This article shall be known and cited as the Glenn Heights water and wastewater impact fees article.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
This article is intended to assure the provision of adequate water and wastewater facilities to serve new development in the city by requiring each development to pay its share of the costs of such improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development. It is not the purpose of this article to collect any money from new development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset the demand on the city’s water and wastewater facilities generated by such new development activity. It is specifically acknowledged that this article has approached the calculation of proportionate share impact fees in a conservative and reasonable manner.
It is in the interest of the public’s health, safety, and general welfare for the city to regulate development and ensure the adequacy of water and wastewater facilities by requiring payment of proportionate share impact fees.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
This article is adopted pursuant to Texas Local Government Code chapter 395 and the Glenn Heights city charter. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to limit the power of the city to utilize all powers and procedures authorized under chapter 395, or other methods authorized under state law or pursuant to other city powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution or in conjunction with this article. Guidelines may be developed by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise to implement and administer this article.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The determination of the amount of the maximum impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent which can be imposed on new development pursuant to this article. The amount of the impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent is a measure of the water and/or wastewater impact on system facilities created by the new development.
Capital improvement.
Any water supply, treatment and distribution facilities, or wastewater collection and treatment facilities, which have a life expectancy of three or more years and are owned and operated by or on behalf of the city.
The amount of the reduction of an impact fee arising from payments made for a capital improvement included in the water and wastewater study and made prior to the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005).
Final plat approval or approval of a final plat.
The point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval and the plat has been released for filing with Dallas or Ellis County, whichever may be applicable.
Final plat recordation or recordation of a final plat.
The point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions precedent to recording an approved final plat in Dallas or Ellis County, whichever may be applicable, including any infrastructure or other improvements required by the subdivision ordinance or any other ordinance.
Impact fee.
A water and/or wastewater impact fee.
Land use assumptions.
The projections of population and employment growth and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities adopted by the city, as may be amended from time to time, upon which the waste and wastewater study is based.
New development.
A project involving the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure, or any use or extension of land, which has the effect of increasing the requirements for capital improvements, measured by the number of dwelling unit equivalents to be generated by such activity, and which requires either the approval and filing with Dallas or Ellis County, whichever may be applicable, of a plat pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations or the issuance of a building permit.
The amount of the reduction of an impact fee designed to fairly reflect the value of system facilities or other capital improvements pursuant to rules herein established or council-approved administrative guidelines, provided by a developer pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations or requirements.
To reimburse the city for capital improvements which the city has previously installed or caused to be installed.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The provisions of this article apply to all new developments within the corporate boundaries of the city. The provisions of this article apply uniformly within both the water service area and the wastewater service area.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
Maximum impact fees per dwelling unit equivalent for water and wastewater shall be as set forth in schedule 1 attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary and made a part of this article by reference.
The water and wastewater impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent which is to be paid by each new development shall be as set forth in schedule 2 attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary and made a part of this article by reference.
Impact fee schedules 1 and 2 may be amended from time to time pursuant to state law.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
Assessment of the impact fee for any new development shall be made as follows:
For land which is unplatted at the time of application for a building permit, or for a new development which received final plat approval prior to or on the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005) and for which no replatting is necessary pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations prior to development, assessment of impact fees shall occur at the time application is made for the building permit, and shall be the amount of the maximum impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent as set forth in schedule 1 then in effect.
For a new development which is submitted for approval pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations after the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005), or for which replatting results in an increase in the number of dwelling unit equivalents after such date, assessment of impact fees shall be at the time of final plat recordation, and shall be the amount of the maximum impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent as set forth in schedule 1 then in effect.
Following assessment of the impact fee pursuant to subsection (a), the amount of the impact fee assessed per dwelling unit equivalent for that development cannot be increased, unless the owner proposes to change the approved development by the submission of a new application for final plat approval, in which case new assessment shall occur at the schedule 1 rate then in effect.
Following the vacating of any plat or submittal of any replat, a new assessment must be made in accordance with subsection (a)(2).
