-14—5-25
Article II. Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport 
Sec. 5-26
Sec. 5-27
Copies of article
Sec. 5-28
Commercial activities; approval
Sec. 5-29
Rules and regulations generally
Sec. 5-30
Adoption of regulations
Sec. 5-31
Aircraft and airman licensed
Sec. 5-32
Intoxicated person flying over airport
Rpld. Art. 6.03, ed. note
Sec. 5-33
Licensing of aircraft and airmen
Sec. 5-34
Intoxicated person flying over airport
Sec. 5-35
Enforcement of payment of charges
Sec. 5-36
Removal of wrecks
Sec. 5-37
Traffic regulations
Sec. 5-38
Air traffic rules
Rpld. Art. 6.03, ed. note
Secs. 5-39—5-49
Article III. Airport Ground Transportation Services 
Sec. 5-50
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0113; Ch. 24, ed. note
Sec. 5-51
Permit required
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0113; Ch. 24, ed. note
Sec. 5-52
Permit application and fee
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0113; Ch. 24, ed. note
Sec. 5-53
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0113; Ch. 24, ed. note
Sec. 5-54
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0113; Ch. 24, ed. note
Sec. 5-55
User fees
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0113; Ch. 24, ed. note
Sec. 5-56
Revocation of a permit
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0113; Ch. 24, ed. note
Article I. In General 
Sec. 6-1
24, ed. note § 28.01.001
Sec. 6-2
Sec. 6-3
Sec. 6-4
Sec. 6-5
Referenced codes
Sec. 6-6
General applicability
Sec. 6-7
Other laws
Sec. 6-8
Application of references
Sec. 6-9
Referenced codes and standards
Sec. 6-10
Partial invalidity
Sec. 6-11
Existing structures
Sec. 6-12
Creation of enforcement agency
Sec. 6-13
Sec. 6-14
Sec. 6-15
General duties and powers of the building official
Sec. 6-16
Applications and permits
Sec. 6-17
Notices and orders
Sec. 6-18
Sec. 6-19
Sec. 6-20
Right of entry
Sec. 6-21
Department records
Sec. 6-22
Sec. 6-23
Approved materials and equipment
Sec. 6-24
Used materials and equipment
Sec. 6-25
Sec. 6-26
Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment
Sec. 6-27
Research reports
Sec. 6-28
Sec. 6-29
Registration of contractors required
Sec. 6-30
Requirements for registration
Sec. 6-31
Bond requirements
Sec. 6-32
Insurance requirements
Sec. 6-33
Denial, suspension and revocation
Sec. 6-34
Appeal of denial, suspension or revocation
Sec. 6-35
Sec. 6-36
Sec. 6-37
Sec. 6-38
Work done in violation of licensing laws
Sec. 6-38.1
Termination of permits
Sec. 6-38.2
Hearing before building official
Sec. 6-38.3
Appeal of decision
Sec. 6-38.4
Renewal of permit(s)
Sec. 6-39
Permit required
Sec. 6-40
Annual permit
Sec. 6-41
Annual permit records
Sec. 6-42
Work exempt from permit
Sec. 6-42.1
Building work exempted
Sec. 6-42.2
Electrical work exempted
Sec. 6-42.3
Gas work exempted
Sec. 6-42.5
Mechanical work exempted
Sec. 6-42.6
Plumbing work exempted
Sec. 6-43
Emergency repairs
Sec. 6-44
Sec. 6-45
Public service agencies
Sec. 6-46
Application for permit
Sec. 6-47
Action on application
Sec. 6-48
Time limitation of application
Sec. 6-49
Validity of permit
Sec. 6-50
Sec. 6-51
Suspension or revocation
Sec. 6-52
Placement of permit
Sec. 6-53
Transferring of permits
Sec. 6-54
Construction submittal documents
Sec. 6-55
Information on construction documents
Sec. 6-56
Specific submittal requirements
Sec. 6-57
Examination of documents
Sec. 6-58
Approval of construction documents
Sec. 6-59
Previous approvals
Sec. 6-60
Phased approval
Sec. 6-61
Design professional in responsible charge
Sec. 6-62
Deferred submittals
Sec. 6-63
Amended construction documents
Sec. 6-64
Retention of construction documents
Sec. 6-65
Temporary structures and uses, generally
Sec. 6-66
Sec. 6-67
Temporary power
Sec. 6-68
Termination of approval
Sec. 6-69
Movement & relocation of buildings & structure
Sec. 6-69.1
Industrialized housing and buildings
Sec. 6-69.2
Mobile homes
Sec. 6-69.3
HUD-Code manufactured housing
Sec. 6-70
Demolition of buildings & structures
Sec. 6-71
Permits & fees
Sec. 6-72
Restoration of site
Sec. 6-73
Fees required
Sec. 6-74
New construction permit fees
Sec. 6-75
Renovation and remodeling permit fees
Sec. 6-76
Sec. 6-77
Fees where work commenced prior to permit
Sec. 6-78
Governmental and not-for-profit entities
Sec. 6-79
Plan review fees
Sec. 6-80A
Building permit valuations
Sec. 6-80B
Sec. 6-80C
Inspections, generally
Sec. 6-80D
Preliminary inspection
Sec. 6-80E
Required inspections
Sec. 6-80F
Inspection agencies
Sec. 6-80G
Inspection requests
Sec. 6-80H
Approval required
Sec. 6-80I
Certificate of use and occupancy
Sec. 6-80J
Certificate issued
Sec. 6-80K
Certificate of completion
Sec. 6-80L
Temporary occupancy
Sec. 6-80M
Ownership and revocation
Sec. 6-80N
Sec. 6-80O
One and two family dwellings exempt from requirement for certificate
Sec. 6-80P
Illegal occupancy; termination of utilities
Sec. 6-80Q
Certificates of occupancy–Existing buildings
Sec. 6-80R
Sec. 6-80S
Connection of service utilities prior to approval
Sec. 6-80T
Temporary connection
Sec. 6-80U
Authority to disconnect service utilities
Sec. 6-80V
Building board of appeals; establishment and membership
Sec. 6-80W
Board secretary
Sec. 6-80X
Scope and jurisdiction
Sec. 6-80Y
Sec. 6-80Z
Limitations of authority
Sec. 6-80AA
Unlawful acts
Sec. 6-80BB
Notice of violation
Sec. 6-80CC
Prosecution of violation
Sec. 6-80DD
Penalties for violation
Sec. 6-80EE
Stop work orders
Sec. 6-80FF
Sec. 6-80GG
Unlawful continuance
Sec. 6-80HH
Unsafe structures and equipment
Article II. Building Code 
Sec. 6-80II
2003 International Building Code adopted
Sec. 6-80JJ
Chapter 1. Administration
Sec. 6-80KK
Intent and purpose
Sec. 6-80LL
Administrative provisions
Sec. 6-80LL.1
General administrative provisions
Sec. 6-80LL.2
Supplemental administrative provisions
Sec. 6-80MM
Construction documents; specific submittal requirements
Sec. 6-80MM.1
Fire protection system shop drawings
Sec. 6-80MM.2
Means of egress
Sec. 6-80MM.3
Exterior wall envelope
Sec. 6-80MM.4
Site plan
Sec. 6-80MM.5
Survey and survey certificate
Sec. 6-80NN
Required inspections
Sec. 6-80NN.1
Footing and foundation inspection
Sec. 6-80NN.2
Concrete slab and under-floor inspection
Sec. 6-80NN.3
Finished floor elevation
Sec. 6-80NN.4
Frame inspection
Sec. 6-80NN.5
Lath and gypsum board inspection
Sec. 6-80NN.6
Fire-resistant penetrations
Sec. 6-80NN.7
Energy efficiency inspections
Sec. 6-80NN.8
Other inspections
Sec. 6-80NN.9
Special inspections
Sec. 6-80NN.10
Final inspection
Secs. 6-80OO—6-80RR
Sec. 6-80SS
Table 1805.4.2. Minimum foundation requirements for buildings of conventional light-framed wood construction
Sec. 6-80TT
Figure 1805.4.2.
Sec. 6-80UU
Table 1805.3.4. Minimum floor elevation for structures relative to slopes of the lot
Sec. 6-80VV
Moved structures
Article III. Plumbing Code 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 6-81
International Plumbing Code adopted
Division 2. Supplemental Administrative Provisions 
Sec. 6-82
Coordination of administrative provisions
Sec. 6-83
Fee schedule
§ 28.10.003(a)
Sec. 6-84
Administrative amendments and cross-references to Article I
§ 28.10.003(b)
Division 3. Technical Amendments 
Sec. 6-85
Definitions for sections 6-100.1–6-100.3
Sec. 6-86
Pipes through or under footings or foundation walls
Sec. 6-87
Sec. 6-88
Drainage and vent water test
Sec. 6-89
Gravity sewer test
Sec. 6-90
Sheet lead
Sec. 6-91
Sheet lead
Sec. 6-92
Sec. 6-93
Water hammer
Sec. 6-94
Solvent cementing
Sec. 6-95
Location of full-open valves
Sec. 6-96
Location of shut off valves
Sec. 6-97
Slope of horizontal drainage pipe
Sec. 6-98
Solvent cementing
Sec. 6-99
Solvent cementing
Sec. 6-99A
Installation of fittings
Sec. 6-99B
Building drains and sewers
Sec. 6-99C
Roof extension
Sec. 6-99D
Storm drainage-general (tests)
Sec. 6-99E
Combining storm with sanitary drainage
Sec. 6-99F
Size of combined drains and sewers
Sec. 6-99G
Medical gas certification
Sec. 6-99H—6-100
Sec. 6-100.1
Protection of water supply–General
Sec. 6-100.2
Same–Responsibilities of the water purveyor, user, customer/property owner and backflow prevention assembly tester
Sec. 6-100.3
Same–Approved backflow prevention device assembly and installation
Article IV. Mechanical Code 
Division 1. General 
Sec. 6-101
International Mechanical Code adopted
Division 2. Supplemental Administrative Provisions 
Sec. 6-102
Coordination of administrative provisions
Sec. 6-103
Fee schedule
§ 28.11.003(a)
Sec. 6-104
Administrative amendments and cross-references to Article I
§ 28.11.003(b)
Division 3. Technical Amendments 
Sec. 6-105
Sloped roofs
Secs. 6-106—6-120
Article V. Electrical Code 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 6-121
In general
Sec. 6-122
Sec. 6-123
Construction against implicit repeal
Sec. 6-124
Zoning ordinance control
Secs. 6-125—6-129
Sec. 6-130
Building official–Identification cards
Sec. 6-131
Dltd. by Ord. 10030. Art. 28.12, ed. note
Sec. 6-132
Conflict of interest
Sec. 6-133
Sec. 6-134
Sec. 6-135
Interpretations; appeals
Sec. 6-136
Premises involved in fire; reinstatement of service
Sec. 6-137
Interference with entry of inspector; concealment of wiring, etc.
Sec. 6-138
Violation; notification
Sec. 6-139
Improperly installed or defective equipment
Sec. 6-140
Liability for defective work
Sec. 6-141
National Electrical Code adopted by reference
Sec. 6-142
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-143
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Secs. 6-144—6-150
Division 2. Licenses Generally 
Sec. 6-151
Unlawful to do electrical work unless licensed
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-151.1
Removal of work performed by unlicensed persons; exceptions
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-152
Present licenses and bond to continue in effect
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-153
License or certificate of registration from other cities
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-154
Unlawful work; false claims
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-154.1
Uniformity of requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-155
Unlicensed electricians
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-156
Classification of licenses
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-157
Eligibility–Master electrician
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-158
Same–Master sign electrician
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-159
Same–Journeyman, journeyman sign, maintenance, in-house master electrician, inhouse journeyman electrician
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-160
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-161
Examination appearance
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-162
Examination fee
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-163
License; insurance requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-164
Sec. 6-165
Possession of license
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-166
Business address
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-167
Transfer of license
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-168
Employment of journeyman or apprentice
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Secs. 6-169, 6-170
Sec. 6-171
Journeyman electrician, journeyman sign electrician; supervision
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-172
Sec. 6-173
Notification of employment Reserved
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-174
Sec. 6-175
Apprentice–Qualifications, experience
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-176
Same–Work permit
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-177
Supervision of apprentice electrician
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-178
Sec. 6-179
Expiration of license and renewal Reserved
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-180
Sec. 6-181
Vehicle and other identification
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Secs. 6-182—6-190
Division 3. Permits Generally 
Sec. 6-191
Permit required
Sec. 6-192
Permit applications
Sec. 6-193
Permit issuance
Sec. 6-194
Plans and specifications required
Sec. 6-195
Sec. 6-196
Temporary installations
Sec. 6-197
Ready-built homes
Sec. 6-198
When permit not required
Sec. 6-199
Sec. 6-200
Emergency work necessitating new wiring
Secs. 6-201—6-210
Division 4. Inspection Generally 
Sec. 6-211
Sec. 6-212
Request for inspections
Sec. 6-213
Procedure for communicating inspection result
Sec. 6-214
Clearance to electric utility company
Secs. 6-215—6-225
Division 5. Fees 
Sec. 6-226
License examination fees
Rpld. by Ord. 2002-O0114
Sec. 6-227
License fee
Dltd. by Ord. 2020-O0020
Sec. 6-227.1
License renewal fee
Dltd. by Ord. 2020-O0020
Sec. 6-227.2
Apprentice work permit fee
Dltd. by Ord. 2020-O0020
Sec. 6-227.3
Industrial license fees
Dltd. by Ord. 10228
Sec. 6-228
Permit and inspection fees
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-229
Fee adjustments
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Secs. 6-230—6-240
Division 6. General Specifications 
Sec. 6-241
Installation of wiring, fixtures and apparatus generally
Amnd. by Ord. 2024-O0028
Sec. 6-242
Ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel
Sec. 6-243
Flash protection
Sec. 6-244
Branch circuits required-dwelling units
Sec. 6-245
Commercial office space receptacle outlets
Sec. 6-246
Dwelling unit receptacle outlets-small appliances
Sec. 6-247
Branch circuit load calculations
Sec. 6-248
Lighting load for specified occupancies
Sec. 6-249
Receptacle outlets
Sec. 6-250
Non-residential buildings with multiple services served by underground service laterals
Sec. 6-251
Point of attachment
Sec. 6-252
Service masts as supports
Sec. 6-253
Non-residential buildings with multiple services served by underground service laterals
Sec. 6-254
Service equipment- general
Sec. 6-255
Non-residential buildings with multiple services served by underground service laterals
Sec. 6-256
Grounding electrode system
Sec. 6-257
Bonding for other systems
Sec. 6-258
Cables and raceways parallel to framing members and furring strips
Sec. 6-259
Underground installations (direct buried conductors and cables)
Sec. 6-260
Conductor material
Sec. 6-261
Minimum size of conductors
Sec. 6-262
Uses not permitted (types NM and NMS)
Sec. 6-263
Nonmetallic sheathed cable (Romex)–Uses not permitted
Sec. 6-264
Sec. 6-265
Wet locations (receptacles in)
Sec. 6-266
Panel board over current device capacity
Sec. 6-267
Luminaries in specific locations
Division 7. Signs 
Secs. 6-286—6-289
Sec. 6-290
Signs to conform to zoning
Secs. 6-291, 6-292
Sec. 6-293
Information attached
Sec. 6-294
Sec. 6-295
Fire escapes
Sec. 6-296
Accumulation of rainwater
Sec. 6-297
Parapet walls
Sec. 6-298
National Electrical Safety Code adopted by reference
Sec. 6-299
Interference with exit or window
Sec. 6-300
Interference with signals
Sec. 6-301
Sec. 6-302
Dangerous sign
Secs. 6-303, 6-304
Sec. 6-305
Outdoor signs–Insulation of wiring, etc.
