In the event payment is not made as required for usage of water and/or tap fees, that payment shall be added to the tax rolls provided for the next succeeding tax bill. In addition, interest on the unpaid balance shall accrue at the highest legal rate permitted by law for such obligations and the party incurring such expense shall be responsible for all costs of collection, reasonable attorney's fees, disbursements, and expenses incurred in connection with any collection thereafter.
The provisions hereof shall be administered and enforced by a person appointed by the Town Board as the "Enforcement Officer." The Enforcement Officer shall be the Town as of the date of this rule and regulation or his designated representative until otherwise determined by the Town Board. No permit or authority required hereunder shall be issued, except in compliance with the provisions of this rule and regulation, or as directed by the Town Board of the Town of Halfmoon. The Enforcement Officer or a Town Board designated representative shall have the power and authority to make such inspections of buildings or premises necessary to carry out his duties in the enforcement of this rule and regulation.
Stop work orders.
Whenever the Town or authorized representative has reasonable grounds to believe that the work on any tap, lateral, or appurtenance is proceeding without permit or is otherwise in violation of the provisions of any applicable law, code, ordinance, rule, or regulation or is not in conformity with any of the provisions of these rules and regulations, or is being performed in an unsafe or dangerous manner, notification will be made to either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or the person, firm, or corporation performing the work, to immediately suspend all work. In such instance, any and all persons shall immediately suspend all related activities until the stop work order has been duly rescinded. In the event that the property owner or representative is unavailable, the Code Enforcement Officer should post conspicuously upon the property a stop work order and mail a copy of the same by certified mail or send a facsimile thereof to the owner, the owner's agent, or the person performing the work at the last known address on record with the Town of Halfmoon for said entity. If the work has already been completed, the Town has the right to terminate the supply of water to said property.
Penalties for offenses.
It shall be an "A" misdemeanor for any person, firm or corporation to construct, alter, repair, remove, move, demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any lateral, tap or line or portion thereof in violation of any of the provisions of these rules and regulations or fail in any manner to comply with any notice, directive or order of the Enforcement Officer or designated representative or to conduct, alter or use any pipe, line, hydrant, appurtenances, or part thereof in a manner not permitted by an approved permit issued in accordance with these Rules and Regulations and with the order of the Town. Punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding 15 days but no more than one year may be imposed and/or a fine not to exceed $1,000 may be imposed.
Any individual, partnership, corporation or other firm owning, operating, occupying or maintaining property or premises within the Consolidated Water District must comply with all the provisions of the Town's rules and regulations the subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance, and all orders, notices, rules, regulations or determinations issued in connection therewith.
Whenever it is found that there has been a violation hereof or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to the Town's rules and regulations, an appearance ticket may be issued to the person, individual, partnership or corporation owning, operating or maintaining the premises in which such violation has been noted and or the person, entity, etc, performing the work. If a person served with an appearance ticket fails to appear as directed, a summons or warrant of arrest may be issued by the court on the basis of the accusatory instrument. An accusatory instrument shall be filed with the Town Court prior to the commencement of the criminal action.
An appearance ticket or other orders or notices referred to in these rules and regulations or in any other Town ordinances shall be served on the owner or one of the owner's executors, legal representatives, agents, lessees, any tenant or other person occupying the premises or other person having a vested or contingent interested in the premises, either personally or by certified mail, addressed to the last known address, can be served by facsimile, if any, of the owner or one of the owner's executors, legal representatives, agents, lessees or other person having a vested or contingent interest in name, as shown by the last preceding completed record of the Receiver of Taxes or in the Office of the County Clerk.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall have the authority, pursuant to the Criminal Procedure Law, to issue an appearance ticket subscribed by him, directing a designated person to appear in court at a designated time in connection with the commission of a violation of hereof or any order made thereunder.
Any person who shall fail to comply with a written order of the Code Enforcement Officer or his designated representative within the time fixed for compliance therewith and any owner, builder, architect, tenant, contractor, subcontractor, plumber, construction superintendent, or their agent's or any other person taking part of assisting in the construction or use of any building who shall violate any of the applicable provisions herewith the Town's rules and regulations or any lawful order, notice directive, permit or certificate of the Code Enforcement Officer of in addition to any other provision of the Town's rules and regulations or any rules or regulations adopted pursuant to this regulation or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder shall be guilty of an "A" misdemeanor punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding 15 days but no more than one year and/or a fine not to exceed $1,000. Each day that such violation shall continue shall be a separate violation and is subject to a separate fine, imprisonment or combination thereof.
Notwithstanding a conviction for an offense against any provisions or sections, an association or corporation convicted of a violation herewith shall be subject to revocation of any permit therein granted without reimbursement of fees paid thereof.
In lieu of, or in addition to, any fine or imprisonment, or both, imposed for a conviction of any offense herewith, each such offense may be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $250 to be recovered in an action or processing in a court of competent jurisdiction. Each day an offense continues shall be subject to a separate civil penalty.
The Town Attorney may maintain an action or proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with this article, notwithstanding the previous provisions of this subsection, for a penalty or other punishment.
Liability of Town and employees for damages. The Town's rules and regulations shall not be construed to hold any Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Halfmoon or the Town of Halfmoon responsible for any damages to persons or property by reason of the inspection or reinspection authorized herein or failure to inspect or reinspect as required by the permits under the Town's rules and regulations nor shall it be liable for any damage to persons or property by reason of the Code Enforcement Officer exercising their discretion as provided in the Town's rules and regulations.
Notification of violations. Written notice of violation signed by the Code Enforcement Officer shall be served upon the person or persons committing such violation either personally or by mail addressed to such person or persons at his or her last known address. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate additional violation.
Complaints. Whenever an alleged violation of the Town's rules and regulations occurs, any person may file a complaint in regard thereto. All such complaints must be in writing and shall be filed with the Code Enforcement Officer who shall properly record such complaint and immediately investigate and report thereon. All such complaints shall be signed by and bear the address of the complainant.