Approval of an amending plat pursuant to V.T.C.S., Local Government Code, section 212.016, is not subject to reassessment for an impact fee.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
For all new developments, impact fees shall be collected at the time of application for a building permit. The impact fees to be paid and collected are listed in schedule 2. The city may enter into an agreement with a developer for a different time and manner of payment of impact fees, in which case the agreement shall determine the time and manner of payment.
The city shall compute the impact fees for new development as set forth in the impact fee calculation section of the water and wastewater study, at pages II-12-14, attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary, as exhibit 1.
If the building permit for which an impact fee has been paid has expired, and a new application is thereafter filed, the impact fees shall be computed using schedule 2 then in effect, with credits for previous payment of fees being applied against the new fees due.
For a new development which is unplatted at the time of application for a building permit, and for which no replatting is necessary pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations prior to development, collection of impact fees shall occur at the time application is made for the building permit, and shall be the amount of the impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent, as set forth in schedule 2 then in effect.
Whenever the property owner proposes to increase the number of dwelling unit equivalents for a development, the additional impact fees collected for such new dwelling unit equivalents shall be determined by using schedule 2 then in effect, and such additional fee shall be collected at the times prescribed by this section.
For a single-family residential lot of record existing on June 20, 1987, for which no replatting is necessary pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations prior to development, collection of impact fees shall be pursuant to schedule 2, and such fees shall be collected at the time of application for a building permit.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The city shall offset the reasonable value of any water or wastewater system facility which has been dedicated to and has been accepted by the city, or credit the amount of any monetary contribution to such facility, against the amount of the water and/or wastewater impact fees due, in accordance with the rules set forth in this section. The city may agree to offset the reasonable value of any other capital improvement which is not on the impact fee water and wastewater capital improvements plan, but which is on the city’s generally adopted water and wastewater facilities plans. The value of an offset or credit may be stated in dollars or dwelling unit equivalents.
This subsection applies only to an offset or credit associated with a capital improvement contributed to the city after the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005). Offsets or credits associated with a capital improvement contributed to the city prior to the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005) are addressed in subsection (c).
For purposes of this subsection (b), an offset or credit associated with a capital improvement contributed to the city after the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005) is created at the time that the city accepts the system facility or other capital improvement for dedication, or enters into a binding facilities agreement for the facility pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations.
At the time the offset or credit is created, if no offset agreement exists or the existing agreement does not contain the terms identified herein on such date, the developer shall apply for an offset agreement, and the agreement thereafter shall be enforced in accordance with the following terms, providing:
Identification of the plat with which the offset or credit is to be associated, with the exception of school districts;
The amount of the capacity created by the capital improvement, expressed in dwelling unit equivalents;
A provision stating that the offset or credit may be used to reduce impact fees imposed on new developments contained within the land subject to the associated plat after the effective date of the agreement;
A provision that the amount of the offset or credit shall be determined by estimating the number of dwelling unit equivalents of capacity supplied by the capital improvement, reduced by:
The number of dwelling unit equivalents developed within the plat since the contribution of the water and/or wastewater facility, using the dwelling unit equivalency table set forth at table II-9 in the water and wastewater study at page II-12; by
The amount of the city’s participation in the excess costs of the facility (expressed in dwelling unit equivalents); and by
The amount of any payments received from other new developments utilizing the facility (expressed in dwelling unit equivalents);
A provision for reimbursement of any unused offsets or credits consistent with section 13.05.009(b)(4); and
A provision stating that the city may elect to buy back outstanding offsets or credits in accordance with section 13.05.009(f).
The developer may assign the offset agreement with the city’s consent, but in no event shall the offsets and credits provided for in the agreement be transferred to any development not subject to the plat associated with such offsets and credits with the exception of school districts which may transfer the credits to any future development by the school district.