Sec. 6-306
Sec. 6-307
Sec. 6-308
Protection against corrosion
Sec. 6-309
Sec. 6-310
Permanent wiring
Sec. 6-311
Maximum amperage
Sec. 6-312
High-voltage wiring
Sec. 6-313
When bushing or receptacle required
Sec. 6-314
Transformers generally
Sec. 6-315
Securing of transformer or ballast
Sec. 6-316
Compartment for fuseholders, panelboards, etc.
Secs. 6-317—6-323
Sec. 6-324
Damaged signs
Sec. 6-325
Transformers placed in attics
Sec. 6-326
Circuit and transformer limits
Secs. 6-327, 6-328
Sec. 6-329
Packaged signs
Secs. 6-330—6-399
Article VI. International Residential Code 
Division 1. General 
Sec. 6-400
International Residential Code adopted
Division 2. Supplemental Administrative Provisions 
Sec. 6-401
Coordination of administrative provisions
Sec. 6-402
Administrative amendments and cross-references to article I
Sec. 6-403
Schedule of permit fees
Sec. 6-404
Sec. 6-405—6-599
Division 3. Technical Amendments 
Sec. 6-500
Sec. 6-501
Climatic and geographic design criteria
Sec. 6-502
Exterior walls
Sec. 6-503
Sec. 6-504
Emergency escape and rescue required
Sec. 6-505
Minimum depth (of fill)
Sec. 6-506
Foundation anchorage
Sec. 6-507
Foundation elevation
Sec. 6-508
Concrete and masonry foundation walls
Sec. 6-509
Height above finished grade (formerly brick ledges)
Sec. 6-510
Concrete or masonry foundations (formerly Foundation drainage)
Sec. 6-511
Foundation water management
Sec. 6-512
Floor joists
Sec. 6-513
Sec. 6-514
Weep holes
Sec. 6-515
Protection of exposed foundation insulation
Sec. 6-516
Basement walls
Sec. 6-517
Slab-on-grade floors
Sec. 6-518
Insulation (duct)
Sec. 6-519
Sec. 6-520
Condensate disposal
Sec. 6-521
Auxiliary drain pan
Sec. 6-522
Insulation of refrigerant piping
Sec. 6-523
Duct termination
Sec. 6-524
Recirculation of air
Sec. 6-525
Sec. 6-526
Sec. 6-527
Test pressure
Sec. 6-528
Sediment trap
Sec. 6-529
Pressure regulators
Sec. 6-530
Exhaust installation
Sec. 6-531
Building sewer testing
Sec. 6-532
Rough plumbing
Sec. 6-533
Finished plumbing
Sec. 6-534
Pipes through footings or foundation walls
Sec. 6-535
Pan size and drain
Sec. 6-536
Water heaters installed in garages
Sec. 6-537
Discharge pipe
Sec. 6-538
Air gaps
Sec. 6-539
Water hammer
Sec. 6-540
Hose bibb bleed
Sec. 6-541
Service valve
Sec. 6-542
Hose bibb
Sec. 6-543
Solvent cementing
Sec. 6-544
Sec. 6-545
Horizontal to vertical (multiple connection fittings)
Sec. 6-546
(Cleanouts at) building drain and building sewer junction
Sec. 6-547
Secs. 6-548—6-599
Article VII. International Fuel Gas Code 
Division 1. General 
Sec. 6-601
International Fuel Gas Code adopted
Division 2. Supplemental administrative provisions 
Sec. 6-602
Coordination of administrative provisions
Sec. 6-603
Fee schedule
§ 28.15.003(a)
Sec. 6-604
Administrative amendments and cross-references to article I
§ 28.15.003(b)
Division 3. Technical amendments 
Sec. 6-605
Sloped roofs
Sec. 6-606
Test pressure
Sec. 6-607
Sediment trap
Sec. 6-608
Pressure regulators
Sec. 6-609
Exhaust material
Secs. 6-610—6-700
Article VIII. International Energy Conservation Code 
Sec. 6-701
International Energy Conservation Code adopted
Sec. 6-702
Sec. 6-703
Exempt buildings
Sec. 6-704
Hospitals and research laboratories
Sec. 6-705
Board of appeal
Sec. 6-706
Exterior design conditions
Sec. 6-707
Moisture control
Sec. 6-708
Heating and cooling criteria
Sec. 6-709
Slab-on-grade floors
Sec. 6-710
Basement walls
Sec. 6-711
Basement walls
Sec. 6-712
Tables 502.2.4(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), 6), (7), (8), and (9)
Sec. 6-713
Table 502.2.4(3)
Sec. 6-714
Thermostatic control capabilities
Sec. 6-715
Piping insulation
Sec. 6-716
Table 503.3.3.3
Sec. 6-717
Time clocks
Sec. 6-718
Residential buildings, Type A-1
Sec. 6-719
Thermal performance criteria
Sec. 6-720
Table 602.1
Sec. 6-721
Sec. 6-722
Cooling with outdoor air
Sec. 6-723
Set point overlap restriction
Secs. 6-724—6-800
Article I. In General 
Sec. 7-1
Sec. 7-2
System established
Sec. 7-3
Persons in classified service when law adopted
Sec. 7-4
Director of firemen's and policemen's civil service–Office established
Sec. 7-5
Same–Appointment; qualifications; salary; removal
Sec. 7-6
Same–Powers and duties
Sec. 7-7
Employees striking
Sec. 7-8
Political activities by employees
Sec. 7-9
Penalties–Against mayor and other officials
Sec. 7-10
Same–Against employees
Sec. 7-11
Repeal and amendment
Article II. Classification Plan 
Sec. 7-26
Adopted; power to designate, alter or abolish classes
Sec. 7-27
Class specifications
Sec. 7-28
Interpretation of specifications
Sec. 7-29
Allocation of positions to classes
Sec. 7-30
Allocation of new positions or re-allocation of existing positions
Sec. 7-31
Protest when employee thinks position improperly allocated
Sec. 7-32
Status of incumbent when position re-allocated
Sec. 7-33
Periodic investigation of plan
Sec. 7-34
Number of positions in each classification
Secs. 7-35—7-45
Article III. Educational Incentive Pay 
Deleted by Ord. 9520. Art. 2.06, ed. note
Secs. 7-46—7-64
Article IV. Assignment Pay 
Sec. 7-65
Fire department–Authorization
Sec. 7-66
Sec. 7-67
Police department–Authorization
Sec. 7-68
Sec. 7-69
Certification pay
Sec. 8-1
Regular municipal election
Sec. 8-2
Runoff election
Sec. 8-3
State election laws controlling
Sec. 8-4
Precincts and voting places–Established
Secs. 8-5—8-14
Rpld. by Ord. 9320. Art. 1.02, ed. note
Article I. In General 
Sec. 9-1
Electrical utilities division
Sec. 9-2
Director of electrical utilities
Sec. 9-3
Billing of residential building contractors
Secs. 9-4—9-15
Article II. Rates 
Sec. 9-16
Free service
Sec. 9-17
Determination; filing
Sec. 9-18
All other consumers to pay commercial rates
Sec. 9-19
Payment of charges
Rpld. by Ord. 2001-O0029. Art. 22, div. 3, ed. note
Sec. 9-20
Discontinue of service
Rpld. by Ord. 2001-O0029. Art. 22, div. 3, ed. note
Sec. 9-21
Distribution of revenues
Dltd. by Ord. 2004-O0021. Art. 22, div. 3, ed. note
Secs. 9-22—9-29
Sec. 9-30
Sec. 9-31
Sec. 9-32
Utility cost recovery
Sec. 9-33
Ditching work and developer credit
Sec. 9-34
Coordination with other utilities
Sec. 9-35
Effect on other city policies
Sec. 9-36
Effective date
Secs. 9-37—9-39
Article IV. Commercial Properties 
Sec. 9-40
Sec. 9-41
Properties one acre or less in size
Sec. 9-42
Properties more than one acre in size
Sec. 9-43
Utility's obligation
Sec. 9-44
Coordination with other utilities
Sec. 9-45
Effect on other city policies
Sec. 9-46
Effective date
Secs. 9-47—9-49
Article V. Utility Liens 
Sec. 9-50
Utility lien imposed
Sec. 9-51
Release of lien
Sec. 9-52
Rights cumulative and nonexclusive
Sec. 10-1
Sec. 10-2
Governmental purpose; effect on liabilities
Sec. 10-3
Regulations supersede inconsistent provisions
Sec. 10-4
State, federal, military regulations
Sec. 10-5
Unauthorized use of sirens, warning devices
Sec. 10-6
Illegally displaying lights; police to enforce regulations
Sec. 10-7
Approval of contracts and expenditures
Sec. 10-8
Organization created; composition
Sec. 10-9
General duties of organization and director
Sec. 10-10
Cooperation with county, other municipalities
Sec. 10-11
Emergencies–Authority of mayor
Sec. 10-12
Same–Authority of city manager
Sec. 10-13
Same–Authority of governing body
Sec. 10-14
Structure of organization
Sec. 10-15
Oath for emergency management personnel
Art. 1.04, ed. note
Sec. 10-16
Overcharging during a state of emergency
Article I. In General 
Sec. 11-1
Burning of trash, debris, etc.
Sec. 11-2
Obstructions and trash in alleys
Sec. 11-3
Explosive materials
Sec. 11-4
Art. 10.01, ed. note
Sec. 11-5
Parking or stopping vehicles designed for transportation of explosives
Sec. 11-6
False alarms–Prohibited
Sec. 11-7
Sec. 11-8
Interference with fire department equipment
Sec. 11-9
Fire lanes–Required
Sec. 11-10
Art. 10.04 ed. note
Sec. 11-11
Sec. 11-12
Same–How designated
Sec. 11-13
Sec. 11-14
Parking in fire lanes prohibited
Sec. 11-15
Issuance of citations; impoundment of fire lane obstructions
Sec. 11-16
Abandonment or closure of fire lanes
Sec. 11-17
Smoking in hotel or motel bed–Prohibited
Sec. 11-18
Same–Warning signs required
Secs. 11-19—11-30
Article II. Fire Marshal 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 11-31
Office continued; reports to chief of fire department
Sec. 11-32
Appointment; qualifications
Sec. 11-33
Investigation of fires generally; records
Sec. 11-34
Examination of witnesses; evidence indicating commission of crime
Sec. 11-35
May summon and swear witnesses and require production of evidence
Sec. 11-36
Refusal to testify, disobedience of orders, etc.
