The city owns Water Right No. 3985 in order to land apply sewage effluent from the city's wastewater treatment plant. The permit allows the city to use up to 18,430 acre-feet per year to irrigate 10,000 acres of land. The TCEQ requires a holder of an irrigation right greater than 10,000 acre-feet/year to develop an irrigation water conservation plan. This system is designed for inefficiency in order to ensure that the greatest volume of wastewater possible can be disposed of through this method. Consequently, a water conservation plan is not applicable in this circumstance.
(Ordinance 2010-O0055 adopted 7/22/2010; Ordinance 2019-O0044 adopted 4/23/19; Ordinance 2024-O0076 adopted 6/11/2024)
The city currently has two land application sites. The Lubbock Land Application Site, located east of the city, encompasses 6,000 acres with 2,500 acres irrigated by center pivot systems. The Hancock Land Application Site, located southeast of the city, encompasses 4,000 acres with 2,500 acres irrigated by center pivot systems. Effluent from the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant is used to irrigate crops such as wheat, jose wheat, bermuda, and rye. A 412 million gallon storage reservoir allows the site to store and distribute treated effluent to 31 center pivot sprinkler systems as needed. Irrigation practices are designed to prevent contamination of surface and groundwater in the area.
(Ordinance 2010-O0055 adopted 7/22/2010; Ordinance 2019-O0044 adopted 4/23/19; Ordinance 2024-O0076 adopted 6/11/2024)
The city's current and future goals for this system are to be able to dispose of the total wastewater volume necessary through this system and to not implement any water conserving devices or practices for this system. The city monitors the delivery system for any leaks by visually inspecting the system on a regular basis, and all leaks are repaired in a timely manner.
(Ordinance 2010-O0055 adopted 7/22/2010; Ordinance 2019-O0044 adopted 4/23/19; Ordinance 2024-O0076 adopted 6/11/2024)