The developer may petition the city council for offsets for contribution of a water and/or wastewater capital improvement, which is not identified in the impact fee water and wastewater capital improvements plan, if the improvement will supply capacity to new developments other than to the development seeking the offset, at the time the facility is accepted by the city or a binding facilities agreement for the facility is executed pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations. In no event, however, may offsets attributable to such facility be used to reduce impact fees until the water and/or wastewater improvements plan has been amended to include all or a portion of the capital improvement. If the petition is granted, the terms shall be incorporated into an offset agreement as provided in section 13.05.009(b)(2). The agreement also shall provide that the amount of the offset shall not exceed the capacity of the capital improvement that is included in the water and/or wastewater improvements plan.
As provided in the offset agreement required by section 13.05.009(b)(2), the developer may apply for reimbursement of excess offsets or credits following either completion of all development subject to the plat with which the offsets or credits are associated or after ten years following execution of the offset agreement. The following rules apply to such reimbursement, and shall be incorporated into the offset agreement:
The developer must apply for reimbursement within six months following either:
Completion of all development subject to the plat with which the offsets or credits are associated; or
Ten years after the date of execution of the offset agreement.
The following terms shall be incorporated in the reimbursement agreement and the agreement shall be enforced in accordance with such terms:
A provision stating that the amount to be reimbursed shall be equal to the number of unused offsets (expressed as a number of dwelling unit equivalents) multiplied by a fraction equal to the impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent to be collected, as set forth in schedule 2 in effect on the date of execution of the offset agreement, divided by the maximum impact fee per service unit, as set forth in schedule 1 in effect on the date of execution of the offset agreement;
A provision stating that the amount to be reimbursed may be further equitably reduced, if fewer than fifty percent (50%) of the number of dwelling unit equivalents in the plat with which the capital improvement giving rise to the offset have been developed on the date of application for reimbursement;
A provision stating that repayment shall be made within five (5) years from the date of execution of the reimbursement agreement, from water and/or wastewater impact fees, subject to the availability of such funds;
A provision that termination or reduction of the city’s authority under state law to impose impact fees for water and/or wastewater facilities shall terminate or correspondingly reduce any obligation to make payments under the offset agreement; and
A provision stating that, in converting the offsets from dwelling unit equivalents to a dollar value, the number of dwelling unit equivalents shall be multiplied by the value of a dwelling unit equivalent expressed in dollars using schedule 1 in effect at the time the offset agreement was executed.
Execution of a reimbursement agreement shall automatically terminate any offsets or credits associated with a plat pursuant to an offset agreement. Thereafter, new development within the area subject to the plat shall pay water and wastewater impact fees in accordance with schedule 2 then in effect.
This subsection applies only to offsets or credits associated with a capital improvement contributed to the city prior to the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005), and for which no development agreement exists providing for dedication or construction of system facilities and for offsets or credits against impact fees in proportion thereto. Any person who dedicated a system facility to the city or financed such facility prior to the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005), or any person who is subject to an impact fee for a new development in a plat associated with the system facility, may create offsets or credits for such facility by entering into an offset agreement within two years of the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005). The agreement shall be enforced in accordance with the following terms, providing:
Identification of the plat with which the offset or credit is to be associated, with the exception of school districts;
The amount of the capacity created by the capital improvement, expressed in dwelling unit equivalents;
A provision stating that the offset or credit may be used to reduce impact fees imposed on new developments contained within the land subject to the associated plat after the effective date of the agreement;
A provision stating that the amount of the offset or credit shall be determined by estimating the number of dwelling unit equivalents capacity supplied by the system facility, reduced by:
The number of dwelling unit equivalents developed within the plat since the contribution of the water and/or wastewater facility, using the dwelling unit equivalency table set forth at table II-9 in the water and wastewater study at page II-12; by
The amount of the city’s participation in the excess costs of the facility (expressed in dwelling unit equivalents); and by
The amount of any. payments received from other new developments utilizing the facility (expressed in dwelling unit equivalents);
A provision stating, that offsets or credits created pursuant to the offset agreement shall expire at the time that development subject to the associated plat is completed;
A provision stating that once the offset or credit has expired, no reimbursement for unused offsets or credits shall be due;
A provision stating that, in converting offsets from dwelling unit equivalents to a dollar value, the number of dwelling unit equivalents shall be multiplied by the value of a dwelling unit equivalent expressed in dollars using schedule 1 in effect at the time the offset agreement was executed; and
A provision stating that the city may elect to buy back outstanding offsets or credits in accordance with section 13.05.009(f).
