City-approved route: It shall be lawful for a nonmotorized vehicle to operate between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. within the boundaries as depicted in figure 1 appended to Ordinance 2017-O0096;
Preapproval required: Operator of any nonmotorized passenger transport vehicles for any other route other than that listed in this section must submit a proposed route to the office of the city secretary for approval prior to permitting. Proposed routes must be submitted for approval ten (10) calendar days prior to the event date;
No route under this section shall authorize any travel on any major thoroughfare within city limits, as shown upon the master thoroughfare plan map of the city;
Travel authorized under this section allows crossing at signalized intersections of thoroughfares within, adjacent to, and upon the approved routes; and
Nonmotorized vehicles may utilize any unoccupied commercial loading zone to load and unload passengers. All nonmotorized vehicles must give the right-of-way to all other authorized motor or nonmotorized vehicles.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016; Ordinance 2017-O0096 adopted 8/10/2017)
When operating within the city-approved route, permitted operators must not park nonmotorized vehicles, trailers, carriages or any other equipment or animals upon any private property without prior written approval from said property owner.
In the first month of each calendar year, the city manager may designate certain downtown, city-owned parking lots where nonmotorized vehicle drivers, while in-service to the public, may temporarily park vehicles, trailers, carriages, or other equipment or animals during services hours. Maps and details of the lots will be made available in the office of the city secretary.
Designated city-owned lots shall be available for use during the following days and hours:
5:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; and
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday;
When operating on any other route approved through the office of the city secretary, it shall be unlawful to park nonmotorized vehicles, trailers, carriages, or any other equipment or animals upon any private property, without prior written approval from said property owner; and
At no time, may any parking or use of nonmotorized vehicles interfere with traffic in any area.
(Ordinance 2017-O0096 adopted 8/10/2017; Ordinance 2018-O0012 adopted 2/8/18)
It shall be unlawful within the city limits for any person to operate a nonmotorized vehicle for transportation of passengers without first having obtained the required city permit;
Permit fees shall be in accordance with section 24.01.006 of this code;
The city secretary may set the number of permits that may be issued for each type of nonmotorized vehicle within the city limits;
Permits issued in accordance with this section are nontransferrable and will be made void upon transfer; and
Permits issued by the office of the city secretary under this section must be in the possession of the permit holder during all operations in accordance with said permit.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016; Ordinance 2017-O0096 adopted 8/10/2017)
Before any horse may be used in a nonmotorized passenger transport service, the transportation network company permit holder must furnish to the city secretary:
A state certificate of veterinarian inspection identifying the horse by description or photograph and showing that the horse has been examined at least once within the preceding six (6) months by a veterinarian licensed by the state who specializes in equine medicine;
Proof of annual immunization record, including but not limited to: rabies, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, eastern and western equine encephalomyelitis, tetanus, influenza, and annual negative Coggins test; and
Photographs showing identifying markings of the horse.
A horse used in a nonmotorized passenger transport service must:
Be appropriately shod to work on paved streets;
Not have any open wound, oozing sore, cut below skin level, or bleeding wound;
Not have obvious evidence of lameness, such as but not limited to head bobbing or irregular rhythm;
Be offered no less than five (5) gallons of drinking water every two (2) hours;
Have at least a 10-minute rest period after every fifty (50) minutes worked. Horses shall be considered as working when pulling a carriage that is being presented to the public as a carriage for hire;
Not work longer than eight hours in a 24-hour period with a minimum of twelve (12) hours rest;
Have all harnesses properly fitted and in good repair with no deficiencies that could reasonably be deemed a safety hazard;
Be properly cleaned with no offensive odors or caked dirt or mud;
Wear a special sanitary device for containing animal excrement on routes, streets, rest areas, and parking areas. All animal excrement collected in the devices must be transported by operator to operator’s stable for disposal;
Not work when the outside temperature exceeds ninety-five (95) degrees Fahrenheit; and
Not show obvious signs of emaciation, dehydration, or exhaustion.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016; Ordinance 2017-O0096 adopted 8/10/2017)
The city secretary, with the assistance of the city’s animal services department, may require the transportation network company or driver of a horse-drawn carriage to remove from service any horse that appears to be ill, overtired, undernourished, overloaded, injured, or lame or whose health or life, in the opinion of a veterinarian or qualified equine animal services officer, is in imminent danger. To reinstate a horse removed from service, the horse must be re-examined and a new state certificate of veterinarian inspection issued for the horse by a veterinarian licensed by the state and specializing in equine medicine, which certificate must be submitted to the city secretary;
It is an offense to knowingly or intentionally harass, startle, attempt to harass, attempt to startle, or otherwise treat a horse inhumanely while it is working in a nonmotorized passenger transport service; and
A horse shall be transported in a trailer if it is required to go to a job location in the city that is more than one mile from the location where the horse is stabled.
(Ordinance 2017-O0096 adopted 8/10/2017)
All nonmotorized passenger transport vehicle equipment shall be maintained in such a manner as to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations;
A transportation network company and driver shall, at all times, keep each nonmotorized passenger transport vehicle in use clean, free of refuse, and in safe operating condition; and
All nonmotorized passenger transport vehicles that are in service at twilight and thereafter, must be equipped with operating electrical lights and reflectors, including but not limited to two (2) lamps in the front of the vehicle, reflectors on the back, and a slow-moving vehicle emblem as defined by the Texas Transportation Code 547.001(8).
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016; Ordinance 2017-O0096 adopted 8/10/2017)