It is the purpose of this district to permit commercial development and industrial development of a mechanical nature with sufficient controls and to permit the continuation of standard development patterns now existing throughout the Borough.
The following are permitted uses in the Light Industrial District:
All uses permitted in Business District A and Office District.
Public garage, automotive repair shop or fender repair shop, steel or metal fabricating shop, woodwork shop equipped with electric power-driven machinery, lumberyard, machine shop, laundry, warehouse, laboratories (analytical and chemical), newspaper or job-printing building and material establishment, except those which, by reason of odor, noise, dust, smoke or use of inflammable materials, constitute a nuisance or danger to life and property.
Boarding homes and rooming houses.
[Added 8-8-1996 by Ord. No. 7:15-96]
The following accessory uses and structures are permitted in the Light Industrial District:
Any use or structure permitted in Residence District A.
The following regulations shall apply in the Light Industrial District:
Lot size: 7,500 square feet minimum.
Lot width: 75 feet minimum.
Front yards shall be not less than 10 feet. In addition, in all areas where a residential property is contiguous to an industrial property, the industrial property shall have a front yard which is not less than the adjoining residential property.
Side yard. No side yard is required except as follows:
No building shall be closer than 10 feet to any residential building.
In all areas where residential property adjoins industrial property, the industrial property shall have a fifteen-foot side yard requirement with regard to that area wherein the residential and industrial property join.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard of at least 10 feet.
Occupied area. The maximum area, including accessory buildings, shall not exceed 80% of the lot area.
Height regulations. The maximum height of buildings shall not exceed three stories or 35 feet.
Trash enclosures. All trash enclosures or similar structures shall be set back five feet from all rear and side yard lines. No trash enclosure or similar structure will be permitted in any front yard area.
Those portions of all front, rear and side yards that are not used for off-street parking shall be attractively planted with trees, shrubs, plants and grass lawns. A landscape screen and screen fence as required by the Planning Board shall be provided along the property so that the parking lot and buildings are screened from the adjacent residential properties.
Each unit shall provide adequate sewerage, drainage and water facilities to service said unit as approved by the Borough Engineer.
The following regulations shall apply in the Light Industrial District:
Parking and loading spaces: see Article XVI.
Building design and site plan review: All development in this district is subject to building design and site plan review. See Article XXI.
Performance standards: see Article XX.
Signs: see Article XVII.
Fences, hedges and walls: see Article XVIII.
[Added 12-30-2021 by Ord. No. 10:18-21]
Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of the Cannabis Establishment as Conditionally Permitted Use Overlay Zone is to provide appropriate type of facility in appropriate location within the Borough while promoting economic growth that will preserve and maintain health, safety and welfare of the Borough and its residents.
Conditional use. Cannabis establishments of all license types and laboratories (for the analyzing and testing of cannabis) shall be permitted as conditionally permitted in the Cannabis Establishment as Conditionally Permitted Use Overlay Zone. The Cannabis Establishment as Conditionally Permitted Use Overlay Zone which is located in certain areas of the Light Industrial District and is delineated on the Borough of Bellmawr Zoning Map. Conditions of operation for cannabis establishments:
All cannabis establishments Class 1 through 6, located with the Borough shall meet all requirements for licensure and hold the appropriate license issued by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission, Department of Treasury, State of New Jersey.
No cannabis establishment shall permit on-site consumption of cannabis or cannabis-related products including no on-site sales and consumption of alcohol or tobacco products.
No outside storage of any cannabis, cannabis products or cannabis-related materials shall be permitted.
Hours of operation of any cannabis retail facility shall be limited from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., seven days a week.
For each cannabis establishment located within the Borough a security plan to be approved by Bellmawr Police Department shall be provided to demonstrate how the facility will maintain effective security and control of the operations. The plan should include the following but not limited to:
Type of security systems to be installed.
Installation, operation and maintenance of security camera coverings all interior and exterior parking lots, loading areas and other such areas of the establishments.
Tracking and record keeping of products and materials.
Type of lighting provided in and around the establishments.
Location on site security team and armed guard on premises.
Conditions of performance standards.
All cannabis establishments, particularly Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, shall provide detail information on odor control from these sites. This shall include air treatment systems with sufficient odor absorbing ventilation and exhaust systems such that any odors generated inside the facility are not detectable are not detectable by a person of reasonable sensitivity anywhere on adjacent property, within public rights of way, or within any other unit located in the same building if the use occupies a portion of a building.
All cannabis establishments shall provide for noise mitigation features designed to minimize disturbance from machinery, processing and or packaging operations, loading and other noise generating equipment or machinery. All licensed facilities must operate within applicable state decibel requirements.
Loitering, disruption to/and or obstruction of the free passage of persons or vehicles in immediate vicinity of the property shall be considered unlawful.
Conditions of site development standards.
All cannabis establishment operations such cultivation, manufacturing, wholesale packaging, retail, and laboratories shall be conducted within a building. No operations shall be conducted outside.
Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4 shall have minimum lot area of 2.5 acres.
No cannabis establishments shall be located within 200 feet of a residential zone, house of worship, school, or day care.
Other than the minimum lot area requirements for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4 cannabis operations as required under this section, all lot and bulk regulations shall comply with § 260-67.
Parking: Each cannabis establishment shall comply with the following parking schedule which shall be used to calculate the required number of off-street parking spaces per use. Where the calculation results in a fraction of a space, the required number of parking spaces shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Cannabis cultivator: one per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or one per two employees at maximum shift, except that there shall be no fewer than four spaces.
Cannabis delivery service: one per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus one parking space for every delivery driver or fleet vehicle, except that there shall be no fewer than four spaces.
Cannabis distributor: one per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, except that there shall be no fewer than four spaces.
Cannabis manufacturer: one per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or one per two employees at maximum shift, except that there shall be no fewer than four spaces.
Cannabis retailer: one per every 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Cannabis wholesaler: one per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, except that there shall be no fewer than four spaces.
Cannabis laboratories: one per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, except that there shall be no fewer than four spaces.
Landscaping shall comply with § 260-58.
Utilities shall comply with § 260-59.
Except for the required number of off-street parking spaces, which is prescribed under this section, all off-street parking and loading shall comply with Article XVI.
Signage shall comply with Article XVII.
Fences, hedges and walls shall comply with Article XVIII.
All development in this overlay zone is subject to building design and site plan review per Article XXI.
Performance standards shall comply with Article XX.