Sec. 11-37
Investigations may be private; separation of witnesses
Sec. 11-38
Right of entry–Generally
Sec. 11-39
Same–When fire has occurred
Secs. 11-40—11-45
Division 2. Remedying Hazardous Conditions 
Sec. 11-46
Art. 10.02, div. 2, ed. note
Sec. 11-47
Sec. 11-48
Inspection; fire safety surveys
Sec. 11-49
Fire station territories
Sec. 11-50
Notice by fire chief, fire marshal
Sec. 11-51
Removal of hazards–Notice; appeals
Sec. 11-52
Same–Failure to comply as nuisance
Sec. 11-53
Same–Closing buildings
Sec. 11-54
Same–Penalty; vacating buildings
Sec. 11-55
Residential buildings
Sec. 11-56
Filing suits against owners
Sec. 11-57
Airport fire prevention zone–Created
Sec. 11-58
Same–Jurisdiction of fire chief and fire marshal
Sec. 11-59
Same–Regulations apply
Secs. 11-60—11-70
Article III. National Fire Codes 
Sec. 11-71
Code adopted
Sec. 11-72
Art. 10.03, ed. note
Sec. 11-73
Authority of fire marshal
Sec. 11-74
Board of appeals–Appointment
Sec. 11-75
Art. 10.03, ed. note
Sec. 11-76
Approval of plans
Sec. 11-77
Inspection; certificate of occupancy
Sec. 11-78
Sec. 11-79
Overcrowding or admittance beyond approved occupant load or capacity
Sec. 11-80
Sec. 11-81
Admittance beyond approved occupant load or capacity
Sec. 11-82
Permit and service fee
Secs. 11-83—11-85
§ 10.03.002 
Article IV. Fireworks 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 11-86
Sec. 11-87
Exceptions to applicability of this article
Sec. 11-88
Possession, sale, etc., generally
Sec. 11-89
Penalty; seizure
Secs. 11-90—11-93
Division 2. Permit 
Sec. 11-94
Sec. 11-95
Sec. 11-96
Approval or refusal generally
Sec. 11-97
Grounds for refusal
Sec. 11-98
Sec. 11-99
Transfer; duration
Sec. 11-100
Duties of permittee
Sec. 11-101
Storage, use and handling of explosives, fireworks and pyrotechnic materials
Sec. 11-102
Sec. 11-103
Permit fee
Secs. 11-104—11-110
Article V. Petroleum Products Generally 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 11-111
Rpld. by Ord. 2011-O0036. Art. 10.05, div. 1, ed. note
Sec. 11-112
Transportation equipment
Sec. 11-113
Transportation generally
Sec. 11-114
Local deliveries
Secs. 11-115—11-120
Division 2. Parking Tank Trucks, Trailers, Etc. 
Sec. 11-121
Sec. 11-122
Sec. 11-123
Bulk plant sites
Sec. 11-124
Delivery stops
Sec. 11-125
Service stations or garages
Sec. 11-126
Work on vehicles while parked on public property
Secs. 11-127—11-140
Article VI. Liquefied Petroleum Gas 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 11-141
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-142
Purposes and construction of article
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-143
Compliance with article and state law
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-144
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-145
Plans and specifications–Gas system
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-146
Same–Distributing equipment
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-147
Transfer from one vehicle to another
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-148
License to transfer from one container to another
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-149
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-150
Use at service stations–Generally
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-151
Same–Location of dispensers and parking of vehicles
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-152
Same–"No Smoking" signs
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Secs. 11-153—11-160
Division 2. Installation Requirements 
Sec. 11-161
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-162
Permit and license
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-163
Inspection–Required generally
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-164
Same–Distributing equipment
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-165
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-166
Guardrails required
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-167
Fire extinguishers generally
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-168
Maximum vapor pressure
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-169
Compliance by installer or repairer
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-170
Cut-off valve
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-171
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-172
Construction requirements generally
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-173
Procedure when existing system to be used
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-174
Compliance with Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-175
Floor furnaces
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-176
Equipment in basement or other low place
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-177
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-178
Use of rubber or leather
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-179
Variance authorized
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Secs. 11-180—11-185
Article VI. Liquefied Petroleum Gas 
Division 3. Storage Containers 
Sec. 11-186
Design and construction generally
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-187
Use inside buildings
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-188
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-189
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-190
Adjustments, changes, etc., to accessories, regulators and safety devices
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-191
Same–Bulk storage
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-192
Filling at other than approved location
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-193
Location with respect to adjoining property lines
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-194
Location with respect to buildings
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-195
Removal or filling upon abandonment
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-196
Appeal of determination
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Secs. 11-197—11-205
Division 4. Vehicles and Equipment 
Sec. 11-206
Transportation–Design and construction
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-207
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-208
Same–Loading and unloading
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-209
Same–Vehicle must be approved and carry identification card
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-210
Same–Lettering of vehicles
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-211
Same–Parking of vehicles
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-212
Vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas–Generally
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-213
Same–Capacity and ventilation of tanks
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-214
Same–Pressure requirements for tanks
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-215
Same–Other equipment
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Sec. 11-216
Same–Fire extinguishers on public conveyances
Art. 10.06, ed. note
Secs. 11-217—11-230
Article VII. Fire Extinguisher Service Business 
Sec. 11-231
Art. 10.07, ed. note
Sec. 11-232
Enforcement by injunction
Sec. 11-233
Licenses and certificates of compliance–Required
Secs. 11-234—11-238
Licenses and certificates of compliance
Art. 10.07, ed. note
Article I. In General 
Sec. 12-1
Sale of certain paraphernalia to minors–Definitions
Sec. 12-2
Same–Prohibited acts
Sec. 12-3
Aerosol paint and glue; sales; inhalation; violation by juvenile
Sec. 12-4
Inhalation of fumes or vapors of petroleum by-products or solvents by juveniles
Secs. 12-5—12-15
Article II. Food and Food Establishments 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 12-16
Sec. 12-17
Sec. 12-18
Adoption of food establishment rules
Sec. 12-19
Milk and milk products which may be sold
Sec. 12-20
Adoption of manufacturing practice and warehouse practice food rules
Sec. 12-21
Certification of food managers
Art. 8.16, div. 3
(a) Purpose
Amnd. by Ord. 2016-O0014
(b) Definitions
Amnd. by Ord. 2016-O0014
(c) Certified food manager
(d) Internet examination criteria
Amnd. by Ord. 2016-O0014
(e) Site requirements for administration of examinations
Amnd. by Ord. 2016-O0014
(f) Internet examinations administration
Amnd. by Ord. 2016-O0014
(g) Department examination related to late fees
(h) Department audits
(i) Denial, suspension, revocation of license
(j) Denial, suspension, revocation procedures
Secs. 12-22—12-25
Division 2. Permit 
Sec. 12-26
Required; transfer; posting; temporary establishments
Sec. 12-27
Sec. 12-28
Sec. 12-29
Issuance; fee
Sec. 12-30
Suspension–Violations generally
Sec. 12-31
Same–Noncompliance with notice
Sec. 12-32
Same–Conduct of hearing
Sec. 12-33
Secs. 12-34—12-45
Article III. Swimming, Spray, Wading and Spa Pools 
Sec. 12-46
Sec. 12-47
Adoption of standards for public swimming pools and spas
Sec. 12-48
Permits, fee
Sec. 12-49
Permit suspension, revocation, hearings
Sec. 12-50
Sec. 12-51
Plans and specifications
Sec. 12-52
Fill and draw pools prohibited
Sec. 12-53
Sec. 12-54
Construction permits
Sec. 12-55
Secs. 12-56—12-60
Article IV. Rendering Establishments 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 12-61
Sec. 12-62
Rules of construction
Sec. 12-63
Sec. 12-64
Nuisances generally
Sec. 12-65
Rendering business creating offenses or becoming nuisances
Sec. 12-66
State health regulations
Sec. 12-67
Rules of health officer
Sec. 12-68
Authority to enter and inspect rendering businesses
Sec. 12-69
Building permit; approval of plans for buildings
Sec. 12-70
Dead animal, etc., as nuisance–Disposal generally
Sec. 12-71
Same–Methods of disposal
Secs. 12-72—12-80
Division 2. License 
Sec. 12-81
Required–Rendering establishment
Sec. 12-82
Same–Storage facility
Sec. 12-83
Sec. 12-84
Transport vehicles
Sec. 12-85
Application; basis and payment of fee
Sec. 12-86
Fees generally
Sec. 12-87
Investigation; issuance; display; refund of fee
Sec. 12-88
Suspension, revocation
Secs. 12-89—12-100
Article V. Nuisances Generally 
Division 1. Nuisances, Weeds, Rubbish and Illegal Dumping 
Sec. 12-101
Sec. 12-102
General regulations
Sec. 12-103
Duty to abate generally
Sec. 12-104
Notice and order to abate
Sec. 12-105
Extension of time to abate nuisance
Rpld. Art. 34.02, div. 2, ed. note
Sec. 12-106
Abatement by city
Sec. 12-106.1
Administrative fee
Sec. 12-106.2
Penalties and liens
Sec. 12-107
Duty of police officers
Sec. 12-108
Burial in other than dedicated cemetery; undedicated plots
Sec. 12-109
Unsanitary rest rooms
Sec. 12-110
Breeding place for mosquitoes
Sec. 12-111
Breeding place for flies
Sec. 12-112
Unwholesome, impure, etc., water
Sec. 12-113
Deposit of kitchen water, laundry water, etc., in public place
Sec. 12-114
Privies, vaults, etc., protected from flies
Sec. 12-115
Overflowing privies, vaults, etc.
Sec. 12-116
Overflowing of cesspool contents
Sec. 12-117
Reports to fire marshal
Sec. 12-118
Obstructions in Yellowhouse Canyon–Declared a nuisance
Sec. 12-119
Same–Notice to abate; abatement by city
Sec. 12-120
Same–Extension of time for abatement
Sec. 12-121
Oil and gas wells; disposition of impurities
Sec. 12-122
Oil and paint spray
Secs. 12-123—12-130
Division 2. Excavations 
Sec. 12-131
Nuisances declared
Sec. 12-132
Duty to fill
Sec. 12-133
Inspection; notice to owner
Sec. 12-134
Duty to comply with notice; abatement by city
Sec. 12-135
Prosecution of suit to abate
Sec. 12-136
When owner or user guilty of maintaining nuisance
Sec. 12-137
Properly maintained excavations under building permit
Article VI. Air Pollution Control 
Division 1. Generally 
Secs. 12-151—12-155
Rpld. Art. 12.05 ed. note
Sec. 12-156
Cooperation with state board
Secs. 12-157—12-167
Air pollution
Rpld. Art. 12.05 ed. note
Sec. 12-168
Building fires and burning trash, etc.
