The city council hereby adopts the 2014 edition of the National Electrical Code, except as modified or amended in this article. In the event that this code is ever updated or revised, those changes are automatically included and incorporated into this section once the changes are approved by the North Central Texas Council of Governments. All electrical equipment installed or used in the city shall be reasonably safe to persons and property in conformity with the standards provided in the codes adopted herein, applicable state statutes, and any rules and regulations issued by authority thereof. Copies of the codes and amendments thereto, as referenced in this section, are on file in the office of the city secretary for permanent record and inspection. From the date on which this section shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and structures within the corporate limits of the city.
(Ordinance O-04-18 adopted 2/20/18)
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the electrical codes adopted by reference in section 3.06.001 above and any provision of this Code of Ordinances, the provisions of the Code of Ordinances shall prevail.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.502)
The provisions of this article shall apply to all installations of electrical conductors, fittings, devices, signs, fixtures, motors, generators, starters, controls, and raceways, hereinafter referred to as “electrical equipment,” within or on public and private buildings and premises within the city.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.503)
This article shall not be construed to affect the responsibility or liability of any party owning, operating, controlling, or installing any electrical equipment for damages to persons or property which were caused by any defect in such equipment or in the installation thereof, nor shall the city be held as assuming any liability by reason of the inspection, failure to inspect, or reinspection authorized herein or the certificates of conformance or nonconformance issued as herein provided, or by reason of the approval or disapproval of any equipment authorized herein.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.504)
Office of electrical inspector created.
The office of electrical inspector of the city is hereby created. Such electrical inspector shall be competent to perform the duties of this office and shall be appointed by the city manager and shall receive such compensation as fixed by the city council. The position of electrical inspector may be combined with any other position in the city at the discretion of the mayor.
Duties of electrical inspector.
It shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to see that all provisions of this article are fully complied with and make inspections of electrical installations. The electrical inspector shall keep complete records of all permits issued, inspections made, and any other official work performed. It shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to inspect all electrical wiring and apparatus in the city at any time in order to ascertain whether such electrical wiring or apparatus is in any respect dangerous to life or property; and, if any part of said electrical wiring or apparatus shall be found to be defective or in dangerous condition, he shall notify in writing the owner of such wiring or equipment to have the defect corrected within a reasonable time. It shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to notify the service company, firm, or individual furnishing electric current to such defective wiring or equipment to cease to supply electricity to same. Upon receipt of such notice, the service company, firm, or individual furnishing electric current to such defective wiring or equipment shall immediately disconnect the service or feed wires and cease to supply current to the defective installation until the defects have been corrected
(1996 Code, sec. 3.505)
Permits required.
No individual, firm, or corporation shall erect, construct, alter, or change any electrical installation, machinery, apparatus, work, or wiring in the city until a permit has been issued by the city. When required by the electrical inspector, plans and specifications for the proposed work must be filed before the permit is granted.
No permit will be required for the installation of wires to operate electrical bells, gas lighting apparatus, house annunciators, burglar alarms, telephones, telegraphs, district messengers, watch clocks, fire alarms, or other similar instruments if current operating is of less than twenty-five (25) volts potential.
When any wiring or apparatus is installed in such a manner that the same could be used for electric light or power purposes under the provisions of this section, it shall be deemed that the said wiring or apparatus is to be used for such purposes, and permit shall be required and inspection made as provided for such.
Permit fees.
Permit fees shall be as established in chapter 3, article 3.03 of this Code of Ordinances.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.506)
Registration required.
No individual, firm, or corporation shall erect, construct, alter, or change any electrical installation, work, wiring, or setting of electrical machinery or equipment until such individual, firm, or corporation has registered with the city and obtained a registration license therefor. No electrical permit will be issued unless such person performing such work has first registered with the city and paid an annual license fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code. Such registration license shall expire on the thirty-first day of December next following issuance thereof.
Application for registration license.
Any individual, firm, or corporation desiring a registration license shall make application to the city secretary. Such application shall contain the person’s name, address, telephone, and any other information that might seem pertinent or necessary. Any changes in address shall be immediately filed with the city secretary. Where the holder of a registration license changes the firm name or where additional members are taken into the firm, or where the firm is incorporated, a notice of such change shall be forwarded to the city secretary; otherwise such registration license is liable to be revoked because of its questionable ownership.
Applicant must show evidence of being licensed in at least two (2) other cities in order to be granted a license in this city.
Registration license is not transferable.
It shall be unlawful for any individual, firm, or corporation holding a registration license issued by the city to transfer same or to allow the use of the same, directly or indirectly, by any other person for the purpose of obtaining a permit to do any electrical work herein specified.
Any failure on the part of the holder of such registration license to comply with the provisions of any section hereof or any other applicable ordinance of the city regulating electrical work or to faithfully carry out the conditions of a contract for electrical work shall be deemed sufficient cause for revoking said registration license, together with all rights and privileges thereunder. The city may also refuse to issue a registration license to any person associated with such previous holder of a revoked registration license.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.507)
The city council hereby adopts the North Central Texas Council of Governments recommended amendments to the 2014 National Electrical Code, attached to Ordinance O-04-18 as exhibit D and on file in the office of the city secretary, subject to the following:
Article 590 - Temporary Wiring (Service).
Article 590.3(a) - Permit Required.
Temporary electrical power and lighting installations may be permitted during the period of construction, remodeling, maintenance, repair, or demotion of buildings, structures, equipment, or similar activities where, for good and sufficient causes, it is necessary to have electricity on any such installation before a final certificate can be issued; provided, that all parts to which the current is applied are in safe condition and meet all applicable requirements hereof. A permit will be required for any such temporary service. Application for a temporary service permit shall be made before such permit is issued; a fee as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A to this code shall be paid by the applicant.
Article 590.3(b) - Permit Valid for 120 Days.
A temporary service permit shall expire after 120 days from the date issued. If at the end of this 120 days, the installation is still incomplete, another permit must be taken out for the next thirty (30) days and each succeeding thirty (30) days while said installation is incomplete.
(Ordinance O-04-18 adopted 2/20/18)
Knob-and-tube wiring shall not be permitted when installing or repairing electrical installations.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.509)
It shall be unlawful for any electric, light, heat, or power company to do any wiring of any nature in or on any building (except power houses and substations of electric, light, heat, and power companies operating under a franchise granted by the city) or to make any electrical connection to any building or electrical wiring or apparatus until a certificate, stating that electrical wiring has been approved, or written permit authorizing connection, has been issued by the electrical inspector. All firms, corporations, or individuals, whether operating under a regular franchise granted by the city or not, shall upon written notice by the electrical inspector disconnect from any such circuit, including main service wires, branch feeder wires, or distribution as designated by said notice, and shall not reconnect to said installation except upon written notice from the electrical inspector.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.510)
Every company, firm, partnership, corporation, or individual owning or controlling electrical wires and apparatus for the transmission of light, heat, or power shall in time of fire or in case of severe climatic conditions or any other emergency wherein lives or property of the citizens of the city may be endangered by the operation of such wires and apparatus, upon notice by the electrical inspector, the mayor, or the chief of the fire department or chief of police, disconnect such dangerous wires from current or service as are designated by the electrical inspector.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.511)
All electrical wiring installed in or on all metal buildings, public buildings with a seating capacity of one hundred (100) or more, churches, and schools located within the city limits shall be installed in electrical metallic tubing (EMT).
(1996 Code, sec. 3.512)
Any person violating any of the provisions of the electrical code or administrative regulations herein adopted shall be subject to punishment as provided in section 1.01.009 of this Code of Ordinances. Each day of continuance thereof shall constitute a distinct and separate offense.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.513)