The developer may assign the offset agreement with the city’s consent, but in no event shall the offsets and credits provided for in the agreement be transferred to any development not subject to the plat associated with such offsets and credits, with the exception of school districts.
All offsets and credits against water and wastewater impact fees shall be subject to the following limitations and shall be granted based on this article and additional standards promulgated by the city council, which may be adopted as council-approved administrative guidelines.
No offset or credit shall be given for the dedication of land or easements for or the construction of site-related facilities.
No offset or credit shall exceed the documented and city approved costs to the developer of the capital improvement which was dedicated to and accepted by the city, or the amount of the monetary contribution actually made.
The costs or dwelling unit equivalents used to calculate the offsets shall not exceed those assumed for the specific capital improvement included in the impact fees capital improvements plan or the actual costs of that improvement, whichever is less.
Offsets or credits shall be associated with the approved preliminary plat for the new development and shall apply to development of all land subject to such plat, with the exception of school districts. For new developments that are to be developed in phases, offsets or credits may be created sequentially, and may be applied to any undeveloped portions of the plat with which the offset or credit is associated. The offset shall be expressed in service unit equivalents. The available offset or credit associated with the plat shall be applied against an impact fee in the following manner:
For single-family residential lots which have received final plat approval, the offset or credit shall be applied to reduce the impact fee equally for all such lots within the final plat at the time of final plat recordation.
For all other types of new developments, the offset or credit shall be applied to reduce the impact fee at the time of issuance of the first building permit, and thereafter to all subsequently issued building permits, for each new development within the associated plat, until the offset or credit has been exhausted.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section relating to offsets and credits, the city in its sole discretion may choose to acquire all or a portion of any outstanding offsets or credits associated with a new development by giving the property owner sixty (60) days written notice of such intent and by tendering the dollar value of such offsets or credits using schedule 1 in effect at the time the applicable offset agreement was executed.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, for new developments subject to a development agreement predating the effective date of this article (ordinance adopted September 19, 2005), which agreement provides for dedication or construction of system facilities and for offsets or credits against water and/or wastewater impact fees in proportion thereto, offsets or credits shall apply to the amount of impact fees to be collected for each service unit pursuant to schedule 2 then in effect in accordance with the terms of such development agreement.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The water and wastewater impact fees collected by the city may be used to finance, pay for or to recoup the costs of any water and wastewater facilities identified in the water and wastewater study, including the construction contract price, surveying and engineering fees, land acquisition costs (including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney’s fees, and expert witness fees), and amounts designated in any reimbursement agreements executed pursuant to section 13.05.009.
Impact fees may be used to pay for the contract services of an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the water and wastewater improvements plan who is not an employee of the political subdivision.
Impact fees also may be used to pay the principal sum and interest and other finance costs on bonds, notes or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the city to finance such capital improvement.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The property owner or applicant for development may appeal the following administrative decisions to the city council:
The applicability of an impact fee to the development;
The amount of the impact fee due;
The availability of, the amount of, or the expiration of an offset or a credit;
The application of an offset or credit against an impact fee due;
The amount of the impact fee in proportion to the benefit received by the new development; or
Amount of a refund due, if any.
The appellant shall state the basis for the appeal in writing with particularity. The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that the amount of the fee or the amount of the offset or credit was not calculated according to the rules set forth in this article or by administrative guideline. The appellant shall submit any traffic study or other documents upon which he relies to the city with the request for appeal.