Secs. 12-169—12-175
Division 2. Operating Certificate 
Sec. 12-176
Required; property owner, etc., to apply
Rpld. Art. 12.03, ed. note
Sec. 12-177
Contents of application
Rpld. Art. 12.03, ed. note
Sec. 12-178
Rpld. Art. 12.03, ed. note
Sec. 12-179
Rpld. Art. 12.03, ed. note
Sec. 12-180
Rpld. Art. 12.03, ed. note
Sec. 12-181
Appeal from denial or revocation
Rpld. Art. 12.03, ed. note
Secs. 12-182—12-195
Article VII. Unsanitary Matter 
Sec. 12-196
Sec. 12-197
Penalty for violation
Sec. 12-198
Nuisance declared
Sec. 12-199
Duty of owner to remove
Sec. 12-200
Inspection; notice to owner
Sec. 12-201
Duty to comply with notice; abatement by city
Sec. 12-202
Extension of time to abate
Secs. 12-203—12-215
Article VIII. Rat Control 
Sec. 12-216
Sec. 12-217
Ratproofing existing construction; inspections by health officer
Sec. 12-218
Ratproofing to be approved by health officer
Secs. 12-219—12-221
Rpld. Art. 34.05, ed. note
Sec. 12-222
Harborage of rats
Sec. 12-223
Extermination of rats
Secs. 12-224—12-230
Secs. 12-231—12-232
Rpld. Art. 34.05, ed. note
Sec. 12-233
Secs. 12-234—12-239
Rpld. Art. 34.05, ed. note
Secs. 12-240—12-244
Article IX. Smoking in Public Places; Regulation of Tobacco Products 
Amnd. Art. 8.17 ed. note
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 12-245
Sec. 12-246
Offense; enforcement
Division 2. Smoking in Public Places 
Sec. 12-247A
Smoking prohibited; permitted in designated areas
Sec. 12-247B
Sec. 12-247C
Smoking in places of employment
Sec. 12-248
Division 3. Regulating Sales and Samples to Minors 
Sec. 12-249
Possession of tobacco by minor
Sec. 12-250
Self-service merchandising
Sec. 12-251
Free samples
Sec. 12-252
Public education
Sec. 12-253
Other applicable laws
Sec. 12-254
Article X. Private Sewage Disposal 
Sec. 12-255
On-site sewage facilities
(a) Conflicts
(b) Enforcement of state laws
(c) Area of jurisdiction
(d) Compliance with rules
(e) On-site sewage facility rules adopted
(f) Incorporation by reference
(g) Amendments
(h) Duties and powers
(i) Collection of fees
(j) Appeals
(k) Penalties
Secs. 12-256—12-261
Article XI. Sale of Methamphetamine Precursor Drugs 
Sec. 12-262
Rpld. Art. 12.05, ed. note
Sec. 12-263
Prohibited acts
Rpld. Art. 12.05, ed. note
Sec. 12-264
Accessibility of methamphetamine precursor drugs
Rpld. Art. 12.05, ed. note
Sec. 12-265
Registration of purchases
Rpld. Art. 12.05, ed. note
Sec. 12-266
Methamphetamine watch program
Rpld. Art. 12.05, ed. note
Sec. 13-1
Property Maintenance Code adopted; amendments
Article I. In General 
Sec. 14-1
Public accommodations–Definition
Sec. 14-2
Sec. 14-3
Same–Civil remedies
Sec. 14-4
Secs. 14-5—14-20
Article II. Photography 
Secs. 14-21—14-26
Rpld. by Ord. 8988. Art. 8.01, ed. note
Secs. 14-27—14-40
Article III. Secondhand Dealers 
Sec. 14-41—14-51
Secondhand dealers
Rpld. by Ord. 8988. Art. 8.01, ed. note
Sec. 14-52—14-65
Article IV. Wrecking Yards and Junkyards 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 14-66
Sec. 14-67
Sec. 14-68
Operating requirements
Secs. 14-69—14-75
Division 2. License 
Sec. 14-76
Sec. 14-77
Sec. 14-78
Sec. 14-79
Application fee; issuance
Sec. 14-80
Sec. 14-81
Secs. 14-82—14-95
Article V. Pawnbrokers 
Secs. 14-96—14-100, 14-111—14-115
Licensing and regulation
Rpld. by Ord. 8988. Art. 8.01, ed. note
Secs. 14-116—14-125
Article VI. Oil and Gas Drilling 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 14-126
Sec. 14-127
Federal and state laws apply
Sec. 14-128
Insurance; required; amounts; indemnity
Sec. 14-129
Inspector; appointment, compensation, duties, right of access
Sec. 14-130
Penalties; fine
Sec. 14-131
Cease and desist order; revocation or suspension of permit; appeal
Sec. 14-132
Unitization encouraged
Secs. 14-133—14-140
Division 2. Permits 
Sec. 14-141
Permit required; issuing authority
Sec. 14-142
Sec. 14-143
Application; filing fee; required information
Sec. 14-144
Issuance or refusal to issue
Sec. 14-145
Sec. 14-146
Supplemental for deep drilling
Sec. 14-147
Drilling in parks, streets, and alleys; obstructions
Sec. 14-148
For conduits on streets and alleys; required
Secs. 14-149—14-160
Division 3. Standards and Practices 
Sec. 14-161
Derrick and rig; types prohibited; allowing to remain; watchman
Sec. 14-162
Pits; required type; removal
Sec. 14-163
Operations and equipment; best practices; standards
Sec. 14-164
Cleanliness and sanitation
Sec. 14-165
Mufflers; required
Sec. 14-166
Storage tanks, separators; types, requirements
Sec. 14-167
Fences; required; locking gates
Sec. 14-168
Nuisances; to be eliminated; best practices
Sec. 14-169
Fire prevention; escape of gas; burning; flaring; general requirements
Sec. 14-170
Salt water; disposal required
Sec. 14-171
Abandonment; plugging; precautionary measures
Secs. 14-172—14-180
Article VII. Seismographic Testing 
Art. 8.08, ed. note
Sec. 14-181
Permit required
Sec. 14-182
Permit application
Sec. 14-183
Testing procedures
Sec. 14-184
Permit denial or revocation
Secs. 14-185—14-190
Article VIII. Massage Parlors 
Secs. 14-191—14-199, 14-211—14-220
Massage parlors
Rpld. by Ord. 9320. Art. 8.01, ed. note
Secs. 14-221—14-239
Article IX. Sexually Oriented Businesses 
Art. 8.09, ed. note
Sec. 14-240
Purpose and intent
Sec. 14-241
Sec. 14-242
Affirmative defense
Sec. 14-243
Permit required
Sec. 14-244
Permit application
Sec. 14-245
Permit application contents
Sec. 14-246
Permit application attachments
Sec. 14-246.1
Modification of permit
Sec. 14-246.2
Applicant's/permit holder's continuing duty to provide information
Sec. 14-247
Issuance or denial of permit
Sec. 14-248
Sec. 14-249
Expiration of permit
Sec. 14-250
Sec. 14-251
Sec. 14-252
Sec. 14-253
Transfer of permit
Sec. 14-254
Premises used; access
Article IX. Sexually Oriented Businesses 
Sec. 14-254.1
Sexually oriented cabaret or lounge, additional regulations
Sec. 14-254.2
Sexually oriented retail store, bookstore, film or video store, additional regulations
Sec. 14-254.3
Sexually oriented encounter center, additional regulations
Sec. 14-255
Sexually oriented motels, additional regulations
Sec. 14-256
Regulations pertaining to exhibition of sexually explicit films or videos
Sec. 14-257
Display of sexually explicit materials to minors
Sec. 14-258
Additional regulations for escort agencies
Sec. 14-259
Additional regulations for sexually oriented modeling studios
Sec. 14-260
Additional regulations for sexually oriented theaters and sexually oriented motion pictures theaters
Sec. 14-261
Required records
Sec. 14-262
Display of permit and signs
Sec. 14-263
Minimum age requirements
Sec. 14-264
Sec. 14-265
Sec. 14-266
Authority to file suit
Sec. 14-267
Applicability of other laws
Secs. 14-268, 14-269
Article X. Reserved 
Secs. 14-270—14-275
Article XI. Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishments 
Sec. 14-276
General provisions
Sec. 14-277
Sec. 14-278
Permitting fees, procedures, and exemptions
Sec. 14-279
Grounds for refusing permit
Sec. 14-280
Physical facilities
Sec. 14-281
Personnel responsibilities
Sec. 14-282
Client qualifications, disclosure, and records
Sec. 14-283
Sec. 14-284
Care of the new tattoo and/or body piercing
Sec. 14-285
Tattooing and body piercing instruments and jewelry
Sec. 14-286
Report of infection or allergic reaction
Sec. 14-287
Disposal of infectious waste
Sec. 14-288
Tongue splitting and surgical body modification
Sec. 14-289
Refusal, revocation, or suspension of permit and enforcement
Secs. 14-290—14-299
Article XII. False Alarms 
Sec. 14-300
Purpose and intent
Sec. 14-301
Sec. 14-302
Sec. 14-303
Permit required
Sec. 14-304
Sec. 14-305
Permit application
Sec. 14-306
Issuance or denial of permit
Sec. 14-307
Grounds for denial of permit
Sec. 14-308
Grounds for revocation of permit
Sec. 14-309
Sec. 14-310
False alarm notifications; service fee
Sec. 14-311
Relief from service fee
Sec. 14-312
Sec. 14-313
Automatic dialing devices
Sec. 14-314
Alarm testing; shut-off; signal
Sec. 14-315
Alarm system maintenance
Sec. 14-316
Improper use
Sec. 14-317
Alternate power supply
Sec. 14-318
Applicability of other laws
Sec. 14-319
Indirect alarm notification reporting
Sec. 14-320
Alarm dispatch records
Sec. 14-321
Information confidential
Sec. 14-322
Relayed alarm notifications
Sec. 14-323
Standards for alarm protective services
Sec. 14-324
Duplication of permit
Sec. 14-325
Sec. 14-326
Authority to file suit
Sec. 14-327
Sec. 14-328
Recordkeeping requirements
Sec. 14-329
Sec. 14-330
Government or utility property
Sec. 14-331
Acceptance of property sealed or unopened in its original packaging
Sec. 14-332
Acceptance of property inscribed with a company name
Sec. 14-333
Article I. In General 
Article II. Mobile Home Subdivisions 
Secs. 15-1—15-15
Sec. 15-16
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-17
Establishment and scope of code
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-18
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-19
Inspection and permit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Secs. 15-20—15-35
Article III. Mobile Home and Vacation Travel Trailer Parks 
Sec. 15-36
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-37
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-38
Building permits and code compliance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Secs. 15-39—15-45
Rpld. by Ord. 8988
Sec. 15-46
Requirements generally
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-47
Zoning district
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-48
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-49
Setbacks; spacing
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-50
Patio roofs and carports
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-51
Water supply
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-52
Sewage disposal
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-53
Natural gas
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-54
Electrical service
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-55
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-56
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-57
Interior streets
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-58
Ingress and egress
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-59
Driveway or accessway
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-60
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-61
Mobile home parks–Area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-62
Same–Tenant storage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-63
Same–Recreation area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-64
Sanitation facilities in travel parks
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-65
Disposal of garbage and rubbish
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-66
Fire protection
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 15-67
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Article I. In General 
Sec. 16-1
Sec. 16-2
State law adopted
Sec. 16-3
City manager–Duties generally
Sec. 16-4
Same–Signs and markers authorized
Sec. 16-5
Same–Traffic lanes
Sec. 16-6
Same–Prima facie evidence
Sec. 16-7
Same–Regulations filed
Sec. 16-8
Same–Violation of signs, markers
Sec. 16-9
Loading zones–Charges for use; duties of city manager
Sec. 16-10
Same–Application, payment of charges
Sec. 16-11
Same–Use of zones
Sec. 16-12
Same–Revocation, alteration
Sec. 16-13
Same–Applicability of provisions
Sec. 16-14
Funeral processions to be identified
Sec. 16-15
Moving buildings or oversize loads
Sec. 16-16
Riding on motorcycles
Sec. 16-17
Boarding or alighting from moving vehicles
Sec. 16-18
Riding on portions of vehicle not designed for passengers
Sec. 16-19
Coasters, roller skates, etc.
Sec. 16-20
Placing stickers, posters, etc., on vehicle of another
Sec. 16-21
Sound amplifying equipment for advertising
Rpld. by Ord. 8839. Art. 20.01 ed. note
Sec. 16-22
Procedure on arrest
Sec. 16-23
Appearance in court; noncompliance, penalty
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.02, ed. note
Sec. 16-24
Reports to chief of police
Rpld. by Ord. 9320. Art. 20.01 ed. note
Secs. 16-24—16-40
Article II. Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Regulations 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 16-41
Enforcement of chapter
Sec. 16-42
Police to direct traffic; directing in event of fire or emergency
Sec. 16-43
Required obedience to traffic regulations
Sec. 16-44
Public officers and employees to obey chapter
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.01, ed. note
Sec. 16-45
Exemptions to authorized emergency vehicles
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.01, ed. note
Sec. 16-46
Sec. 16-47
Sec. 16-48
Hazardous materials transportation routes
Sec. 16-49
Sec. 16-50
Sec. 16-51
Violations and penalties
Sec. 16-52
Liability for spills
Sec. 16-53
Conflict with other laws
Sec. 16-54
Secs. 16-55—16-61
Article III. Traffic-Control Devices 
Sec. 16-62
Manual and specifications for traffic-control devices
Sec. 16-63
Traffic devices required for enforcement purposes
Sec. 16-64
Obedience to official traffic-control devices
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.03, ed. note
Sec. 16-65
Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.03, ed. note
Secs. 16-66—16-81
Article IV. Accidents 
Sec. 16-82
Sec. 16-83
Overtaking a stopped or parked vehicle
Sec. 16-84
Presumption in hit-and-run accidents
Sec. 16-85
Accident involving damage to vehicle
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.06, ed. note
Sec. 16-86
Duty upon striking fixtures upon a street
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.06, ed. note
Sec. 16-87
Duty to immediately report accidents
Secs. 16-88—16-90
Rpld. by Ord. 2000-O0043. Art. 20.06 ed. note
Secs. 16-91—16-106
Sec. 16-107
Crossing at other than crosswalks
Article V. Pedestrians 
Sec. 16-108
Interference with traffic by sale of merchandise, etc.
Sec. 16-109
Use of sidewalks, safety zones, etc.
Secs. 16-110—16-125
Article VI. Operation of Vehicles 
Division 1. Generally
Sec. 16-126
Driving to left of center of roadway
Sec. 16-127
One-way streets–Driving or parking thereon
Sec. 16-128
Designation of one-way streets
Rpld. by Ord. 9516. Art. 20.05 ed. note
Sec. 16-129
Driving on roadways laned for traffic
Sec. 16-130
Driving on grassed and landscaped area adjacent to auditorium coliseum
Sec. 16-131
Driving on grassed, landscaped or irrigated city property
Sec. 16-132
Hauling waste materials from residential streets
Secs. 16-133—16-143
Division 2. Starting, Turning and Stopping
Sec. 16-144
Required position and method of turning at intersections
Sec. 16-145
Authority to place restricted turn signs
Sec. 16-146
Limitations on turning around
Sec. 16-147
Crossing traffic island or median dividers
Secs. 16-148—16-158
Division 3. Right-of-Way 
Sec. 16-159
Vehicle turning left at intersection
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.05, ed. note
Sec. 16-160
Driving through funeral or other processions
Sec. 16-161
Drivers in a procession
Sec. 16-162
Driving in quiet zones
Sec. 16-163
Secs. 16-164—16-174
Rpld. by Ord. 9320. Art. 20.05 ed. note
Division 4. Speed 
Sec. 16-175
Sec. 16-175.1
Limits on specific streets, highways, etc., and portions thereof
Sec. 16-175.2
School zones; speed limits
Sec. 16-176
Off-street parking areas
Sec. 16-177
Speed in alleys
Sec. 16-178
Speed limits in work zone areas
Sec. 16-179
Sec. 16-180
Improper use
Sec. 16-181
Sec. 16-182
City manager duties–Signs
Sec. 16-183—16-193
Article VII. Resident Parking Only Program 
Sec. 16-194
Sec. 16-195
Sec. 16-196
Designation of resident parking only zones
Sec. 16-197
Resident parking only permit
Sec. 16-198
Removal of residential parking permit zone
Sec. 16-199
Offenses; permit revocation; appeal; towing
Secs. 16-200—16-223
Article VIII. Stopping, Standing and Parking 
Sec. 16-224
Vehicles to stop when traffic obstructed
Sec. 16-225
Manner of parking
Sec. 16-226
Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places–Generally
Dltd. by Ord. 2012-O0032. Art. 20.04, ed. note
Sec. 16-227
Same–At auditorium-coliseum
Sec. 16-228
Obstruction of traffic
Sec. 16-229
Parking in alleys
Sec. 16-230
Hazardous or congested places
Sec. 16-231
Entrances to hotels, theaters, etc.
