Editor’s note–See corresponding note located in Appendix A of this code.
The city hereby adopts the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Rules previously adopted by the Texas Railroad Commission as set forth in title 16 of the Texas Administrative Code, chapter 9, including any and all future amendments thereto. The rules hereby adopted are on file in the fire marshal’s office and city secretary’s office all such copies shall be opened to public inspection during business hours of the offices where they are maintained.
(Ordinance 2017-O0059 adopted 5/25/2017)
The code hereby adopted shall be enforced by the City of Lubbock Fire Marshal’s Office.
(Ordinance 2017-O0059 adopted 5/25/2017)
All ordinances, orders, rules, or codes adopted by the city shall be construed in a manner consistent with this article on all matters relating to liquefied petroleum gas.
(Ordinance 2017-O0059 adopted 5/25/2017)
In the event of conflict between any ordinance, order, rule, or code adopted by the city and this article, this article shall control.
(Ordinance 2017-O0059 adopted 5/25/2017)
City staff shall not adopt or enforce any rule, regulation, practice, policy, procedure, or standard that conflicts with this article.
(Ordinance 2017-O0059 adopted 5/25/2017)
This article shall not be construed so as to conflict with the Texas Railroad Commission Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Rules, including any and all future amendments thereto, or the Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of Texas.
(Ordinance 2017-O0059 adopted 5/25/2017)