It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to own, have, keep maintain, feed, house, stable or permit to be kept, maintained, fed, housed or stabled any dog or cat, over four (4) months of age, within the city limits unless such animal is licensed by the city’s animal control authority.
The following shall apply to the licensing of dogs and cats within the city limits:
All dogs and cats over four (4) months of age must be licensed.
Licenses issued shall be of durable material and must be attached to the collar of the animal and must be worn at all times.
All city animal licenses are valid for one (1) year and shall expire on the same date as the animals’ rabies vaccination.
City animal licenses are not transferrable.
The city shall offer two (2) licenses for dogs and cats:
Unaltered pet license.
If said animal has not been spayed or neutered, this license must be renewed annually. This license can be obtained: (1) from a state licensed veterinarian, doing business within the city, upon the animal being vaccinated for rabies; or (2) by providing proof of rabies vaccination to the city’s animal shelter director. All fees associated with this license must be paid annually at time of renewal.
Altered pet license.
If said animal has been spayed or neutered, this license must be renewed annually. This license can be obtained: (1) from a state licensed veterinarian, doing business within the city, upon the animal being vaccinated for rabies; or (2) by providing proof of rabies vaccination to the city’s animal shelter director. All fees associated with this license shall be paid upon the initial issuance of the license; renewals of this license will be free of charge.
(Ordinance O-19-008, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/19)
The following are exempt from the licensing provisions of this article:
Licensed animal research facilities or shelters;
An animal residing in the city for no longer than fourteen (14) days. New residents must apply for a license within thirty (30) days of establishing residency in the city;
A feral cat;
An animal being housed in the city temporarily following a severe weather event or man-made disaster occurring at the animal’s permanent home. This exception is in effect for up to six (6) months, at which time the animal becomes a permanent resident of the city and is subject to the licensing provisions of this chapter; or
Any registered service animal or animal kept, maintained, fed, housed or stabled by any state or federal law enforcement agency.
(Ordinance O-19-008, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/19)
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, have, keep, maintain, feed, or house more than four (4) dogs and cats, or any combination thereof, over the age of four (4) months old.
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, have, keep, maintain, feed, or house more than fifteen (15) dogs and cats, or any combination thereof, under the age of four (4) months old.
In addition to meeting all other requirements of this chapter, a person who wants to own, have, keep, maintain, feed, or house more dogs and cats than is lawful under subsection (a) must apply for and be granted a multiple-animal permit from the city’s animal control authority as set forth herein.
Multi-animal permit application.
The application for a multiple-animal permit must be made on a form prescribed by the city and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
The name, telephone number, and physical address of the applicant;
The total number of animals sought to be included under the permit and the species, breed, gender, and age of each animal;
The current city license number for each animal listed in the application;
A statement affirming that the applicant is familiar with the provisions of this chapter and a promise to maintain all animals in accordance with applicable legal requirements; and
Any other information the city reasonably determines is necessary to issue a multi-animal permit.
The city may require payment of a multi-animal fee when submitting an application under this section.
Consideration of multi-animal permit application.
A multi-animal permit shall be granted upon meeting the following criteria:
Submittal of a complete and accurate application, including payment of any fees, and submittal of any required documentation;
Applicant has not been convicted of one (1) or more violations of this chapter or of any law relating to the care and humane treatment of animals nor has failed to appear in court in response to such a charge within the past twelve (12) months from date of application;
Applicant has not had a multi-animal permit under this section previously revoked within the past twelve (12) months from date of application; and
The address to which the multi-animal permit relates is not the same as one (1) for which a multi-animal permit has been revoked within the past twelve (12) months.
Revocation of a multi-animal permit.
A multi-animal permit may be revoked in the event one (1) or more of the following occur:
The permit holder is convicted, receives deferred adjudication, or pleads guilty or no contest with respect to one (1) or more sections of this chapter or any law relating to the care and humane treatment of animals or fails to appear in court to respond to such a charge; or
The animal control authority determines that specific circumstances exist indicating that it is in the best interests of the animals or for the health and safety of the public to revoke the multi-animal permit.
Revocation process.
The process for revoking a multi-animal permit granted under this section is as follows:
The animal control authority shall send written notice by certified mail to the current mailing address provided by the multi-animal permit holder in its application identifying the reason for revocation; and
The multi-animal permit holder shall have thirty (30) days to appeal such determination in writing to the municipal court judge. A hearing shall be held before the judge. If the judge determines that the multi-animal permit holder meets the criteria for revocation the judge shall order the revocation. The decision by the municipal court judge shall be in writing and shall be final.
(Ordinance O-19-008, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/19)
The following requirements shall apply to guard dogs located in the city:
Posting sign.
It shall be unlawful for any person to leave a guard dog unattended in any place in or out of a building unless a clearly visible warning sign is placed advising others of the presence of a guard dog before entering the place to which the dog has access.
Unattended guard dog.
No guard dog shall be left unattended in any place except inside a building or other structure that will not allow the dog to exit such building on its own volition.
Required fencing.
No guard dog shall be let out of doors unless it is in a fenced yard with a fence adequate to prevent the dog from leaving the premises.
(Ordinance O-19-008, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/19)