We, the citizens of Pflugerville, Texas, in order to provide for the future progress of our city, establish and maintain a system of self-government based on sound fiscal and operational methods, ensure equal protection and treatment of all persons, and secure fully the benefits of our location and environment, do adopt this Home Rule Charter in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.
Editor’s note–Printed herein is the charter of the City of Pflugerville, Texas, which was adopted at an election held November 1993 and subsequently amended on elections held January 18, 1997, November 6, 2001, November 7, 2006, November 8, 2011, November 8, 2016, November 2, 2021 and November 7, 2023. Apart from minor nonsubstantive changes in style and formatting, the charter is reproduced as it appeared in the Code of Ordinances. Capitalization, punctuation and grammar have been retained. Obviously misspelled words have been corrected without notation. Material enclosed in brackets has been added for clarification. Amendments to the charter are indicated by a history note following the amended provision. The absence of a history note indicates the material is unchanged from the original charter.