Editor’s note–See corresponding note located in Appendix A of this code.
Nothing in this division shall in any manner be construed as granting or establishing in school crossing guards the powers or authority of a peace officer, and such school crossing guards shall be strictly limited and confined to the exercise and performance only of those duties provided for herein.
(1959 Code, sec. 18-158; Ordinance 3571, sec. 1, adopted 8/10/1961; 1983 Code, sec. 16-347; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
There is hereby established and created the position of “school crossing guard.” Such positions may be filled by persons whose qualifications, both physical and educational, will permit the performance of the duties of school crossing guards as defined in this chapter and in accordance with such requirements that may be established from time to time by the city manager. All school crossing guards shall be under the immediate supervision and control of the police chief and shall be a part of the police department, and shall receive such salaries as may from time to time be established by the budget of the city.
Police department school crossing guards may be supplemented by school district crossing guards. Guards provided and funded by school districts must be approved by the police department and stationed at areas the traffic engineering department approves as warranted school crossings. These crossing guards must fulfill all duties and abide by all requirements of school crossing guards employed by the city.
(1959 Code, sec. 18-154; Ordinance 3571, sec. 1, adopted 8/10/1961; 1983 Code, sec. 16-348; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
It shall be the duty of each school crossing guard to assist the crossing by school children in the safest manner possible at the crosswalk to which he is assigned, assisting the crossing of such children individually or in groups, as the volumes of pedestrian and vehicular traffic may dictate. Such school crossing guard, having children to escort across such crosswalk, shall, before allowing such children to enter such crosswalk, himself step from the curb or shoulder of the roadway into such crosswalk, when such movement may be made with safety, and by the use of his hands, or such flags, whistles or hand signs as may be furnished, attract the attention of approaching motorists and wait until all vehicles immediately approaching such crosswalk are stopped before signaling the waiting children to enter such crosswalk. The school crossing guard shall remain in such crosswalk until the crossing children shall have reached the opposite curb, then himself quickly resume his post and allow the flow of vehicular traffic to resume. School crossing guards, when not attempting to stop vehicular traffic for the crossing of children, shall stand back from the crosswalk and keep all flags or hand signs furnished him furled or hidden from the view of approaching traffic.
(1959 Code, sec. 18-155; Ordinance 3571, sec. 1, adopted 8/10/1961; 1983 Code, sec. 16-349; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
It shall be the duty of school crossing guards to observe and write down the name, if known, the license number and the description of all drivers violating traffic laws or ordinances in the vicinity of their assigned post, and to report such information to the police department as soon as possible.
(1959 Code, sec. 18-156; Ordinance 3571, sec. 1, adopted 8/10/1961; 1983 Code, sec. 16-350; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)