It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to move or cause to be moved a house or building from one location to another within the city, or to move a house or building from without the city to a location within the city, or to move a house or building within the city to a point outside the city, or to move a house or building through or across the city, without giving the city secretary notice of such intent seventy-two (72) hours prior to such move, and the securing of a permit therefor as hereinafter provided.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to wreck or dismantle any house or building, the value of which exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) within the city without securing a permit therefor as herein provided.
Nothing in this article will be applicable to buildings not exceeding five hundred (500) square feet, which are to be used for storage or hobby/workshop purposes.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.1101)
The city secretary shall issue a permit upon payment of the appropriate fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.1102)
Any person, firm, or organization who desires to dismantle a building within the city or move a building or house into, within, or through the city is hereby required to post a bond with the office of the city secretary as a guarantee that the following conditions will be met:
That the building moved into or within the city will be restored within one hundred eighty (180) days to meet city building, plumbing, housing, and electrical codes, and that the grounds will be completely cleared and cleaned.
That any damage done to the streets belonging to the city or privately owned property within the city shall be repaired and restored to its original condition before said damage was incurred. Such repairs must be made within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the moving of said building.
That any structure being torn down will be completely dismantled, and the grounds cleared, within ninety (90) days after permit is issued.
The amount of said bond for a house mover shall be twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). In addition, a performance bond in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) shall be required of any person moving a building into the city or within the city which does not meet city construction codes. Such performance bond shall guarantee that the building will be restored in a manner that meets all city construction codes within one hundred eighty (180) days.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.1103)
Prior to the securing of a permit to move a structure through or within the city, the proposed route of movement must be disclosed to the city secretary at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the move. The city secretary shall inform the police department of the proposed route, and the city secretary and the chief of police shall set the time of the move through the city and approve the route.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.1104)
Any structure moved from one place to another within the city or any structure moved into the city limits shall be set on concrete slab or pier and beam foundation and shall comply with the city building, plumbing, housing, and electrical code specifications.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.1105)
If within a thirty (30) day period after the building has been moved it shall appear to the city secretary that any damage has been done to the streets, wires, trees, or any other public or private property within the city, the city secretary shall assess the amount of such damage suffered by the city or the owner of such property damaged. The party who secured the permit to move the building shall be held responsible for any and all damages, and written notice shall be given to said party by certified mail notifying said permit holder that he has thirty (30) days to compensate the city or private property owners for damage or repair, to the satisfaction of the city council, for any damage suffered as a result of the move. Should compensation or repairs not be made within thirty (30) days, the city shall file suit in the appropriate court to collect damages brought about by the city’s loss. In addition, the bond posted for the security of a permit as provided for in this article shall be ordered forfeited, and the sureties on said bond shall be immediately notified of the damages suffered and demand shall be made on the principal and surety of the bond for immediate payment.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.1106)
Nothing hereinbefore contained shall in any way be construed to overcome, modify, or in any way affect the provisions of the zoning ordinance adopted by the city. Said zoning laws shall control in the event of any ambiguity arising of the comparison of this article and the zoning ordinance.
(1996 Code, sec. 3.1107)