The installation of sidewalks shall be required in connection with new construction on a:
Residential lot in a subdivision approved after March 17, 1980; or
Commercial lot.
Construction of sidewalks shall conform to the standards set out in the city’s Subdivision Ordinance.
The Building Official is authorized to permit sidewalks that do not comply with the minimum required sidewalk width set out in the Subdivision Ordinance in those areas where the width of the dedicated right-of-way will not allow compliance with such requirements.
(Ordinance 295-89-01-10, passed 1-10-89; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22 Penalty, see § 150.99)
Concrete work done in connection with new construction shall be in conformance with the following requirements:
Concrete flatwork placed within a street right-of-way, including but not limited to sidewalks, driveways, curbs, and gutters, shall be bedded with at least two inches of clean washed sand.
Concrete curbs and gutters within a street right-or-way which are removed to allow access to a lot shall be saw-cut at all construction joints or otherwise cut so as to produce a clean, even joint.
Expansion joints shall be installed at the property line of concrete driveways and at all joints between new and existing construction.
Sidewalk ramps for handicap access shall be located at each intersection of a sidewalk and street.
The area between the curb and sidewalk shall be excavated or filled to provide a uniform grade comparable to the adjacent street grade and shall be located so that ground level at the right-of-way line is no more than two feet, nor less than three inches, above or below the adjacent curb grade.
(Ordinance 295-89-01-10, passed 1-10-89; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22 Penalty, see § 150.99)
All construction sites must be kept clean. Trash and debris associated with any construction may not be allowed to migrate to other lots, properties, or rights-of-way. Each new construction site or lot must have a solid-sided trash container of at least eight feet square and four feet high. The trash in the container must be removed and properly disposed of without allowing the container to be overfilled. All trash or debris that drifts or spills onto the site, other lots, properties, or rights-of-way must be picked up and securely placed in the trash container or otherwise properly disposed of on a daily basis.
(Ordinance 453-97-02-25, passed 2-25-97; Am. Ordinance 532-99-02-23, passed 2-23-99; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
A water cutoff valve must be installed adjacent to the water meter box on the customer’s side of the meter. This valve must be in a separate box that is at least six inches in diameter. The box must have a metal lid that is located level with or about the finished grade. The valve must uncovered and accessible upon completion of the water service being connected. If the valve box is located in a paved or other drive area, the box and lid must be of a type approved for such an area. The valve box in nondrive areas must be equal to or exceed PVC SDR-35.
(Ordinance 453-97-02-25, passed 2-25-97; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
A sewer line cleanout must be installed at the property line or at the point of connection to the public sewer system whichever is closer to the building served by the line. This cleanout must be equal in size to the sewer line it is servicing; however, a six-inch cleanout is the maximum required unless otherwise required by the plumbing code. This cleanout is in addition to the cleanouts required by the plumbing code; but if this cleanout is within five feet of a cleanout required by the plumbing code, then only the cleanout required by the plumbing code is needed. This cleanout must be level with or above the finished grade. If the cleanout is located in a paved area or other driving area it must be constructed to withstand such use, otherwise it must be of the same material as the sewer line or heavier. The lid must be a screw on type and approved for such use.
(Ordinance 453-97-02-25, passed 2-25-97; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
Water lines must be continuous, without connections or joint and sleeved, under sidewalks for residential construction.
(Ordinance 453-97-02-25, passed 2-25-97; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
Sidewalks may be continuous without joints; however, where joints are utilized, the sidewalk joint must be made with the use of #3 rebar dowels 12 inches in length spaced a minimum of 24 inches on center.
(Ordinance 453-97-02-25, passed 2-25-97; Am. Ordinance 742-04-03-09, passed 3-9-04; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
Whenever a trench is dug that will be under the sidewalk, driveway, or any other concrete, if the trench is made with anything other than a trencher that digs a trench wider than six inches, the trench must be backfilled with wetted sand or the fill dirt must be compacted by mechanical means. Fill dirt may not contain rocks or stones larger than 1/2 inch in diameter.
(Ordinance 453-97-02-25, passed 2-25-97; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
Each construction site or lot must have a properly maintained portable toilet. Two adjacent construction sites or lots under common ownership and concurrent construction may share a portable toilet. All portable toilets must remain on the construction site throughout the construction process and must not be placed in the street, on a utility easement or in a right-of-way. Portable toilets must be periodically serviced to prevent unclean conditions and regularly monitored to ensure proper functioning and location. The portable toilet must be removed within two working days after construction is complete.
(Ordinance 532-99-02-23, passed 2-23-99; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)