Sec. 16-232
Parking adjacent to schools
Sec. 16-233
Habitually parking adjacent to residential property belonging to another
Sec. 16-234
Private parking area; trespass
Sec. 16-235
Parking in private or commercial parking lot after closing hours of business establishments adjacent to said parking lot
Sec. 16-236
Establishment of procedures for limited-time parking areas
Sec. 16-237
All-night parking
Rpld. by Ord. 9045. Art. 20.04 ed. note
Sec. 16-238
Parking for purpose of sale, repair, etc.
Sec. 16-239
Parking for primary purpose of advertising
Sec. 16-240
Parking certain trucks, buses, recreational vehicles, recreational equipment or trailers on certain streets
Sec. 16-241
Obtaining a permit for standing in loading zones
Rpld. by Ord. 9320. Art. 20.04, div. 3, ed. note
Sec. 16-242
Stopping buses
Sec. 16-243
Bus stops and taxicab stands generally
Sec. 16-244
Owner responsible for illegal parking
Sec. 16-245
Impounding of illegally parked or abandoned vehicles
Sec. 16-246
Parking must be entirely within lines or markers identifying space
Sec. 16-247
Overtime parking
Sec. 16-248
Parking control officers
Sec. 16-249
Parking for persons with disabilities–Designation of space; identification and dimension requirements
Sec. 16-250
Same–Enforcement and penalties
Sec. 16-251
Same–Exemption from certain penalties
Secs. 16-252—16-264
Article IX. Juvenile Drivers 
Sec. 16-265
Driving without license a nuisance
Sec. 16-266
Permitting unlicensed juveniles to drive–Unlawful
Sec. 16-267
Same–Aiding or abetting
Sec. 16-268
Impounding vehicle–For violation
Sec. 16-269
Sec. 16-270
Parking for limited amounts of time
Secs. 16-271—16-286
Article X. Bicycles 
Sec. 16-287
Application of traffic regulations
Sec. 16-288
Application of article; violations
Sec. 16-289
Secs. 16-290—16-305
Article XI. Parades, Demonstrations and Recreational Street Use 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 16-306
Sec. 16-307
Failure to obtain permit
Sec. 16-308
Participant in violation when no permit issued
Sec. 16-309
Violation of terms of permit–Permittee
Sec. 16-310
Same–Participant in parade, etc.
Secs. 16-311—16-321
Division 2. Permit Generally 
Sec. 16-322
Sec. 16-323
Sec. 16-324
Sec. 16-325
Sec. 16-326
Fee; costs of security
Sec. 16-327
Amendment of application; issuance
Sec. 16-328
Grounds for denial
Sec. 16-329
Late applications
Sec. 16-330
Secs. 16-331—16-346
Article XII. School Crossing Guards 
Sec. 16-347
Not peace officers
Sec. 16-348
Position established; qualifications; supervision; compensation
Sec. 16-349
Duty to assist children
Sec. 16-350
Duty to observe, report traffic violations
Sec. 16-351
Uniform, equipment
Art. 20.02, ed. note
Secs. 16-352—16-367
Article XIII. Junked Vehicles 
Sec. 16-368
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-369
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-370
Exceptions–Lawfully parked vehicles
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-371
Same–Vehicles obstructing traffic
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-372
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-373
Unlawful to keep
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-374
Public nuisance–Declared
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-375
Same–Notice of, and order to abate
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-376
Public hearing prior to removal
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-376.1
Relocation of public nuisance to another location
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-377
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-378
Same–Removal with permission
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-379
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Sec. 16-380
Rules governing procedures for conduct of hearing
Amnd. by Ord. 2023-O0070
Article XIV. Automated Traffic Signal Enforcement 
Sec. 16-381
Art. 20.03 ed. note
Sec. 16-382
Imposition of Civil Penalty for Violations
Art. 20.03 ed. note
Sec. 16-383
Enforcement; procedures
Art. 20.03 ed. note
Sec. 16-384
Administrative adjudication hearing
Art. 20.03 ed. note
Sec. 16-385
Art. 20.03 ed. note
Sec. 16-386
Effect of liability; exclusion of civil remedy
Art. 20.03 ed. note
Sec. 17-1
Sec. 17-2
Operation, procedure
Sec. 17-3
Summoning, impaneling and payment of jurors
Sec. 17-4
Search warrants
Sec. 17-5
Special expense fee
Sec. 17-6
City marshal, position created, service of process for court, etc.
Sec. 17-7
Municipal court building security fund
Sec. 17-8
Municipal court technology fund
Sec. 17-9
Juvenile case manager fee
Sec. 17-10
Additional court costs
Article I. In General 
Sec. 18-1
Abandonment of iceboxes and other containers
Sec. 18-2
Loitering, loafing near schools
Sec. 18-3
§ 14.01.004 ed. note
Sec. 18-4
Sec. 18-4.1
Sec. 18-4.2
Sec. 18-4.3
Same–Noises prohibited
Sec. 18-4.4
Same–Motor vehicle noise
Sec. 18-4.5
Same–Permits of variance
Sec. 18-4.6
Sec. 18-4.7
Sec. 18-4.8
Sec. 18-5
Peeping Toms
Sec. 18-6
Sec. 18-7
Carrying of certain weapons–Prohibited
Sec. 18-8
Sec. 18-9
Discharge of firearms
Sec. 18-10
Discharge of firearms by minors
Sec. 18-11
Alcoholic beverages–Sale near church, school or hospital
Sec. 18-12
Same–Time of consumption, service or possession
Sec. 18-13
Tampering with utility meter–Penalty
Sec. 18-14
Secs. 18-15—18-25
Article II. Minors 
Division 1. Generally 
Secs. 18-26—18-35
Art. 14.03 ed. note
Division 2. Reserved 
Secs. 18-36—18-38
Minors’ access to bars
Art. 14.03 ed. note
Secs. 18-39—18-45
Division 3. Juveniles' Curfew 
Sec. 18-46
Sec. 18-47
Curfew for juveniles
Sec. 18-48
Sec. 18-49
Parental responsibility
Sec. 18-50
Establishment owner's responsibility
Sec. 18-51
Police procedures
Sec. 18-52
Sec. 18-53
Sec. 18-54
Continuing evaluation
Secs. 18-55—18-65
Article III. Stolen, Abandoned or Recovered Property 
Sec. 18-66
Sale at public auction authorized
Sec. 18-67
Delivery to purchasing agent; receipt
Sec. 18-68
Notice of sale; list of the property to be sold
Sec. 18-69
Sale of property separately or in lots
Sec. 18-70
Cash sale; time and place
Sec. 18-71
Duties of purchasing agent; disposition of funds
Sec. 18-72
Disposition of worthless property
Article IV. Sex Offenders 
Sec. 18-86
Sec. 18-87
Sec. 18-88
Sec. 18-89
Affirmative defenses
Sec. 18-90
Article I. In General 
Sec. 19-1
Unlawful activities within parks
Sec. 19-2
Alcoholic beverages; littering
Sec. 19-3
Swimming when pool closed
Sec. 19-4
Curfew on Meadowbrook Golf Course, parks
Sec. 19-5
Regulations for governance of Lake Alan Henry adopted
Sec. 19-6
Penalty for violation of regulations, Lake Alan Henry
Sec. 19-7
Filing complaints for violation of regulations, Lake Alan Henry
Sec. 19-8
Unlawful activities within park playgrounds
Sec. 19-9
Temporary closure of parks
Secs. 19-8—19-15
Article II. Reserved 
Secs. 19-16—19-26
Municipal golf course
Rpld. Art. 16.01 ed. note
Secs. 19-27—19-37
Article III. Diseased Trees 
Sec. 19-38
Nuisance defined
Sec. 19-39
Abatement of nuisance by owner of property
Sec. 19-40
Sec. 19-41
Sec. 19-42
Appeal from notices; hearing
Sec. 19-43
Work done by city; assessment of costs
Article IV. City Thoroughfare Beautification Ordinance 
Sec. 19-44
Rpld. Art. 16.02, ed. note
Sec. 19-45
Sec. 19-46
Street tree species to be planted
Sec. 19-47
Spacing of street trees
Sec. 19-48
Distance from curb and sidewalk
Sec. 19-49
Sec. 19-50
Continuation of use
Sec. 19-51
Public tree care
Sec. 19-52
Pruning, corner clearance, nuisance
Sec. 19-53
Removal of stumps
Sec. 19-54
Tree topping
Sec. 19-55
Interference with the city
Article I. In General 
Sec. 20-1
Permit to sell goods in park or swimming pool area–Required
Sec. 20-2
Sec. 20-3
Same–Registration with manager
Sec. 20-4
Same–Exhibited on demand
Sec. 20-5
Violation and penalty regarding a license
Rpld. Art. 8.12, div. 2 ed. note
Secs. 20-6—20-15
Article II. Business License 
Sec. 20-16
License required, definitions, exceptions, applications prerequisites to issuance
(k), (l)
(m), (n)
Sec. 20-17
Contents of license, triplicate record
Sec. 20-18
Duration of license; fees; assignment
Sec. 20-19
Exhibited on demand; furnishing identification
Sec. 20-20
Warranty information
Sec. 20-21
Sec. 20-22
New business activity
Sec. 20-23
Application for exemption
Sec. 20-24
Approval or denial of application; appeal
Sec. 20-25
Violation; penalty
Secs. 20-26—20-30
Article III. Solicitation in Municipal Buildings, Etc. 
Sec. 20-31
Soliciting merchandise
Sec. 20-32
Soliciting memberships in clubs, organizations, etc.
Sec. 20-33
Soliciting city employees on duty
Sec. 20-34
Loitering for purposes of soliciting
Sec. 20-35
Sec. 20-36
Appeals from acts of city manager
Secs. 20-37—20-45
Article IV. Solicitations for Contributions 
Sec. 20-46
Purpose and intent of article
Sec. 20-47
Sec. 20-48
Permit required
Sec. 20-49
Initial application, information to be contained
Sec. 20-50
Sponsorship disclosure
Sec. 20-51
Conditions of approval
Secs. 20-52, 20-53
Art. 8.12, div. 4, pt. II, ed. note
Sec. 20-54
Duration of the registrations
Sec. 20-55
Registration nontransferable
Sec. 20-56
Revocation of registration
Sec. 20-57
Denial of registration
Sec. 20-58
Certain conditions of solicitations prohibited
Sec. 20-59
Reports to be filed
Sec. 20-60
Violation and penalty; enforcement
Article I. In General 
Sec. 21-1
Naming of locations and facilities at Lake Alan Henry
Secs. 21-2—21-15
Article II. Flood Hazard Areas 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 21-16
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-17
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-18
Article cumulative
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-19
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-20
Methods of reducing flood losses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-21
Interpretation generally
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-22
Compliance with regulations
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-23
Lands to which article applies
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-24
Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-25
Increased flood heights; liability
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-26
Development permit–Required
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-27
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-28
Same–Approval or denial
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-29
Flood hazard reduction–General standards
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-30
Same–Standards for subdivision proposals
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-31
Same–Specific standards
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-32
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-33
Same–Standards for areas of shallow flooding (AO/AH Zones)
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Secs. 21-34—21-40
Division 2. Variances 
Sec. 21-41
Planning and zoning commission–General duties
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-42
Same–When appeals heard
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-43
Same–Review of decisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-44
Records, reports
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-45
Historic places
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-46
Small lots
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-47
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-48
Increase in flood levels
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-49
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-50
New construction, substantial improvements and other development
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-51
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Secs. 21-52—21-60
Article III. Lake Areas 
Sec. 21-61
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-62
Water holding capacity maintained
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-63
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-64
Transporting dirt, etc., to area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-65
Use of fill
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-66
Existence of fill declared nuisance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-67
Duty to remove dirt, etc.
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-68
Notice to owners, etc.; order to abate
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-69
City engineer may abate; expenses to create lien, etc.
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-70
Filing of expense statement
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-71
Duty to comply with notice; penalty
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-72
Prosecutions to abate nuisances, etc.
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-73
Building permits
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-74
Fills generally
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-75
Playa lake development and acceptance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-76
Playa lakes in extraterritorial jurisdiction; purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Article IV. Extraterritorial Lake Areas 
Sec. 21-77
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-78
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-79
Engineering analysis
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-80
Prohibited acts
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-81
Fills generally
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 21-82
Abatement of nuisances
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Article I. In General 
Sec. 22-1
Powers and duties generally
Sec. 22-2
Police have like powers as sheriff
Sec. 22-3
Duties as to breaches of the peace
Sec. 22-4
Authority to close places of public resort
Sec. 22-5
Execution of process
Sec. 22-6
Duty to prevent injuries to persons and property–Generally
Sec. 22-7
Same–Threatened injuries
Sec. 22-8
Same–Regulation of conduct and use of force
Sec. 22-9
Striking prisoner or other person
Sec. 22-10
Bond of desk sergeants
Secs. 22-11—22-20
Article II. Arrest 
Sec. 22-21
Arrest without warrant–Authority generally
Sec. 22-22
Same–Offense in magistrate's presence
Sec. 22-23
Same–Fleeing felon
Sec. 22-24
Same–Escaped prisoner
Sec. 22-25
Same–Duty; use of force
Sec. 22-26
Same–Use of same measures as if arrest made under warrant
Sec. 22-27
Same–Procedure after arrest made
Secs. 22-28, 22-29
Arrest of suspicious persons
Rpld. by Ord. 9320. Art. 2.07, div. 2, ed. note
Sec. 22-30
Arrest on city property outside city limits
Sec. 22-31
Right of person arrested to communicate with attorney or friend
Sec. 22-32
Sec. 22-33
When arrest may be made
Sec. 22-34
Use of force
Sec. 22-35
Procedure after arrest; forfeiture of bond
Sec. 22-36
Acceptance of money from persons arrested
Article I. In General 
Sec. 23-1
Sec. 23-2
Sec. 23-3
Scope of chapter
Sec. 23-4
Removal of brush, trees and limbs generally
Sec. 23-5
Material to be removed by occupants
Sec. 23-6
Disposition of manure, waste oils, etc.
