Adoption of state law.
The city expressly adopts section 822.001 et seq. of the Texas Health and Safety Code. The city is further authorized to administer the provisions necessary to enable the use of said provisions. Such adoption should in no way be construed to limit the authority of the city to provide for the safety of the citizenry in relation to its daily activities.
Dangerous animals.
The city expressly allows the same provisions for dangerous animals as are used for dangerous dogs.
Applicability to guard and attack dogs.
Dogs maintained lawfully as guard dogs or attack dogs as defined herein shall not be included in the definition of “wild or dangerous animal.” As used in this section, the term “guard dog or attack dog” means any dog intended to attack intruders that has completed professional training and is certified, or has been comparably trained, such that its attack can be stopped on command.
Guard and attack dog warning signs.
It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any guard or attack dog unattended in any place inside any building unless a warning sign has been placed in a clearly visible location at the premises, located so that it can be seen by any person before entering the place to which the dog has access, warning that a guard or attack dog is present. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any guard or attack dog unattended in any place outside a building except in a fenced yard, with a fence adequate to prevent the dog from leaving the premises, and with a warning sign placed in a clearly visible location at the premises, located so that it can be seen by any person before entering the place to which the dog has access, warning that a guard dog or attack dog is present.
(Ordinance 2006-06-05-013, sec. 2-14(b)–(e), adopted 6/5/06)
Change of owner.
If the owner of a registered dangerous animal sells or gives the animal to another person, the owner shall notify the other person at the time of the sale or gift that the animal is a registered dangerous animal.
Registration by new owner.
If a new owner keeps the animal within the city, he shall register the animal with the city within ten (10) calendar days after receiving it.
Re-registration when animal brought into city.
When the owner of an animal registered as a dangerous animal in another jurisdiction becomes a resident of the city, he shall register the animal with the city within ten (10) calendar days after becoming a new resident.
Period of validity of re-registration.
A re-registration shall be valid only for the time remaining on the prior registration.
Notification to other jurisdictions.
When the city is informed that a dangerous animal has been moved to another jurisdiction, or when the city registers a dangerous animal previously registered in another jurisdiction, the city should notify the animal services authority for such jurisdiction of this information.
Notification of attacks.
The owner of a registered dangerous dog shall notify the city of all attacks made by the dog on domestic animals and domestic fowl.
(Ordinance 2006-06-05-013, sec. 2-15, adopted 6/5/06)
If impoundment of a dangerous animal is being attempted away from the premises of the owner and the impoundment cannot be made with safety, the animal may be destroyed without notice to the owner or harborer. If an attempt is made to impound a dangerous animal from the premises of the owner or harborer and the impoundment cannot be made with safety, the owner or harborer will be given twenty-four (24) hours’ notice that if said animal is not surrendered to the city within said twenty-four-hour period then the animal will be destroyed wherever it is found. After this notice, the dangerous animal may be destroyed during an attempt to impound if impoundment cannot be made with safety, wherever the impoundment is attempted. Notice under this subsection shall be in writing. A written notice left at the entrance to the premises where the dangerous animal is harbored will be considered valid notice as of the date and time of posting. In lieu of surrendering the animal to the city, an owner may permanently remove said animal from the city, if written proof of destination is provided to the city and transport is made in compliance with this chapter.
Animals not reclaimed by owner.
A dangerous animal impounded pursuant to this section and not reclaimed by its owner under the requirements of this section within ten (10) calendar days from the date of notice of impoundment shall be deemed abandoned and, at the discretion of the city, euthanized in a humane manner.
(Ordinance 2006-06-05-013, sec. 2-16, adopted 6/5/06)
No dangerous animal shall be returned to its owner at any time unless authorized by this chapter and all owner’s requirements are fulfilled.
(Ordinance 2006-06-05-013, sec. 2-17, adopted 6/5/06)