Effective March 1, 2006, the city did take over all the property and other assets of the district, did assume all the debt, liabilities, and obligations of the district, and shall thereafter perform all of the functions of the district including the provision of services, all as authorized by sections 43.075 and 43.0751, Texas Local Government Code, pursuant to which the district shall be considered abolished and dissolved except to the limited extent to which the district board shall continue to exist under section 4.02 of the agreement.
(Ordinance 06-03-07, sec. III, adopted 3/7/06)
The policies and procedures of the district, as they existed and were in effect on February 28, 2006, are hereby adopted as the policies and procedures of the city, such policies, schedules, and procedures to include the following:
Organizational chart.
Administration policy.
Employee benefit policy.
Employee handbook.
Fiscal administration policy.
Capitalization policy.
Investment policy.
Fiscal year 2006 budget.
Depositories policy.
Schedule of services and rates.
Fire department standard operating procedures.
Police department policies and procedures.
Any other valid policy, schedule, or procedure of the district that was in effect in the district on February 28, 2006.
All references to the district in such policies, schedules and procedures shall be considered to be references to the city. All references to the board of directors of the district shall be considered to be references to the city council, or the mayor, as appropriate. All references to the board president shall be considered to be references to the mayor. All references to a director responsible for a special interest area shall be considered to be a reference to the mayor or his or her designee. All references to the city manager shall be considered to be a reference to the city manager. Any other reference that is unique to the district shall be considered to be a reference to the corresponding office, department, official, employee, or other aspect of the city.
To the extent that any of said policies, schedules, or procedures contain provisions applicable to or authorized for a municipal utility district that are not applicable to or authorized for a type A general law municipality or is in conflict with any ordinance or resolution heretofore adopted by the city, such policy, schedule, or procedure is not hereby adopted by the city. In any instance where any part of the organization, policies, schedules, or procedures of the district are not in conformance with the Texas Local Government Code or other statute, rule, or regulation governing a municipality, it is the intention of the city council to conform such policy to the applicable law, rule, or regulation as soon as such nonconformance is identified.
The city manager and city attorney are hereby directed to review such policies, schedules, and procedures to determine what, if any, provisions should be amended, deleted, or otherwise modified in order to conform the same to the applicable law, rule, or regulation, and, as necessary, to bring the same before the city council for consideration of adoption.
The organization of the staff of the district shall be the organization of the staff of the city, with the city manager reporting to the mayor and city council. The city manager is authorized to make appropriate changes to the titles of departments, officers, employees, and other aspects of the organization to conform to commonly accepted organization of a city staff. The city manager shall be authorized, with advice of the city attorney as necessary, to determine if particular organizational, policy, schedule, or procedural provisions must be amended, repealed, or modified to conform to the laws, rules, and regulations applicable to a type A general law municipality, and how such amendment, repeal, or modification must be accomplished.
(Ordinance 06-03-21B, secs. II–VI, adopted 3/21/06; Ordinance 2021-28 adopted 8/24/21)