Sec. 23-7
Removal and disposal of dirt, turf and miscellaneous material; destruction of confidential matter
Sec. 23-8
Removal of waste resulting from building operations or from cleanup of vacant property
Sec. 23-9
Disposition of heavy refuse and industrial waste
Sec. 23-10
Preparation of boxes and packing crates
Sec. 23-11
Disposal of dead animals
Sec. 23-12
Accumulations of garbage, refuse, etc.– Prohibited generally
Sec. 23-13
Same–Unlawful acts specified
Sec. 23-14
Rpld. by Ord. 10019. Art. 22.06, ed. note
Sec. 23-15
Permit for removal of garbage, trash, etc., from multi-family dwellings, commercial and industrial establishments–Generally
Sec. 23-16
Same–Not a franchise
Sec. 23-17
Same–Revocation; notice; request for hearing
Sec. 23-18
Same–Hearing on possible revocation
Sec. 23-19
Same–Appeal from revocation
Sec. 23-20
Transportation of garbage, rubbish, etc.
Sec. 23-21
Dumping–Must be at designated place; rates
Sec. 23-22
Same–Supervision and inspection
Sec. 23-23
Application for disposal billing
Sec. 23-24
Deposits required prior to billing service
Sec. 23-25
Minimum billing rate
Sec. 23-26
Removal from landfill; tampering with containers
Sec. 23-27
Persons allowed on landfill
Sec. 23-28
Littering generally
Sec. 23-29
Scattering material placed for collection
Sec. 23-30
Throwing waste onto public places
Sec. 23-31
Unlawful deposit of waste
Sec. 23-32
Permit for removal of solid waste, garbage, trash, etc. from residential dwellings in newly annexed areas
Sec. 23-33
When bills due and payable
Secs. 23-34—23-45
Article II. Containers 
Sec. 23-46
Sec. 23-47
Illegal containers
Sec. 23-48
Persons required to keep containers
Sec. 23-49
Defective containers
Sec. 23-50
Placement for collection purposes–Residences
Sec. 23-51
Sec. 23-52
Obstruction of detachable containers
Sec. 23-53
Sec. 23-54
Garbage to be free of liquid
Secs. 23-55—23-65
Article III. Charges for Collection 
Sec. 23-66
Amounts generally
Sec. 23-67
Scheduled extra pickups of detachable containers
Sec. 23-68
Civic and nonprofit events
Sec. 23-69
Waste requiring special handling
Sec. 23-70
Frequency of container pickup
Article I. In General 
Sec. 24-1
Official map
Sec. 24-2
Street numbers–Duties of building official
Sec. 24-3
Same–Approval and adoption
Sec. 24-4
Same–Determined by building official; method used
Sec. 24-5
Numbering of houses in the rear of lots and second stories
Rpld. by Ord. 9769. Art. 36.01, ed. note
Sec. 24-6
Same–Appeal from decision of building official
Sec. 24-7
Signs, advertisements and house numbers
Sec. 24-8
Barrels, crates, etc., on sidewalks or parkways
Sec. 24-9
Display of merchandise
Sec. 24-10
Sidewalks, parkways, etc., to be kept safe–By abutting owner
Sec. 24-11
Same–By special users
Sec. 24-12
Liability for defective conditions
Sec. 24-13
Duty to keep sidewalk, parkway and alleyway clean
Secs. 24-14—24-25
Article II. Names of Streets 
Sec. 24-26
Numbered streets generally
Sec. 24-27
Specific numbered streets
Sec. 24-28
Streets named for colleges and universities
Sec. 24-29
Avenues–East of University Avenue in original town
Sec. 24-30
Same–East of Avenue A
Sec. 24-31
Same–West of University Avenue
Sec. 24-32
Clovis Road
Sec. 24-33
Amarillo Road
Sec. 24-34
Map for street naming
Sec. 24-35
Method for naming future streets
Sec. 24-36
Duty of city engineer
Sec. 24-37
Annexed territory
Sec. 24-38
Changing street names
Sec. 24-39
Street name changes
Sec. 24-40
Marsha Sharp Freeway
Sec. 24-41
Research Boulevard
Sec. 24-42
Mac Davis Lane
Sec. 24-43
Caesar Chavez Drive
Sec. 24-44
Lubbock Business Park Boulevard
Sec. 24-45
Article III. Construction, Alteration and Repair of Sidewalks, Curbing, Driveways and Gutters
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 24-46
Sec. 24-47
Exceptions to article
Sec. 24-48
Compliance with article prerequisite to issuance of building permit
Sec. 24-49
Supervision of work
Sec. 24-50
Compliance with plans and specifications
Sec. 24-51
Sec. 24-52
Sec. 24-53
Same–Bond for work on public right-of-way; certificate of insurance; additional indemnification agreement
Sec. 24-54
Sec. 24-55
Improvements to become property of the city
Sec. 24-56
Contractor to be familiar with article; request for instructions
Sec. 24-57
To whom notices and instructions given
Sec. 24-58
Commencement and prosecution of work
Sec. 24-59
Suspension of work
Sec. 24-60
Contractor to keep, place and dispose of material
Sec. 24-61
Placing rock, sand, etc., on paved street; gutter kept unobstructed
Sec. 24-62
Cleanup when work completed
Sec. 24-63
Monuments and survey marks
Sec. 24-64
Defective sidewalks, driveways, etc.–Nuisance declared; duty of abutting owner to repair generally; abatement by city
Sec. 24-65
Same–Duty to repair damage made by tree roots, etc.
Sec. 24-66
Same–Notice to abutting owner
Sec. 24-67
Omitting construction of curbing and gutter–When permitted
Sec. 24-68
Same–When mandatory
Sec. 24-69
Same–Subsequent construction
Sec. 24-70
Care to avoid accidents; city indemnified
Sec. 24-71
Barricading of construction in public right-of-way
Rpld. by Ord. 2007-O0122. Art. 36.04, ed. note
Sec. 24-72
Decisions of city officials
Sec. 24-73
Appeal to board of appeals–Authorized
Sec. 24-74
Sec. 24-75
Same–Burden of proof
Sec. 24-76
Same–Building official and/or city engineer to submit evidence
Sec. 24-77
Secs. 24-78—24-85
Division 2. Specifications 
Sec. 24-86
Design; layout; plans
Sec. 24-87
General specifications for street curbs and gutters
Sec. 24-88
Sidewalk location; construction method; exceptions; duty where sidewalk not required
Sec. 24-89
Sidewalk location
Sec. 24-90
Thickness and cross-section
Sec. 24-91
Lines and grades
Sec. 24-92
Sec. 24-93
Sec. 24-94
Material to be used
Sec. 24-95
Reinforcement of sidewalk slabs
Sec. 24-96
Sec. 24-97
Finishing and marking
Sec. 24-98
Expansion joints
Sec. 24-99
Bumper blocks and bumper rails where sidewalk is adjacent to off-street parking area
Sec. 24-100
Steps or offsets in sidewalk
Sec. 24-101
Driveways into private property
Sec. 24-102
Curb ramp requirements
Secs. 24-103—24-115
Article IV. Installation of Utility Mains, Feeders and Conduits 
Sec. 24-116
Sec. 24-117
Filling of trenches
Sec. 24-118
Replacement of pavement cut for utility installation; payment; bond
Rpld. by Ord. 2007-O0122. Art. 36.05, ed. note
Sec. 24-119
Detailed drawings to be furnished city
Sec. 24-120
Protective measures
Rpld. by Ord. 2007-O0122. Art. 36.05, ed. note
Sec. 24-121
Person responsible for damage to existing mains, sewers, etc.
Sec. 24-122
Permit and bond
Rpld. by Ord. 2007-O0122. Art. 36.05, ed. note
Secs. 24-123—24-130
Article V. Master Thoroughfare Plan 
Sec. 24-131
Sec. 24-132
Purpose of article
Sec. 24-133
Map–Adopted; signature and attestation
Sec. 24-134
Same–Original kept by secretary of planning and zoning commission
Sec. 24-135
Copy of master thoroughfare plan
Rpld. by Ord. 2000-O0035. Art. 36.06, div. 2, ed. note
Sec. 24-136
Rpld. by Ord. 2000-O0035. Art. 36.06, div. 2, ed. note
Sec. 24-137
Same–Failure to show distances and feet
Sec. 24-138
Same–Amendment, supplementation, etc.
Secs. 24-139—24-140
Master thoroughfare plan
Rpld. by Ord. 8568. Art. 36.06, div. 2, ed. note
Secs. 24-141—24-149
Article VI. Paving Streets 
Sec. 24-150
Sec. 24-151
Street permit
Sec. 24-152
Strip paving
Sec. 24-153
Standards and design
Sec. 24-154
Sec. 24-155
City participation in cost of street pavement
Sec. 24-156
Improvements to become city property upon acceptance
Sec. 24-157
Assessments when pavement constructed by the city
Sec. 24-158
Engineering for paving improvements
Sec. 24-159
Fees for paving improvements
Sec. 24-160
Brick Streets
Dltd. by Ord. 2020-O0098
Article VII. Paving Alleys 
Sec. 24-161
Statement of policy
Sec. 24-162
Sec. 24-163
Sec. 24-164
Design; layout; plans and specifications
Sec. 24-165
Specifications for concrete alleys
Sec. 24-166
Brick alleys
Dltd. by Ord. 2020-O0098
Sec. 24-167
Alley use permit
Sec. 24-168
Art. 36.08, ed. note
Sec. 24-169
Improvements to become city property upon acceptance
Sec. 24-170
Assessments when pavement constructed by the city
Sec. 24-171
Maintenance of alley paving
Article VIII. Utility Construction in Public Rights-of-Way 
Sec. 24-172
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-173
Permit required
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-174
Backfilling; compaction, etc.
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-175
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-176
Registration required
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-177
Registration information
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-178
Permit application; fee
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-179
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-180
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-181
Construction schedule
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-182
Notice to affected property owners and emergency responders
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-183
Compliance with permits
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-184
Display of permit
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-185
Survey of underground facilities
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-186
Noncomplying work
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-187
Completion of construction
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-188
Utility construction as-built drawing
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-189
Restoration of right-of-way improvements
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-190
Restoration of trees, shrubs and other vegetation
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-191
Responsibility of permit holder of ROW user
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-192
Conformance with master thoroughfare plan
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-193
Rights of utility in even of closure or abandonment of right-of-way
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-194
Denial of permit
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-195
Revocation or suspension of permit
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-196
Appeal of permit denial or revocation
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-197
Utility emergency evacuations
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-198
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-199
Work done without permit
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-200
Excavation under supervision of city engineer
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-201
Field utility coordination
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-202
Excavation details; backfill; compaction; pavement restoration
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-203
Standard location of utility in alleys
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-204
Supervision by city of location of poles and conduits
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-205
Backfill of excavation area
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-206
Restoration of pavement
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-207
Cleanup of right-of-way
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-208
Substandard repair of pavement or right-of-way due to utility work
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-209
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-210
Material testing
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-211
Utility excavation in ROW restored to good condition
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-212
Submission of plan
Sec. 24-213
Adoption of manual
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 24-214
Additional requirements
Sec. 24-215
Continuing validity of permit
Sec. 24-216
Penalties and correction of deficiencies
Rpld. by Ord. 2021-O0171
Sec. 25-1
Title and statement of policy
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Sec. 25-2
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Sec. 25-3
Plat procedures
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Sec. 25-4
Design standards
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Sec. 25-5
Preliminary plats and data for conditional approval
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Sec. 25-6
Final plat approval requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Sec. 25-7
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Sec. 25-8
Amnd. by Ord. 2012-O0039
Article I. In General 
Sec. 26-1
Tax liens–Created; period of existence; priority
Sec. 26-2
Same–Taxes need not be assessed
Sec. 26-3
Sec. 26-4
Sec. 26-5
Cancellation of taxes assessed against city property
Sec. 26-6
Certificate fee fund
Sec. 26-7
Retention of sales and use tax on gas and electricity
Sec. 26-8
Residence homestead exemption–Persons aged sixty-five or older
Sec. 26-9
Same-Disabled persons
Sec. 26-9.1
Limitation of tax increase for disabled persons and persons age sixty-five and older
Sec. 26-10
Gross receipts tax imposed on bingo games
Sec. 26-11
Taxation of leased vehicles
Art. 18.01 ed. note
Sec. 26-12
Exemption for organizations engaged primarily in performing charitable functions
Secs. 26-13—26-20
Article II. Hotel Occupancy Tax 
Sec. 26-21
Sec. 26-22
Levy of tax; rate; use
Sec. 26-23
Sec. 26-24
Sec. 26-25
Rules and regulations
Sec. 26-26
Penalties; disclosure of information; examination of records
Secs. 26-27—26-30
Article III. Tax Incentives for Historical Preservation 
Sec. 26-31
Sec. 26-32
Sec. 26-33
General provision
Sec. 26-34
Partial property tax exemption for substantial rehabilitation of certain properties zoned design historic
Sec. 26-35
Verification process
Sec. 26-36
Transferability of tax benefits
Sec. 26-37
Recapture of taxes
Secs. 26-49—26-64.
