The inhabitants of the City of Pflugerville, Travis and Williamson Counties, Texas, residing within its corporate limits as they exist and may be established in the future, constitute and shall continue to be a municipal body politic and corporate in perpetuity under the name of the “City of Pflugerville,” with the powers, privileges, rights, duties, and immunities set forth in this charter. The City of Pflugerville is referred to in this charter as “the city.”
The municipal government provided by this charter shall be the city council-manager form of government, consisting of a mayor and council members, elected by the people and responsible to the people, and a city manager, appointed by and responsible to the council for proper administration of the city. Subject only to the limitations imposed by the state constitution, applicable state statutes, and this charter, all powers of the city shall be vested in the elected mayor and council members, who shall enact local legislation, adopt budgets, and determine policies. All powers of the city shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by this charter or, if not prescribed, as set out by ordinance, adopted in accordance with this charter.
The bounds and limits of the city shall be those established in the original incorporation proceedings of the city, filed of record on October 20, 1965, in the office of the County Clerk of Travis County, Texas and those boundaries established and changed after that date by annexation ordinances and proceedings of the city.
The City Council shall have the full power to annex territory, to extend and enlarge the city boundaries and exchange areas with other municipalities.
Before the city may annex an area or extend its extraterritorial jurisdiction, the city manager must present a written report on the financial impact of the proposed annexation or extension and the adoption of any proposed service plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission and city council.
The city council by ordinance may detach any territory not suitable or necessary for city purposes with or without the consent of the inhabitants or owners of the area to be detached. In detaching any area, the city council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed detachment. Notice of the meeting where the public hearing is to be held shall comply with the notice provision of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551, as amended or revised. as prescribed by Local Government Code § 43.052. The ordinance detaching an area shall specify accurately, by metes and bounds, the affected area.
(November 2, 2021, measure A)