30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) chapters 30 and 285 (30 TAC chs. 30, 285) and all future amendments and revisions thereto are incorporated by reference.
(2001 Code, sec. 106-406; Ordinance 60-2009 adopted 9/1/09)
Any person who owns or has possession or control of a structure discharging sewage into an on-site sewage facility (OSSF) within the jurisdictional area of the city must ensure that the discharge and the on-site sewage facility comply with the rules adopted in section 106-406.
(2001 Code, sec. 106-407; Ordinance 60-2009 adopted 9/1/09)
In addition to the rules adopted in section 106-406, the city implements the following more stringent regulations.
A permit shall be required for all on-site sewage facilities (OSSF) regardless of acreage, and so the exception found in 30 TAC sec. 285.3(f)(2) shall not apply in the city limits.
Permits shall not transfer automatically to a new owner upon sale or other legal transfer of an OSSF, and so 30 TAC sec. 285.3(a)(3) shall not apply in the city limits. Within 60 days prior to the sale or transfer of any property on which a permitted OSSF exists, the seller or transferor must pay an inspection fee as established by separate ordinance and have an inspection of the OSSF performed by a licensed designated representative of the health district. Only after the payment of such a fee and the conduct of an inspection in which the OSSF is found to be compliant, does the permit become transferable upon any sale or legal transfer which occurs within 60 days of the inspection. Permits for OSSFs which transfer legally without the required fee and inspection shall be deemed to be invalid, and the new owner, buyer or transferor must make application for new permit and follow the procedures required for same before operating the OSSF.
Within 60 days prior to the sale or transfer of any property on which any OSSF, including an OSSF exempt from permitting requirements by 30 TAC sec. 285.3(f), exists, the seller or transferor must pay an inspection fee and have an inspection of the OSSF performed by a licensed designated representative of the health district. Only after the payment of such a fee and the conduction of an inspection in which the OSSF is found to be compliant, does the use of the system become transferable upon any sale or legal transfer which occurs within 60 days of the inspection. OSSFs for properties which transfer without the required fee and inspection shall be deemed to be invalid, and the new owner, buyer or transferor must pay the required fee and obtain the inspection before operating the OSSF.
The Aerobic Treatment Unit Sizing Chart in Table II of 30 TAC sec. 285.91(2) is replaced with the following:
Aerobic Treatment Unit Sizing For Residences Within the City Limits of Wichita Falls
Size of Home
Minimum Aerobic Tank Treatment Capacity in gallons per day
3 or fewer bedrooms and less than 2,501 sq. ft.
4 bedrooms and less than 3,501 sq. ft. or less than 4 bedrooms, larger than 2,500, but smaller than 3,501
5 bedrooms and less than 4,501 sq. ft. or less than 5 bedrooms, larger than 3,500, but smaller than 4,501
6 bedrooms and less than 5,501 sq. ft. or less than 6 bedrooms, larger than 4,500, but smaller than 5,501
7 bedrooms and less than 7,001 sq. ft. or less than 7 bedrooms, larger than 5,500, but smaller than 7,001
8 bedrooms and less than 8,501 sq. ft. or less than 8 bedrooms, larger than 7,000, but smaller than 8,501
9 bedrooms and less than 10,001 sq. ft. or less than 9 bedrooms, larger than 8,500, but smaller than 10,001
10 bedrooms and less than 11,501 sq. ft. or less than 10 bedrooms, larger than 10,000, but smaller than 11,501
For each additional bedroom above ten or every additional 1,500 sq. ft. of living area above 11,500
add 150
The following requirement is added to 30 TAC sec. 285.32(a): Structures which have more than one sewer stub out shall have a common connection of all sewer lines before the treatment system unless the treatment system is designed with more than one entrance.
The following requirement is added to 30 TAC sec. 285.3(d): Installers and their apprentices shall during installation, maintain on the job site copies of all approved plans, contracts, manifests, well data, and the specifications of the components relating to the installation of the OSSF, and shall make same available to the inspector until all required inspections are completed.
