The membership of the Cameron Tourism Advisory Committee shall be composed of nine (9) members. The mayor and the council are responsible for appointing the members of the committee.
Members shall be appointed by a vote of a majority of the council in open meeting unless otherwise provided by law.
Members shall serve without compensation for their services.
Committee members may be removed from office for any reason.
The members of the committee shall consist of the following persons:
The director of the Cameron Chamber of Commerce;
The city manager;
A school board member of the Cameron Independent School District, or a representative of the school board acceptable to the city;
The president of the Cameron Chamber of Commerce, or a representative of the Chamber of Commerce acceptable to the city;
An owner’s representative of a hotel or motel located within the city;
Two business owners within the city;
Two at-large citizens of the city.
(Ordinance 2010-03-01-008 adopted 3/1/10)
The terms of each of the members is two (2) years and is staggered, except that the respective terms of four of the members of the first appointed committee after the adoption of this division is one year. Terms end April 30th of each year. All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by the city council in the same manner as provided for in the original appointments. Board members may serve multiple terms.
(Ordinance 2010-03-01-008 adopted 3/1/10)
All members of the committee shall endeavor to attend all meetings. Any member of the committee failing to attend three (3) consecutive scheduled meetings without good cause shall be subject to removal from the committee by the city council. All members who will miss a meeting, whether scheduled or called, shall endeavor to give prior notification to the chairman and/or vice-chairman as soon as possible.
Any member of the committee who has or believes that she/he has a conflict of interest in a matter that is to be considered and/or acted upon by the committee shall excuse herself/himself from the consideration and/or action and refrain from discussing and/or voting on said item in her/his official capacity as a committee member.
All meetings of the committee shall be governed by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov’t. Code, chapter 551.
Meetings of the committee shall be held at a place to be determined by the city secretary at times necessary to conduct the committee’s business. However, the committee shall have at least one regular meeting each calendar year. Special meetings may be called as necessary with notice to the council and to the public. All meetings shall be open to the public, unless an executive session is conducted. Public notice of all meetings shall be posted in accordance with state law.
A majority of five (5) of the nine (9) members shall constitute a quorum for holding a meeting and for taking any action. No action shall be taken on any item before the committee in the absence of a quorum.
The chairman may also vote on each issue. Voting shall be by hand or may be made verbally and noted by the secretary. The affirmative vote of a majority of members attending a meeting of the committee shall be necessary and sufficient for any recommendation, resolution, plan, or other voting matter.
An agenda listing the items and in the order in which they are to be considered shall be posted at City Hall in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act before each regular meeting. Anyone wishing to have an item placed on the agenda must contact the chairman and/or the vice-chairman on the Wednesday before the agenda is posted.
(Ordinance 2010-03-01-008 adopted 3/1/10)
The committee is responsible to and shall act as an advisory body only to the council and shall perform such duties and exercise such additional powers as may be described by ordinances of the city.
(Ordinance 2010-03-01-008 adopted 3/1/10)
The committee shall select a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary, and such other officials as deems necessary from its membership. The chairman will post agendas of meetings in accordance with city ordinances and state laws. The vice-chairman shall perform the duties of chairman in his/her absence. The secretary shall record minutes of all meetings and submit an original copy to the city secretary.
The committee may also make rules, regulations, and bylaws for its own governance, subject to any ordinance of the city, and it shall not conflict with any ordinance of the city or any applicable law, statute, rule, or regulation.
(Ordinance 2010-03-01-008 adopted 3/1/10)
The committee must always bear in mind that the issues before it are never primarily for the profit or loss to a particular individual or entity, but the promotion of tourism and the convention and hotel industry for the city and to best serve the interests of the city community as a whole.
The committee has the power and it shall be its duty:
To make appropriate surveys, investigations, reports, and recommendations regarding the expenditures of the city hotel occupancy tax to the city council;
To act with and assist all other municipal and governmental agencies, and particularly the city council, in formulating and executing proper plans for the promotion [of] tourism and the convention and hotel industry for the city;
To recommend to the council the passage of such ordinances as it may deem necessary to carry out its program;
To aid and assist the city council in the annual preparation of the city’s budget, and determination of sources of funds therefor;
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance or state law.
(Ordinance 2010-03-01-008 adopted 3/1/10)