The 2015 edition of the International Fire Code, as published by the International Code Council and as amended pursuant to section 8.04.003, is hereby adopted. Copies of the fire code are on file in the office of the city secretary for permanent record and inspection and are incorporated into this section as if fully set forth herein. For purposes of this division. the phrase "fire code" means collectively:
The 2015 edition of the International Fire Code, as published by the International Code Council; and
The local amendments adopted pursuant to section 8.04.003.
(Ordinance 2016-1210 adopted 9/13/16)
The fire chief, or his authorized representative, is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of the fire code. The phrase "fire code official," when used in the fire code, shall mean the fire chief or his authorized representative.
(Ordinance 2016-1210 adopted 9/13/16)
For purposes of enforcement of the provisions of the fire code within the incorporated limits of the city. The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2015 edition of the International Fire Code are hereby amended as follows.[1]
(Ordinance 2016-1210 adopted 9/13/16; Ordinance 2016-1217 adopted 9/27/16)
Editor's Note: The 2015 IFC amendments are included as an attachment to this chapter.
Installation required. An exterior rapid entry key control vault shall be installed on all nonresidential occupancies.
Location. A rapid entry key control vault must be located within six feet of the main entrance to the occupancy, and such vault must be installed no more than seven feet above grade.
Size. All rapid entry key control vaults installed shall be of sufficient size to contain all keys required by the fire marshal of the fire department.
Testing and listing. All such vaults installed must be tested and listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., and proof of such testing and listing must be provided to the fire department prior to installation.
(Ordinance 2016-1210 adopted 9/13/16)
Any and all fees and charges proscribed by the fire code, whether or not originally adopted by ordinance, shall be adopted or amended by resolution approved by the city council and incorporated into an official schedule of fees, a copy of which shall be placed on file and maintained in the office of the city secretary and made available for public inspection.
(Ordinance 2016-1210 adopted 9/13/16)
The provisions of this article constitute a police regulation, the violation of which shall be subject to the penalty set forth in section 1.01.009(b) of this code.
(Ordinance 2016-1210 adopted 9/13/16)