The board of adjustments shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any administrative official with respect to the provisions of the zoning ordinance, subject to the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth.
An application for an appeal may be initiated by any person aggrieved or by any officer, department, board or bureau of the City of Brenham affected by any decision of the building official. Such appeal shall be filed with the secretary of the board of adjustment according to rules of procedure adopted from time to time by the board and shall be accompanied by a fee as prescribed in such rules of procedure to defray administrative costs.
A notice of appeal in prescribed form must be filed with the secretary of the board of adjustment and with the office or department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation which is the subject of the appeal, within fifteen (15) days of such decision, determination or interpretation. The filing of such notice of appeal will require the building official or other city department to forward to the board any and all records concerning the subject matter of the appeal. Failure to file such appeal shall constitute a waiver of any rights under this ordinance to appeal any interpretation or determination made by such administrative official.
Filing a notice of appeal shall stay any proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed as provided in Part V. Sec. 3 of this ordinance.
The board of adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for hearing appeals after a notice of appeal is filed. The failure of the board to act within a reasonable time shall not deprive it of jurisdiction of the matter. The board may reverse, affirm in whole or in part, or may modify the decision, determination or interpretation appealed as provided in Part V, Section 3 of this ordinance.