Billiard and pool halls
Recodified as ch. 3, art. IV, §§ 3-68–3-94. Art. 8.01 ed. note
Article I. In General 
Secs. 26.5-1—26.5-50
Article II. Franchising Guidelines 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 26.5-51
Sec. 26.5-52
Sec. 26.5-53
Sec. 26.5-54
Telecommunications franchise
Sec. 26.5-55
Cable franchise
Sec. 26.5-56
Application to existing franchise ordinances and agreements
Sec. 26.5-57
Sec. 26.5-58
No waiver for nonenforcement
Sec. 26.5-59
Other remedies
Sec. 26.5-60
Division 2. Registration of Telecommunications Carriers and Providers 
Sec. 26.5-61
Registration required
Sec. 26.5-62
Purpose of registration
Secs. 26.5-63—26.5-70
Division 3. Telecommunications Franchise 
Sec. 26.5-71
Telecommunications franchise
Sec. 26.5-72
Franchise application
Sec. 26.5-73
Determination by the city.
Sec. 26.5-74
Form and content of franchise award
Sec. 26.5-75
Nonexclusive franchise
Sec. 26.5-76
Term of franchise
Sec. 26.5-77
Rights granted
Sec. 26.5-78
Compensation to city
Sec. 26.5-79
Renewal applications
Sec. 26.5-80
Renewal determinations
Sec. 26.5-81
Obligation to cure as a condition of renewal
Secs. 26.5-82—26.5-90
Division 4. Fees and Compensation 
Sec. 26.5-91
Sec. 26.5-92
Compensation for use of public rights-of-way
Sec. 26.5-93
Responsibility for payment of fees
Sec. 26.5-94
Sec. 26.5-95
Compensation for city property
Sec. 26.5-96
Right to audit
Secs. 26.5-97—26.5-100
Division 5. Conditions of Service 
Sec. 26.5-101
Location of facilities
Sec. 26.5-102
Construction permits
Sec. 26.5-103
Interference with the public rights-of-way
Sec. 26.5-104
Damage to property
Sec. 26.5-105
Notice of work
Sec. 26.5-106
Repair and emergency work
Sec. 26.5-107
Maintenance of facilities
Sec. 26.5-108
Relocation or removal of facilities
Sec. 26.5-109
Removal of unauthorized facilities
Sec. 26.5-110
Emergency removal or relocation of facilities
Sec. 26.5-111
Damage to provider's facilities
Sec. 26.5-112
Restoration of public rights-of-way and city property
Sec. 26.5-113
Facilities maps
Sec. 26.5-114
Duty to provide information
Sec. 26.5-115
Provider insurance
Sec. 26.5-116
General indemnification
Sec. 26.5-117
Coordination of construction activities
Sec. 26.5-118
Assignments or transfers of franchise by noncertificated telecommunications providers
Sec. 26.5-119
Revocation or termination of franchise of noncertificated telecommunications service provider
Sec. 26.5-120
Notice and opportunity to cure
Sec. 26.5-121
Sec. 26.5-122
Standards for revocation or lesser sanctions
Secs. 26.5-123—26.5-130
Division 6. Construction Standards 
Sec. 26.5-131
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-132
Construction codes
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-133
Construction permits
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-134
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-135
Engineer's certification
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-136
Traffic control plan
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-137
Issuance of permit
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-138
Construction schedule
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-139
Compliance with permit
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-140
Display of permit
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-141
Survey of underground facilities
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-142
Noncomplying work
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-143
Completion of construction
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-144
As-built drawings
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-145
Restoration of improvements
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-146
Landscape restoration
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Sec. 26.5-147
 Responsibility of owner
Art. 8.13, ed. note
Article I. In General 
Sec. 27-1
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-2
Duties of city manager
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-3
Who may operate generally
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-4
Transportation similar to taxicab; permit
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-5
Taxis, limousines and buses at airport
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-6
Franchise for bus service–Application for and issuance
Art. 24.04, ed. note
Sec. 27-7
Art. 24.04, ed. note
Sec. 27-8
Property left in vehicles
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Secs. 27-9—27-15
Article II. City Chauffeur's License 
Sec. 27-16
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-17
Application; fee
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-18
State license, criminal history records information
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-19
Investigation of applicant
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-20
Fingerprint check
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-21
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-22
Temporary license
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-23
Causes for license suspension
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-24
Suspension or revocation of license; driving after notice
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-25
Identification cards
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-26
Appeal when license refused
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-27
Transfer; termination; renewal
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-28
Suspension, revocation or denial of renewal of license
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-29
Procedure for license refusal pursuant to criminal background investigation
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-30
Notice of review procedure
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Secs. 27-31—27-40
Article III. Taxicabs 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 27-41
Transferability of franchises and other privileges
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-42
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-43
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-44
Taxicab number and chauffeur's license; display
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-45
Name of permit holder on taxicabs; taxis designated
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-46
Electric identification sign on top of taxicab
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-47
Taxicab color scheme in conflict with another
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-48
Advertising on taxicabs
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-49
Inspection of vehicles; unsafe, unsanitary, improperly operated, etc., taxicabs
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-50
Performance bond–Required
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-51
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-52
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-53
Public liability and property damage insurance–Required
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-54
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-55
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-56
Termination or impairment of bond or insurance
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-57
Records kept by permit holder; reports; tax paid
Arts. 24.01—24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-58
Rates–Schedule filed with city secretary; hearing
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-59
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-60
Same–Notice of hearing
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-61
Art. 24.05, ed. note
Sec. 27-62
Transporting persons to abode of prostitute, etc.
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Secs. 27-63—27-70
Division 2. Permit 
Sec. 27-71
Permit required
Arts. 24.01—24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-72
Application required
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-73
Fees; issuance; appeal; notice
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-74
Application–Complaints and protests
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-75
Application–Matters considered.
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-76
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Secs. 27-77—27-85
Article IV. Limousines and Touring Vehicles 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 27-86
Applicability of and compliance with article
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-87
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-88
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-89
Inspection; unsafe, unsanitary, unproperly operated, etc., vehicles
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-90
Zones and rates–Limousine service
Art. 24.06, ed. note
Sec. 27-91
Same–Touring vehicles
Art. 24.06, ed. note
Sec. 27-92
Engaging limousine for hire
Art. 24.06, ed. note
Sec. 27-93
Transporting persons to abode of prostitute, etc.
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Secs. 27-94—27-100
Division 2. Permit 
Sec. 27-101
Required; application; fee; contents; transfer
Art. 24.06, ed. note
Sec. 27-102
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-103
Prerequisites to issuance generally; appeal; notice
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-104
Additional vehicles or services
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-104.1
Replacement of vehicles in service
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-105
Performance bond–Required
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-106
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-107
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-108
Payment of taxes
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-109
Issuance; minimum requirements generally
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-110
Safety requirements
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-111
Public liability and property damage insurance–Required
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-112
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-113
Termination or impairment of bond or insurance
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-114
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Secs. 27-115—27-125
Article V. Ambulances 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 27-126
Sec. 27-127
Sec. 27-128
Chief of police to supervise
Sec. 27-129
Emergency vehicle records
Sec. 27-130
Condition of ambulance; supplies
Sec. 27-131
Use of red lights, horns, sirens; obedience to traffic regulations
Sec. 27-132
Clearance of direct emergency calls
Sec. 27-133
Selection of hospital
Sec. 27-134
Quarterly report
Sec. 27-135
Approval of subsequent charges by City Council
Secs. 27-136—27-145
Division 2. Operator's License 
Sec. 27-146
Sec. 27-147
Requirements of application
Sec. 27-148
License fee
Sec. 27-149
Public convenience and necessity–Defined
Sec. 27-150
Same–Finding by council
Sec. 27-151
Same–Factors considered
Sec. 27-152
Grant or denial
Sec. 27-153
Insurance policy–Required
Sec. 27-154
Same–Continuance after recovery
Sec. 27-155
Same–Coverage period
Sec. 27-156
Termination of permit; license; license fee
Sec. 27-157
Changes in partnership or in officer of corporation or any changes in ownership.
Sec. 27-158
Number of ambulances controlled by application
Sec. 27-159
Response to city-originated emergency calls
Sec. 27-160
Suspension or revocation–Authorized generally
Sec. 27-161
Same–Evidence of compliance
Sec. 27-162
Secs. 27-163—27-170
Division 3. Permits 
Sec. 27-171
Driver's or attendant's permit–Required
Sec. 27-172
Sec. 27-173
Determination by city secretary; appeal
Sec. 27-174
Suspension or revocation–Grounds
Sec. 27-175
Division 4. Transfer Ambulances 
Sec. 27-176
Permit required
Sec. 27-176.1
Requirements of application; insurance
Sec. 27-176.2
Permit and inspection fee
Sec. 27-176.3
Requirements; transfer ambulances and crews
Sec. 27-176.4
Sec. 27-176.5
Permit issuance
Sec. 27-176.6
Permit renewal
Sec. 27-177
Transfer ambulance operations
Sec. 27-177.1
Emergency runs by transfer ambulances not permitted; exception
Sec. 27-177.2
Sec. 27-178
Reprimand, suspension or revocation of permit
Secs. 27-179, 27-180
Article VI. Tow Truck Services 
Sec. 27-181
Sec. 27-182
Selection of a tow truck for nonconsent tows
Sec. 27-183
Driving a tow truck to the scene of an accident or collision
Sec. 27-184
Interception of police calls
Sec. 27-185
Tows from parking facilities
Sec. 27-186
Duties of tow truck operators
Sec. 27-187
Permit required for nonconsent tows
Sec. 27-188
Permit application and fee
Sec. 27-189
Suspension or revocation of a permit
Sec. 27-190
Suspension and revocation procedures, appeals
Sec. 27-191
Sec. 27-192
Sec. 27-193
Sec. 27-194
Sec. 27-195
Secs. 27-196—27-204
Tow truck services
Rpld. by Ord. 9858, Art. 24.09, ed. note
Secs. 27-193—27-209
Article VII. Horse-Drawn Vehicles 
Sec. 27-210
Applicability of and compliance with this article
Arts. 24.01, 24.07, ed. note
Sec. 27-211
Art. 24.07, ed. note
Sec. 27-212
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-213
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-214
Art. 24.07, ed. note
Sec. 27-215
Art. 24.01, ed. note
Sec. 27-216
Additional equipment
Art. 24.07, ed. note
Sec. 27-217
Art. 24.07, ed. note
Sec. 27-218
Art. 24.07, ed. note
Sec. 27-219
Time of operation
Art. 24.07, ed. note
Sec. 27-220
Art. 24.03, ed. note
Sec. 27-221
Permit required; application; fee; contents; transfer
Arts. 24.01—24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-222
Permit contents
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-223
Prerequisites to permit issuance, hearing
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-224
Additional vehicles or services
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-225
Replacement of vehicles in service
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-226
Insurance required
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-227
Insurance amounts
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Sec. 27-228
Termination or impairment of insurance
Art. 24.02, ed. note
Article VIII. Ice Cream Sales Vehicles 
Sec. 27-229
Sec. 27-230
Permit required
Sec. 27-231
Permit application and fee
Sec. 27-232
State license, criminal history records information
Sec. 27-233
Investigation of applicant
Sec. 27-234
Fingerprint check
Sec. 27-235
Sec. 27-236
Temporary permit
Sec. 27-237
Suspension or revocation of license; driving after notice
Sec. 27-238
Identification cards
Sec. 27-239
Appeal when license refused
Sec. 27-240
Transfer; termination; renewal
Sec. 27-241
Suspension, revocation or denial of renewal of permit
Sec. 27-242
Hours of operation
Article I. In General 
Sec. 28-1
Water conservation and drought contingency plans adopted
(a) Adoption
Art. 22.08, ed. note
(b) Purpose
Art. 22.08, ed. note
(b)(1) Water conservation plan
Art. 22.08, ed. note
(b)(2) Drought and emergency plan
Art. 22.08, ed. note
(b)(3) Definitions
Art. 22.08, ed. note
Secs. 28-2—28-14
Sec. 28-15
Marking of excavation sites
(a) Definitions
(b) Request for utility locate
(c) Marking of site by excavator
(d) Marking of site by city
(e) Commencement of work
(f) Damage to utility
(g) Dispute over billed damages
(h) Request for hearing over dispute
Article II. Water Generally 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 28-16
Sec. 28-17
Consumers charged with knowledge of division
Sec. 28-18
Water furnished consumers measured by meters
Sec. 28-19
Taking water from hydrant
Sec. 28-20
Ownership and repair of meters
Sec. 28-21
Average charge upon failure of meter to register correctly
Sec. 28-22
Access to premises
Sec. 28-23
Reading of meters; notice to consumers
Sec. 28-24
Discontinuance and restoration of service
Sec. 28-25
Application for connection
Sec. 28-26
Deposit not required
Sec. 28-27
Liability for charges–Premises and owner; contract with tenant
Sec. 28-28
Same–Townhouses, condominiums
Sec. 28-29
Notice to discontinue service
Sec. 28-30
Responsibility for leakage by owners, etc., of property
Sec. 28-31
Consumer furnishing water to other persons or families
Sec. 28-32
Repair and renewal of service pipes from main line to meter
Sec. 28-33
Check valve on steam boiler service pipes
Sec. 28-34
Connections–Apartment houses
Sec. 28-35
Same–Townhouses, condominiums
Sec. 28-36
Testing meters
Sec. 28-37
Temporary disconnection for repairs, connections, extensions, etc.
