There is hereby established and adopted the classification plan recommended by the director of firemen’s and policemen’s civil service, which plan is on file in the director’s office, as the official classification plan of all positions in the classified service of the city. The class specifications set forth therein are hereby declared to be the official statement of the duties, responsibilities and requirements of each class. The city council, however, reserves to itself the sole right to designate new classes of positions, or combine, divide, alter or abolish existing classes, subject only to the provisions of the civil service law and this article.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 2, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-22; 1983 Code, sec. 7-26)
The director shall cause to be maintained in the offices of the commission in looseleaf or other suitable form accurate, complete and up-to-date specifications for every class of positions in the classified service. These specifications shall include:
The title of the class.
A statement of the duties performed and the responsibilities exercised by each class of positions.
Examples of tasks performed by employees holding positions within the class.
The minimum and desirable qualifications required of an incumbent for the satisfactory performance of such duties and tasks and the exercise of such responsibilities.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 3, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-23; 1983 Code, sec. 7-27)
The specifications for the various classes of positions are hereby declared to have the following force and effect:
The specifications are descriptive only and are not restrictive. They are intended to indicate the kinds of positions that should be allocated to the respective classes as determined by their duties, responsibilities and qualification requirements. The use of a particular expression or restriction as to duties, qualification requirements or other attributes shall not be held to exclude others not mentioned, if such others are similar as to kind and quality.
In determining the class to which any position shall be allocated, the specifications for each class shall be considered as a whole. Consideration is to be given to the general duties, the specific tasks, the responsibilities, the special and desirable qualifications and the relationships to other classes as affording a picture of the positions that the class is intended to include.
Titles, as far as possible, are intended to be suggestive of the kind of work performed by the incumbent of the positions and indicative of the rank.
The duties statement shall be construed as a general description of the kind of work performed by the incumbent of a position that is properly allocated to the class, and not as describing or limiting what the duties of any position shall be.
The examples of work shall be construed as typical tasks only, illustrative of the duties as outlined by the general statement. These examples are not intended to be complete or exclusive and the fact that the actual tasks performed by the incumbent of a position do not appear thereon shall not be taken to mean that the position is necessarily excluded from the class; provided, that the tasks constituting the main work or employment are duly covered by the general statement of the duties. Any one example of a typical task taken without relation to the general statement of duties and all other parts of the specifications shall not be construed as determining whether a position should be allocated to the class.
The statement of special and desirable qualifications constitutes a part of the description of the kind of employment by expressing the minimum and desired qualifications expected of any new appointee, if he is to perform the work properly, and is to be so construed and not as imposing in itself any new or additional requirements for the filling of positions. Even though they may not be mentioned in the qualifications statement, such qualifications as should be properly required in common of all incumbents of all positions, such as good physical health, freedom from defects, citizenship, honesty, sobriety and industry, are to be considered as part of the qualification requirements.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 4, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-24; 1983 Code, sec. 7-28)
The director shall allocate each position in the classified service to its appropriate class in the classification plan. Such allocation shall be based on the duties and responsibilities of the incumbents of such positions and shall be entered on the official roster cards maintained by the firemen’s and policemen’s civil service commission. The title of the class shall become the title of the individual positions and shall be used in payrolls submitted to the proper disbursing officer, and in requests to the commission for the certification of eligibles, in reports made to the commission as provided by the rules and regulations of the commission and in any other official records and communication of the commission and of all budget and financial officers.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 5, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-25; 1983 Code, sec. 7-29)
Whenever a new position should be established or the duties of an existing position are so changed that, in effect, the old position, as described in the class specifications for the class to which it was originally allocated, no longer exists and, in its place, there is created a position which should be allocated to a different class, the director, in consultation with the department heads, shall report this fact to the commission and send in, on the commission’s prescribed form, a full statement of the circumstances and a description of the duties as changed or as set up. Upon the recommendation of the commission, after a full investigation of the actual and proposed duties, responsibilities and qualification requirements, the city council may allocate or reallocate the position to its appropriate class in accordance with the classification plan in effect. If necessary, a new class shall be established to provide for the new position. The commission shall likewise, from time to time of its own motion, make investigations of any or all positions in the classified service and shall, in accordance with this article, make recommendations to the city council for the allocation of positions whenever the facts are such to warrant such action.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 6, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-26; 1983 Code, sec. 7-30)
If any employee believes that his position has been improperly allocated, he may protest by presenting his reason therefor, upon such forms or documents as the director may prescribe. The claim shall be investigated by the director and commission, then referred to the city council for its decision, which shall be final.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 7, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-27; 1983 Code, sec. 7-31)
If a position at any time is reallocated to a different class to correct an error in the original allocation, the incumbent shall continue in the position, without tests or other proofs of fitness. If a position is reallocated to another class on account of changed duties and responsibilities, the incumbent may, upon written recommendation of the department head, and the passing of a noncompetitive examination given by the director and approval of the commission, continue in the position. This shall not obtain in the event an employee is actually transferred to another position involving substantially different or higher qualifications, but only in those cases where new duties and responsibilities have been added or absorbed by the incumbent, in addition to his regularly assigned work.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 8, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-28; 1983 Code, sec. 7-32)
The director shall, at least once every two (2) years, investigate and report to the firemen’s and policemen’s civil service commission and to the city council upon the appropriateness of the class titles assigned to each position in the classified service. Such investigation, either by the director or by any member of the commission so designated, shall further determine whether any employees in one class are performing duties regularly assigned to positions in another related class.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 9, adopted 1/13/1949; 1959 Code, sec. 8-29; 1983 Code, sec. 7-33)
The number of positions in each classification shall be shown by the annual budget of the city.
(Ordinance 894, sec. 10, adopted 1/13/1949; Ordinance 1572, sec. 2, adopted 6/10/1954; Ordinance 1712, sec. 1, adopted 4/26/1955; Ordinance 2376, sec. 1, adopted 12/19/1957; Ordinance 2436, sec. 2, adopted 3/27/1958; 1959 Code, sec. 8-30; 1983 Code, sec. 7-34)