The appellant must file a notice of appeal with the city secretary within thirty (30) days following the decision. If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a bond or other sufficient surety satisfactory to the city attorney in an amount equal to the original determination of the impact fee due, the development application may be processed while the appeal is pending.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
Any impact fee or portion thereof collected pursuant to this article which has not been expended for an authorized purpose within ten (10) years from the date of payment shall be refunded, upon application, to the record owner of the property at the time the refund is paid or, if the impact fee, was paid by another governmental entity, to such governmental entity, together with interest calculated from the date of collection to the date of refund at the statutory rate as set forth in Texas Finance Code section 302.002, or any successor statute. The application for refund pursuant to this section shall be submitted in writing within sixty (60) days after the expiration of the ten (10) year period for expenditure of the fee. An impact fee shall be considered expended on a first-in, first-out basis.
An impact fee collected pursuant to this article shall be considered expended if the total expenditures for capital improvements authorized in section 13.05.010 within ten (10) years following the date of payment exceed the total fees collected for such improvements during such period.
If a refund is due pursuant to sections 13.05.012(a) or (b), the city shall prorate the refund by dividing the difference between the amount of expenditures and the amount of the fees collected by the total number of dwelling unit equivalents for the period to determine the refund due per dwelling unit equivalents. The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying the refund due per dwelling unit equivalents by the number of dwelling unit equivalents for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount.
Upon completion of all the capital improvements identified in the water and wastewater improvements plan, the city shall recalculate the maximum impact fee per dwelling unit equivalents using the actual costs for the improvements or expansions. If the maximum impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent based on actual cost is less than the impact fee per dwelling unit equivalent paid, the city shall refund the difference, if such difference exceeds the impact fee paid by more than ten percent (10%). The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying such difference by the number of dwelling unit equivalent for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount.
If the building permit for a new development for which an impact fee has been paid has expired, and a modified or new application has not been filed within six (6) months of such expiration, the city shall, upon written application, refund the amount of the impact fee to the applicant. The city may establish guidelines for refunding of impact fees collected for which construction plans have been abandoned.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
Any person who has paid an impact fee or an owner of land upon which an impact fee has been paid may petition the city council to determine whether any duty required by this article has not been performed within the time so prescribed. The petition shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the unperformed duty and request that the act be performed within sixty (60) days of the request. If the city council determines that the duty is required pursuant to this article and is late in being performed, it shall cause the duty to commence within sixty (60) days of the date of the request and to continue until completion.
The city council may grant a variance or waiver from any requirement of this article, upon written request by a developer or owner of property subject to this article, following a public hearing, and only upon finding that a strict application of such requirement would when regarded as a whole result in confiscation of the property.
If the city council grants a variance or waiver to the amount of the impact fee due for a new development under this section, it may cause to be appropriated from other city funds the amount of the reduction in the impact fee to the account for the water or wastewater benefit area in which the property is located.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The land use assumptions are hereby adopted as the city’s land use assumptions for water and wastewater facilities and system. The land use assumptions are set forth as exhibit A to the impact fee study, a copy of which is attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary as exhibit 1 and incorporated by reference herein.
There is hereby established one service area for water and wastewater impact fees, as depicted in plates 1 and 2, respectively, of the land use assumptions.
The boundaries of the water and wastewater impact fee service areas may be amended from time to time, or new water and/or wastewater impact fee service areas may be delineated.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The financial plan is hereby adopted. The financial plan is set forth as exhibit B to the impact fee study, a copy of which is attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary as exhibit 1 and incorporated by reference herein.
The financial plan may be amended from time to time.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The water and wastewater study is hereby adopted. The water and wastewater study is set forth as exhibit C to the impact fee study, a copy of which is attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary as exhibit 1 and incorporated by reference herein.
The water and wastewater study may be amended from time to time.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)
The maximum water and wastewater impact fees per dwelling unit equivalent are hereby adopted and incorporated in schedule 1 attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary and made a part hereof by reference.
The water and wastewater impact fees per dwelling unit equivalent, which are to be paid by each new development, are hereby adopted and incorporated in schedule 2 attached to Ordinance 800-05 and on file in the office of the city secretary and made a part hereof by reference.
The impact fees per dwelling unit equivalent for water and wastewater facilities may be amended from time to time.
(Ordinance 800-05 adopted 9/19/05)