This subchapter shall be known, and may be cited, as the Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance of the City of Pflugerville, Texas.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
The Parks and Recreation Commission of the city.
The Parks and Recreation Department of the city.
The Director of the Parks and Recreation Department of the city.
Any public park, playground, trail, edifice, or recreation area operated or maintained by the city.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Am. Ordinance 311-89-12-12, passed 12-12-89)
There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation Department of the city. The Department shall be overseen by the Parks and Recreation Director.
The position of Parks and Recreation Director of the city is hereby established. The Director shall be under the supervision of the City Manager.
Funds for the operation of the Department shall be allocated in the city budget for each fiscal year.
The City Manager shall submit to the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission a monthly statement of all receipts and disbursements of the Department in sufficient detail to show the exact financial condition of the Department.
The Commission shall make timely recommendations to the City Council for the budgeting of the Department funds in the preparation of the fiscal year budget.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Am. Ordinance 311-89-12-12, passed 12-12-89)
There is hereby created the parks and recreation commission of the city.
The commission is composed of seven regular members and one alternate member who may serve in the absence of a regular member. Liaison to the commission shall include up to five current high school students residing within the city limits. There may only be two student liaisons from the same school.
All commission members shall be appointed by the city council and shall serve without compensation. Liaisons shall be appointed by the commission and shall also serve without compensation.
The term of office of commission members is two years and shall commence on the first day of January. The term of the alternate is for one year and shall commence on the first day of January of each year.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Am. Ordinance 348-92-2-25, passed 2-25-92; Ordinance 727-03-12-09, passed 12-9-03; Ordinance 856-07-01-09, § 2, passed 1-9-07; ; Ordinance 1576-23-01-10, passed 1/10/2023)
The commission shall select from its members a chair and a vice-chair. Such officers shall hold office for terms of one year or until their successors take office.
The commission shall adopt, subject to the approval of the city council, such rules and regulations governing its proceedings as it may deem proper. Such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent or in conflict with the ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the city.
The commission shall abide by all rules and regulations established in the public parks ordinance of the city (see §§95.01 through 95.08).
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Am. Ordinance 311-89-12-12, passed 12-12-89; Ordinance 1576-23-01-10, passed 1/10/2023)
Commission members shall actively participate in the commission’s activities, and any member who is absent for three consecutive regular meetings of the commission without a valid excuse, as determined by the commission, or moves one’s residence outside the city limits, shall automatically be dismissed from membership.
No member of the commission shall remain in their position after being elected or appointed to city, county, or state board or office without approval from city council.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Ordinance 1576-23-01-10, passed 1/10/2023)
The commission shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting each month and shall fix regular meeting dates at a regular meeting place. Special meetings may be called as necessary for the receipt of public input.
A majority of the commission members serving on the commission shall constitute a quorum to do business.
All meetings shall be open to the public and held in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Am. Ordinance 311-89-12-12, passed 12-12-89; Ordinance 1576-23-01-10, passed 1/10/2023)
The commission shall make recommendations to the council related to the department concerning those matters set forth in section 8.07(c) the charter of the city and shall serve as the affiliate of the city as a member of Keep Texas Beautiful and execute additional duties so as to maintain standing.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Am. Ordinance 311-89-12-12, passed 12-12-89; Am. Ordinance 1071-11-02-22-0046, passed 2-22-11; Ordinance 1576-23-01-10, passed 1/10/2023)
The jurisdiction of the Commission shall not extend to property under the control or responsibility of any public works department of the city, including, but not limited to, well sites, sewer plants, drainage facilities, streets, and alleys. In the event of any conflict of jurisdiction arising between the Commission and any other department of the city, or in regard to any administrative detail thereof, the same shall be referred to the City Council and its decision thereon shall be final.
(Ordinance 229-86-5-27, passed 5-27-86; Am. Ordinance 311-89-12-12, passed 12-12-89)