On-site sewage facilities maintenance and management practices. Maintenance contract requirements for all OSSFs are identified in 30 TAC sec. 285.91(12). Further, maintenance and management practices shall comply with 30 TAC secs. 285.7 and 285.39.
No homeowner/property owner shall be allowed to perform any maintenance on an on-site disposal system using aerobic treatment unless the homeowner/property owner:
Provides documentation of completing and passing a basic OSSF maintenance course approved by the regulatory authority for aerobic treatment units and the property to be maintained is owned by the trained homeowner, or
Holds a valid wastewater Class D license or higher wastewater treatment license, or
An owner of an OSSF lawfully installed as of October 1, 2009, who has maintained said OSSF prior to that date may continue to do so.
All of the above mentioned must be able to demonstrate to a licensed designated representative of the health district that he can perform the following procedures for maintaining the OSSF: replacing air filters, cleaning aerobic diffusers, spinners and agitators, cleaning pumps, testing for chlorine and/or fecal coliform, monitoring turbidity, scum and sludge build-up, controlling odor, and ensuring the application area is distributing properly and according to the original system design. The owner must inspect the OSSF and submit an inspection report to the health district every four months. An owner who fails to submit inspections as required shall not be permitted to self-maintain, and will be required to obtain a testing and reporting contract from a licensed OSSF maintenance provider.
Each maintenance provider having contracts in Wichita Falls shall register with Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District (health district) Environmental Health Division. Maintenance provider registration shall be effective from the date of registration to December 31 of the same year. Renewal maintenance provider registration for the next year shall not be accepted before December 1 of the current year. New and renewal maintenance contracts will only be accepted from maintenance providers whose registration is current and in good standing. Maintenance provider registration shall be free of charge.
Maintenance providers who fail to perform maintenance testing at the required intervals, mark an inspection tag, or submit a report on time two or more times during any 12 month period may have their registration suspended for no longer than one year in addition to any other penalties that may apply. No new or renewal maintenance contracts will be accepted from a maintenance provider during the time their registration is suspended.
A licensed OSSF maintenance provider will submit an inspection report for each OSSF to the health district every four months. Renewal contracts shall be for a term of no less than one year and include at least three inspections. Contract renewals with the same maintenance provider will not be accepted by the health district unless all of the maintenance reports from the previous contract period have been received.
All components that need to be replaced on an OSSF shall be replaced by an individual licensed by the TCEQ to maintain OSSFs. Said replacement must utilize components certified by the manufacturer for use on the specific model being maintained.
(2001 Code, sec. 106-408; Ordinance 60-2009 adopted 9/1/09; Ordinance 45-2018, sec. 1, adopted 9/18/18)
The Wichita Falls/Wichita County Public Health District is declared the designated representative for the enforcement of the rules under this division within the city. Individuals employed by the health district will represent the district as the designated representative; however these individuals must be approved and certified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality before assuming the duties and responsibilities of the designated representative.
(2001 Code, sec. 106-409; Ordinance 60-2009 adopted 9/1/09)
All fees collected for permits and/or inspections pursuant to this division shall be made payable to the Wichita Falls/Wichita County Public Health District.
The district shall establish a fee schedule for the on-site sewage facility program within the city and maintain a copy of such fee schedule for inspection by the public. Such fee schedule shall set reasonable fees for services performed by or at the direction of the licensing authority and may be amended by the licensing authority from time to time.
(2001 Code, sec. 106-410; Ordinance 60-2009 adopted 9/1/09)
Persons aggrieved by an action or decision of the designated representative may appeal such action or decision to the city council.
(2001 Code, sec. 106-411; Ordinance 60-2009 adopted 9/1/09)
This division adopts and incorporates the applicable penalty provisions related to on-site sewage facilities contained in Texas Health and Safety Code chs. 341 and 366; Texas Water Code chs. 7, 26 and 37; and 30 TAC chs. 30 and 285.
(2001 Code, sec. 106-412; Ordinance 60-2009 adopted 9/1/09)