Sec. 28-38
Tapping mains
Sec. 28-39
Tampering with fire hydrant
Sec. 28-40
Breaking, injuring or tampering with system
Sec. 28-41
Elevated tanks located on roofs for water distribution
Sec. 28-42
Retaining possession of meters or other appliances
Sec. 28-43
Diversion of water
Sec. 28-44
Irrigation systems–Landscaping irrigation systems
(a), (b)(1)–(7) Landscaping irrigation systems
(b)(8) Water Board of Appeals
(A) Established
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
(B) Scope
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
(C) Jurisdiction
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
(D) Hearing
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
(E) Limitation of authority
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0071
Sec. 28-45
Same–Operation of irrigation systems or devices.
Sec. 28-46
Sec. 28-47
Sec. 28-48
Responsibility of city water system and public water systems
Amnd. by Ord. 2010-O0049. Art. 22.03, div. 1, ed. note
Secs. 28-49—28-50
Division 2. Rates and Charges 
Sec. 28-51
Power of city manager to fix
Sec. 28-52
Water base charge
Sec. 28-52.1
Affordability reduction in meter charges for residential customers
Sec. 28-53
Water volume rate generally
Sec. 28-54
Texas Tech University
Sec. 28-55
Lubbock Christian University
Sec. 28-56
Buckner Baptist Home
Sec. 28-57
When bills due and payable
Sec. 28-58
Water service (water tap) connections
Sec. 28-59
Wholesale water service to specified areas outside city; conditions, rates
Sec. 28-60
Reimbursement of water and sewer tap charges
Sec. 28-61
Variance and appeal
Secs. 28-62—28-70
Article III. Wastewater System 
Division I. Generally
Sec. 28-71
Purpose and policy
Sec. 28-72
Sec. 28-73
Toilet facilities; time of connection with sewer
Sec. 28-74
Connecting building sewer with on-site sewerage system
Sec. 28-75
Construction of on-site sewerage systems
Sec. 28-76
Operating an on-site sewerage system at no expense to city
Sec. 28-77
Guards, barricades; restoration of streets, sidewalks, etc.
Sec. 28-78
Damaging, destroying, defacing, etc., the sanitary sewer system and POTW
Secs. 28-79—28-85
Division 2. Sewer Service and Charges 
Sec. 28-86
Rates charged for sewer service
Sec. 28-87
Measurement of wastewater flow of commercial or industrial users
Sec. 28-88
Measurement of wastewater flow of commercial or industrial users with irrigation, in plant, in process or in product water losses
Sec. 28-89
Disconnection for nonpayment for service
Sec. 28-90
Sewer service connections
Sec. 28-91
Payment for sanitary sewer line blockages
Sec. 28-92
Payment for treatment of wastewater spillage
Sec. 28-93
When bills due and payable
Secs. 28-94—28-95
Division 3. Discharge Regulations 
Sec. 28-96
Manner of discharging stormwater, etc.
Sec. 28-97
Discharging polluted waters into natural outlets
Sec. 28-98
General discharge prohibitions
Sec. 28-99
Specific pollutant limitations
Sec. 28-100
Permitting oil, grease, antifreeze, battery acid, or any other drainings to run to sanitary sewer
Sec. 28-101
Reverse osmosis, boiler blow-down, cooling tower water discharges
Sec. 28-102
Determination of measurement, test, and analysis of characteristics of water and wastes
Sec. 28-103
Agreement for treatment of unusual waste
Sec. 28-104
Industries to comply with federal and local pretreatment standard, when
Sec. 28-104.1
National categorical pretreatment standards
Sec. 28-105
State requirements
Sec. 28-106
City's right of revision
Sec. 28-107
Excessive discharge
Sec. 28-108
Accidental discharge/reporting
Sec. 28-109
Liquid waste disposers
Sec. 28-110
Accidental discharge/slug control plans
Sec. 28-111
Hazardous waste discharges
Sec. 28-112
Act of God
Sec. 28-113
Regulation of waste received from outside municipal jurisdiction
Secs. 28-114—28-115
Division 4. Permits and Fees 
Sec. 28-116
Wastewater discharges
Sec. 28-117
Wastewater contribution permits generally
Sec. 28-118
Permit application
Sec. 28-118.1
Application signatories and certification
Sec. 28-119
Wastewater discharge permit modification
Sec. 28-120
Permit conditions
Sec. 28-121
Permit duration
Sec. 28-122
Permit transfer
Sec. 28-123
Wastewater discharge permit revocation
Sec. 28-123.1
Wastewater discharge permit appeals
Sec. 28-124
Preliminary treatment facilities, when required
Sec. 28-125
Preliminary treatment facilities maintenance
Sec. 28-126
Preliminary treatment facilities; sand, grease, and oil interceptors
Rpld. by Ord. 2020-O0150, art. 22.04, div. 5, editor's note
Sec. 28-127
Preliminary treatment facilities; hydrocarbon removal units
Sec. 28-128
Septic tank emptying
Sec. 28-129
Compliance date report
Sec. 28-130
Periodic compliance reports
Sec. 28-130.1
Baseline monitoring reports
Sec. 28-130.2
Reports from unpermitted users
Sec. 28-130.3
Notice of violation/repeat sampling and reporting
Sec. 28-130.4
Sec. 28-131
Monitoring facilities
Sec. 28-132
Inspection and sampling
Sec. 28-132.1
Record keeping
Sec. 28-132.2
Sample collection
Sec. 28-132.3
Search warrant
Sec. 28-133
Confidential information
Sec. 28-134
Charges and fees
Sec. 28-135
Division 5. Enforcement 
Sec. 28-136
Harmful contributions
Sec. 28-137
Administrative procedure
Sec. 28-138
Show cause hearing
Rpld. by Ord. 9813. Art. 22.04, div. 6, ed. note
Sec. 28-139
Legal action
Sec. 28-140
Criminal penalties
Sec. 28-141
Falsifying information
Secs. 28-142—28-145
Article IV. Extended Service Charges 
Sec. 28-146
Sec. 28-147
Pro rata charges for water and/or sewer service
Sec. 28-148
Pro rata on property already platted
Sec. 28-149
Pro rata and extensions to property being platted
Sec. 28-150
Size of service lines and meter
Sec. 28-151
Location for service connection
Sec. 28-152
Pro rata funds; deposits, charges
Sec. 28-153
Cost of large mains may be partially paid by city
Sec. 28-154
Costs of extensions
Sec. 28-155
Developer installation
Sec. 28-156
Facilities to be property of city
Sec. 28-157
Engineering for extension and fees
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0119
Sec. 28-158
Sec. 28-159
Extensions beyond pro rata areas
Sec. 28-160
Unit prices used in calculating costs of extensions
Sec. 28-161
Where front-foot rule inequitable; vested rights
Sec. 28-162
Water connections made by water department
Sec. 28-163
Payments by owners in densely populated areas–Generally
Sec. 28-164
Same–Deferred payments
Sec. 28-165
Sewer extension without water service; deferred pro rata charge
Sec. 28-166
Infrastructure development assistance
Sec. 28-167
Failure to connect; notice of connection; lien for expenses
Sec. 28-168
Waiver of sewer pro rata charges in cases of imminent threat to health, safety and welfare of public
Secs. 28-169—28-170
Article V. Groundwater Protection 
Sec. 28-171
City Council findings
Sec. 28-172
Sec. 28-173
Use of groundwater as a potable water source in municipal setting designation prohibited
Sec. 28-174
Application for City Council approval of municipal setting designation
Sec. 28-175
Staff review
Sec. 28-176
Director action following application review
Sec. 28-177
Notice of public hearing
Sec. 28-178
Conduct of public hearing
Sec. 28-179
Limitation on reapplication
Sec. 28-180
Additional requirements
Secs. 28-181—28-199
Article VI. Municipal Drainage Utility 
Sec. 28-200
City Council findings
Sec. 28-201
Adoption of state law; creation of utility
Sec. 28-202
Deposit not required
Sec. 28-203
Billing; delinquent charges
Sec. 28-204
Schedule of drainage charges
Sec. 28-205
Sec. 28-206
Injunction; penalty
Sec. 29-1
[Short title]
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-2
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-3
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-4
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-5
Zoning maps
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-6
"T" Transition District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-7
"R-1" Single-Family District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) [Reserved]
(m) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-8
"R-2" Two-Family District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Density
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) [Reserved]
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Offstreet parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-9
"A-1" Family Apartment District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirement
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Alley screening
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-10
"A-2" High-Density Apartment District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Alley screening
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-11
"R-3" Multifamily District
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(a) [Uses and regulations]
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-12
"A-3" High-Rise Apartment District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping and open space requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-13
"AM" Apartment-Medical District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-13.1
"GO" Garden Office District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Site plan defined
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Site plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-14
"CA" Commercial-Apartment District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-15
"C-1" Neighborhood Service District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2019-O0176
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirements.
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-16
"C-2A" Restricted Local Retail District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-17
"C-2" Local Retail District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking.
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-18
"C-3" General Retail District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-19
"CB-1" West Broadway District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Plan review
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-19.1
"CB-2" Central Business District, Broadway/13th/Main
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Plan review
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(p) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-19.2
"CB-3" Central Business District, General
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Plan review
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(p) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-19.3
"CB-4" Depot District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Plan review
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(p) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-20
"C-4" Commercial District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-21
Industrial Park [District]
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Specific uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Lot depth
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(p) Signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(q) Outside storage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(r) Loading and truck storage areas
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(s) Alleys
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(t) Building materials and construction
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(u) Site plan and review
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(v) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-22
"M-1" Light Manufacturing District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-23
"M-2" Heavy Manufacturing District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Specific use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Landscaping requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-23.1
"IHO" Interstate Highway Office District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height limit
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Site plan defined
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Site plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Development standards
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-23.2
"IHC" Interstate Highway Commercial District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Site plan defined
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Site plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Development standards
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(p) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-23.3
"IHI" Interstate Highway Industrial District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Conditional uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Yard requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Lot width
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Lot area
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) Lot coverage
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Floor area ratio
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Height
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Separation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Off-street parking
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Site plan defined
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Site plan review process
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Development standards
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(p) Vision clearance
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-24
Specific Use District
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Permitted uses
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-25
Historical preservation and urban design district
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) Definitions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Declaration of policy
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Designation of historic landmarks and historic landmark districts
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Criteria for historic landmark designation
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Urban design and historic preservation commission created
(g) Urban design commission; administration
(h) Urban design commission plans review
(i) Action by the urban design commission
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) Alterations and changes; certificates of appropriateness; ordinary repair or maintenance; appeal
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Historic landmarks; demolition or removal
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Procedure for obtaining building permit, removal permit, demolition permit and for altering the exterior of a building or structure, or altering a landscape architectural feature, during pendency of consideration of such building or structure as a historic landmark or as a part of a historic landmark district
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Historic landmarks; omission of necessary repairs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Public improvements
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-26
(a) Purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Prohibited signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Abandoned or damaged signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Parking of advertising vehicles
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Nonconforming sign abatement
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) [Signs permitted in "R-1" and "R-2" Districts]
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) [Signs permitted in "A-1," "A-2," "A-3," "AM" and "GO" Districts]
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Regulations applicable in "CA," "C-1," "C-2A," "C-3," "C-4," "M-1," "M-2," "IHO," "IHC," and "IHI" Districts
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(j) [Auxiliary signs]
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(k) Temporary construction site and for-sale and rental signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(l) Governmental signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(m) Temporary business promotional signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(n) Community service signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(o) Billboards (poster panels or bulletins, multi-prism signs, or painted or printed bulletins)
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-26.1
Signs in extraterritorial jurisdiction of city
(a) General provisions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) Determination as to comparable use
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Construction
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Existing signs
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
 Sec. 29-27
Nonconforming buildings and uses
First paragraph
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(a) Nonconforming buildings
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) Nonconforming uses of buildings
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Nonconforming use of land
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Nonconforming signs or billboards
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Abandonment
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(f) Displacement
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Unlawful use not authorized
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(h) District changes
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(i) Nonconforming recreational vehicles and oversized recreational equipment or trailers
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-28
Zoning board of adjustment
(a) Provisions for
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) Powers
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) Procedure covering special exceptions, appeals and granting of variances
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) The hearing
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Reserved
(f) Special exceptions
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(g) Reserved
(h) Reserved
Sec. 29-29
Changes and amendments
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-30
Enforcement and administration
(a) Administrative official
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(b) Powers and duties of the administrator
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(c) In newly annexed territory
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(d) Appeals
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
(e) Moving of buildings, other than mobile homes, manufactured housing, modular housing, or new ready built housing
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-31
Penalties for violations
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Sec. 29-32
[Effect of adoption]
Rpld. by Ord. 2023-O0054
Article I. Stormwater Regulations 
Division 1. Generally 
Sec. 30-1
Sec. 30-2
Sec. 30-3
Sec. 30-4
Secs. 30-5—30-50
Division 2. Stormwater Drainage 
Sec. 30-51
General prohibition and exceptions
Sec. 30-52
Specific prohibitions and requirements
Sec. 30-53
Spill or leak reporting and cleanup
Sec. 30-54
Mobile wash cleaning
Rpld. by Ord. 2022-O0142
Sec. 30-55
Stormwater plan review
Sec. 30-56
Facility inspection for stormwater discharges
Sec. 30-57
Stormwater discharges from construction activity
Sec. 30-58
Stormwater discharges from industrial activity
Sec. 30-59
Sec. 30-60
Judicial enforcement remedies